Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 819: : Invincible

"We only have to wait until the three strokes in the day, and after time passes, we will win! Director Wei Chiyi, this is no problem."

Yan Shi added.

Wei Chiyi clenched his fists and glanced back at the onlookers beside him.

Hei Fasha Valley has long been prepared, and has spent a lot of money to invite many media organizations.

Now, there are many cameras around.

Satellites in orbit are also running at high speed.

Now, everything here has been broadcast live worldwide.

On the main star of Dry Mountain, turn on any TV or Internet channel, this screen will appear.

Yu Chiyi has already retired.

"I accept. Everything is done according to the rules."

Wei Chiyi sighed. The whole person seemed to be much older.

Yu Chiyi shouted in his heart: Nantian, Nantian! You must not let me down. You must cheer up! My Galaxy Army, need you!

Yu Chiyi's special plane stopped a short distance away, in a relatively unremarkable place.

In a special bedroom in the plane, Nantian lay quietly.

Now, Nantian's condition is very bad.

If you look closely, you will find that Nan Tian's complexion is now blue and black for a while, changing rapidly.

This performance is very bad.

It shows that a lot of toxins are accumulating in Nantian's body.

Nan Tian himself was caught in a strange world of consciousness.

Nantian couldn't perceive his body, but Nantian's mental strength hit a spot and became a ghost.

The phantom flashes, and the phantom becomes another southern sky.

Nan Tian wandered in this mysterious world of consciousness.

In the world of consciousness, there are seas, volcanoes, and mountains ...

Here is endless, and it will never end.

Walking, it seems that time has become nothingness.

Suddenly, before Nan Tian's eyes, a flash of light appeared.

Along with the light, Nan Tian's strange discovery, around him, is like a movie, slowly letting go of his past.

It was born in the ancient Wu era from Nantian, and then was brought into the practice of Zhenwu Xianzong, all the way to practice, all the way to the sky.

No one is born undefeated.

Nantian looked at her in a complicated mood, her own growth path.

In Zongmen, his talents were not outstanding at first, and he could always catch up with his peers. He relied on perseverance of willpower and persistent pursuit of martial arts.

In every battle with the leapfrog powerhouse, Nantian's heart always has a tenacious spirit of unsuccessful defeat, survival in the Jedi and breakthrough in adversity!

From the desperate mountain, cut a stone of hope.

This is the reason why Nantian is always up-to-date and upward.

Nantian's life, from an early age, grew all the way through adversity and defeated one strong enemy after another.

Bled through blood, shed tears, experienced ups and downs, and experienced inhuman suffering, but Nantian never gave up.

In the end, Nan Tian finally won the undefeated King Wu in the ancient Wu era!

It's sad, and bit by bit, only Nantian knows.

Looking at the past, Nantian smiled, and suddenly cried again, his eyes wet and moist.

Yeah, who said the boy didn't cry, but it wasn't when he was sad.

"What a beautiful past!"

Do n’t regret the past, do n’t hesitate in the future, and cherish it now!

The movie-like picture has switched to this era and the era of mecha.

Nan Tian was born again to a young man with the same name and surname.

This teenager has become Nan Tian's new life!

The starting point is still ordinary. I slowly climbed up from a college student. I was ridiculed and suffered some small setbacks. Until now, with his own efforts, Nantian has become a five-star general of the Galaxy Army.

The so-called is: Nanjia out of the dragon, flying into the sky!

In this world, do not ask for anything else, just for a life without regrets!

Nan Tian looked at the past in this world, and suddenly, his heart was extremely firm.

In this world, the era of mechas, the emergence of powerful people, the bright starry sky, is a magnificent era.

In the ancient Wu era, Nantian has already reached the pinnacle of an era.

However, in the Mecha era, Nantian's current practice is far from enough.

Outside the Qingshan Tower outside the mountain, the achievements are not proud, and there are heroes ahead.

The martial arts practice is like sailing against the current, and if you do n’t advance, you retreat.

Nantian only has to face the difficulties, always up!

Nan Tian smiled suddenly: "The so-called glorious years are not the days to shine in the future, but when no one is interested, you are paranoid about your dreams."

After reading his past, Nantian's state of mind has also been improved as never before.

In his heart, Nantian gathered courage and full of sunshine!

When the past scene disappears, the scene in front of us is ever-changing again.

Some bewitching sprites also appeared frequently.

However, when a person is determined to be like a rock, what else can interfere with this world?

"Fantasy and illusory, thousands of worlds, no martial arts, no morals!"

Nan Tian's eyes gleamed with elicitation, and all illusions were dispelled at once.

In the world of consciousness, mountains, oceans, sky, grasslands, forests, etc., also began to collapse.

Immediately, the sky turned around and Nantian seemed to be in a chaos.

Space becomes nothingness, and time becomes nothingness.

For a long time, Nantian's spiritual power returned to the body.

Nantian once again took control of his body.

At this moment, all toxins in the body are discharged.

Nantian's state of mind is unobstructed, and Budo is suddenly bright.

Among Dantian and the hundreds of limbs, he started to rush-grow-out a new generation of mecha abilities and energy.

Unconsciously, Nantian broke through!

Nantian felt himself, unprecedentedly powerful.

Host: Nantian

Identity: First-class Duke of the Galaxy Alliance, Qingyuan Ziyuanwei, internal establishment of the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: ten thousand universe coins

Physical fitness: 56.9 (60.9)

Mental Strength: 62

Vitality: 56.9 (59.9)

Strength: 56.9 (59.9)

Agility: 56.9 (59.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 60.32 (60.32)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / First Class Mecha Warlord

First Vice Profession: Ancient Warrior / Yipin Wuhuang

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin ~ ~ Take Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the main position of Tianyin Pavilion! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"Yipin Mecha Battle Emperor + Yipin Wuhuang!"

Nantian was in a mood.

"I am now in the first-class Imperial Realm!"

Nantian was very excited.

"I feel like I seem to be able to explode a small planet with one punch. If the old ancestor of the original government appeared beside me, I could easily defeat him!"

Nantian instantly had a rough estimate of his own strength.

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