Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 698: : Mechanical genius?

Seven martial arts stars gleamed around Nantian's body.

Seven Stars is in the state of the Big Dipper Seven Stars, which means that the avenue is transcendent.

Seven stars circling, the formation is self-contained.

The martial arts are the ultimate, they can communicate with God!

The Seven Stars are infinite, inspiring the flesh-body potential, communicating with the Big Dipper Seven Stars, and using the power of the stars to counter external attacks.

The stars are broad, and the Big Dipper is the representative of the stars!

The Big Dipper, the zodiac, and the twelfth house of the zodiac, in ancient times, can evolve the mystery of the universe.

Seven stars out of nothing!

Seven martial arts stars, one by one, greeted the blood-shadow ghost in an orderly way, and made-out-coming the scarlet monster!





The explosion sounded seven times in a row!

Among them, a martial arts star hit the scarlet monster.

The Scarlet Monster was projected by the Blood Shaman with "blood swallowing thousands of miles".

This scarlet monster can devour everything and turn it into its own.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it is not Nan Tian's opponent.

A martial arts star hit the Scarlet monster.

The Scarlet Monster immediately exploded and soon dissipated in the world.

The remaining six martial arts stars have hit the blood evil ghost.

Immediately after the blood phantom was hit, a scream was made immediately.

When the six martial arts stars hit the blood evil ghost, they absorbed all the energy of the blood evil ghost from different parts.

Xingsha Xingying was terrified, pointing at Nantian and cursing: "Good boy, ...... you killed the avatar of your deity ... Your breath, I have already remembered, I will not let go your..........."

The blood-shadow phantom said intermittently, and it quickly dissipated between the world.

Six martial arts stars directly wiped out this avatar.

At the same time, in the dark castle tens of thousands of miles away, the man in the red cloak coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The crowds of dark races in the castle were all shocked.


There is a strong dark man who stepped forward and bowed and asked.

The man in the red cape stretched out his hand violently, sucking over the dark strong man and sucking the blood of the dark strong man.

The body of the dark strong man quickly shrivelled, and then was thrown aside by the man in the red cloak.

The remaining dark powerhouses were all trembling with fright.

"I will kill you! I will kill you!"

"For many years, there are no human races, dare to kill my avatar!"

"I want to **** the blood of -you-, I want to eat your internal organs, I want to refine your soul, I will suffer from the dark criminal law forever!"

The man in the red cape makes a sharp and terrifying voice!

"Check it for me! Pass me the order of the king of the county, order the main star on the dry mountain, and try to search for this person. If there is a clue, report it quickly! If anyone can kill him, the reward: one hundred thousand universe coins!"

The man in the red cape raised his hand and waved, projecting-out-a phantom above the dark castle.

The man presented on the phantom is Nan Tian who is wearing a meteor mech.


Outside the Lawson ruins, the deputy commander of the Ironthorn, following the command of the commander of the army, personally led two reorganized brigades, tens of thousands of elite sergeants, rushed in.

Halfway through the road, the deputy commander and his party happened to meet the commander of the first brigade, Huo Qiyaling.

The deputy commander severely criticized Huo Qialing, and ordered Huo Qialing to quickly follow him and return to Lawson's ruins.

Above the ruins, there are millions of refugees, the people.

Once the sergeant is withdrawn, millions of civilians will fall into the wolf mouth, it will be very tragic.

Huo Qiya didn't even take the deputy commander of the Ironthorn Legion in his eyes.

He came here just to plate a layer of "gold", to gain a little military merit, there is no need to desperately.

The deputy army commander was helpless.

Originally, he did not expect Huo Qiya to be able to make a difference.

Fortunately, this time, he personally led two squadrons, which was barely a battle with tens of thousands of werewolves.

"Prepare, go! Fight with the werewolves in full battle!"

The deputy commander ordered.

The troops are about to advance.

Suddenly there was a scout, coming in a flying car.

"Emergency military situation!"

"Emergency military situation!"

"Hundreds of thousands anxious!"

The scout shouted loudly.

The deputy army commander was taken aback for a moment, and he called for scouts and asked carefully.

"Something, just say it," the deputy commander said.

The scout said: "Return to the sir, more than 18,000 werewolves, all killed. Among them, a werewolf marquis was also killed. According to the observation from a distance, it should be the ninth squad!"

The deputy commander suddenly raised the scout and brought it up.

"What, you say it to me again!"

"The ninth team, wiped out more than 18,000 werewolves?"

The deputy commander growled incredulously.

The scout nodded: "According to us, the preliminary investigation, the situation should be true. Ten thousand werewolves, surrounded a wreckage of the spacecraft, at that time, the ninth squadron, there. It should be the soldier of the ninth squadron, and Werewolves fight! "

"We also have photos of the bodies of thousands of people."

"Sir, I have to say, this is a miracle! Since we fought against the dark race on the main star of the Dry Mountain, this is the first time our human race has won!"

The scout said excitedly.

Deputy Commander, his face also showed ecstasy!

"Zhuangzai, my human glory!"

"Zhuang Zai, my human race is mighty!"

The deputy army commander waved his fist.

"Quickly, connect me to the communications of the Legion headquarters. I want to tell the head of the Legion this good news!

"Leader, if you know this news, you will be very happy!"

The deputy commander was very happy.

Huo Qiyazhen on the side also heard the news.

Huo Qiya, immediately, ran over shamelessly.

"Sir, the ninth squadron, was organized by my first squadron. Their entire squad is my soldiers. Hey, I am the commander. This is a credit, but you have to help me to report one by one Go up! "

"My credit is the biggest. No one is allowed to take credit with me!"

Huo Qiya, hehe laughed.

A trace of disgust flashed across the vice captain's face.

Previously, this man also abandoned the people and his men and took the main force to escape.

Now, his own soldiers have fought hard to get the victory, but now, he wants to devote the most credit to the battle, which is really abominable!

However, this man's uncle, but Huang Yin Zi Yuanwei, is still stationed on the main star of Dry Mountain, and the deputy army commander simply cannot offend.

Strongly enduring the anger and disgust in his heart, the deputy army commander responded unabashedly: "Okay, I know."


Near the wreckage of the Taigu spacecraft, Jinfan Rao is a natural-cold-dark, and now also terrified.

Nantian is so marvelous, one person with one sword, the sword cuts the werewolf marquis, and he also annihilates the legendary ghost king's ghost image!

Jinfan admired Nantian and went to the five-body land.

For a time, Jinfan was firm in following Nantian's thoughts.

Nan Tian looked dumbfounded at Jinfan.

Nantian to ease the atmosphere.

Nan Tian also chatted with Jin Fan.

Jinfan told his story.

Jin Fan turned out to be a mechanical genius. When he studied in the academy before, he was the first in every final exam and far away from the second place.

The instructors all said ~ ~ Maybe, Jinfan could become a great scientist in the famous star galaxy in the future, and make a significant contribution to the mechanical research of mechatronics, spaceships and warships of the Galaxy Alliance.

However, Jin Fan was an ordinary child, a farmer with no background, and a more honest person. For this reason, he offended some envious, jealous, and hateful people.

Among them, a person named Huo Qiya was very fierce and directly wounded Jin Fan seriously and was thrown out of the college.

After that, Jinfan joined the Ironthorn in order to make ends meet.

"Huo Qiya Ling? Ha ha, your enemy? Do you know where he is now?"

Nan Tian asked with cold eyes.

Jintian's mechanical talents are more appreciated by Nantian. Since someone offended Jinfan, Nantian didn't mind shooting and helped Jinfan sigh.

Jin Fan smiled and shook his head bitterly: "Huo Qiya Ling, I heard that he is now the captain of our legion, alas, it's really wrong. But he really can't afford him, his uncle is a yellow mark Ziyuanwei. "

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