Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 1002 Concern (2)

As long as it is confirmed that this is Li Lisi, the Li Lisi in her memory, even if it is just a video impression, for Sihuang, Li Lisi's image is full. ——Li Lisi is a mother, a selfless mother who loves her children deeply.

The infrasound waves emitted by Li Lisi these days also deepened Sihuang's impression of this aspect, because even if her infrasound waves did not have accurate words, they made her emotions more delicate, and made Sihuang truly feel her care.

As a mother, the guilt of not being with her child's growth for a long time, and she couldn't help paying attention to her child's tenderness, all made the image of the mother in Sihuang's mind more and more clear, which belonged exclusively to Li Lisi.

Although there was a gap of more than ten years between them, Sihuang was really happy to see Li Lisi again and feel the care from her.

For the first time, from reality, close, and truly feel the love from mother.

Not only in terms of language, but in order to let Li Lisi understand her meaning better, Sihuang also used infrasound waves to convey this feeling.

[…] Li Lisi's infrasound wave shook violently, as if his mood was too intense, and he couldn't control it well for a while, causing the infrasound wave to break up instead.

The whistle sounded again in the laboratory, and then Sihuang saw Li Lisi's body convulsed several times in the nutrition warehouse, and his brows seemed to become tense with discomfort.

This scene was also seen by Luo Susi who woke up. The man was no longer as lost as he was the first time, and his bloodshot eyes were staring at Li Lisi, still unable to hide his infinite hope.

Under the watchful eyes of two people and one mouse, Li Lisi's body in the nutrition warehouse suddenly stopped convulsing, and his eyes opened without warning, without giving anyone any time to prepare.

The eyes of Si Huang and Luo Suosi were surprised in an instant.

It's just that Luo Suosi's surprise persisted, and he even let out an uncontrollable sob from his throat. It was not a sad but an over-excited reaction.

On the contrary, the joy in Sihuang's eyes retreated after seeing Li Lisi's eyes clearly, and even frowned.

There is something wrong with Li Lisi, her eyes are too empty, not only without human emotions, but with the cruelty of a cold-blooded creature. If you look carefully, you can find that her pupils are constantly shrinking and expanding, not like normal people's eyes, more similar to The vertical pupils of beasts.

"What's going on?" Si Huang grabbed Luo Suosi's collar to stop Luo Suosi's next actions.

Luo Suosi struggled a few times but did not get away. He was about to scold Si Huang angrily, but when he turned his head, he gave Si Huang a warning cold look, which made his nerves tense instantly, and he replied compromisingly: "This is a normal reaction, Li Lisi It’s just that I slept for too long, and all kinds of life-extending medicines have a bit of painkilling and mental effect, and the temporary amnesia caused is within my expectations, but it’s okay. I’ll let her remember everything, I’ve already Save the memories for her."

After saying this, Luo Suosi found that Si Huang's eyes were colder, and he said more seriously: "Of course, including yours. I just hope you can understand how much harm Si Zhihan has brought to Lilith, so I You think it would be better for Lilith to forget him, and you also want your mother to live a happier life in the future, right?"

What does it mean to help her preserve her 'memory'?

This made Sihuang think of some extremely bad things, and couldn't stop the disgust in his heart.

It's just the current situation. Si Huang, who doesn't understand biological science, can't judge whether Luo Suosi's statement is right or wrong, but she understands that Li Lisi has no amnesia. Otherwise, how can she explain the infrasound communication with her before?

"No need..." Si Huang just opened his mouth, and there was a collision sound next to his ear.

She and Luo Suosi turned their heads together, and saw Li Lisi hitting the surface of the nutrition warehouse with his fish tail.

"Bang—" Again, direct and fierce.

Li Lisi's fish tail was not the kind of Sihuang's, the scales of that fish tail were ruptured with one slap, and blood flowed out from the gap.

"No!" Luo Suo thought to stop him, but was caught by Si Huang and couldn't move, so he had to shout to Si Huang: "Let go, if you continue to let her go on like this, she will be injured, you must immediately inject tranquilizers and anesthetics, and then perform memory transplantation." .”

This time Sihuang didn't answer, she looked straight at Li Lisi in the nutrition warehouse, and saw the woman inside opening and closing her mouth, revealing the sharper fangs in her mouth than normal people.

She's really not a normal human anymore.

Compared with Li Lisi's beastly eyes, her mouth opened and closed slowly, with small air bubbles constantly popping out of her mouth.

Si Huang looked at it for a few seconds, then his eyes froze, and he said to Luo Suosi, "Open it."

"What?" Luo Suo thought.

Si Huang: "Open this nutrition warehouse."

"Impossible!" Luo Suosi said angrily, "Impossible! Lilith's body can't bear it, you will kill her! You will... Ah!"

Sihuang directly threw Luo Suosi out, then picked up a metal stool, and smashed it hard at the nutrition warehouse.

Accompanied by Luo Suosi's scream, the nutrition warehouse shattered.

Sihuang reached out and hugged Li Lisi, preventing her from being hurt by the sharp edge of the glass. However, at the next moment, Sihuang stretched out a hand and clasped Li Lisi's jaw, avoiding the danger of being bitten by her neck.

"... Woohoo." The voice from Li Lisi's throat was like crying and the roar of a wild animal.

Luo Suosi rushed over, "Quick, let me remember her..."

A shard of glass flew past Luo Susi's cheek, interrupting his words.

Si Huang's eyes were colder and sharper than the thrown glass shards, "Don't move."

Luo Suosi understood her eyes, as long as he moved a little more and said a word, next time the glass would not scratch his face, but his neck or even his heart.

Si Huangcai turned his eyes back to Li Lisi in front of him, his eyes darkened.

Is this the result?

She opened her mouth, and her voice became hoarse at some point, "Why do you want to die?"

Li Lisi, who was restrained by him, did not respond, and Sihuang asked again with infrasound.

This time Li Lisi's body trembled, but his eyes gleaming with cruelty and cunning were filled with tears.

"...Haha...haha." It was hard to imagine that the voice that used to be called the hymn of elves could make such a hoarse, animal-like voice.

Si Huangruo lowered her head feeling a sense, and saw Li Lisi writing distorted blood words with her fingers on the ground.

Her fingers were stiff, and she was using a lot of force, which seemed uncontrollable. It took all her strength to control the handwriting.

【Do not trust anyone】

【Don't hurt him】


Si Huang raised her head and realized that Li Lisi's strength in struggling had been reduced a lot, she also relaxed the restraint on Li Lisi, and whispered: "You woke up just to tell me this?"

Li Lisi moved, slowly raised his hands, and stretched towards Sihuang.

Si Huang didn't move.

[Your Majesty...] Wubao's worried voice sounded in his mind.

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