Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 837: : Grand Duke of Acat

More than thirty dark Grand Duke naturally have strengths and weaknesses.

The powerful are all at the forefront, unabashedly releasing their overbearing power.

Among them, the more than thirty dark princes, the strongest, first recommended a dark prince named: Akat.

The dark prince of Akat, with a black robe wrapped around his body, dressed in hats, looked cold.

The body of the Dark Grand Duke of Akart is a dark tiger.

In the blood of Akat, there is the domineering and fierceness of the tiger!

On the forehead, a semi-concealed "Wang" word shining, terrifying light.

Grand Duke Akat looked at the oncoming Di Yanglei and snorted coldly: "Stop!"

A puff of dark air directly rolled up Yang Lei.

Yang Lei wanted to struggle and resist.

However, the dark air seemed to have endless magic power, but it was impossible for Yang Lei to struggle.

After Yang Lei was trapped, he also flew into the hands of Grand Duke Akat in his hand.

Grand Duke Akart, carefully checked, and soon said: "This is true!"

"This is the real order of the county governor. It seems that you are indeed the informant arranged by the county governor."

Akat confirmed Yang Lei's identity, and also withdrew the darkness.


Yang Lei fell to the ground.

Yang Lei was shocked.

What Nantian deterred from Yang Lei is that the gods can't measure the limit speed!

However, Akart shocked Yang Lei, but that is too powerful to speculate!

Yang Lei asked himself if he was in the top half of the saint.

However, in front of Akart, he seemed to be like a child, not looking at the ground at all.

Or from the side, Akart's strength is too strong.

Being able to rank first among more than thirty dark Grand Duke, Akart has real skills.

"Presumably, you are the famous Duke of Akat in the dark dynasty!"

Yang Lei said respectfully.

Akart nodded slightly: "It seems that the county king told you a lot about the dark dynasty. However, your strength, so-so, is okay."

Yang Lei looked blue and white for a while.

What is it called sloppy?

He is already the captain of the Special Guards, deterring the six main stars in the underground world.

However, the word "can" in Akart's mouth.

However, Yang Lei did not dare to argue.

"What did you just call for help?"

Akat asked.

Yang Lei was immediately angry and pointed to Nantian.

"Duke Acat, which is Nantian, Yu Chiyi's confidant general, currently holds a prominent position in the Galactic Army. He has some abilities, can freely shuttle space, speed unpredictable, good at sneak attacks. Just now, the Grand Duke of Bajas was killed by him. "

Yang Lei said slowly.

Akart glanced at Yang Lei: "You are also incapable. You can't solve your own affairs."

"I'm right to say that you shouldn't care about your life and death. But, after all, Bajas is part of my dark race, or the real Grand Duke. He killed Bajas, it was our taboo! Today, I Kill him! "

Akart, said coldly.

Nan Tian temporarily retreated to the side of the special guard.

The members of the Guards are pale and terrified.

"General Nantian!"

"What should we do now!"

Asked many members of the Guard.

Not to mention, the more than thirty dark princes are terrifying.

In other words, it's more than thirty half saints.

"Now that we are here, we should be mentally prepared."

"It's time to die for the Galaxy Alliance!"

Nantian also showed a trace of tragic feeling.

More than thirty dark grand dukes, united together, can be described as fierce and powerful.

Even at this moment, the old turtle is estimated to be tied.

Dare not say that these dark races can be wiped out.

As for, will they summon Zat, Xiaoyan, Xiaohei and Gumo?

Nantian shook his head.

Today, it is already a mortal situation.

Summoning the good brothers Zat, Xiaoyan, and Xiaohei, they undoubtedly hurt them.

Nantian didn't want to involve them.

"Allure, it seems that I can't go to the Tang family to pick you up beautifully!"

"Also, Yue Yin, you are suffering too. I'm afraid I can't break the Tianyin Pavilion!"

"Also, my beloved parents and friends, Nantian, will let you down ..."

"However, I have no complaints or regrets! Fight for the human race, fight for the alliance! The prosperity and peace behind the alliance always need some people to fight, bleed, and even sacrifice! For the beautiful hometown, for your future life The ground is better, my Nantian, even though he died nine times without regret! "

Nan Tian's heart was full of excitement.

There is not much energy in the body.

As for the reappearance, the "Lingbo micro-step" + Youlong body method of the Huashen level will not be able to shuttle through a short distance.

Nan Tian estimated that his current strength is estimated to be equivalent to an ordinary half-saint.

Akart swept through the boundless darkness and walked toward the south sky step by step.

There were some people in the Special Guards who could not bear it. This terrifying coercion was directly planted on the ground.

A group of people, directly the Qiqiao bleeding, died.

Some people also fell into a deep coma, and did not know if they could wake up again.

Nan Tian is struggling to support.

The Duke of Akat is really ridiculously strong, and in the half saint, it is a perverted existence.

"You human race, very interesting!"

Akart and Nantian wanted to meet each other.

"You can kill Bajas, which shows that your strength is not bad, but, in front of me, it is garbage! Half-sacred is a mysterious realm, and it is also a process of Nirvana. Weak half-sacred, I can play ten A few, a few dozen! As for the most powerful half saint, even, it can explode with power comparable to the saint. "

"My Akat is the strongest half-holy!"

Akart smiled proudly.

"What nonsense, just hit it!"

Nantian sports ancient Wuzhen Qi, hit a Luohan boxing.

Atka just waved his hands indifferently.


Nantian was blown out and flew out in a sudden.

Has been falling hundreds of feet away.

Nan Tian was covered with blood ~ ~ Nan Tian bit his teeth and climbed up hard.

"Come, fight again!"

Nantian's eyes were firm and he was not afraid of death.

Akate's face was grim: "Interesting, I wanted to kill you directly. Now, it seems that I am playing with you slowly. It's interesting!"

"You dark races, invade my Galactic Alliance, you will not have the end!"

Nan Tian roared.


Akart shook his hand again.


The air of darkness is directly invading Nantian's body.


Nan Tian screamed, and immediately passed out in a coma.

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