Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 908: : 0 Prince Ye is coming

"Unfortunately, many things are not something we can decide!"

"The human race and the dark race are incompatible, and with our current strength, it is obviously unrealistic to want to control the two major forces."

Nan Tian sighed.

Luan Luan blinked, hesitant to stop.

"Let's go, I'm going back to the team, will be the main star headquarters of the dry army of the Galactic Army. Director Wei Chiyi, as well as the old turtle, should be in a hurry."

Nan Tian said.

"Back to the headquarters of the Galactic Army's Dry Mountain Main Star?"

"Where are you the strongest, what are you doing?"

Luan Luan asked suddenly.

"The strongest one is our director, Wei Chiyi, whose strength is around the eighth-ninth-level mech warrior."

Nan Tian thought a little, and replied.

"Oh, you little baby, ask Wei Chiyi what he is doing, what?"

Nan Tian couldn't help but wonder.

"You don't care so much, okay." Luan Luan rolled her eyes playfully toward Nantian.

Nantian smiled and did not ask.

Although, there are many strange magic weapons in Luan Luan's hands, it seems that Luan Luan's background is very extraordinary.

But, after all, she is too young.

The headquarters of the Galactic Army's main star in the dry mountain, Nantian was afraid, and his relationship with Wei Chiyi was very good.

Luan Luan whispered in his heart: "Oh, the Mecha Warrior, which is only about eight-nine ranks, is very weak. I don't have to worry about anything."

If the director of Wei Chiyi is here, he will be shocked to vomit blood.

He lived a lot of years, but in the eyes of a little girl, but Er, it seemed as light as a feather.


The dark race suddenly changed a lot.

Above the sky, the space began to twist extremely, and finally, a huge vortex was torn apart.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and finally becomes a stable space channel.

Akart waited for the Dark Lord to change his look.

"It is the emperor who sent the people!"

"I feel it, a dark breath!"

"Damn, the emperor sent an envoy. Why didn't we inform us in advance?"

Baibu County King and others were ashamed.

The emperor of the dark race is also an overbearing lord, and he is in charge of killing, just like a thunder.

These dark county kings seem to have a high status, but in the eyes of the emperor, they are not even farts.

In the years when the emperor ruled the dark race, there were more than one hundred prince-level strongmen killed under his hands.


From inside the space tunnel, suddenly, a burly middle-aged man wearing a mask and wearing black immersion gold armor.

This middle-aged man wears two long swords around his waist.

There was bright red blood on the tip of the long sword.

I don't know who left this blood.

The killing, the cold killing spirit, made people around a million miles away cold in the neck.

This is also the result of middle-aged men converging their own breath.

Otherwise, a main star of the withered mountain is not enough for him to hack it!

"Extremely strong!"

Baibu County King and others, could not help shaking.

In front of this long-sword man, they were like grass and mustard.

Baibu County King knows if they move a little bit.

This long-sword man will kill them all with one sword.

Only Akat was very excited.

It seems that he knew this man with a long sword!

"Prince Chiba!"

Akart was respectful and authentic.

Prince Chiba!

Four words, Prince Chiba.

It is heavier than Mount Tai and weighs on the people of many dark races.

Baibu Junwang and others even took a breath.

"Prince Chiba, the guard of the palace?"

Life is arrogant and unruly, defeating invincible hands of the same age!

Prince Chiba is more powerful than Akart, the so-called "strongest half-holy".

Just as Prince Chiba once commented, even if he and Akart are at the same level of strength, he can play a hundred Akart.


Prince Chiba just nodded slightly.

Immediately, Prince Chiba looked cold, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Akat, Baibu, your waste!"

"Princess Nine, who has stayed in the Terran area for several months. You haven't found the princess, what should I do?"

Prince Chiba, awe-inspiring.

Akart, they all mourn a face.

Although they expected, the emperor would send people over.

However, it was not expected that the emperor would send people so quickly, and it was Prince Chiba who was dispatched!

Prince Chiba is among the top ten princes in the dark race.

Prince Chiba is qualified to speak with the deputy patriarch of Tianyin Pavilion, the deputy patriarch of the Tang family, and the deputy patriarch of Heifensha Valley.

The sky is vast, and Prince Chiba is already a star that will never dim.

With this, Prince Chiba came to the moment of the main star of the dry mountain.

Some hidden strongmen over the human race also opened their eyes.

Some hidden powers are preparing to go to the main star of Dry Mountain.

"The dark race is so despicable. The little dry mountain battle actually sent Prince Chiba, this level of existence!"

"He shouldn't think my human race is empty!"

Some strong human races are extremely angry.

"All back!"

A mysterious voice was heard from the Supreme Army Committee within the Galaxy Army.

"Prince Chiba, will not go beyond the rules. This time, upon the star of the dry mountain, the Dark Emperor has already sent a message. After finishing things, he will immediately return to the Dark Dynasty!"

"Don't act arbitrarily, destroy the overall situation. Once the dark race and the human race are created, the real war will be a sinner forever!"

The mysterious voice explained.

"We should only follow orders!"

"All listen to Shangfeng's order!"

The hidden human powerhouses are all hidden.

However, these belong to the highest level of human race.

Yu Chiyi, the director, has not yet qualified to contact.

This can hurt, the entire human race of the main star of the dry mountain is all frightened.

They also felt the boundless vastness of darkness.

"Dark race, there is a big move over there!"

"Go up, ask for support!"

"Request support from the Supreme Military Commission!"

Yu Chiyi looked dignified ~ ~ he hurriedly told his men.

One after another, a distress signal was sent out.

Nantian, who was rushing to Jiayuguan, was also shocked by the sudden sky of darkness.

The four generals who accompanied the left and right were all as heavy as water.

Rao Shiming killed the general and whispered: "Even if my strength has not been punished by the gods, and it has returned to its peak, it is no more than that. On this planet, there are real peerless powers!"

Nan Tian frowned: "Is the war worsened to this point? Will the strong men of this level be sent out?"

Only, Luan Luan did not panic.

"This breath, so familiar, is from Uncle Chiba. Uncle Chiba, he has come to the main star of the dry mountain? Alas ..."

Luan Luan thought, sighing involuntarily.

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