Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 835: : Yang Lei Betrayal

"General Nantian, order it!"

Yang Lei said in a deep voice.

Nan Tian glanced at Yang Lei: "You are the captain of the Special Guards, do you mean, do you still listen?"

Yang Lei smiled: "General Nantian, this is a bad word. You are the temporary supreme commander personally sealed by Director Wei Chi. Our Special Guards will listen to your orders. If you don't order, how dare we act indiscriminately!"

Nan Tian waved his hands in annoyance: "What time is it, don't tell me this! Come to this form of official-cavity, there is a fart!"

In Nantian's heart, like a mirror, the reason why Yang Lei, now, listens to his own words is nothing more than fearing his own strength.

Nan Tian's ability to tear space freely and frightened Yang Lei.

Yang Lei didn't want to, and without knowing it, he was killed by Nantian.

"Then General Nantian, I called the team members and started shooting with space weapons."

Yang Lei said slowly.

Nantian did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Yang Lei's suggestion is correct, now, only to fight one!



Space weapons, let go!

The members of the special guards all carried their weapons and sent them towards the space vortex and the space wormhole.

The result is surprising!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The team ’s space weapons, launch-fire-out special missiles, special rockets, etc., did not interfere with the space velocity at all.

Those vortices in space, but the speed of rotation, have accelerated a lot.

Some space vortices have evolved into space wormholes immediately.

The openings of those space wormholes are particularly large.

Obviously, this channel can make the dark race come better.

Nan Tian's complexion was very green.

"what happened!"

"What exactly is going on?"

Nan Tian growled.

Originally, it was okay not to use these space weapons.

According to the natural evolution rate of these space vortices, they need to be turned into a complete space wormhole, and they need to evolve for a long time.

Nantian still has some time to do some preparations.

The worst is that it can block almost ten space wormholes and kill the ten dark princes and their dark army.

Now, it's good. Those space weapons, sent-and-fired, become catalysts.

Yang Lei's neck shrank.

"I do not know about this!"

Yang Lei, panickedly quit.

However, there are so many people in the Special Guard.

They are all elites, and there are some people who are knowledgeable and wise.

The second time, this happened.

Someone reacted.

An older player said: "General Nantian, Captain Yang Lei! I know the truth of the matter."

Nan Tian was full of coldness.

"What, you hurry!"

Nan Tian urged.

"General Nantian, there must have been a problem with our space weapons and they have been dropped."

"Normal space weapons, this will definitely not happen. After all, for the first time before, continuous shooting-strike a space vortex, if it is not effective, it can be attributed to that space wormhole is special.

"But, it's impossible. So many wormholes in a row are not effective!"

"And, I think, our space weapons may have been replaced by a kind of weapon ammunition called space catalysis. This kind of space catalyzed weapons, contrary to our previous space blasting weapons, is just the opposite. Inside the space vortex, it will not only destroy the space vortex, but will accelerate the evolution of the space vortex. "

The older player explained slowly.

Everything seemed to fall through.

"Our weapon was dropped out? How is it possible? Director Wei Chi, but kept the weapon in a very confidential place. Moreover, the space catalytic weapon is not an ordinary weapon. The value of this weapon is also very high. expensive."

Yang Lei retorted immediately.

The older player, afraid of Yang Lei, had to say, "Maybe, I think I was wrong."

Nantian frowned, and he didn't know much about space weapons.

Nan Tian is not easy to judge arbitrarily.

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore. In any case, these weapons can't be used. Space wormholes have evolved so much. All the teams, go over and plug them! Can block one, one!

"Today, it seems to us that we are to die for the Galaxy Alliance!"

Nan Tian said bloodily.


Nan Tian ordered.

There are no frowns on the guards.

They can be selected into the Special Guards, also considered elite in the elite.

No one is afraid of death.

The rest of the team, except Yang Lei, broke their legs and retreated aside.

The other team members, as long as they have the strength, go to block the space wormhole.

In a long space wormhole, a huge fleet of dark races is sailing fast.

Leading is a gloriously dark main fleet ship.

On the main ship, a dark grand prince with his head high, was in the control cabin, directing his men.

"Quickly, speed up!"

"We have to step up to the star of Dry Mountain! His Royal Highness, the situation of the star of Dry Mountain is very important!"

"We can't slack off!"

The darkness was so dark that the Duke scowled very seriously.

Some men also urged the battleship with all their might.

Behind the main battleship, there are many long ships.

The battleship grunts and is extraordinary.

Endlessly, the fleet is particularly scary.

If it is a small number, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of ships.

Such a huge fleet can be said to be particularly scary.

The dark breeding pig, this time, was really cruel.

"Report to the Grand Duke, our instruments have detected that the hole-mouth of the space wormhole seems to be blocked by something, and the space wormhole has become extremely unstable."

A dark race reports.

"Why don't you just bomb him out!"

The Grand Duke of Darkness ordered.


The weapon loaded on this main battleship is amazing.


Suddenly, the ear was screaming.

Suddenly, a large net of mecha powers blocked at the entrance of the space wormhole was blown away.

Several members of the Special Guards still repairing the hole were directly killed, and their limbs were torn apart, very miserable.

Nan Tian and others were immediately shocked.

Then, the main battleship flew out of the wormhole.

The first dark Grand Duke came.

"Chiah," the main battleship suddenly opened a hatch.

A burly dark duke came out.

The body of the dark grand duke is an octopus.

He has many tentacles.

"Haha, my Bahas, come out! The star of the dry mountain, the place of the human race, will soon be occupied by our dark race!"

The dark prince laughed wildly.

"Bahas, Grand Duke?"

Yang Lei hid aside, his eyes glowed in a strange way.

Nan Tian looked at the stunned Yang Lei and couldn't help getting angry.

"Still dazed, what are you doing!"

Nan Tianbao shouted.

"Hurry up with me to solve this wave of dark races!"

Nantian said anxiously.

As the main battleship came out, one battleship flew out one after another.

An integrated dark army can be said to have sufficient strength and powerful power.

With the help of Nantian, their current manpower has to pay a very heavy price to deal with this huge army.

Yang Lei didn't seem to hear Nan Tian's words at all.

Yang Lei ran directly to the side of the Grand Duke of Bajas.

"His Grand Duke!"

Yang Lei arched his hand.

Nan Tian and those members of the surviving Special Guards were dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"Our captain, what's going on?"

The members of the Special Guards were dumbfounded.

As Wei Chiyi's Special Guards, it stands to reason that it is incompatible with the dark race.

Nantian was also surprised.

Yang Lei hurts himself, and Nantian can figure it out and understand.

However, regardless of the principles of the human race, Yang Lei directly surrendered to the dark race, which Nantian could not tolerate.

It is a capital crime to vote against the enemy and treason!

Big death penalty!

It's going to be scolded by the ages!

Yang Lei didn't pay any attention to Nantian and others.

Bajas also seems to have some information.

"Are you talking on the dense scroll, the informant of the human race?"

Bajas asked slightly.

Yang Lei nodded and immediately took out a black token.

Above this token, there is a ghost head.

"This is the county magistrate's order!"

"It was directly given by the governor, it seems that you are no doubt."

Bajas, let me relax.

Some dark race fighters in the surrounding area also dropped their guns.

"The people behind you should be the elites in the human race?"

Bajas, asked with a smile.

"When I return to the Grand Duke, the people behind me are all the elites of the human race. One of them is the young general who is most important to Wei Chiyi-Nantian!"

"He can be said to be Wei Chiyi's heart and soul. On the main star of Dry Mountain, he is already the first deputy director and is the most important left and right arm of Wei Chiyi. As long as he is eliminated, the layout of Wei Chiyi on the main star of Dry Mountain will be in chaos. Grand Duke, your manpower can also quickly and completely occupy the main star of Dry Mountain. "

Yang Lei smiled sinisterly.

Nan Tian and the remaining members of the Special Guards were all angered.

Some old players even pointed to Yang Lei and scolded: "Captain Yang Lei, how can you do this!"

"Turn to the dark boar?"

"Betrayed the Galaxy Alliance? Captain Yang Lei, you said yes, what is the belief of our special guard?"

"Captain Yang Lei, we are human races! We are the chief of Wei Chiyi, cultivated in one hand. The chief has great kindness to us!"

The team members pointed to Yang Lei and burst into tears.

They have been following Yang Lei, conquering the east and west, and carrying out various dangerous tasks.

In addition to Weiwei Chi, Yang Lei, the captain, is the most important in their hearts. They are taller than Dashan!

Now, this big mountain collapsed!

No image, no glory!

Team members, it is difficult to accept this cruel fact.

Yang Lei's face was grim, and he roared like crazy!

"What, the cultivation of the director? The great grace of the director? My dear team members, you are all sober, we have been fighting for Wei Chiyi, and we are still hiding in the ground, unknown to outsiders.

"We were born and died, how much credit did Wei Chiyi make? But, on what day did we enjoy it?"

"Let's take a look again. This young man named Nantian is already a halo of all glory! Wei Chiyi has given him a lofty status and a distinguished military rank! He is famous for the dry mountain, good scenery! Looking at us, who knows? We Did n’t you pay much more than this Nantian? At the critical time, we still have to block bullets for Wei Chiyi. We are so bitter, it ’s simply Wei Chiyi ’s bull. ”

Yang Lei roared violently.

"Now, I am not stupid, I want to rebel, I want to leave Wei Chiyi, I want to surrender to the dark race. The Dark Lord, has promised me, as long as I join the dark camp, they will give the status of a Grand Duke of the guarantee , Dominate a medium planet, so happy. Brothers, you are all following me, and you have called me countless 'Captain'. "

"Now, as long as you wake up and join the dark race, as long as the captain, I have a mouthful of meat, and you have a bite of soup!"

Yang Lei confuses his team members.

The players are all looking painful.

A team leader said to Yang Lei affectionately, "Captain, you changed!"

"You really changed! Before, we were not afraid of you, we respected you. Now, I am afraid of you. Your face is so terrible. We have been hiding underground, not just for our own beliefs. Superficial peace requires the protection of a special guard like ours. The world is diverse and always requires soil. Some people are tall trees and some are thick soil. They do n’t fight for pets, just silently. Pay! "

The team leader said slowly.

"The work we are engaged in is only for our own beliefs, for the Galactic Alliance, for the sincere blood of that chamber. For the alliance we love!"

The team leader said sincerely.

"Captain, you have betrayed the human race, this is to be condemned, hurry back."

A member advised.

"Captain, come back! Turn back to shore."

The players are still reluctant to let Yang Lei.

Yang Lei's face was blue, and when he saw that there was no one player, he came over and followed himself to surrender to the dark race.

"You really can't come?"

"Don't follow me?"

Yang Lei's voice was cold.

"Captain, we are the human guard of the human race ~ ~ is to guard the Galaxy Alliance, here is our planet, we will not pass!"

There was a team member, the voice clanged incomparably.

Yang Lei was furious.

"Okay, okay, okay! You are all good-looking, and even my captain didn't listen to me, I've got a lot of skills. Counting me, Yang Lei, for so many years, has no way to teach his people! Kill, no one can complain. "

Yang Lei, murderous.

Nan Tian strode forward, struggling against Yang Lei.

"Yang Lei, you have betrayed the human race, you have also dropped some weapons, and you want to murder me at the level! You are a terrible sin!"

Nan Tian said coldly.

The Grand Duke of Bajas, many tentacles, waving together, is terrible.

"You thin family, what a word!"

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