Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 615: : Luoye Town

"Noisy! This is the Castlevania, and there is no Wang Fa originally. You Beishui Sect, relying on yourself as the main sect of Beiluo, is probably a brain teaser! Can the enemy give you time on the battlefield? Then, I have to shout and stop. Do I have to load a bullet? Ning is a hero, not a hero! "

Nantian said indifferently.

"Your general manager, has been scrapped by me! You guys, get rid of me as soon as possible! I am the owner of Castlevania, and Castlevania naturally has me to guard. If you dare to verbose, all in place Strike to death! "

Nan Tian waved his hand.

Hundreds of Cangjia guards coaxed all the small debris from the Beishui Sect.

Several young men carried Wang Bochao out of pain and wailing.

The young men were full of anger and shouted as they walked.

Until they were far away from the Cangjia Mansion, these people began to shout wildly: "Dog-Japanese, the local power of Castlevania is really arrogant! It is so treat us Beishuizong! It's awful!"

"Send a message to the first chief executive, saying that the Lord of the Devil City has the intention of rebellion, the wolf is ambitious, refuses to submit to my sect, and seriously hurts me!"

Wang Bochao hated!

He hated his neglect of enemies, and hated Nantian's fierceness. Start decisively and directly abolish each other without leaving a trace of affection.

He now has no mecha repairs, and his current glory and status will also disappear.

"In addition, a few of you, we will quickly send us back to the Zongmen headquarters! I'm going to the scientific laboratory to accept the biochemical transformation!"

Wang Bochao said, gritting his teeth.

Mecha repairs are gone, and only one is left. That is to use the spiritual power honed from the cultivation of mechas to accept the biochemical transformation of scientists and obtain a pure mechanical force.

Of course, the process of biochemical transformation is also an alternative process of inhuman torture. Once started, it is irreversible, and a living person will also become a "monster".


Castlevania not only includes the places within the city, but the surrounding villages and towns also belong to Castlevania.

In the past, these villages and towns each loyal to the five local forces in the city.

Now, three of the five local forces have been eliminated, and the forces in the city have suddenly changed.

Only the Cang family and the Harry family remained.

Moreover, the devil city lord Nantian appeared again!

The villages and towns outside the city were originally supposed to come to allegiance to the city master!

The lord is the orthodox lord of a city.

However, now, the people in the surrounding villages and towns are slow to come.

The reason is simple, they got the news.

The million soldiers of the Pearl Sect are about to go to the Castlevania.

The Cang family in the Castlevania and the Harry family are all turned into fly ash.

The leaders in these villages and towns are naturally not stupid. They are all temporarily away from the castle.

The deputy head of Harry sent envoys who had recruited soldiers in the past, and they were beaten and bruised by the people in these villages.

Some more brutal villages and towns, those hunters, directly killed the messenger.

Among the villages and towns around Castlevania, the most powerful town is deciduous town.

The permanent population of Luoye Town is more than 200,000.

The Ye Family is the master of Luoye Town.

In the past, the Ye family was loyal to the Cang family in the city, and they were sheltered by the Cang family for generations.

Due to the fact that the town of Deciduous Leaf is relatively close to the Great Wilderness Forest, from the forest, there are often some powerful Xingxing Meteorites.

Every time the fallen leaf town can't support it, it will ask the masters of Cangjia to help.

When there was not enough food and a famine broke out, the Cang family in the city also offered assistance.

At present, Castlevania is in trouble.

The Cang family announced their allegiance to Nantian, and regarded Nantian as the city master!

According to normal circumstances, Luoye Town should also declare loyalty to Nantian, help Nantian to defend the castle.

However, the people in Luoye Town were not stupid. The Pearl Sect Army, they were also informed of the news of the attack.

The messengers sent by the Cang family to recruit soldiers were also detained by the people in Luoye Town.

Several elders of the Ye family were in close talks with the Ye family host about high-level meetings.

An elder said indifferently: "Now, the entire Castlevania will probably no longer exist. The Cang family wants to die and chooses a young man to be the owner of the house, and a person with no background to be the owner of the city. It is really stupid. It's almost time to die, and you want to recruit troops? Greet us to come together? "

"Oh, really when we are stupid?"

The elder said in disgust.

Elders also raised objections: "Our generation has benefited from the Cang family. Now, because of the Pearl Sect, do we have to betray our faith?"

"It's better to betray one's faith, or is it better for the entire family and villages to be razed to the ground by the army of the Pearl Sect?"

"Yes, it is important that Mingzhe protects himself! From now on, we want to live well, and we have to please the Pearl Sect. The messenger of the Cang family, I think, can be slaughtered tonight and cut his head. Come down and throw it outside of Castlevania! "

An elder said viciously ~ ~ This person's suggestion was supported by many people.

The five elders who only raised objections could not decide the development of the situation at all.

In the end, the owner of the Ye family also made a final decision: "Kill the Cang family messenger and execute immediately! In addition, send some people to greet the Pearl Sect army in advance, we have to please the Pearl Sect, it is very important! This move! "

Five elders sighed: "Homeowner, are we so betraying our betrayal and ungrateful, is it really okay?"

Lord Ye angered: "Five elders, you are old, it seems that it is not suitable for being an elder!"

"You should retire early! The nursing home in the town has already arranged a place for you!"

Lord Ye waved his hands impatiently.

Over the years, the five elders have always been in disagreement with Ye Family Master and some elders.

Lord Ye has long hated the five elders. Now, the Pearl Sect and the Castlevania are involved.

Ye Family Master can't stand it anymore.

"Homeowner, you! The old man has worked hard for the family for more than fifty years ..."

Elder Five wanted to say something. Lord Ye waved his hand: "Elder Five, the nursing home bed is ready for you, and it will pass quickly. Don't listen to the meeting of the family's senior!"

The five elders sighed, ricketing, and stumbled away.

In the dungeon of Luoye Town, the electric switch was suddenly closed.

The iron gate holding the messenger was also opened by Zhizhi.

A young man in Tsing Yi pulled out the messenger from the dungeon.

"I am the grandson of the five elders of the Ye family, Ye Qing!"

"It's too dangerous here, come with me. The host, they are going to put you tonight! We quickly take advantage of the night and go!"

Ye Qing said to the messenger.

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