Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 893: : Killing General

"Master Tiantu, before, I was deceived and hurt you. Please punish you!"

Duan Ruthless, the first to crawl over, knocked his head, begging for mercy.

Lord William and Blood Slasher saw it and scolded: "Cunning!"

The two of them are not far behind.

Come over one after another, crying and begging for mercy.

If it is, the person outside sees these scenes and must be surprised to die.

After all, Duan Ruthless, they are people of extremely high status and strong force!

Mr. Piaozheng sighed: "I have followed the president all my life. This is the end of my life, and I don't want to flatter myself to survive anymore!"

After all, Mr. Piaozheng slapped himself against his head and committed suicide. .

As for Mr. Piaozheng who has devoted his life to caring for the young people in Chinese clothing and care, the young man in the presidential palace, silently, began to walk away alone.

Huafu youth, where this little action, can hide Nantian.

"Youlong body method!"

Nantian Guwu's true energy was running a little, and he immediately came to the front of the Chinese youth.

"Do you want to leave?"

Nantian coldly authentic.

"Tiantu, before, I was wrong. I should not humiliate you. I should not let Mr. Piaoran kill you. But, I am the young master of the presidential palace, and the president of Lankai City is my father. Look at the Buddha's face. Please also be able to ... "

The words of the Chinese youth have not been finished.

Nan Tian has already swung a sword.


The head of the Chinese youth was cut off.

"All other people are killed!"

Nan Tian put away the meteor sword, directed at General Qingshan and General Yingying, and commanded.

Nan Tian is not a kind-hearted person, these people, thinking about it, want to kill him.

If it is not, there is a mistake and a collision, and there is General Qingshan and General Yingshang to protect.

Today, it is he who is here.

In the world of martial arts, power is the highest, and human life is as weak as grass and mustard.

Duan Ruthless, Grandpa William, Blood Slash and others shouted, "Tiantu, you must not die!"

"We are the mainstay of our respective major forces. Behind each of our forces, there are emperor-level strongmen sitting in town."

"You killed us, you will be finished ..."

These people, noisy, did not last long.

General Qingshan and General Yingying killed quickly, and soon they were all killed.

As for the deputy fortress of Chiju Fort, he also ended up with two corpses.

Originally, he thought that following the thunder cloud emperor, he would be able to gain a little benefit.

I never thought that I even caught my own life.


At the same time, in the core secret rooms of the major forces in Lankai City.

There are several tokens of life, broken!

Inside the big president's secret room, the big president's anger is abnormal!

"My son, Mr. Piaorong, dead? Dead in the pyramid?"

In the secret room of the East Factory, the factory supervisor Chen Haoran, with extremely cold eyes, spit out a sentence coldly: "Relentless, dead? Did the Thunder Cloud Emperor do?"

The William family, the Storm Cavalry, and the Pond Fortress all coincided with a few growls.


"Check this matter thoroughly!"

"Be sure to find out what happened! Get the murderer out!"

For a time, the whole Lankai City, the wind-Qiyun-Yong-rose!


Nantian naturally did not know these things.

After meeting with General Yingying.

Now, he is still close to the generals killed by the rain and the generals killed by the Ming.

In this way, four keys can be collected!

"Go to the rain to kill the general!"

Nantian Road.


General Qingshan and General Yingying were ordered to respectfully.

The two of them led the way in front of their heads.

The rain kills the general, and the place he guards is the underground water reservoir in the pyramid.

There are plenty of water attributes, which are extremely suitable for the practice of rain killing generals.

The distance between the underground water reservoir and this hub hall is also very close.

Not long after, Nantian came to the underground water reservoir.

General Qingshan and General Yingying use special methods to call General Rain to kill General.

Soon, a blue mummy came out of the reservoir.

General Qingshan and General Yingying said things to General Raining.

After the rain-killing general listened, he nodded.

"Subordinate, rain kill, see you, young master!"

The rain kills the general and takes an oath!

Nantian also used the Valkyrie system to scan the rain to kill the general:

Objective: Rain-killing general (Imperial God-given warrior)

Physical fitness: 15.9 standard stars

Mental Power: 15.9 Standard Star Value

Vitality: 15.9 standard stars

Strength: 15.9 standard stars

Agility: 15.9 standard stars

Comprehensive combat power: 15.9 standard stars

Special Secret Skill: Bloody Rain Kill

The general combat power of Rain Killing General is exactly the same as Castle Peak and Shadow Killing General. The only difference is that the special secret technique is: Blood Rain Killing!

Nantian knows that this is definitely an extraordinary secret technique.

"Okay, now, it's almost time to kill the general! You will take me to see the general to kill the general!"

Nan Tian ordered.

Aoyama said that the strength of killing a general is the most powerful.

Although it was sealed by the gods of the heavens, but now, the general kills the general, still has the ancient emperor-level cultivation practice.


Three generals lead the way ahead.

What the killing general guarded was the central-central hall inside the pyramid.

The central-central hall is still far away from the groundwater reservoir.

Moreover, inside the pyramid, many divine laws remained.

Impossible, fast.

Nantian, after spending about half an hour, finally came to the central hall.

Qingshan, they are preparing to call out to kill the general.

Never thought that a golden mummy fell from the sky.

"Fight kill!"

General Qingshan called out.

"Qingshan, shadow killing, rain killing! The three of you, don't go to guard your respective posts, come here, what are you doing?

Asked to kill the general.

Respect for strength, kill the general, and cultivate as the most arrogant.

Indistinctly, among the four generals, the general killed him as the venerable.

"Is such that........."

General Qingshan explained the matter to General Mingming.

Nantian also used this slot to use the Wushen system to kill the general and scan it:

Objective: To kill the general (Ancient Emperor God-given Warrior)

Stamina: 16 standard stars

Mental Power: 16 standard stars

Vitality: 16 standard stars

Strength: 16 standard stars

Agility: 16 standard stars

Comprehensive combat power: 16 standard stars

Special Secret Skill: Great Light Kill

"16 standard stars! Sure enough, it is invincible. The ancient emperor class is one level higher than the ordinary emperor strong ~ ~. It is like, between the advanced god-given warrior and the junior strong The gap is average! "

Nan Tian secretly said.

However, this is fine.

The men who can conquer, the more powerful they are, the more beneficial to Nantian.


"He is the young master?"

"Qingshan, can you be sure?"

After killing the general, the momentum sank.

"We have confirmed it!"

General Qingshan was solemn and authentic.

"But, I don't believe it! I want to test it!"

To kill the general, just say, from the sleeve, throw out dozens of death lotus, and hit Nantian!

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