Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 878: : Inner energy

Now, all eyes are here, the master is like a cloud, the people in the East Factory are even more eye-catching.

In Nantian, a person who is "powerless and powerless" and "doesn't cultivate at all", just walked over in such a limelight. In Feng Zhan's view, it is definitely a death.

"It doesn't matter, Feng Zhan brothers, I just try it."

Nan Tian said indifferently.

Adela smiled suddenly, squinting at the leopard head.

"The head of the leopard did not expect you, there are such arrogant people."

Adela mocked.

The leopard's head looked blue and white for a while.

"He is not from our Black Panther mercenary regiment!"

Leopard said coldly.

Min Min is also ridiculous, arms crossed, and an arrogant gesture.

"Nantian? Just him, do you still want to try Jun-level flying?"

"Monarch-level strong man, how great! He is this ants, this waste, I don't know that the guy is high and thick!"

Min Min said sarcastically.

The people in Dongchang were not blocked either.

The stele that records the monarch flying technique is carved not far away.

Nan Tian walked over step by step.

Some people are afraid, some are amazed, and some are watching with a mockery and an attitude of making them ugly.

Nantian Budo's state of mind has been tempered for a long time.

These outsiders' views on themselves have no influence on Nantian.

Walking to the front of the stele, Nan Tian carefully read this junior flying technique.

Huo Ranjian, Nan Tian froze!

The spirit was shocked.

"How can this flying technique look like an ancient martial art skill?"

Nantian could not help being surprised.

"The method of operation described above, the distribution and utilization of veins, the stimulation of Dantian's potential, and the ordinary ancient martial arts skills, there is no difference. The only difference is that true energy has become the so-called rune power?"

Nan Tian was thinking secretly.

"True energy? Mecha abilities? Now, due to special laws, I can't use it. I haven't practiced the power of the runes. How can I use this flying technique!"

Nan Tian also couldn't help but make trouble.

"Oh! Look, this stunner!"

"Silly-silly-Bibi is here. I don't think he has any fluctuations in the power of runes. It's a waste. Now, it's ridiculous to try to fly."

"Yeah, someone who knows nothing!"

Many people pointed at Nan Tian and scolded.

Some factory guards of the East Factory are also looking cold.

The factory guard, headed by the red gold medal, coughed a little: "We set up this stele, not to let any waste come here, it is shameful and time-consuming!"

"I want to take advantage of this opportunity of our East Factory to become famous. It's really abominable, come and kill him!"

Chijin Factory Guard ordered.

Suddenly, there were more than a dozen silver factory guards, grinning, walking towards Nantian.

Everyone laughed and hoped, watching, Nantian's head was cut off.

At this time, Nantian was also caught in a tangle.

However, soon, Nantian thought was clear.

"Yeah, I can't use true energy or mecha abilities now, but my physical strength is very strong, and the king-level God-given warriors in this world are not my opponents. The ancient martial arts, As early as the age of Shenwu, there are two major schools, one is the Qi Refining School, and the other is the Flesh Refining School. The flesh is so strong that it can naturally produce: inner energy! "

"My physical strength can barely produce internal energy. Now, use this internal energy to replace true energy, rune power, and see if it can succeed!"

Nan Tian Huo Ran figured it out.

Looking at it, more than a dozen guards of the East Factory, holding a machete, already stepped forward.


Factory guards, scream!

More than a dozen large dangling swords suddenly cut Nan Tian's body.

Feng Zhan closed his eyes, unwilling to see the tragic scene next.

Minmin is the boss with staring eyes, a sneer on his face, his face full of hope.

Photon whispered in pain: "Ah, Nantian brothers, you promised to send me an armored flying sailboat!"


More than a dozen large knives, all emptied.

A strong wind blew up, and Nantian was in the air before everyone.

"Footstep into the void, walk in the sky! Jun-level strong!"

"He really is a junior strong!"

"Such a young junior strongman is really amazing! There should be a superpower behind it!"

"Alas, we were blind just now, and arrogantly commented on a monarch-level strong man. It's really **** it's time to slap!"

The world of Atlantis's mainland martial arts, the strong one is respected!

Divine warriors, according to the level of strength and weakness, can be divided into: primary god-given warriors, intermediate god-given warriors, advanced god-given warriors, junior-level god-given warriors, emperor-level god-given warriors!

Even though Lankai City is the central city, it is one of the most prosperous areas on the mainland.

However, God-given warriors, so to speak, are not Chinese cabbage!

An intermediate God-given warrior can also support a small and medium force in Lankai City!

A senior God-given warrior can fully support a large force in Lankai City, such as the Black Panther Mercenary Corps and the flow of white fear.

As for the monarch-level God-given warriors, even if they are in the super powers, they can be regarded as the existence of the pillar-level column. of.

The leopard was dumbfounded, and his eyes were surprised, and they all fell off.

The head of the leopard is not a fool, a little association.

By the way, the death of the desert monitor lizard was very strange.

At this time, the leopard head suddenly realized.

"Where is the natural death? Nor is it someone else who shot and killed? It turned out to be this adult, who shot it alone! I have countless people in my leopard's life, but actually, a powerful monarch, beside me I do n’t know yet. I have contempt for adults many times! "

Thinking of this, the leopard's head is cold sweat-chao-chao, where there is still a bit of prestige!

Adela, also blinking, looked at the leopard first-class man, and was also full of fear.

"Leopard head, how could it be related to a strong monarch?"

Adela smiled bitterly.

As for Min Min, he was even scared!

Numerous feelings of regret, jealousy, fear, and sorrow emerged in my heart.

"He, he, I still joke him, it's a waste!"

"Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a free monarch strong!"

"A monarch strong man who can form super powers!"

Minmin collapsed to the ground all of a sudden.

Feng Zhan and Photon are looking upset.

"I knew, Brother Tiantu, it was extraordinary! The nickname is: Tiantu, can Yanbe ordinary?"

"However, the Brothers of Heavenly Turtles are too concealed, and they are so humble and easy-going. Ordinary people, cultivated as junior god-given warriors, are arrogant. But Heavenly Turtles are otherwise.

"I am a good man, monarch-level strongman! Take advantage of emptiness, monarch-level strongman who moves mountains and fills the sea!"

Feng Zhan and Photon sighed in their hearts, at the same time, full of respect for Nantian!

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