Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 876: : Monarch flying?


The black panther mercenary regiment's armored flying ship is flying fast.

After a while, he flew to the ancient ruins.

At this moment, the ancient ruins here are already full of various flying sailboats.

Among them, on the ground, there are some good horses and camels, all kinds of exotic animals, making a mixed, "buzzing" sound.

Dressed in colorful service, the strong men from all walks of life pierced out.

Of course, the most striking thing is a towering pyramid.

This pyramid is very magnificent and huge, shining in the sun, a layer of dazzling golden light!

Sacred, noble, ancient, mysterious, style!

Around this desert, the sudden pyramids, many people are speculating.

Marveling, admiring, and letting the colorful words fly, it is not enough to describe this pyramid!

Looking down from the sky, the desert is solitary and straight, the long river is setting sun!

The hustle and bustle of people is so lively!

"A world that belongs to the strong!"

"A grand scene that was absolutely difficult to see in the ancient Wu era!"

Nantian looked down and couldn't help but feel a bit heroic.

As for the other side, Min Min is still trying his best to please the leopard heads and the senior members of the Black Panther mercenary regiment.

Along the way, Min Min can be said to be charming-tempered, making some hooking gestures!

It can also be regarded as "Kung Fu pays attention to people!", A squadron-level person in the Black Panther mercenary group, seems to be fancy Min Min, holding Min Min.

Min Min was very proud of this.

Even her head, Feng Zhan, didn't pay attention to it.


The armored flying sailboat stopped steadily in the desert.

"Get off the boat!"

Leopard head, Shen Sheng sipped.

Thousands of people walked off the sailing boat.

Nantian also followed the sailing boat.

However, how sensitive Nantian's consciousness and observation are.

Nan Tian found that he and Feng Zhan, including, the self-righteous-looking hook, took the "high-level" Min Min.

Or, to be precise, the original sailors of the Kuangfan mercenary regiment were all surrounded by a group of warriors of the Black Panther mercenary regiment and were "controlled" in secret.

"Monitor, secretly, control us?"

"I felt that before, the head of the merciless mercenary, Leopard Head, would not kindly carry us for free."

Nan Tian thought secretly.

However, Nantian did not say anything.

Nantian is now full of confidence in his own strength.

If the Panther mercenary regiment really dared and secretly perverted, Nantian would not mind killing them all!

After the leopard head came near the ancient ruins, he led the man and was ready to enter the ancient ruins.

"Leader Leopard Head, with your good intentions, now the destination has arrived. I think we will separate, after all, we are also an independent mercenary regiment."

Feng Zhan said to the leopard head.

The leopard raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Why should the leader of the Phoenix Exhibition be so anxious? I think you are too few people, just five or six people, why not follow us."

"Head of Leopard Head ..."

Feng Zhan, I want to say something more.

Leopard's head sneered directly at Feng Zhan: "Head of Feng Zhan, you don't need to say more. It's impossible, you want to resist my will?"

Feng Zhan was speechless.

The Black Panther mercenary regiment is strong and strong, with more than a thousand people.

If they are angry, how can they resist?

"We obey ..."

Feng Zhan said helplessly.

The leopard head smiled haha: "That's right!"

"Follow us and make sure you all eat spicy and spicy!"

Leopard head, loudly.

Under the leadership of the leopard head, Nantian and others are directly at the foot of the ancient ruins, that is, the pyramids.

There is a huge hole-mouth here, which is the only way to enter the pyramid.

However, here, at this time, it is very congested.

Many people are here to stop and dare not move forward.

The leopard had a grumpy head and sipped: "Fuck!"

"This group, sha-bi. It's all here. Why didn't you go in at the entrance to the pyramid? Here, hesitated, shy, shy, afraid of a fart! If you're afraid of death, what luck would you come from the ancient ruins?

Leopard head, scolding wildly.

"Leopard head, trouble you, go forward again, aside some crowds, and say again!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came.

The leopard head is furious!

He is the head of the Black Panther mercenary regiment, with high weight and strong power.

Inside and outside of Lankai City, it is also considered a party owl.

"who is it?"

The leopard's head was filled with murderous intent, and asked coldly.

"it's me!"

A man in white armor, with a scornful smile on his face, led some people and appeared in front of the leopard's head.


The leopard's head was sullen.

This white armored man is nothing but an unknown person.


"The leader of white fear!"

Suddenly, among the crowd, someone exclaimed.

Can people gather around the pyramids?

Most of them are well-informed and well aware of some major forces.

White fear is also a mercenary group.

The overall strength is even better than the Black Panther mercenary regiment.

Leopard head and Adela are also rivals.

"Adra, you ..."

The leopard head was about to speak.

Adela, Xie Xie smiled: "Don't talk, come here, give the head of the leopard head, clear a way for the head of the leopard head, take a look!"

With a command from Adela, immediately, the warrior with white feared mercenaries forcibly opened a group of people.

Ahead, suddenly suddenly bright.

The leopard's head looked intently.

It turned out that at the entrance of the pyramid, two rows of male soldiers were guarded.

Each of these soldiers wears a waist tag on their waist, and a large "factory" is embroidered on the clothes.

"Dongchang people!"

The leopard head was shocked!

"East Factory is here to set up checkpoints in order to avoid the intrusion of some idlers and other people. There is no force above the monarch level God-given warriors to sit in the town, do not enter the pyramid!

Adela said coldly.

"Leopard head, let's go back!"

Adela, sneered.

Listen, the look of the leopard's head was shocked, almost standing on the spot.

"Junior God-given Warrior? With the monarch God-given warrior, which one is not the super power in Lankai City?"

"East Factory, this is not broken ..."

At this point, the leopard's head suddenly shut up.

At the same time, Adela ~ ~ was staring at the leopard's head sternly.

Disaster comes from the mouth, and the leopard head knows it naturally.

Dongchang is the existence of the Big Mac. How can Dongchang's decision, a small mercenary commander, be criticized?

If you make a mistake, you will be killed!

"So, how do the people in Dongchang test, who is a monarch God-given warrior?"

"After all, some people are not excluded, they are hidden repairs, and they are not known to outsiders!"

Nan Tian asked suddenly.

Adela chuckled and pointed to a stone in front.

"On the stele, the people in the East Factory have carved a complete general junior flying technique. Anyone who is above the junior level can use this flying technique to fly by flesh-body. This is the principle of the mainland .Jun-level strong, flesh-body can cross the void! "

Adela explained.

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