Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 605: : Battle against Cry

Outside the east gate of Castlevania, Qiyong ambushed more than a thousand Pearl Guards in advance, lurking around.

Qiyong hesitated, and his spyman had sent him a message, saying that a team of core children of the Harry family would attack the castle from the east gate.

The spyman also said that the core child of the Harry family was led by the deputy head.

As we all know, the head of the Harry family is the strongest master in the Harry family.

Although the deputy head of the family also has great real power, it is more inclined to spiritual leaders. The deputy head of the family is good at divination and prophecy, and the mecha repair is very weak.

Qiyong prides himself on winning a group of elite warlords plus an elite Zhuwei, and it is not a problem.

Some high-level figures in the Pearl Sect also hope very much that they will be able to give the deputy head of the Harry family to the captives.

The deputy head of the Harry family, his unpredictable ability to predict, made many people covet.

The patriarch of the Pearl Sect, before weaning, he deliberately explained to him that he would secretly bring the deputy head of the Harry family back to the family alive.

A prophet is too important for the development of a large sect.

This is also the reason why Qiyong did not allow the Cang family to blend in.

Qiyong was afraid, Cang's super-protective law or Cang's disrespect, if he missed, he would kill the prophet, the deputy head of the family.

"Master, we have been guarding here, no more need to call someone? After all, the Harry family is a local force in the famous Devil City, there are many masters." A true disciple of Qi Yong asked.

Qiyong smiled conceitedly: "Although, the inside of the Harry family has not been destroyed. But, don't you believe your master yet?"

The true disciple immediately relieved: "Yes, there is a master of this mech warrior, the group of people in the Harry family will certainly die!"

"Everyone who goes in and out of the city gate must be thoroughly investigated. One is not to be missed. The deputy head of the Harry family is a wise man, and may not use the method of strong attack. They may be mixed up with ordinary people's costumes in the city Enter in batches outside the door. "

Qi Yong ordered.

Now, the east gate of Castlevania has been controlled by the Pearl Guards.

All those who go back and forth must be carefully examined.

It's almost three o'clock in the day.

Qiyong was a little impatient. He ordered a banquet in front of the East Gate. He and a few true disciples and good deacons began drinking and talking.

"The spies I cultivated are all elites among the elites, and the messages they sent were all accurate. How come this time, a fake message came back?"

Qiyong murmured a horribly murderous intent.

"Elder, let's wait a little longer. Maybe, the people of the Harry family will attack at night!"

Said a deacon.

"Maybe, wait a little longer." Qi Yong clenched his fists.

The news from the spy clerk made it clear that the actions of the Harry family and his party must be before 2: 00-2: 00 pm.

It's noon now, and if you wait a few hours, the Harry family will not show up again, you can only explain that your spy was found and the message is no longer useful. Qi Yong thought to himself.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Report, report!"

"Discover the enemy, discover the enemy!"

Someone shouted nervously.

"There are a lot of people from the Harry family who are coming here!"

A bead guard ran over and eagerly broadcast.

"A lot of people from the Harry family? Hey, it seems they are coming!"

Qi Yong, with a happy face.

"All are ready to enter the state of battle!"

Weeping, shouting loudly.

Nan Tian took hundreds of masters of the Harry family and walked towards the East Gate step by step.

The deputy head of the family also gave Nantian a photo in advance.

Nan Tian has clearly remembered the appearance of Qi Yong.

One mile!

Three hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

Hundred meters!

Nan Tian and Qi Yong are close at hand, face to face.

Thousands of Pearl Guardians have become semi-circular, blocking the back road of Nan Tian and others.

Qiyong's eyeballs, turning around, looked around in Nantian and others.

Qiyong wants to find the deputy head of the Harry family.

Qi Yong has seen the photos of the deputy head for many times, and he has a deep memory of the appearance of the deputy head.

After reading for a long time, Qi Yong was disappointed.

Qiyong looked disappointed and solemn.

"What about your deputy head of household? Where are others?"

Qiyong drunk aloud.


More than a thousand Pearl Guards also summoned mechas, armed with weapons, aimed at Nantian and others, and with a single command, we immediately rushed.

"Vice owner? Ha ha, he called me over, brought some people, and then killed you."

"I didn't expect that you were really a pig's brain. People were really outside the east gate of Castlevania. Oh, even the guards of the Cang family didn't call for help." Nantian couldn't help but find it funny.

This Qiyong, was really played by the deputy head of the house-to-applause.

Today, if Qiyong recruited the Cang Family's Taishang Protection Law, Nantian might not be able to keep them both.

However, the situation is not the same now, so we are here.

In the one-on-one battle, Nantian has never been afraid of anyone.

"Damn, shameless junior, dare to insult the old man?"

When weeping yelled violently, and summoned the mech, he was about to kill Nantian.

A true disciple. Fist up.

"Master, this man, just give it to me. He is not worth your old man's shot!"

The true disciple, said.


Vigorous, mech abilities raged.

The true disciple of Qi Yong's true disciple is very powerful, and his blow is comparable to that of the half-step mech warrior.

However, he met Nantian.

Although Nantian hasn't looked for mechas since the defender mechas broke down.

However, Nantian still has ancient Wuxiu!

Jiu Pin Wu Huang's fierce innocence, is it just for fun?

Nan Tian collided with Qi Yong's disciples.


Qiyong's disciple ~ ~ was flicked out at once, his muscles and bones were broken, his internal organs burst, and he quickly swallowed.

Qiyong's eyes were red, and he shouted, "Wutu!"

"Damn, you dare to kill my apprentice, I want you to pay your life!"

Qiyong was not keeping his hand, the mech summoned himself, and attacked Nantian with anger.

Nan Tian's eyes lit up, and Yin Yang's eyes opened!

Every attack on Qiyong was automatically and skillfully disassembled into a clear movement track by the eyes of Yin and Yang, and the weakness of every move of Qiyong was also exposed.

Nantian played very easily, almost playing with Qiyong with ease.

Qiyong was more and more shocked, and felt more and more unfathomable.

Nan Tian's peace of mind, Nan Tian's physical fitness, all make him afraid.

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