Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 853: : Weird cave

"If, here, I can't find the news of Princess Nine, I will immediately order to attack the human race in an all-round way, thoroughly the entire star of the dry mountain!

"Just now, there was news from the dynasty."

The Red Cloak County King has a dignified look.

"what news?"

Asked Akat and King Shibu.

"Make sure to bring back Princess Nine safely, otherwise, we will all be killed!"

The Red Cloak King said slowly.

Both Akat and Baibu County King were stunned, and the dynasty had already issued a death order.

They have to hurry up.

All three are speechless, only to hit the energy to find Princess Nine as soon as possible.

At the same time, the three of them are still in their hearts, praying, Princess Nine, don't have anything.

It didn't take long for Akart to discover.

Akat came to the place where Nantian and Luanluan met earlier.

There was a white scarf on the ground.

Akart picked up the scarf and was ecstatic.

Akat quickly rushed to summon all the white cloth king and the red cloak not far away.

"What's the matter? Akart, did you make a major discovery?"

The Red Cloak County King couldn't wait to ask.

"Yes, County King!"

Akart pointed to the scarf and explained: "This scarf uses special materials in our capital. I have lived in Wangdu for a long time and I am familiar with this. Moreover, the fabric of this scarf, It ’s still top quality, only in the palace. "

"What's in the palace?"

"Or women's scarves?"

Baibu County King was also stunned and immediately laughed: "It is Princess Nine!"

"Princess Nine, definitely here."

The king of Shibuya is happy.

Now, finally found the clue.

The Red Cloak County King was also investigated on the spot.

"Here, not long ago, there were three different breaths. One belongs to the human race, one belongs to the female dark race, or one belongs to the starfall land."

The Red Cloak County King has superb methods, tracking and positioning, and is very good at it.

"That dark race must be Princess Nine!"

"There are also human races, the star-falling monster is here, **** it! Maybe it's dangerous, Princess Nine!"

Baibu County King was shocked.

"Immediately ordered, dispatched tens of thousands of dark troops, quickly rushed here, and sealed off the entire virgin forest."

"Also, send over again, a dozen dark grand dukes come over. Just in case, there are unknown unknowns here."

The king of the white cloth county, the king of the red cloak, and the Akat discussed the situation, and quickly discussed the countermeasures.

"Besides, we are the three of us, and we all set off immediately. Continue to increase our efforts and conduct a rug-like search, that is, to dig the ground three feet, we must find Princess Nine!"

The three said with a firm tone.


The three of them were in action immediately.


At this moment, Nantian and they, under the guidance of the big bear, gradually entered the depths of the cave.

This cave is really amazing.

It seems that it will never end.

Nantian they, after a long walk, still have a long, deep path.

I don't know where this cave leads to.

"Do you want to keep going?"

Nan Tian asked to Luan Luan.

"Look, let's leave!"

Nantian suggested.

"Xiao Tiantian, why are you so courageless, afraid, big dog, still leading the way, finally come and go, can you retreat and leave at will?"

Luan Luan, said in an endless sense.

Nantian had no choice but to continue walking.

Flying bears, always Nantian and Luanluan, came to a huge lake.

No one can imagine that in the depths of this cave, there is an empty area of ​​Noda. In this area, there is a circular ground lake.

The lake is at least ten miles away.

When I walked here, the flying bear was running to Luan Luan's ear again, and the "Wang Wang" whispered a few words.

Luan Lue nodded steadily, but did not take it seriously.

The flying bear is also anxious, and it cries again.

Suddenly, Nantian remembered it, right, isn't his "Little Black" also a dog?

The bears are also from the dog family. Their secret words, Xiaohei, should be heard clearly.

Nantian began to call Xiaohei in the realm of life with his mind.

Xiao Hei was awakened.

"What is the matter, master!"

Xiaohe yawned.

This product is sleeping again.

Nantian told Xiaohei to translate Xiaohei's language.

Xiao Hei licked his mouth: "Oh, just break things at this point, it's too simple."

Xiaohei has no language barrier at all.

Nantian also started to open a small space door. Through this small door, Xiaohei was on the other side, and the ear-whispering listener Feitian Koala and Luan Luan's secret words.

About ten minutes later, the Flying Bear was said to have been gone by Luan Luan, but his hair was standing upright, vigilant, and guarded beside Luan Luan.

Xiao Hei also translated all these "secret words".

"Master, let me tell you, all of them are translated simultaneously, authentic!"

Xiaohe laughed.

Immediately afterwards, the words that motivate Wula come out:

"Master Luan Luan, we can't go any further. I can't be sure to go any further, to ensure our safety."

"Go on, it doesn't matter, I'm here, what are you afraid of!"

"Master Luanluan, it's really dangerous in front of me. Here, it's my bear and bear family. It's a forbidden place for generations. I am able to bring Luanluan here. It is already very exceptional and lucky.

"Fart, I knew it, then you told me, what are you doing here?"

"Master Luanluan, didn't you say that, just go to the crystal wall and take some crystals away?"

"These crystals are all energy crystals, very good, Master Luanluan. Let's dig up those things and leave. Let's go forward and hear that there will be monsters!"

"Oh, you are a big bear, you are already a star falling monster, are you afraid of monsters?"

"You are my Chongwu, you must listen to me everything. Continue to move forward, I will not leave this cave, after exploring, I will not go."

Luan Luan doesn't matter.


In the end, it was naturally a flying bear, and he followed the words of Luan Luan.

But ~ ~ Luan Luan, did not immediately move forward.

Luan Luan seemed curious about this huge lake.

Luan Luan picked up a handful of stones, learned to be on the lake, and started to float.

The water floated and rippled.

If the ripples disappear, it is normal.

However, this ripple was getting bigger and bigger until it became a huge wave of hundreds of meters.

Flying bear, guarded in front of Luan Luan.

The flying bear, a bear paw, wrapped in a narrow surging force, stopped this huge wave.

Nan Tian was also shocked. This cave has already reached the depths here. The flying bears must be dissuaded, and things here have become more and more weird.

Is the unknown danger coming?

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