Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 919: : Nantian, he is my man

"Awesome Valley, Awesome Valley! What the **** is this!"

Nan Tian's forehead was slightly cold.

Anyone, seeing so many, their own heads, growing on the Guqin, will be cold and terrified in their hearts.

"The Thousand Swords of My Kendo are unified!"

Nantian holds a meteor sword, the stars are dazzling, thousands of sword qi, spray-thin out.

Every sword qi,-mad-surge-with.


In the face of absolute power, Jian Qi was shocked!

A sword gas burst a head.


The burst of the head is very scary.

In particular, when you use your own sword spirit to explode the "heads" of exactly the same appearance, your heart shock is even more irreversible!



Nantian couldn't care about anything else. Thousands of sword spirits poured down without reservation.

Finally, all those weird heads were exploded.

After doing all this, Rao is very strong in Nantian's mentality, and he can't help feeling sick.


Nan Tian looked pale and spit out.

After those weird heads were exploded.

Those sonic attacks on the Guqin also stopped.

However, the scene in front of Nantian changed suddenly.

At this moment, what appeared to Nantian was an old man dressed in white.

The old man was fishing on Bixi, and a pair of guqin was placed next to the old man.

This guqin looks simpler and more quaint, with long years of vicissitudes on it, and it is not an ordinary product at first glance.

The old man seemed to have sensed Nantian's arrival and looked back at Nantian with a smile.

"Curit ............."

The old man plucked the strings with his fingers, and suddenly the piano sounds curled.

The living water on Bixi and the pool of fish and shrimp also jumped up.

At this moment, it seems as if time and space have solidified with the sound of the piano.

In the voice of the old man, Nantian seems to see the evolution of the universe ’s big explosion, volcanic eruptions, eruptions, mountains and rivers, human history, planetary movement, and vibrant biological figures ...

"The piano moves everything, one piano comes out, and the world changes, this is the realm of the piano to the gods!"

Suddenly, Nan Tian thought of something and was shocked!


Time is like a white horse!

On the other side, three days passed quickly.

This is already the last date stipulated by Crossbow Incinerator.

However, neither Elder Qiubai nor Special Envoy found Nantian.

Special Envoy, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Damn! Where did that dog-sun-son Nantian go?"

The Special Envoy scolded.

"Have you all sent a message to Nantian? This little boy, logically, should have received the message!"

Special Envoy, shouting again and again.

"Returning to the Special Envoy, we have all sent a lot of news. But Nantian did not reply. And, strangely, we tried GPS positioning through the military communication device to find the search, and there was no shadow of Nantian!"

Someone explained.

"Damn it!"

"When you find him, be sure to stretch his muscles and peel him!"

Special Envoy, gritted his teeth.

"Elder Qiubai, can't you find it there?"

The Special Envoy asked Elder Qiubai again.

Elder Qiubai sighed: "Yeah, I have mobilized the power I can, and there are many notices near the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion. Moreover, there are thousands of disciples searching everywhere. As long as some special forbidden areas in our cabinet have been basically searched out. However, there is still no whereabouts! "

Special Envoy listened, and suddenly, he fell to the ground.

"Alas, we are out of luck! We can't find Nantian, and next, we must bear it, the anger and punishment of the crossbow burning son!"

Special Envoy, said timidly.

Elder Qiubai couldn't help but frown: "Envoy Shi, what are you afraid of! You are the special envoy in the Galaxy Army's Zongmen mission, which is also a high weight. If he does too much, he also has The Galaxy Army! "

"I hope ......." Special Envoy, cowardly.

On this day, something big happened.

Headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion, the core peak-Fairy Peak, the contemporary Tianyin maiden-Li Leyin, driving Baiyun, wearing a white and holy long dress, a gorgeous ribbon on his shoulders, drifting down the mountain.

Tianyin headquarters shakes!

Some young and powerful people who have come here attracted the crowds and wanted to witness the fairy style.

The sunset sword demon of the Longmen sword faction, the Tang Tang young master of the Tang Dynasty, and even the crossbow burning son who was originally going to find the trouble of the Zongmen mission came over.

Li Leyin's expression was cold and his eyes were lonely.

"Nantian, I'm down the mountain. I'm going to Hailanxing to find you!"

Li Leyin murmured.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew past.

A notice was blown over.

Li Leyin made a move.

Get started!

Immediately, the announcement of the photo above shocked Li Leyin.

Isn't the person in the photo the Li Leyin who has been enchanted by the sky and the sky?

"Nantian! Nantian, it's you, really you!"

Li Leyin was ecstatic.

Li Leyin did not expect that Nantian came to Tianyin Pavilion!

However, the notice above made Li Leyin angry.

"Who sent this notice?"

Li Leyin asked coldly.

A few beautiful maids beside him replied respectfully: "Returning to the Holy Lady, this notice is issued by the elder Qiubai Intermediate, who ordered his life."

"Qiu Bai? A middle-level elder, how dare it! Tell her that she can not be a middle-level elder!"

Li Leyin can't hide his anger.

The crossbow burning son is also a direct party to this notice.

The crossbow burned the son, thinking it was Nantian, which angered Li Leyin.

The crossbow burns the son, pretending to be handsome and handsome, licking his hair, and adjusting his clothes.

Crossbow Burning Master took a step forward and said, "The saint, just like Shui-Furong, is really beautiful and beautiful, but don't let some deflated children get angry. The Nantian on the notice once hurt After one of my men, I went to the Galactic Army to be a man. "

"I gave the Galactic Army three days there. Presumably, they have already-caught-stopped-people. Today, I will kill the Nantian to make the Saints relieved!"

The crossbow burned the son, said elegantly.

"what did you say?"

Li Leyin was extremely angry.

The crossbow burns the son, unknown.

"Holy lady, why are you angry?"

The crossbow burned the son and smiled awkwardly.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm a crossbow burning son, and I'm a top ten young powerhouse in Heifensha Valley Neigu!"

The crossbow burned the son and smiled confidently.

"The crossbow burns the son? Deng-tu-lang-zi-shou!"

"Also, you dare to insult Nantian and to bully Nantian. It's abominable! Now, get out of me!"

After Li Leyin finished talking, he shot suddenly and raised his palm.

Nine days Gangfeng ~ ~ swept across.

The terrifying power of heaven and earth has made those young strong men's faces change greatly, and they can't help but be afraid!


Xiu Wei, who was already a fourth-grade mecha battle holy land crossbow incinerator, had no resistance at all and was beaten out.

"Today, Li Leyin went down the mountain, and it happened to explain to the world."

"Nantian, he is my man! Who dares to bully him is to fight against me Li Leyin!"

"The crossbow burns the son and insults my man. Today, I severely wounded him and expelled him from the Tianyin Pavilion! In the future, if someone else commits another crime, I will blame me for merciless shot!

Li Leyin, sounding authentically.

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