Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 824: : Liang Yi left

Wei Chiyi picked it up and looked at it roughly.

Wei Chiyi also looked at it, the more ugly his face was.

"That's the case?"

"No wonder, Nantian will suddenly fall to the ground and fall into a state of suspended animation! The disciples of Heifensha Valley have resorted to such a mean method."

Yu Chiyi, his eyes were very angry.

Yan Shi seemed to be somewhat ashamed, and he lowered his head involuntarily, daring not to look directly at Wei Chiyi's cold eyes.

"Actually, this thing also blamed me for not being strictly managed. Some people in our Galaxy Army's ranks appeared to be sneaky, slippery, and insidious."

Wei Chiyi sighed.

Immediately, Wei Chiyi greeted his deputy.

"The subpoena continues, and from now on, it will begin to investigate the entire star of the dry mountain, the personnel of the Galaxy Army. If there are suspects, all will be isolated."

Wei Chiyi ordered.

The adjutant nodded: "Nuo!"

The old tuxedo beckoned again.

Two strong guards captured the galaxy chef who had poisoned Nantian.

"This is the witness. Tell me about Wang Han's process of buying you up!"

The old tuxedo scolded.

Inside the Xingshi Mecha Group, there is a special intelligence department. .

There are specialized people there who are very experienced in handling such things.

Intelligence personnel have already done some special work with this chef.

The chef, with almost no hesitation, just spoke about how Wang Han spent money to buy him, and then gave him poison, and poisoned Nantian.

The whole process is very dark.

Nan Tian was on the side and listened.

Nantian is extremely angry.

No wonder, I feel something is wrong.

It turned out that the previous immersion in the world of consciousness was really a life of nine deaths.

If not, Nan Tianfu has great destiny and firm will, and will always fall into the world of consciousness and will not wake up.

However, fortunately, thanks to destiny, Nantian finally got blessed by disaster.

Ancient Wu Xiuwei and Jijia Xiuwei both broke through to Yipin Imperial Realm.

However, anyone knows that if someone harms themselves, they will definitely not feel good in their hearts.

"Wang Han's character is not good, and his achievements throughout his life are limited!"

Nan Tian said slowly.

Yan Shi looked displeased and expressed his attitude: "This time, it's okay for me to discipline the disciples. The old man acknowledges the planting. Also, that Wang Han is considered to be a dead man. After his death, the archway can't stay in the Blackburn Valley. , Announced that he would get rid of Heishasha Valley. "

"I have no such obstacles in Heifensha Valley."

Yan Shi said coldly.

Liang Yi chuckled: "Elder Yan Shi, just know what is right!"

"Also, Elder Yan Shi, your ten million universe coins, don't put it in my account, just put it in my brother's account."

Liang Yi said.

Nan Tian froze: "Brother, this money was won by your bet. How can I want it!"

Liang Yi shook his head: "Nantian brothers, do we still need to see each other between our two brothers?"

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Brother Liang Yi, I am not out of sight. Ten million universe coins, but huge numbers, I have to be serious."

"I can't collect this money."

Nantian refused.

Liang Yi laughed: "Brother, you don't know my identity right now. I have some chances. I am now an attending director of Star Stone Mecha Group and the fifth-level president. I have nothing but money. More than that. Ten million universe coins, of course, are many, but compared to the three ten thousandths of the shares I own, it is too much difference. Nine cattle is nothing but nothing. "

"There are not many ten million cosmic coins. You just keep them. Furthermore, this competition still depends on you. If you lose, I have to post one million cosmic coins. Won It is also your main credit. After all, in the ring, you are desperately desperate, but Nantian Brothers yourself!

Liang Yi chuckled.

Nan Tian took a deep look at Liang Yi and knew that Liang Yi was really his good brother.

Nan Tian knows how much money Liang Yi has. Sweeping it with the Wushen system can be described as clear and clear. The available cash is just 100 million universe coins.

The three-thousandth of the shares are not meant to be realized if you want to withdraw cash.

This is a programmatic process, which is very troublesome.

Suddenly ceded 10 million cosmic coins. It can be said that Liang Yi regarded the brothers' friendship with Nantian very seriously.

"Brother, in short, don't quit. You give me your account."

Liang Yi smiled.

Seeing that Liang Yi is so sincere, Nan Tian is not easy to refuse.

Nantian reported his account to Liang Yi.

Liang Yi and Yan Shi immediately went through some formalities.

After Liang Yi had done all this, he had to take Nantian to drink.

"Our two brothers have not been together for a long time!"

"We must be drunk and unhappy today!"

Liang Yi laughed.

However, it didn't take long for someone to make a phone call.

The old tuxedo took it.

After a little while, the old man in the tuxedo forwarded the call to Liang Yi.

"Mr. Liang, the phone of the assistant to the chairman!"

The old man in a tuxedo looks dignified.

Liang Yi took the call and said a few words on the other end.

Hang up the phone.

Liang Yi exhaled.

Liang Yi looked at Nantian somewhat disappointed.

"Nantian Brothers, maybe, I will rush back to the headquarters of Xingshi Mecha Group. Just now, the assistant to the chairman, came over specifically to inform me that there is a very important board of directors over there. I have to go."

Liang Yi said slowly.

"The main star of Dry Mountain is a long distance away from the headquarters of the group. I can't delay the time anymore. I have to rush back immediately. Today, our two brothers, I am afraid, can't please the wine."

Liang Yi sighed.

Nan Tian smiled and patted Liang Yidi's shoulder.

"My good brother, I have watched you succeed, and in my heart, don't mention how happy I am."

"If you have something, go back quickly! Come on, our two brothers, each on one side, work hard. For a better future!"

"Come on!"

Nantian encouraged.

Liang Yi nodded: "Well, I will. Next time, let's get together again and ask for a few more drinks."

"Most definitely."

Nantian laughed ~ ~ Liang Yi also took a group of people and left in a hurry.

Obviously, Xingshi Mecha Group, there are indeed big things over there.

On the edge of life and death, with Wang Han's death.

The victory of Nantian, this competition, also ended.

The people of Yan Shi and others in Blackburn Valley have no face, so they stay here.

Yan Shi They also left after Liang Yi left.

Reporters from various media began to interview enthusiastically, the winner Nan Tian.

Nan Tian also attended several important press conferences under the arrangement of Wei Chiyi.

Since then, the name of Nantian has thoroughly known the dry mountain!

No one knows the whole star of the dry mountain, no one knows!

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