Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 935: : Super spree

"I am a trivial woman, such a talent, music never cares."

"Leyin, I just thought about it in my life, I would like to win one's heart, the white heads are not separated!"

Li Yueyin tapped again and said sincerely.

"Please respect the master!"

Li Yueyin pleaded.

The old woman said nothing.

"Is it really worth it for this soldier?"

The old lady shook her head and sighed.

"Master, today, if you insist on this, music, only ..."

Li Leyin smiled bitterly, with a miserable look on his face.

At the same time, Li Leyin took out his dagger and put it on his neck.

"No, music!"

Nan Tian shouted, very nervous.

The old woman frowned.


"Today, as a teacher, you can not kill them! However, if you want to leave the Tianyin Pavilion and elope with this soldier in the army, it will only make the world laugh and generous and make me shameless! It is never allowed! "

Old woman, said firmly.

Li Leyin also knew that today, his own master appeared.

It is impossible to run away with Nantian.

Now, the old lady is willing to step back and let Nantian survive.

"Master Xie!"

Li Yueyin is very grateful, knowing that his master still loves himself.

Nan Tian's eyes were scorching, and he looked at the old woman: "If I insist on taking the music away, what conditions do I need?"

The old lady laughed suddenly, glancing at Nantian with disdain.

"What a crazy boy!"

"My Tianyin Pavilion, standing endless years, the strong like a cloud, the talents under the door. There are several giants of the cosmic level. Don't think that you are now a sacred place of a few tastes, and you are content!

"Also, your identity as an envoy may be unattainable in front of others, but it's worthless in front of me. I'm killing you now. I still have nothing to do with farts!"

Old woman, said disdainfully.

Indeed, until the value of force reaches a certain level, many laws in the secular world have become a dead letter.

What's more, this old lady has an extraordinary status. She is the elder of the Tianyin Pavilion. With the Tianyin Pavilion as a backer and support, it is said that it is powerful, and all are humble.

"Doesn't my Galactic Army or even the Galactic Alliance official, no one, get into your eyes?"

Nantian said, not humble.

In the Milky Way galaxy, the most powerful, after all, is the Galactic Alliance.

Being an official in the Nantian Alliance means having confidence!

"It's not a small tone! However, it's nonsense to talk about it now! When will you become the chairman of the Supreme Army Committee of the Galaxy Army or the deputy speaker in the Supreme House, come talk to me again These ones!"

"Now, you are simply not qualified!"

Old lady, the tone was suddenly colder.


The old woman shot suddenly and slapped her towards Nantian.


Nan Tian and the four generals, all without any resistance, were sent out by the old lady.


When Nantian and them landed, they realized that they were no longer in the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion.

Rubbed and rubbed his body achingly.

Nan Tian and the others included the strongest killing general among the four generals.

"That old lady, so powerful! Tianyin Pavilion, as a major force of hidden repairs, is really unfathomable!"

Nan Tian secretly talked!

"Chairman of the Supreme Military Council, deputy speaker of the Supreme House or more!"

Nan Tian firmly remembers these two positions!

"I am willing to wait for me. I am now a member of the Supreme Military Commission. It will not take long before I can gradually control the entire Galaxy Army. By that time, I think who dares to block us!"

Nan Tian took the oath in silence.


On the other side, Li Leyin saw that Nan Tian was blown away by the old lady.

Li Leyin was very worried.

Li Leyin is going to find Nantian.

The old lady stopped Li Leyin.

The old lady said indifferently: "Tuer, I didn't give up!"

"This time, as a teacher, I promised everything. You have to listen to what the teacher says."

"You can't be together now! Because you are Saint Tianyin and bear the heavy responsibility of my prosperity!"

The old woman said slowly.

"As a teacher, it's a person who came, knowing that you are an old girl who is thinking. But if you don't work hard to martial arts, how will you stay with your loved one in the future?

"Your current practice is very good. However, if you want to go out and travel alone, on behalf of my Tianyin Pavilion-Act-Act, it's still almost!"

Old woman, the words are serious.

"When can I go out of the cabinet?"

Li Leyin asked excitedly.

"Yi Pin Sheng Jing!"

"Waiting for you, Yipin Shengjing, let you go down the mountain for the teacher!"

Old woman said.

It can be regarded as a way for Li Leyin.

"Okay, I must practice hard, and use the fastest speed to cultivate to a first-grade Holy Realm!"

Li Leyin, immediately agreed to come down.

Old woman, she smiled meaningfully.

She said: "My dementia, it's so easy to cultivate to the first grade holy realm. You are just entering the holy realm now and want to step into the first grade holy realm. , It wo n’t work in a few years. "

"Wait for me, Nantian!" Li Leyin thought firmly.


Ever since, Nan Tian and the four generals were beaten out by the old lady.

People such as Zuozi and other sectarian affairs missions were also expelled.

This is naturally the old lady's order.

Call them Nantian, how far they roll!

Nantian stopped at the Echo City and looked at the headquarters of Tianyin Pavilion, not far away, clenching his fists.

"Leyin, wait for me, I will let you marry the scenery! I want to let the army open the way, the holy man lifts the chair, and the gods welcome!"

Nantian's eyes are deep.

"Envoy, what shall we do next?"


Because the Taishang elders dabbled in, their mission on this trip was completely overwhelmed.

However, there is no blame for escalating things and reacting to them.

"Tomorrow, return to the headquarters of the Galaxy Army!"

Nantian ordered.

Before returning to the headquarters, Nantian will first go to the storage box of the system and open the super gift pack!

For ~ ~ this time the main mission was inexplicably completed.

Nantian is very strange and very puzzled.

After all, Nantian did not rescue Li Leyin, nor did he build Li Leyin into the master of Tianyin Pavilion!

What Nantian did not know is that since Nantian rescued Li Leyin from the Chamber of Secrets, several big men in the Tianyin Pavilion have already ordered that Li Leyin will be the next patriarch of the Tianying Pavilion!

Moreover, from now on, Li Leyin also has no foot prohibition order, as long as the cultivation base is reached, it is a free body and does not need to be hidden in the cabinet.

From these two aspects, the main line task is actually completed.

"Excuse the host, do you want to open the super gift pack?"

System prompt tone.

"turn on!"

Nantian was also a little excited, for a long time, did not open the spree!

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