Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 1134 Finale! (with words)

It was a risky move, both for those who went out to face the encirclement, and for those who remained in the underground base.

Some people guessed that the old comrades were talking nicely, but actually they still wanted to run away first, but judging from their appearance, they knew that they didn't know the existence of the live broadcast. On the back, old man, I still have some strength to support myself, just do your own thing, old man, I will protect you behind this."

What to protect? Seeing that his actions are not easy, it is obvious that he has no ability, so the only thing that can protect the opponent's back is his own body.

Is this also pretending?

It wasn't until Qin Fan and the others got out of the underground base and everyone saw the siege outside that they realized how dangerous they were facing.

Can this group of old people miss it? If they are afraid of death, they can stay in the underground base, and wait for the next rescue with that group of young special blood. Of course, such words will definitely arouse people's doubts. Why did Qin Fan and the others go down, but did not bring anyone up? Everyone thought that people might still be below, so the people below were really in danger.

So the old comrades were right, they were betting, but they had to.

When Sihuang noticed the sky, someone also noticed, and exclamations sounded everywhere. Fortunately, the explosion of the fighter jet with a large thermal weapon did not bring a blow to Sihuang and the others.

"Sihuang!" Suddenly, Qin Fan's roar sounded, and then the person carrying the camera also turned around, and people saw Sihuang standing up and running out.

From appearing to disappearing, to the casualties and exclamation in the encirclement, everything is like a dream.

Maybe it was really in a dream!

Is this a special bloodline?

Shuttle baptism in the flames of war and blood.

Everyone is different, they are so strong and fragile, every time they struggle back from the life and death line of death.

At this moment, everyone's heart is shocked, shocked by the clear and real sense of the huge picture, shocked by the life-and-death battle of the special blood, and also shocked by the spirit of this group of soldiers.

There are only a dozen of them in total, but they are facing thousands of enemies. The enemies still have terrifying guns in their hands. They want to break through in such a place!

At this moment, who can say that because they are soldiers, it is right to fight, so it is right to protect ordinary people? They are obviously so good, why should they be criticized? Their lives are also their lives! How many times have their lives been snatched back by the god of death?

Leaving others aside, Si Huang is a star they are familiar with, the star who has been watched by them since his debut at the age of sixteen and has grown to the age of twenty now!

They watched her mature and stable when she was a teenager, watched her grow from a supporting role to an international superstar, watched her grow up, watched her graduate, watched her fall in love and then get married.

This is the idol they love and the hero they love!

Now this twenty-year-old... girl! In the eyes of many people, twenty years old is still a child's age, and how many people are still in school at twenty years old, and they are still indulgent by relying on their youth and publicity.

But she has already gone to the battlefield, but she is struggling with life and death, she is killing people! She is saving lives!

Countless people watched the live broadcast in a daze, their hearts were already clenched, they forgot what they were doing, and could only stare directly at the TV, computer, mobile phone, or projection in front of them.

"Don't have an accident!" "Be sure to be safe!" "Come on, you will be able to do it!" "Whoa, don't die, don't die, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Thinking in my heart, countless prayers came out of what I was saying, knowing that Sihuang and others in the live broadcast could not hear it, but if I didn't say something, if I didn't vent my depressed emotions, it would make me feel sad. If you suffocate yourself, you will drive yourself crazy.

Not only are they worried, but more people are also worried, and some people with a discerning eye can see that Si Huang and the others are taking too much risk this time, relying entirely on their own ability to fight.

At the same time, they also understood that Sihuang and the others did not fight foolishly with enthusiasm, and simply wanted to rescue the old comrades of the country, they were covering up.

Originally, they were enough to attract attention, but with this live broadcast, more people's attention was on them, thus ignoring other aspects.

Why is it that Si Huang and the others are the only ones in this rescue? Is it because of arrogance or because he was really ambushed?

The people from country R who came to encircle it seemed to be the latter, but the people who participated in this annihilation plan understood that it was because the personnel were sent out to do other tasks.

There are many god-making strongholds, entrenched in various places like tree roots, and there are also hidden personnel.

The main force of this operation is country Z, because country Z was originally the country that the gods first targeted, and Sihuang and the others believed in their own people more.

When most people are attracted by Sihuang and his rescue and siege incident, people are dying every minute and every second in other places. Some of these dead people are well-known people, and some are inconspicuous little people in the crowd. .

The small strongholds of God-making were attacked one by one, catching them off guard and not even having a chance to escape. ——After several months of planning and action, they have long been secretly lurking in every place, absolutely not allowing any fish that slipped through the net to escape.

In half a day, the big tree of the God-making Organization seemed to be gnawed away by swarms of insects and ants, leaving only the trunk to support it alone.

The power of people with special bloodlines from various countries to gather together and act together is terrifying, so when Xia Qitong found out, it was too late to prevent those strongholds from being destroyed, and those who were arrested were arrested and those who were killed were killed.

It's not that Xia Qitong can't fight back, it's just that his counterattack can't save those strongholds and the people who have been dealt with, all he can do is deal with those who made the move one by one.

However, Xia Qitong didn't do anything to those people who wiped out the god-making branch with a single blow, he laughed.

Cheng Hong saw Xia Qitong smiling with his own eyes, even though there was no emotion in his eyes, the corners of his mouth actually curled up.

Cheng Hong didn't understand what his smile meant, and he was shocked at the same time. How did this group of dispatched people get such detailed information about the god-making organization? He thinks that Sihuang and the others can't fight God-making because there are many branches of God-making. As long as Sihuang and the others can't find the branch of God-making and the hidden people, then God-making will always leave seeds, let alone Xia Qitong.

Did fourth master take the initiative to reveal it? Cheng Hong thought this way, then looked at Xia Qitong again, and the idea was dismissed.

The God of Creation will not leak this kind of information, and Fourth Master is already assimilating with the God of Creation, so he will not have such an idea.

What's more, Fourth Master is proud. If he makes such a concession to an opponent, then that person will never be recognized as an opponent by Fourth Master. If he is not recognized as an opponent, Fourth Master must not care about his actions, so he will be obliterated early on.

Cheng Hong suddenly remembered what Si Huang said when he was talking with Si Huang, which made him understand what he didn't understand.

——Xia Qitong used Yangmou, and I also used Yangmou. ——

Cheng Hong woke up suddenly, this was planned by Si Huang long ago! This is the result she has been waiting for!

Regardless of where Sihuang got the detailed information, it's her ability to know it.

"Fourth Master, will she come?" Cheng Hong asked Xia Qitong.

Others couldn't see Si Huang's figure in the live broadcast, but they could see it in the screen intercepted by Xia Qitong, but it was not a clear figure, as if it was formed by biological electric current.

Cheng Hong also relied on Xia Qitong's ability to see this.

He felt that with Sihuang, Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu's abilities, they could be called the single kings of the single kings. It was not too difficult to break through alone, but they wanted to protect others to go out together, which made it more difficult. It's not as simple as doubling or doubling.

When Cheng Hong asked that question, he hadn't thought about Xia Qitong's answer, but Xia Qitong's voice sounded, "Only she can come."

Cheng Hong was taken aback for a moment, then thought of the location of this place, and silently agreed with Xia Qitong's words.

Time passed slowly, and this battle, which was supposed to be without suspense, was unexpectedly turned around by Si Huang and others, allowing them to slowly break through a hole.

Cheng Hong's eyes lit up, he was amazed that Si Huang and the others were really good, and his mood was very complicated, he didn't know whether to be happy or regretful.

Almost at the moment they saw hope, the eyes of the people of country Z also lit up.

Si Huang and others who were breaking through at this time were also in a slightly relaxed mood.

Qin Fan had already rushed to Sihuang's surroundings, and the two of them were the main force to break through. Even if they couldn't see Sihuang's figure clearly, he knew that Sihuang was here with an indescribable feeling.

With hope in sight, Si Huang rushed to Qin Fan's side.

Even for her, such a high-intensity and long-term battle is a bit unbearable. It's not that she was not injured, but when she was injured, she recovered with the help of Little Pink.

Her recovery was not as fast as Xu Zixiu's perverted speed, but it was enough to make many people envious and jealous.

Not only because he didn't want to be injured and affect his combat ability, but also because it made Qin Fan feel worried.

When Sihuang was about to get close to Qin Fan, an indescribable and inexplicably familiar electric current rushed through her whole body, like static electricity or bioelectricity, she was disturbed by some influence for a moment, and the magnetic field was temporarily out of control.

Si Huang's face changed in vain, and his body was exposed like this.

"...Xia Qitong." She murmured, her face turned pale.

The illusion was broken suddenly, which wasn't enough to make Sihuang panic. The reason for her color change was the sudden feeling of falling from her stomach.

After so long, she felt the pain of conception for the first time. The pain was mild at first, but Sihuang just had a sense of instant vision that something big was going to happen, and then the reality really overwhelmed her sense of instant vision. It worked.

Qin Fan locked on Si Huang's figure immediately when she appeared, and saw Si Huang covering her stomach with one hand in a blink of an eye, and did not miss her pale face.

At that moment, Qin Fan couldn't think of anything, his only thought was to rush to her side.

He did, and did.

The bullet hit Qin Fan's body at close range, causing his body to shake, but his hands were already holding Si Huang in his arms.

He didn't stop at all, and tried to break out with one hand, but the response was not good. After all, Sihuang's figure is not small, and it is impossible to break out of this kind of place while completely protecting her.

Si Huang also noticed this, and said to Qin Fan with the pain, "Put me down, I can walk by myself." Seeing that Qin Fan hadn't moved, Si Huang turned her head and saw bloodshot eyes in Qin Fan's eyes.

She was startled, then gritted her teeth and slapped Qin Fan on the face, "Calm down, then we can finish two... three of us!"

This slap woke Qin Fan up, and he put Si Huang down, "You go out first!"

There was no room for negotiation in this sentence, and Si Huang was not given any rebuttal, and the eyes staring at her were terrifyingly fierce.

Before Si Huang had time to respond, Qin Fan then heard Qin Fan say: "I'll protect you." If Si Huang didn't agree, he meant to hug him out even if he forced him again.

Seeing Qin Fan suppressing his emotions, his eyes full of anger covering his deep worry, Si Huang was momentarily stunned.

She has never asked Qin Fan for a clear answer, that is, if her personal safety is more important than the national mission, which one is more important, and which one will he prefer? Because this question would embarrass Qin Fan, and it would be naive to ask for an answer without something that actually happened, so Si Huang never really asked, but only told Qin Fan that in her heart, personal affection is more important than righteousness. important.

However, when righteousness was in front of her eyes, when Qin Fan really wanted to face it, she also favored him and was willing to face it with him.

At this moment, Qin Fan's performance gave Sihuang the answer.

What was printed in those eyes was her figure, so strong that people couldn't ignore it, he put her first, and tried to send her out first when rescuing old comrades, even if this violated A leading responsibility.

It turned out that when she was changing for him, Qin Fan also changed for her silently.

The pain from the stomach became more and more obvious, and the lower body also felt wet, so Sihuang had to agree with Qin Fan's words, she was not confident enough to take their luck with their children.

Xu Zixiu and the others had discovered the situation between the two of them a long time ago. Since they broke through from the same direction, the distance between them was not too far away. Everyone felt the seriousness of the situation and did not dare to have any reservations.

"Si Si, what's the matter with you?" Xu Zixiu was more self-willed than Qin Fan, completely ignoring the situation of the people behind, and came towards the two of them.

Fortunately, the main pressure is on their side, so the situation of the rear personnel is okay.

"Your stomach hurts? What's the smell?" Xu Zixiu twitched his stomach, and his eyes suddenly fell on Si Huang's belly, which was not covered by illusion. "Why is your stomach so big?"

Faced with these questions, Si Huang didn't answer. He wanted to use little pink to relieve the pain, but found that it didn't work.

In the end, it was the five treasures that reminded Si Huang to use golden glitter to slow down her strength, and the illusion also enveloped herself again, and her figure disappeared.

Qin Fan felt that Sihuang was nearby, so he said to Xu Zixiu, "Cover Sihuang and go out first."

This was the first time that Qin Fan spoke to Xu Zixiu in a pleading tone, and it was rare that Xu Zixiu did not choke with Qin Fan for the first time, his eyes were meaningful and understanding.

Their reactions seemed calm and calm, but the crowd watching the live broadcast were stunned by the sudden situation.

"What's the matter with His Majesty's belly? Why is it so big?"

"No way? If... If it's pregnancy, it's at least five or six months from that angle, that is to say, it was already there when His Majesty went out to fight!"

"No! No, it's impossible! You must have read it wrong..."

"Looking at General Qin's reaction, His Majesty is real... and His Majesty and the general must have known about it a long time ago, but they clearly knew why they went to such a dangerous place. How is Your Majesty now?!"

Originally thinking that Si Huang took the initiative to join the army was shocking enough, but now that Si Huang might be pregnant, everyone lost their voices collectively.

Not to mention true fans, even sunspots, in the face of this situation, as long as they are not born with black hearts and three views perverts, they can't say another bad word.

Countless women couldn't control their tears, and couldn't imagine what Si Huang would do next. Judging by Qin Fan's reaction, it was clear that His Majesty's situation was not good! Even if the situation is okay, in this environment, any accident will happen!

What is His Majesty thinking? Why are you still going after this? ?

Doesn't His Majesty care about his children? Impossible, no one would not care about their children, let alone someone as gentle as His Majesty!

Countless thoughts emerged in everyone's minds, and then aroused the same entangled mood as Grandma Yu who once prevented Sihuang from going out, pride, pride, heartache, guilt, and so on, which are indescribable.

On Fenghuang Entertainment's side, Yuxi and the others have now realized that this live broadcast was not recorded by Sihuang's instruction at all, otherwise Sihuang would not be able to look like this.

However, it was too late to find out now, and it was even more impossible to turn it off. They were all stupid, and they never thought that Sihuang would hide the pregnancy so deeply.

The most important thing is that they have the same confusion and discomfort as everyone else. Why do they have to go out to face the hail of bullets in person at this moment?

Responsibility? He obviously spoke so harshly in the statement, and did things so absolutely, but he set an example and said he was selfish? When you really should be selfish, why don't you know how to be selfish? !

"Maybe it's not that I don't want to be selfish, but it's just that the matter has really reached the point where His Majesty has to come forward. His Majesty is very powerful, and because of this power, he can save many people. His Majesty is obviously making many things easier and the success rate is also higher. It's too high." A person expressed his views and remarks on the Internet.

Everyone was silent after seeing it.

This is what His Majesty said, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Unfortunately, at that time, they actually followed others' words and regarded the special bloodline as a different kind, rejecting and insulting them.

The enemy on the plain will not show any mercy when they see Sihuang and the others appearing in a state, and will only take advantage of the pursuit.

Qin Fan was worried about Sihuang's situation, so he became crazy and ignored it, and the scene became even more tragic for a while.

If it is said that Qin Fan's injuries are not obvious, then you can tell by looking at Xu Zixiu, the scene of the flesh and blood exploding and healing, people feel pain just looking at it, and after the pain is numbness, numbness of the mind and spirit, isn't it? There is no feeling, but the feeling is too deep, and it can no longer withstand the touch, and it may collapse with a slight touch.

Si Huang had no choice but to ignore other people. She knew that she would not be able to hold on for long, and if she stayed to help others break through, it might become everyone's trouble in the end, so the best choice is to take care of herself first.

She was also reluctant to have an accident with the child in her stomach.

When a choice must be made, no matter how painful the choice is, it must be chosen immediately, otherwise procrastination will only make the result more miserable.

Si Huang glanced at Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu, and then turned to look at his teammates behind him. His body changed more and more, but no one saw it under the cover of illusion.

In front is a defensive circle like an alloy. It seems that someone is blocking the back. A ruthless look flashed in Si Huang's eyes, and he jumped up when he heard the beeping of the siren, and then the people behind raised their guns and fired. .

She had no choice but to turn around in the air and land again, and then kicked hard at the defense blocking her way with all her strength.


This kick did not succeed in kicking the alloy defense away, but instead exposed her position, and there was a feeling of numbness in her legs-this thing similar to the alloy defense is intended to target special blood, or it is rich in electric current attacks and rebound effects!

Si Huang didn't stop, and Qin Fan was helping her defend from the side and rear. It's not impossible to wait for Qin Fan to break through here, but if he can't go all out, it will make breaking through more troublesome, and the other teammates behind him will be more dangerous.

Si Huang took a deep breath, touched her stomach with one hand, and said secretly in her heart: Hold on, you have held on for so long, you must hold on!

Her lower body had already turned into a fishtail, and her scales were finely detailed under the setting sun, reflecting a dazzling hazy halo, and her combat uniform was forcibly torn.

Si Huang used all his strength again, and swung his tail on the alloy. The scales isolated most of the current paralysis, and the rebound force was not without, which made Si Huang tremble again, but held back.

"Go!" Seeing that he had successfully broken through the final defense, Si Huang yelled, but just as he was about to move, his whole body tilted and almost fell to the ground.

An arm snatched her into his arms in time, Si Huang looked up and saw the bloodshot eyes, the pain and anxiety in those eyes almost drowned.

Si Huang really wanted to comfort Qin Fan, but it was not a good time, and he didn't even give him a smile. Instead, his face was cold, and his eyes were full of tenacity, which was so bright that it almost hurt Qin Fan's pupils.

"Rush out!" Qin Fan's hoarse voice sounded, and with a twist of his hand, he hugged Sihuang into his arms, no longer caring whether such a movement would make Sihuang uncomfortable, the key is to completely protect her from injury.

With the other hand, he picked up the alloy plate knocked down by Si Huang, blocked it in front of him, and then rushed out like a humanoid tank.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zixiu imitated him, but he blocked the other side.

With his ability, he didn't need to use alloy plates to protect himself at all. He had suffered countless injuries, but he still did so. Rather than protecting himself, it was better to say he was protecting other people behind him.

A group of people rushed out from the breach like this, galloping all the way on the plain.

Breaking through the encirclement does not mean that the crisis is over. On this plain with no place to hide, they are always the target of being chased.

The old comrade on Yangzi's back suddenly shouted: "There are still people there, we can't just run away like this!"

That's right, are there any special bloodlines that have been rescued in the underground base? If they just escaped from the enemy's sight, no one knows whether they will check there again? Even before they came out, they hid the rest and left Guo Chengxiong there. But if the enemy concentrates on searching, or intends to destroy it directly, the remaining people will be in danger.

Those young people are all soldiers of the country, and they are all the next generation of the country in their prime of life!

These old comrades chose to come out as bait, isn't it just to take a gamble and rescue the group of young soldiers.

They are soldiers, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, they cannot abandon their teammates or their compatriots!

Qin Fan's palms were clenched violently, blue veins could already be seen, and the veins on his forehead also protruded.

"Head, let's run separately!" Yangzi shouted, "I have good stamina, I can lure them for a while."

He said it easily, but after this breakout, no one knew that the people from Country R this time clearly wanted to catch them all, and they were not simple things.

Now they can only escape.

"Divide the way," Qin Fan said hoarsely, suppressing some emotions that were about to explode, "Yangzi, you take Sihuang, and run as fast as you can! Find a hiding place and hide! The others follow me .”

After Qin Fan said this, he was about to change people with Yangzi. He looked at those old comrades, and there were too many emotions brewing in his dark eyes, which made it difficult for people to understand.

These old comrades have lived for so long, how can they not understand the meaning behind his words, but none of them expressed dissatisfaction, or the old comrade who just spoke suddenly said: "Little General Qin, we are the ones who are sorry for you. I owe you!" His eyes were gentle, full of strength, and his tone was solemn, "You are a good soldier, you did the right thing, no one will blame you."

They are all the targets that country R sent troops to kill this time. Whether it is Sihuang or Qin Fan, they are equally important. If Qin Fan and Sihuang are together, the enemy must focus on the two of them.

Now that Qin Fan handed over Sihuang to Yang Zi, he and others went to lead the old comrades, which was tantamount to using himself and the old comrades as bait to lure the enemy's pursuit.

Even if they have the ability to get rid of the pursuit in a short time, they have to pretend that there is no way to keep seducing the enemy to ensure the safety of those who are still in the underground base.

The risk factor of this task is very high, and he is risking his own life, but Qin Fan handed Sihuang to Yang Zi, told them to run separately, and told Yang Zi to find a safe place to hide as soon as possible, which is equivalent to using himself and himself. The old comrades went to attract troops for them, and gave them time and space to escape.

This approach is already obvious favoritism.

However, the old comrade said that no one would blame him. He was right in doing so, and the whole people owed him.

Neither the people present nor the people watching the live broadcast can object to the words of the old comrades.

How to blame? How dare you have the face to blame!

Everyone can see how dangerous Sihuang's situation is.

Now she is still in Qin Fan's arms, with a fish tail hanging aside, her pale face is flushed sickly, and looking at her swollen belly, there is a little life inside.

This little life is Qin Fan's child, a child with a special bloodline that is extremely rare. In this situation, Qin Fan has to hand over the safety of his lover and child to others. What kind of torture is this? ! ?

When Qin Fan was about to change hands with Yang Zi while running, Si Huang held his hand tightly. As soon as he lowered his head to meet Si Huang's gaze, Qin Fan's persistence almost collapsed.

"Let go," Qin Fan said, and found that Sihuang's hand was still clenched even tighter. His face was extremely ugly, but his voice was reluctant to amplify, "We must go separately."

"Walking together will become the biggest goal, I know." Si Huang said.

She looked at Qin Fan, the corner of her pale mouth hooked, "But, so what?"

so what? But so what?

Qin Fan's nerves were completely tense.

Sihuang calmly said: "You don't worry about me, and I don't worry about you, so let's go together." There was another burst of pain, which made Sihuang's eyebrows twisted, but she couldn't help smiling, using this expression to Relieve the inner anxiety and physical pain, "We always want to be together, you can't ask others to help me meet him?"

The him in these words, and the determination in Sihuang's eyes, completely broke the nerve in Qin Fan's mind.

His mouth was not dry, but his voice was already hoarse, "...Let's walk together."

Don't worry! Yes, don't worry! Even if you know that walking together will attract all the fire, but being by your side is the most at ease.

Si Huang smiled.

Her smile was calm, as if she didn't realize how dangerous this decision was.

Under such a smile, Qin Fan's mood gradually calmed down.

Looking at Sihuang, looking at her stomach, Qin Fan's eyes seemed to be burning with some kind of flame, burning hot.

They are family, they are family together.

Even if the child hasn't been born yet, it's still his and Sihuang's child, and the Qin family's child, so he should be strong without fear of danger!

Qin Fan thought of himself in the past. In a safe environment, what he heard was the news that his parents had died, and he couldn't even find the body.

He thought, what is more reassuring than being together as a family? They are together now, and they will be together in the future.

I will protect you, I will do my best to protect you, I will protect you with my own hands and body, and I will not rely on the hands of others.

At the same time, tears filled the eyes of countless people who saw this scene and couldn't stop it, especially Yu Xi and the others who were familiar with Si Huang, all became even more anxious, their faces turned pale, and their lips trembled.

I have never hated my own incompetence as much as this time. I can't do anything except look at it, and I can't help anything.

What should I do? What else to do but to pray, to worry, to cry?

Time becomes infinitely slow, from morning to afternoon to sunset, the half orange afterglow of the sunset on the west mountain reflects the sunset glow of half the sky, as if the sky has been burned for a long time, and it is just like people's mood. The blood left behind after death.

The various strongholds of God-making were destroyed and the hidden contacts were cut off. The elites from all over the world who completed these tasks have not relaxed at all. They can only watch the situation of Sihuang and the others in the live broadcast with a heavy heart.

They succeeded, and the biggest contributors to their success were Si Huang and the others. It's just that their success hasn't brought the matter to an end, because they know that there is still a last step that needs to be done by Si Huang and the others.

If Si Huang and the others were killed or killed in this battle, then who should face God-making in the end? do you want to go together? What will be the face?

They didn't have an answer in their hearts. Thinking about it carefully, they didn't know when Sihuang had become their backbone.

Will this evening be the end of God-making? Or is it the afterglow of Sihuang and the others?

In the god-making general base in the North Pole.

Cheng Hong could no longer care about Si Huang's situation in the live broadcast. He looked at Xia Qitong whose body was trembling and convulsing slightly, and felt the same powerlessness and anxiety as Yu Xi and the others.

"Fourth master!" Cheng Hong couldn't do anything except call Xia Qitong, he didn't dare to touch Xia Qitong, he was afraid that if he was not careful, it would cause irreversible consequences.

These changes all started when Sihuang had an accident. Cheng Hong knew that it must have something to do with Sihuang, but he couldn't feel resentment towards Sihuang, because he knew that Sihuang couldn't be blamed for it.

"Cheng Hong," Xia Qitong suddenly called out Cheng Hong's name.

A huge surprise flashed in Cheng Hong's eyes, and then it turned into a huge panic, "Fourth Master, what are your orders?" He thought he was calmly asking, but he heard his voice trembling violently, and brought out choked up.

Xia Qitong turned to look at him, "Let's go."

This glance allowed Cheng Hong to see clearly the blue light in Xia Qitong's eyes, which was the blue light that appeared after the data stream passed quickly and was almost invisible, covering all human emotions.

If it was the first time someone saw Xia Qitong, seeing him like this, he would definitely suspect that he was not a real body of flesh and blood.

"Go out, the boat is ready." Xia Qitong said.

Cheng Hong didn't move.

Xia Qitong: "Ten minutes, this is your last chance."

Cheng Hong still didn't make any changes, he said slowly: "Fourth Master, this is not the last chance. I can still bet that Master Si will come."

Xia Qitong didn't speak any more, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he showed a faint smile, "You're right, you can still wait for her, but it's a pity that Xia Qitong can't wait for her anymore."

"Fourth Master, you can do it!" Cheng Hong was startled violently, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are still you now, even if you become a god, it is still you!"

Xia Qitong didn't speak, he seemed extremely sleepy, his eyelids trembled.

Cheng Hong walked forward, "Fourth Lord!"

Xia Qitong closed his eyes, as if falling into a peaceful sleep.

"BOSS!? Xia Qitong!?" No matter what Cheng Hong called, he couldn't shake Xia Qitong at all.

He showed a crying-smiling expression, turned his head to look at the door, but still didn't move.

Ten minutes passed, and if he didn't leave, he lost the autonomy to want to leave again.


No one knew that at the moment Xia Qitong closed his eyes, all the network and technological machinery in an area failed.

Xu Zixiu's live broadcast was suddenly interrupted, the plane chasing them sank, the search radar failed, the hands of the watch stopped, and even the compass became confused.

This sudden situation made everyone stunned.

Countless people who were watching the live broadcast were stunned for a while when they saw the scene suddenly blacked out, and couldn't regain their senses for a while.

On the plain, Sihuang and others who were avoiding pursuit were also surprised when they heard the sound of falling explosions. After discussing, they flew up from Longfeng and looked into the distance carefully. They found that there was an accident on the enemy side. , Even the car has lost its utility.

Long Feng told Qin Fan what he saw, and then Qin Fan turned on the player communicator on his body, and found that it was also invalid.

"Hey, it's really useless." Xu Zixiu's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at him, and saw that Xu Zixiu was holding a small camera and a mobile phone in his hand, and there was no response when he pressed the power button.

"Boss Bai Ze, have you been recording all the time?" Di Sha approached Bai Ze and asked.

Xu Zixiu had an expression of "You underestimate me", "I've been broadcasting the live broadcast." Then she looked at Si Huang, "It was developed with the ZZ software from your company."

Si Huang looked at him when he heard the words, and a certain guess emerged in his heart, "You have been broadcasting live?"

She asked in a calm tone, but after Xu Zixiu nodded, everyone's expressions changed.

I have seen unreliable ones, but I have never seen such unreliable ones. Even Si Huang underestimated Xu Zixiu's audacity.

It's only because Xu Zixiu seems to be quite obedient recently, but he forgot that this guy is a pervert who can't be understood by common sense.

"It's fine to leave the internet on all the time, but it's still recording the live broadcast! If this live broadcast is spread or seen by the enemy of country R, ​​our rescue plan will be ruined!" Yangzi cursed angrily, his eyes turned red , glared at Xu Zixiu and growled: "Do you know how many people you will kill like this!?"

Xu Zixiu looked at him with a smile, "Huh? I didn't think so much."

Si Huang stretched out his hand to Xu Zixiu, who stared at her, and said, "I really didn't think about it that much."

"I know." Because the lives of those people don't matter to you at all, so you didn't think about the consequences. Si Huang inexplicably understood Xu Zixiu's thinking. It was not so much that he did it maliciously, but rather that he lacked the emotion in this regard.

It seems that she is also responsible for this matter.

If she hadn't asked Xu Zixiu to give him the camera, this accident would not have happened.

Xu Zixiu stared at her for a while, then returned the useless camera to her hand.

Si Huang said: "Think about things in a positive way. People from country R come here to arrest us, and they won't have the leisure to pay attention to country Z's webcast, so they don't know our plan. Or they may think that the live broadcast is deliberately confusing people , but don’t believe it. After all, who would have thought that the enemy would foolishly tell him his plan and whereabouts?” After speaking, he still couldn’t help but cast a cold glance at Xu Zixiu.

Xu Zixiu shrugged.

Si Huang continued to speak, but Qin Fan patted his back lightly. He said, "Judging from the actions of these people, they probably haven't noticed yet. Now that the network and equipment are out of order, it is in our interest to find a place to resettle."

The magnetic field in this area has changed, not only the network failure but also the machinery, which means that the other party cannot receive or send messages, and at the same time, there is no way to use equipment to assist them in chasing them. Generally speaking, it is beneficial to them.

Besides, at the underground base, as long as there are no heavy thermal weapons and the network machinery fails, it is estimated that Guo Chengxiong and the others will be locked inside and cannot get out, and there is no way for others to get in, but it is safe.

In this way, Xu Zixiu's live broadcast is not without benefits. At least the country must be the first to know about their situation and their plans, so they will definitely send people to support the rescue as soon as they get the news. .

As soon as everyone heard Qin Fan's words, they took action.

Although this is a plain, there are also plateau areas and low areas. After temporarily confirming the safety of the underground base, they moved away as soon as possible and found a place where they could rest temporarily without being discovered.

Without the aid of equipment and foreign objects, Longfeng's ability became extremely useful. After flying high in the sky, he could look down. It was very convenient for finding a hiding place or scouting the enemy's actions.

The only downside is that he consumes a lot of physical strength when he uses his abilities, and it also does a lot of damage to his body.

Long Feng didn't yell out of pain, and didn't show any signs of fatigue. After half an hour, he finally found a place to rest temporarily.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after arriving at the place. Looking at Qin Fan and Si Huang, especially Si Huang, it could be seen that Si Huang's situation was already very bad. They had never seen Si Huang in such a state of distress. Pale look.

"Head, is Young Master Si going to give birth?" Yangzi put down the old comrades on his body, and couldn't help asking Qin Fan.

Everyone's nerves tensed up. If anything happened to the boss and Si Shao's children, they would never be able to forgive themselves.

Qin Fan didn't answer Yangzi's words, his forehead was already covered with sweat, as if he was not Sihuang who was suffering the pain of childbirth, "Take off your clothes."

Sunny Baby was the first to take off her coat and spread it on the ground. After the thunderstorm, they all understood, and they all took off their coats and threw themselves on the cold and uneven ground.

Qin Fan put Si Huang on it carefully, but he couldn't let go. He felt Si Huang's hand holding his arm, and couldn't help but look at Si Huang.

Si Huang also noticed it, and when her fingers loosened convulsively, she fell on the clothes. Fortunately, Qin Fan supported her so she didn't fall directly.

"Let them go out." Si Huang's pale lips opened and closed, her voice a little hoarse.

She endured it for so long without making a sound, and now she felt that she could hardly bear it anymore, not because she couldn't bear the pain, but because she was afraid that something might happen to the child in her stomach.

Qin Fan opened his eyes, "Get out!"

Here is a naturally formed small soil hole, just big enough to accommodate a dozen of them.

At this time, except for Si Huang and Qin Fan, who were lying down and squatting, everyone else was standing.

Yang Zi couldn't bear it first, and said in a hoarse voice: "Young Master Si, you can do it, you are the little overlord of our blood flag! Come on!"

"Head, I'm going to find water!" Long Feng's voice was even dryr, not only because of his mood, but also because of overuse of abilities.

The old comrade sighed and didn't say anything, but he looked at Sihuang with encouragement and guilt.

Seeing that Sihuang was not breathing well, Qin Fan glared at the people behind him, but they stopped talking and could only exit the cave.

Xu Zixiu was the last to leave. He looked at Si Huang with a vague gaze, "Si Si, as long as you don't want to die, you won't die, right?"

Si Huang replied to him, "If you go out, I won't die."

Xu Zixiu looked away, as if he was satisfied and left.

Only Si Huang and Qin Fan were left in the cave, and the light was very dim.

In front of Qin Fan, Si Huang didn't need to hide anything, the heavy fish tail that had been trembling slightly turned into legs, without any cover.

In this way, the signs of women's imminent childbirth became more obvious. Even if Qin Fan had never seen it, he knew the general knowledge. He held Sihuang's hand tightly, "It's okay, relax, and shout out the pain."

There was only room for the two of them, and all of Qin Fan's hard shells were shattered. The man's face showed an extremely rare panic, and his pupils kept trembling.

When he heard Si Huang really screaming in pain, Qin Fan felt as if he had been hit hard, his chest shook suddenly, and his face turned pale from the pain.

Without hesitation, he put his other hand on Sihuang's mouth, and the mysterious scales on his hand fell off automatically, revealing the most primitive flesh and blood, for fear that Sihuang would hurt his teeth when he bit.

Si Huang didn't really bite down, "Take it away."

Qin Fan also sent it to her mouth, and said in a hoarse voice: "Don't bite yourself, it hurts together, and you feel better, be good, be good, Huanghuang."

Si Huang couldn't laugh or cry, but she was forced to shed physical tears in her eye sockets by the physical pain, and she was no longer in the mood to look at Qin Fan's ridiculously childish appearance.

She thought that the birth of a child might not be easy, but she didn't know if it would be so difficult because she was injured or because she was about to suffer this.

Wubao had already climbed down from her head and reached her side, with two little paws pressed against Sihuang's face, as if sensing Sihuang's thoughts, its words reached Sihuang's mind, [The little prince originally It’s not easy to give birth, and your Majesty has been attacked internally, and it’s a premature birth...]

Sihuang's heart tightened, and she turned her head to look at Wubao. Her eyes had completely turned dark green, but they were so bright that people dare not look directly at them.

It was rare that the five treasures were not frightened, it stared straight at Sihuang, and kept its body motionless, and replied: [But your majesty, don't worry, the little prince has a unicorn bead to protect him, and Jin Xingxing's blessings I will definitely be able to be born safely, so Your Majesty just needs to give birth, but the birth time will be a little longer! 】

Si Huang looked at it and didn't speak for a long time.

Wu Bao stiffened even more from her stare, and said solemnly: [Your Majesty, God blesses you, there is nothing like it in the world, and Jin Xingshan has grown in large numbers, so the prosperity is equal to the sky, and the luck is very, very good. Pink knows that the little prince is about to be born, so everyone is praying for the little prince to let him be born safely. The power of so many people's wishes is very strong. Your Majesty doesn't need to worry at all! 】

Si Huang twitched the corner of her mouth and laughed, "Okay."

Wu Bao breathed a sigh of relief, his stiff body finally regained its softness.

It thought to itself: This is the white lie mentioned in the book, right? Hey, hey, the minister actually went to lie to His Majesty, although not much!

Wu Bao, who was caught in his own emotions, didn't know that Si Huang had already seen through it.

Si Huang's mouth moved silently, without saying what was in his heart.

Wubao, she said it before, every time she feels guilty, she talks a lot and uses idioms indiscriminately.

What's more, this little bastard is not good at lying at all, and his body instinct has already betrayed him.

Just, bling bling and little pink?

Si Huang believed this.

Because she thought of Xu Zixiu's live broadcast.

In other words, people across the country may already know that she is pregnant and that she is giving birth now.

At this moment, she really didn't know whether she should thank Xu Zixiu or what, or should she thank Xia Qitong? Because this regional network device malfunctioned, it must be Xia Qitong's handwriting. If it wasn't for the failure of the regional network equipment that let them know that Xu Zixiu had been live broadcasting all the time, if Xu Zixiu didn't know, and Xu Zixiu didn't say anything, then would it be possible for her to be broadcast live nationwide in the end?

That is definitely a result that Si Huang can't accept.


This labor lasted for several hours, whether it was Sihuang and Qin Fan inside, or Yangzi and the others who were guarding outside, they were all suffering.

They didn't dare to think of things as bad. Such a result was absolutely unacceptable to them, let alone Qin Fan.

"Does it take so long to have a baby? It's the first time I've heard Young Master Si screaming in such pain!" Yangzi murmured uneasily.

Qing Tianwa said: "It's normal, it's normal, nothing will happen."

"It would be great if Pei Ziwen was here." Long Feng couldn't help but said.

They were uneasy, but the situation inside was indeed not good.

The child was halfway out, but Sihuang seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and her body felt a sense of loss of strength. It was a kind of emptiness and loss of strength from within, which made her feel powerless.

The soul and spirit seemed to be screaming and insisting, but the body did not respond. She did not dare to imagine the consequences of continuing like this, or she knew the consequences of continuing like this.

Si Huang opened his eyes and looked at Qin Fan. The sweat on the eyelashes fell into his eyes. The saltiness made Si Huang's eyes dizzy for a while. What he could see in the blur was the extreme pain and pain flashing across Qin Fan's face. cruel.

Blessed to the heart, Si Huang didn't know where the strength came from, and bit Qin Fan's arm before he could retract it.

This bite seemed to have used all of Sihuang's strength, and it directly bit Qin Fan's arm to bleed.

Qin Fan's blood flowed into Sihuang's mouth, and the rusty smell made Sihuang narrow his eyes and stare at Qin Fan fiercely.

Qin Fan pursed his lips tightly, and said in the next second, "My child... there will"

His voice was so hoarse that he couldn't continue, his pitch-black eyes were filled with indistinct chaos, but his eye sockets were red, and slowly there was water in his eyes.

Si Huang couldn't tell whether it was tears or sweat falling into it, she bit Qin Fan's hand tightly, not allowing him to make any movements. The other hand also stretched out and grabbed Qin Fan's other hand. The temperature of the other person's body was higher than that of ordinary people, which relieved Si Huang's gradually cooling body, and suddenly a thought flashed into Si Huang's mind.

She remembered that there is a skill that can use Qin Fan's Qi to replenish her physical strength.

She hadn't used it since the last time she used it once in the gravity chamber in the military district.

Sihuang's eyes lit up, and she used her ability without restraint without asking Qin Fan's consent.

People who are a little more sensitive will feel it if they use all means to absorb the spiritual energy of the other party.

Qin Fan naturally felt it, but the more obvious his physical weakness was, the happier he was.

He even thought that his own blood had any effect on Sihuang, and that the source of his weakness was also the reason for the bleeding from his wrist bitten by Sihuang. He made a sharp cut, and took the initiative to reach into Sihuang's mouth, blocking Sihuang who was about to speak. The hoarse voice was gentle and eager, and he said almost coaxingly: "Drink more, Huanghuang, you have come out!" It's halfway there, and it's about to come out, the child is fine, and you are fine, just drink more and you'll be fine."

Si Huang's mouth was filled with the smell of blood, looking at the man who was lost and seemed to be in a state of madness, she didn't say anything, took a deep breath, and swallowed all the blood.

The next moment, accompanied by severe pain and the subsequent sense of relief, Si Huang was almost dizzy, and his body was supported by Qin Fan with one hand, and when he looked up, the child was also held by Qin Fan's other hand without falling.

The child's cry was not loud, just like the whining of a kitten. Qin Fan didn't dare to pat him. Looking at the blood-stained child, and then at Si Huang, the man's pale lips could not stop trembling.

"The umbilical cord..." Si Huang said weakly, seeing Qin Fan take the knife he had just cut himself, and said, "Help me up."

Qin Fan did so, and then Si Huang cut the umbilical cord between himself and the child with his fingers.

Compared with the used knife, she felt safer using her own hands for fear of infection.

Looking at the child in Qin Fan's hand from such a close distance, Si Huang almost lost his mind.

The premature baby looks thin and small, probably not healthy at the weight of two pounds, especially now that he is not big, but he was born safely, and he is in Qin Fan's big hands with a peaceful breath.

Si Huang laughed suddenly, and after laughing, tears filled her eyes unconsciously, she didn't know why she was crying.

It's just that the tears flowed out, and I didn't feel ashamed or depressed, as if there was some burden in my body that flowed out along with the tears, which made my body feel relaxed for a while.

"Boy." Si Huang looked at the child who was no different from a normal person, and gently slid his soft fingertips across his cheeks, and when he slid to the side of the face and neck, he could faintly see some flashes, which were not normal people. The scales that should be there, "Xinxie, his nickname is Xixiu."

Because you are a child born in the midst of war and danger under the blessing of all the golden lights, under the shining of the sun, you are destined to shine brightly, and I hope you will shine healthily in the future.

"Okay." Qin Fan agreed without hesitation, and reached out to wipe the sweat on Sihuang's forehead and the tears on his face, but forgot that his hands were covered with blood, which made Sihuang's face even dirtier.

Qin Fan's movements stopped immediately, and he handed the newborn baby to Si Huang, and after making sure she could hold her firmly, he let go. Help Sihuang wipe the dirt off her body.

Now I can't find water to help Sihuang wash it, and I can only do so much. After being wiped by him a few times, Sihuang shook his head, "Give me the clothes."

Qin Fan gave her the clothes, and Si Huang carefully wrapped the newborn little Shining in the clothes, reached out to touch his body temperature, and felt relieved when he found that the temperature was neither high nor low.

[The unicorn bead has gone into the body of His Highness Shining, His Highness won't be afraid of the cold! 】Wubao quickly crawled over and said.

It also had lingering fears, and hadn't said a word before, but in fact, it didn't know what to do with the swelling. When it found out that Qin Fan wanted to give up the child to save Sihuang, it didn't make a sound, because it also favored Sihuang.

It turned out that after discovering Sihuang's self-help behavior, Wubao almost shot himself to death, why did it forget that it had this skill, and almost killed His Royal Highness, but His Majesty is smart!

Si Huang nodded, and handed Little Shining to Qin Fan, "I'll change clothes."

Qin Fan wanted her to rest for a while, but knew that the situation did not allow it.

Si Huang took off the combat uniform on her upper body, and then opened the biotechnology-produced clothing worn on her wrist.

The clothes are close to the skin, and the feeling of wearing them for the first time is not good. It does not mean that the ventilation and comfort are not good, but that the feeling of being too close to the skin makes people uncomfortable, as if there is another layer of skin on the body.

The overall clothing is silver-gray. Except for the other stripes at the joints, the clothing is completely integrated. It is flexible, waterproof, and fireproof. It is very suitable for combat. No wonder it can be put in a special arsenal, but it cannot be mass-produced.

It's just that the result of the over-fitting clothes is to fully show the person's figure. Even if the waist and abdomen are not slender and strong after giving birth, the overall look is still amazing and smooth. I can imagine how her figure was before she was pregnant. how nice.

Si Huang glanced at it and ignored it. Everyone already knew that she was a woman anyway. The point is that she doesn't have the energy to use Little Pink to perform illusions.

"Head? Master Si?" Yang Zi's voice came from outside.

They had already heard the cry of the child, and there was a long silence afterwards, which made them unable to help worrying.

"Let's go." Si Huang said to Qin Fan, holding his shoulders to stand up.

Qin Fan looked at her, turned around and squatted in front of her, "Come up!"

Hearing his calm tone, Si Huang climbed onto his back without refusing.

Qin Fan carried her on his back like this, and walked out holding Xiao Shanshan in one hand.


Yangzi outside the cave and the others couldn't hear a response, so they couldn't help but go in and have a look. Everyone was so anxious, especially Long Feng went out to investigate again, and found that someone had already searched this area, so he planned to call again. Qin Fan and the others went in without any response.

Who would have thought that before Yang Zi could say anything, he would see Qin Fan's figure walking out.

Everyone tensed up at the first moment, very afraid that the person who came out would be a killing god who had fallen into madness.

As a result, when he looked at it, he saw the little guy in Qin Fan's arms.

"Head! This... this is, this is!" Yoko's eyes widened.

Not only him, Qingtianwa and the others all showed shock on their faces, followed by ecstasy, their eyes lit up.

This is their leader's child, and it was born safely!

Especially in this kind of environment, big men who have only experienced life and death, suddenly seeing such a fragile little life appear, really makes the heart of steel soften.

"Okay, okay! God has eyes!" The old comrade also smiled and sighed.

Xu Zixiu also came over, kept looking at Xiao Shanshan, and then turned away after a few glances, "It's not as good-looking as Si Si."

Everyone just ignored his words - how good-looking can a newborn and dirty child be?

Long Feng said in time, "It's three or four hundred meters away, and someone has already come."

"Let's go." Qin Fan made a decisive decision.

Everyone set off again.

The escape this time was much easier than before. The point is that everyone is in a relaxed mood. Even if they lose Sihuang's combat power, the most important thing is to resolve the crisis between her and the child.

Without the assistance of science and technology, the group of country R chasers were completely suspended by them. After pestering for almost a day, Si Huang heard a beep in his ear.

She took out the small camera in her pocket and found that its solar charging function had resumed, which meant that they had left the area of ​​network shielding and magnetic field chaos.

Faced with this situation, everyone did not panic, but stopped the march.

"Rest where you are." Qin Fan said, and wrapped Si Huang in his arms, while Si Huang hugged Xiao Shanshan.

The little guy has been able to open his eyes, but his eyes should not be able to see clearly, so he couldn't determine where to look every time, and his eyeballs kept turning.

Those were a pair of natural dark green eyes, which resembled Sihuang, especially the eyes of a newborn child were big, round and impossibly pure, which Sihuang liked very much.

For this little life, other people in the team also like it very much. It can be said that Little Shining has become the most popular person in the whole team, easily replacing Si Huang and Qin Fan.

As soon as everyone rested, they looked at him habitually. Yangzi wanted to touch him but didn't dare to reach out, so he asked Qin Fan, "Head, what's his name?"

Qin Fan's voice was subconsciously soft, "The nickname is Shining, and Sihuang got it."

"Sounds good!" Yang Zi praised without hesitation. His appearance made people look at it, as if Qin Fan said "dog egg", and he would answer this sentence without hesitation, "What's the name? Is your surname Qin?"

The latter question caused Qin Fan to glance at him sharply, and Si Huang laughed, "My surname is Qin." She didn't think the surname Si had any good or special meaning, and she didn't even want to compete with Qin Fan for a surname. .

Yangzi laughed awkwardly, it was all because he watched too much on the Internet, even if he asked that kind of question, he couldn't say it directly even if he had that kind of doubt in his heart.

Qin Fan looked down at Sihuang, saying that he was answering Yangzi's words, rather than simply discussing with Sihuang, "When you gave him a nickname, I also thought of a name."

"What name?" Si Huang asked.

Qin Fan said, "Qin Yu'an."

Sihuang: "Yu'an who goes with the situation?"

"Well." Qin Fan said: "I can be satisfied in any environment, whether it is to adapt to the environment or let the environment adapt to him, I hope he will be safe, just like this time."

Si Huang chuckled, "You can be satisfied in any environment. It can be aloof from the world, or you can fight everything to the end until you are satisfied. What do you think?"

Qin Fan: "That's something he should think about in the future."

Si Huang said: "When we go back, let our grandparents check it out."

There was a smile on Qin Fan's face.

This name, as long as the two of them agree, it is actually almost settled.

The two said this as if no one else was around, Yang Zi and the others looked at it without disturbing, but they were envious in their hearts, and suddenly felt that it would be great if they could find a lover who was like-minded and have a child.

Someone just came to break the warmth, Xu Zixiu said: "Are you planning to go back like this?"

Si Huang looked at him and noticed his dark face, "No, go to the North Pole first."

Surprise flashed across Xu Zixiu's face, he glanced at the little Shining in her hand, moved his lips and said nothing, Qin Fan's voice had already sounded, "I'll go to the North Pole." It meant to let Sihuang back out.

Si Huang shook her head, before Qin Fan could say anything, she had already looked at Qin Fan squarely, and said very seriously: "I have to go."

"I have a feeling that this is the message Xia Qitong gave me." Si Huang smiled helplessly, "I believe Xia Qitong will not sneak attack me for no reason, so the accident is a god-made shot, and then the failure of the subsequent message is Xia Qitong's masterpiece. He I can’t hold on anymore, but I said that I will wait for me to go, since I said so, there is a necessary reason, whether it is out of commitment to him or out of the possibility of analysis, I must go.”

Si Huang said: "There is also the headquarters laboratory of the Arctic God Constructor at the bottom of the sea. The only person who can really get there easily is me." Looking at Qin Fan, "Without my assistance, even you need the assistance of technological machinery , but the ability to create gods can make the machine go out of control.”

Therefore, from the beginning of the plan, it was decided that the last stop must be led by Sihuang.

After Si Huang finished speaking, the scene fell into a moment of silence, which was broken after a while.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and saw the arrival of the convoy, which was a team from the army of country Z, which could be seen at a glance.

Their reinforcements arrived, just as they planned and guessed, it was about this time. As long as the magnetic field shielding was restored, the incoming reinforcements would naturally find their location.

The car stopped in front of them, and then one by one the soldiers got out of the car and walked towards them neatly, with solemn and respectful expressions.

The person leading the team at the front was an unexpected and understandable old general.

As they approached, Si Huang, Qin Fan and others also stood up.

Qin Shi'an also saw a small life in Sihuang's hands, his eyes widened instantly and then turned red again, he couldn't control the rhythm of his steps, and walked quickly in front of the two of them.

He eagerly wanted to hug the little life in Sihuang's hands, and his hands trembled. Looking at the two of them, he slowly stood up straight and saluted Sihuang and the others, "Thanks for your hard work!"

This sentence contains so much bitterness, worry and complicated feelings, it cannot be said.

Si Huang smiled at Grandpa Qin, and sent the child over, "I gave him the nickname Shining, and Qin Fan named him Qin Yu'an."

"Okay, okay...good name." Grandpa Qin choked up, and still couldn't stop trembling after catching Xiao Shanshan's hand.

Yangzi complained recklessly: "General, you didn't hear the name clearly at all, did you?"

Grandpa Qin was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him majestically, "This is my great-grandson, Shining, Qin Yu'an! Huh? Qin Yu'an, Qin Yu'an, a good name, you can tell me to kiss you as soon as you hear it."

After hearing what he said, everyone realized that they should just kiss him.

Grandpa Qin's name was Qin Shi'an, and Little Shining was named Qin Yu'an.

Originally, it was not very good to be similar to the name of his ancestors, but he was very happy to see Grandpa Qin's appearance. If others objected, he would not be happy.

This is not a good place to reminisce about the old days. Grandpa Qin didn't let go of Little Shining, so he let Si Huang and the others get into the car together.

The team that came to aid was divided into two groups, and they were mainly used as the main force to attract people. However, Qin Shian saw that his grandchildren and great-grandchildren had suffered so much, but he couldn't see them continuing to be bait, so he divided them up again. Two groups, one group was dedicated to sending Sihuang and the others to leave safely, the other went to hang the enemy, and the rest looked for opportunities to rescue Guo Chengxiong and those who were underground.

Qin Shi'an and Si Huang were in the same car, and there were already medical staff in the car to recuperate them. Si Huang also had a simple physical examination and was let go only after confirming that there were no other injuries on his body.

Speaking of Grandpa Qin, the fact that he disappeared before was also a cover, specifically to confuse the enemy, and also to give Sihuang and Qin Fan a "reason" to play normally in the eyes of the enemy.

This matter was already known when Si Huang and Qin Fan walked through several areas during their march, and they also knew that although Grandpa Qin was not missing, he was injured and was recuperating.

This time, as soon as I learned about Sihuang and Qin Fan's situation outside, I immediately applied to lead the team, and I can say that I came in time.

Regardless of Sihuang, Qin Fan, or Yangzi, after experiencing this high-intensity battle, they finally found a safe place to rest, so they couldn't help relaxing themselves anymore, and they all lay down and fell asleep. Big sleep gone.

During the sleep, there were several people hanging on the hanging bottle, Long Feng was one of them, but he didn't seem to feel it at all, and the whole person fell into a state of half sleep and half coma.

Only she, Qin Fan, and Grandpa Qin were in the modified car where Si Huang was staying. Even the medical staff who had come before had left. This was a privilege specially given to them, and it was something they should enjoy.

Little Shining is very obedient. It's the first time she sees Grandpa Qin, and she doesn't cry or make trouble when she is held in his arms. Grandpa Qin likes it so much that she almost never leaves her eyes.

Si Huang took a computer to go online, specifically checked the situation in China and other countries, and used the Internet to contact combat partners in various countries.

During the short information exchange, Sihuang received a lot of blessings and condolences, and learned that the plan was a perfect success.

Now only the god-making headquarters in the North Pole is left waiting for the final treatment.

Si Huang was thinking about something, when suddenly the computer screen in front of her went black, which made her stunned for half a second, thinking that she had accidentally pressed the power off button, but it turned out that she hadn't.

Several rows of white characters slowly appeared on the black computer screen.

[Are you eager to enter a new era?

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

There is a price to be paid for the evolution of life.

——God-making. 】



(Ordinary people are the mainstream of this era. I will respect your choice. If the number of negative people exceeds the certain number, I will obliterate all special bloodlines.)

The two options quietly floated on the screen, and the font in the bright red brackets below made it impossible to ignore.

Si Huang's blood cooled instantly, she watched the selection in the computer not moving, and kept thinking.

Is this the purpose of creating gods? Entering a new era of life evolution? Is this multiple-choice question really simple? If there are many people who deny it, all special bloodlines will be obliterated. If there are many confirmed people, does it mean peaceful coexistence?

With the passage of time, the rows of white fonts on the computer screen slowly drifted away like smoke, and even the choice of yes or no became blurred erratically, and finally turned into nothingness.

Si Huang cautiously looked at the computer in front of her, but nothing happened, the computer screen had restored the interface she had opened before.

However, Si Huang didn't think it was just a prank or accident that happened to him.

She immediately opened Maodu and typed in the word "creating gods", but there was nothing on the Internet, indicating that "creating gods" was still a blocked word.

She continued typing and replaced it with words that just appeared on the computer: "Entering a new era" and "Life evolution requires a price".

This time the results came out soon, and a post appeared in the latest cat.

[A real-life death notice! Life evolution needs to pay the price of life! Real shots of horror events happening right in front of you! 】

The host who posted the post posted a video and photos. In the video, the street is now full of noise and chaos. There is a pool of blood on the ground, and a young man lying in the blood and already bleeding from all seven orifices.

In addition to the video, the host also sent out photos of this person in a dead state, with a text description:

'Today I went out with my brother, and a person who claimed to be ** (strange, blocked) suddenly appeared on my brother's phone and sent him a message, or a virus, because the phone screen went black when the brother was still playing games just now Such a passage. 'Do you yearn for a new era? Natural selection, survival of the fittest. There is a price to be paid for the evolution of life. ’, the special bloodline incident has become quite serious recently, the brother thought it was just for fun and clicked it, and then the host witnessed a horrific death with his own eyes.

The brother's mobile phone exploded suddenly, and then the brother himself bled to death, right in front of the host.

This is not the end, the point is that the landlord's mobile phone also received the same message.

At that time, the host was terrified, so he clicked No without thinking, and now the host is still alive.

This kind of invisible killing ability must be a special bloodline, yes, the poster wants to know what's going on now?

Oh shit! The owner doesn't know what to do now. Is this a suicide by a special bloodline, or a massacre of ordinary people?

Does the new era mean the era of special blood? Either evolve with life, or pay for life?

Is this a fucking movie? '

After Sihuang browsed this post, he found that there were already comments below, which meant that Sihuang was not the only one who paid attention to this news.

No one will search for this unknown new post for no reason, unless the other party searches with keywords like Si Huang.

This also means that there are quite a few people who have encountered this situation.

Si Huang browsed through more and more comments below, and found that things were exactly as she thought.

"I just encountered the same situation as the landlord. It's really dead, but why didn't the country respond at all?"

True, the state did not respond. But it's definitely not that the country doesn't want to respond, but it's like the word "creating gods" has been blocked, and all solutions related to this matter have been blocked by external forces.

"What should I do? I also received the message just now, and I clicked No. Is the content in the brackets true? If it is true, will the final result come out, will His Majesty die!?"

"...I also clicked no, but my sister clicked yes. A second ago, she was telling me that she was willing to die for Sihuang, but... what the hell happened!"

"What about Your Majesty? Your Majesty doesn't know what's going on now, and what about those supernatural beings with other special bloodlines? Why didn't they respond?"

Almost like a viral storm, the Internet was full of discussions about this incident in a short period of time. It can be seen from the content that the people who came out to speak out and said that they encountered the same situation were all people who clicked No.

With a cold face, Si Huang tried to comment on his choice, that is, he had no choice, but after writing it and sending it out, there was no response at all, and it was not displayed in the comment area of ​​the post at all.

She tried to experiment in other places one by one, and the result was the same as before, so she published it!

This result made Sihuang both surprised and happy. Thinking in a good direction, just not choosing this answer might be the correct way to deal with this incident, so he was strictly blocked by the God of Creation. However, when she posted it, a person who had no choice like she did would definitely not be able to post this news. There are only pieces of horrible speeches and death videos and photos on the Internet, which can easily cause people to panic and thus do things. out of options.

How to do?

When Sihuang fell silent, Qin Fan also took everything she saw into his eyes, and Grandpa Qin who was sitting opposite also received the call.

"It's okay, I picked them up, what?" Grandpa Qin just said a few words, and he didn't know what the person on the other end of the phone said, his face suddenly changed.

Si Huang raised his head and saw Grandpa Qin listening to the phone with a serious face. He hung up the phone after about two or three minutes, and when he raised his eyes, he and Si Huang looked at each other.

"Grandpa, what are your plans next?" Si Huang asked.

Grandpa Qin asked back, "You know?"

Si Huang knew what he was asking, "The problem of making gods just appeared on the computer."

When Grandpa Qin opened his eyes and was about to ask again, Si Huang had already said, "I have no choice."

"I didn't choose." Grandpa Qin's eyes lit up, "Yes, I didn't say I had to choose, so the real answer might be not to choose."

Si Huang: "I tried it. This news can't be spread on the Internet. Ying Gao is blocked by God of Creation. Since it will be blocked on the Internet, mobile phone information and the like must also be monitored by him."

"Then call?" Grandpa Qin said.

Si Huang's previous mobile phone has been scrapped, watching Grandpa Qin call home, but the call failed.

Everyone present was in a sinking mood. Grandpa Qin said: "Others can get in, but I can't get out. This is aimed at me, or is God doing something in a short period of time."

Si Huang turned her head and looked out of the car window. The car was driving fast and had already left the plain. It seemed that the route was to and from country Z. She looked back at Qin Fan again, and the two looked at each other, Wu Sheng already understood the meaning of each other.

"Grandpa, Shining will leave it to you first. If it's you, I can rest assured." Si Huang said suddenly.

Grandpa Qin was stunned for a moment, then his face tightened, "What do you mean?"

Si Huang: "I don't have time, I can't send Shan Shan back by myself, I have to go to the North Pole first."

When Grandpa Qin heard this, his instinct was to persuade Sihuang, but when he saw Sihuang's persistent expression, his words were unconsciously suppressed in his throat.

Sihuang's expression and attitude all showed a message: I must do this, I have to do it!

Thinking about it, if it is possible, if there are other ways, Sihuang is definitely not willing to leave the newborn Shining, and rushes to face the God of Creation.

Grandpa Qin's mouth became astringent for a while, and for the first time he felt that responsibility is a sword to kill people. Why do some things always fall on the Qin family's head? It is still something that must be done by oneself. Even if others sacrifice, they may not be able to do it. .

Just because he understood this situation, Grandpa Qin couldn't say anything to persuade him. He looked at Sihuang, then at Qin Fan, and finally at the little Shining in his arms, "Go." His voice was hoarse, "I believe you two indivual."

This scene reminded him of the time when he sent his son and daughter-in-law away. It's just that when he sent his son and daughter-in-law away, he was still confident and didn't worry too much about what would happen to them, but the result was unexpected.

This time the two children are younger than his son and daughter-in-law, but they are also better. Grandpa Qin can only believe that they will be fine. All I can do is protect Shining in my hand.

After getting Grandpa Qin's reply, Si Huang could probably see the emotion in his heart from the old man's face, and said with a smile, "We will come back safely."

"Okay, okay." Grandpa Qin laughed.

Qin Fan suddenly stretched out his hand and asked Grandpa Qin to return Xiao Shanshan.

Grandpa Qin was not very happy at first, and instinctively shrank back, but in the next second, under Qin Fan's gaze, he handed Xiao Shanshan into his hands.

The baby looked very small in Qin Fan's hands. He lowered his head and kissed Little Shining on the head, but before saying anything sensational, Little Shining started crying.

"Eh? Eh! The child knows that he can't bear to part with his parents since he was young." Grandpa Qin blurted out a good word.

Si Huang looked at Qin Fan who was a little frozen, and mercilessly exposed the truth of the matter, "You haven't shaved your beard for many days." He casually hugged Little Shining from his hand, turned it skillfully, and then helped He gently touched the red spot on his face that was pricked by Qin Fan's beard.

Under Si Huang's comfort, Little Shining's crying gradually disappeared, and she looked at her with a pair of watery eyes.

Si Huang knew that Little Shining wasn't necessarily looking at herself, after all, a newborn child couldn't see clearly for a period of time, and the black and white world was clean.

However, even if he knew this in his heart, Si Huang was still filled with tenderness by his eyes, and his voice was even more gentle, which was enough to fascinate any fan girl, "We will be back soon, be good, huh?"

"Ah~" A small voice came out of Little Shining's mouth, grinning.

"Pfft." Si Huang couldn't help laughing, "Huh? Huh?"

"Ahhh." The kitten-like voice, soft and waxy, is really sweet and soft to the bone.

But Si Huang could tell that Xiao Shining definitely inherited her blood. He was young and his voice didn't know how to restrain himself, but he already had a strange magical power that could affect people's mood.

This scene is undoubtedly very warm, Si Huang played with Xiao Shan for a while, saw him sleepy in the blink of an eye, and handed him over to Grandpa Qin.

The child was born not long ago and was born prematurely. It is thanks to Si Huang and Qin Fan's good foundation that they can withstand the weather and environment outside.

Half a day later, it was already dark, and Si Huang and the others also arrived at the supply rest station.

Here, Sihuang took a shower, changed into a clean combat uniform, and walked out. Qin Fan was already waiting outside the door.

The two of them went outside together and saw the military plane that Grandpa Qin had ordered to be prepared. Outside Grandpa Qin, Yangzi and the others also came.

Grandpa Qin said with a serious face: "Someone among the technicians in the team died."

Why did you die? Technicians are in charge of intelligence and communication, and they usually carry electronic tools on their bodies. Once they have such tools, they may be invaded by the gods. It is not surprising that they made choices without knowing it and were suddenly wiped out.

After all, not everyone has the perverted physique of Sihuang, Qin Fan or Xu Zixiu.

Si Huang nodded slightly, looked around the people around for a week, "Let's go."

"Head, Master Si..." Yangzi stood up and was about to speak when Qin Fan looked back.

It doesn't matter how many people are brought in this operation, Yang Zi and the others might as well stay here, with them, Qin Fan and Si Huang would be more assured of Little Shining's safety.

"Let's go!" Xu Zixiu had already boarded the military plane.

Si Huang ignored him, and couldn't help but touch Little Shining's cheek before leaving. The baby was in a deep sleep and didn't wake up after being touched.

Si Huang looked at Xiao Shining after cleaning, it was no longer the appearance of a newborn monkey, her face had stretched out, her skin was unbelievably tender, the eyelashes of her eyes were long and dense after sleeping, and her eyebrows were not like other newborn monkeys. The newborn child is so thin, it already has a vague shape, the lips are red and pouty like little cherries, and the corners of the mouth are naturally raised, it seems that it is inherited from Qin Fan.

He seems to be a gem, just like his nickname, he can already see it before he grows up, this face will definitely shine in the future.

Si Huang looked at him and thought in her heart: Shining, I don't know whether my answer is right or wrong, but since both choices are wrong and I don't want to choose, then I don't choose, this is my own choice. I don't know what I'm going to face next, but I have to do it. If I go, there will be hope. If I don't go, there will be no hope. Wait for me to come back, huh? Wait for Mom and Dad to come back and be the hero in your heart!

Si Huang let go of him, and turned to look at Qin Fan with a calm expression, "Let's go."

Qin Fan held her hand.

Behind them, Sleeping Little Shining's little hand unconsciously scratched. Grandpa Qin watched, put one of his fingers into his little hand, and was caught.

The baby's strength is very weak, but to Grandpa Qin, it feels extremely heavy, making him unable to move, and said in a hoarse and heavy voice: "Yu'an, go to sleep, go to sleep, when you wake up, you can see Zeng Grandma, hold your parents like this next time, don't allow them to run around anymore."


The military plane flew very quickly, and within a few hours, the three of Si Huang reached the North Pole, and it took a while to reach their destination.

Here is an ice field, with thick ice on the ground, even if a car walks on it, there will be no problem.

Si Huang's physique is not afraid of the cold, Qin Fan's ability to withstand the cold may not be as good as hers, Xu Zixiu's eyelashes and hair are covered with a layer of frost, but the whole person does not feel the same.

Si Huang saw Xu Zixiu walking on the ice field, back and forth as if to determine the direction, sometimes looked up at the sky and sometimes looked down at the ground, his expression was also unpredictable.

Suddenly, Xu Zixiu squatted down and punched the ice, and then lay down on the ice, laughing loudly.

Si Huang took a step forward, and Qin Fan grabbed her hand. She looked back at Qin Fan, "It's okay."

Qin Fan didn't speak, and walked towards Xu Zixiu with her.

Xu Zixiu, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes as soon as they approached, "Si Si, I remembered."

"Congratulations." Si Huang replied.

Xu Zixiu: "Don't you ask me what I remembered?"

"A thing that makes you happy?" Si Huang asked.

Xu Zixiu was startled, then laughed again, "Yeah, I remembered how I should die, but I still can't die." After a pause, he punched the ice again, "Qiao Wei Oh, Qiao Wei, you are more ruthless than anyone else."

Hearing the name again, Si Huang looked at Xu Zixiu, and noticed that his tone was very strange, like hate, resentment, or sigh, but there was no killing intent.

A ray of light also flashed in Xu Zixiu's opened eyes, that wave of light was so far away and so confused that there was no focus, it seemed to be a simple daze and it seemed that time had passed too long, making people's emotions unclear.

"You continue to stay here, or go with me to the main laboratory of the gods." Si Huang asked.

I don't know what's going on outside now, she can't spend too much time with Xu Zixiu.

"Go with you." Xu Zixiu stood up and said with a smile: "In order to repay Si Si, you accompanied me here, and I will help you in the end."

Si Huang nodded.

The route on the map had long been recorded in her mind, and it didn't take long before she found a crack in the ice to the west.

The crack was so deep that it was almost impossible to see the inside. Sihuang knew that this was an entrance, and she entered the sea from here, and then she could find the location of the God of Creation based on her sense of direction in the sea.

When the three of them went down the ice together, they were about to enter the sea. Xu Zixiu suddenly said to Si Huang: "Si Si, do you know? As long as I remember my original identity and ability, I can choose to sleep. This sleep may be One year could be ten years could be a hundred years, this is my 'death'. Once I wake up, my memory will be disconnected, and I will become a guy who doesn't know where I came from, where I am going, Even if my body has been gnawed into scum, I can still live from another body."

Si Huang heard this and looked at him.

Xu Zixiu said, "Isn't it a great ability?"

The sea was right in front of them, and the three of them were about to jump when they heard Xu Zixiu say, "Qiao Wei gave me this ability."

"He said, he loves me, hahahaha." Xu Zixiu laughed loudly, "Si Si, I'm playing tricks on you. I won't help people who are related to Qiao Wei."

The last sound was still in my ears, followed by the sound of falling into the water. Xu Zixiu plunged headlong into the icy sea water, and he even hugged a big ice stone while going in.

Si Huang and Qin Fan also jumped in. As soon as they entered the water, Si Huang transformed into a fish tail, holding Qin Fan with one hand, watching Xu Zixiu sinking rapidly.

She dived down like she did, and in the sea water, she could still see Xu Zixiu's evil eyes as always, and her insolent smile. He told Si Huang with his eyes that he didn't need her help.

He said that his death was a deep sleep, was he planning to sleep in the sea?

Sihuang looked at Xu Zixiu for a moment, and Wubao's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: [Your Majesty, I remember, this is where the young master died. 】 Its voice choked.

[Bai Bixian is the person that the young master likes. He is the only son of the Bai Bi family. He met the young master who was disguised as a woman. In order to survive, the young master tried his best to stay by Bai Bixian's side. 】Wu Baodao:【There are many misunderstandings here, and I don't know what to say, but it is here that the young master was forced here. It was Bai Bixian who brought them here, and they wanted to force the young master to death! But the young master can not die, but in the end the young master used all, all the abilities on Bai Bixian. 】

Si Huang didn't respond, and after a few seconds, Wu Bao said: [Young Master gave Bai Bixian a wish with his life span and all his wish power. 】

[...May he live forever, be drunk and dream of death. 】

——Qiao Wei, Qiao Ming, you are more ruthless than anyone else——

Sihuang remembered Xu Zixiu's words.

Qiao Wei is indeed ruthless, not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to himself.

His feelings are extreme, and how cruel he is to Bai Bixian also shows how much he loves him.

Sihuang didn't know Mr. Wujue, nor had he met him, so he heard everything from Wubao. But from Wu Bao's few words, I can feel that this man who is born with the same physique as her has a harder life than her, and works harder than anyone else to live, to cherish his life, and to fight for his life with the sky.

However, such a person who cherishes his own life would rather exchange his own life for such a revenge for Bai Bixian, how much does he hate and love?

Immortal, drunk and dreaming of death.

These eight words have exhausted Xu Zixiu's ignorance in life. He can't even die, and can only sleep in a dream.

Bai Bixian, Xu Zixiu. What kind of feelings does he have for Young Master Wujue? The person has already left, Si Huang can't understand, what kind of misunderstanding is the misunderstanding in Wubao's words? Just think about Xu Zixiu's personality, and then guess the character of Mr. Wu Jue who was born with hardships. The meeting of these two people is the same sex who concealed the real gender. It is too difficult to be together easily.

There has been no response from Sihuang, and Wubao is silent again, suddenly remembering about Mr. Wujue, and Wubao, a small scumbag, can't help but be affected by his emotions.

Here, Sihuang is dragging Qin Fan to dive into the deep sea quickly. On the other side, people from country Z or other countries have received the information one by one, one after another, the strange deaths of people and more and more people appearing on the Internet. Yue Yue's posts and remarks made the whole people aware of the seriousness of the matter.

No one wants to die, no one wants to die.

After these days of experience, ordinary people have accepted special bloodlines, and their senses have also changed, from rejection to respect.

However, when one day you have to choose between yourself and the special blood, and there is an example of death on the spot, how many people are willing to sacrifice themselves?

Sihuang knew that the longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous the situation would be. Even now she didn't know what to do after seeing the God of Creation, whether to destroy him or?

Xia Qitong's figure appeared in his mind, and Sihuang's eyes became firm.

In any case, she had to take this step without any hesitation.

The crowd has been shocked by the terrifying ability of creating gods, they have never thought about it, even if they all choose no, temporarily save their lives, and finally obliterate the special bloodline, so what? God-making is still there, as long as he thinks about it, everyone will have to endure this crisis again.

Maybe someone wanted it, but the first thing to save right now is his own life, as for the future, he has to face it with his life.

The pressure on the bottom of the sea is getting bigger and bigger, Si Huang doesn't care, and Qin Fan's body can hold it, but the oxygen is not enough.

For this reason, Sihuang helped him breathe smoothly, and finally saw a steel fortress in the deep sea.

This is like a submarine, and like a steel palace floating in the sea, similar to the Iron Gray Triangle, but the former is in the sea, and the latter is on the sea surface, both of which are secret existences that can move.

Si Huang watched, thinking about finding a place to enter, when suddenly he heard a sound in his ear, turned around and saw a door opened in a place.

Si Huang and Qin Fan looked at each other, and then swam in directly.

"Swipe-swipe-swipe-" With the opening of one door after another, it seemed that they were specially guiding the route for Si Huang and the others, and they came to the last place unimpeded all the way.

Sihuang knew that once she entered here, she had completely entered the land of god-making, and everything was under his control and insight, so she did not recover her legs in a place without water, but was carried away by Qin Fan .

When seeing Xia Qitong sitting in the machine, Sihuang felt as if he had been a lifetime away for a moment.

There was another person standing beside Xia Qitong.

Cheng Hong noticed Si Huang's gaze and smiled at Si Huang.

The man has not eaten or drank for the past two days, making this man very haggard.

If Si Huang came one day later, he would have died of thirst here.

God-making will not take care of him and open the door for you to arrange food and drink just to keep him alive.

"Young Master Si, the current fourth master...has completely acted according to the setting of God-making." Cheng Hong said with a rough voice, a little difficult.

Although Si Huang had a premonition before he came, but after hearing what Cheng Hong said, Si Huang still couldn't answer his words, but just looked at Xia Qitong and called out softly: "Xia Qitong?"

Xia Qitong on the mechanical chair opened his eyes, he seemed to be sleeping peacefully when he closed his eyes just now, but he didn't seem to wake up from sleep at all when he opened his eyes.

The most important thing is that his eyes are not the eyes of a normal person, but rather like a humanoid mechanical computer, with countless blue data rates flickering inside, turning these eyes into a godless blue.

Sihuang's heart twitched suddenly, and Qin Fan, who was holding her, felt the rise and fall of her chest, and his hand tightened a little more.

"You are Sihuang." Xia Qitong said, with an unexpectedly gentle tone, which belongs to Xia Qitong's speaking tone, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

However, looking at his lifeless eyes, Si Huang knew that this was not Xia Qitong, at least not the Xia Qitong she was familiar with.

"Yes." Si Huang thought he could be calm, but when faced with this scene, his voice was still astringent, "I'm here."

Xia Qitong said: "You are the only manager candidate set by the system."

"...the manager?" Si Huang asked.

Xia Qitong: "Once you pass the test, the god-making system will serve you."

Si Huang was silent for a while, that's why Xia Qitong told her to come, what if she didn't come in time?

Xia Qitong didn't know what she was thinking, but simply explained to her: "Test 1: The system's first trial has passed. Test 2: It has passed before the system is safely reached before the end of the god-making plan. Test 3: The whole people acquiesced in entering the new era. With a majority, the test is in progress."

Si Huang was sensitive to the words in Xia Qitong's words, "Acquiesce? You mean that if you don't choose, you acquiesce."

Xia Qitong said: "That's right."

Answering without emotion, no matter how gentle the voice is, it can't change his ruthless nature, which is more mechanical and indifferent than Dou Wenqing.

Si Huang suddenly realized that he could do nothing when he came here, or this is already a war for all ordinary people.

"What if I don't come?"

Xia Qitong: "Test 2 failed, the system runs on its own."

What are the consequences of God-making running on its own? Nobody knows. But what is certain is that the subsequent network is all under the control of a god-made god without human emotion, which is a very disturbing and uncontrollable situation.

Si Huang couldn't tell what it was like in her heart, it was like knocking over a table of ingredients and mixing all kinds of flavors.

"What is the purpose of creating gods?"

This question made Xia Qitong silent for a while, but there was no emotion on his face that belonged to human thinking, maybe he was just calculating.

"There is no purpose in making gods. The purpose is to create and manage people's thoughts. Before the system is completed, the thoughts of all the creators cannot be unified." Xia Qitong said: "Now that the system is completed and running, there are only two purposes, one is to wipe out all violations of the system. The life of setting. Second, test whether the administrator is qualified to manage the system. If the administrator successfully passes the test, the system will be reset and manipulated by the administrator.”

Xia Qitong's voice was suddenly distorted, and Si Huang saw that his fingers on the mechanical chair suddenly appeared bright, as if a circuit appeared in the skin content, and then the fingers were quantized.

Si Huang's eyes widened, and she walked towards him, but she forgot that she was in Qin Fan's arms, leaned forward, and was picked up by Qin Fan again.

Qin Fan knew what she meant, so he carried her towards Xia Qitong and stood half a meter away from Xia Qitong.

This is because Qin Fan also heard that the current Xia Qitong has no malice towards Sihuang, or it should be said that he will not do anything to Sihuang until the result comes out.

"Please don't worry, the virtualization of the body does not mean that the system is damaged." Xia Qitong said.

"Fourth master!?" These words made Cheng Hong suddenly raise his head, looking at him expectantly.

An emotionless god-making system shouldn't say such comforting words, even if the comforting words are not what the few people present want to hear.

However, Xia Qitong didn't have any expression on his face when he said these words, as if he just read a line selected by the system.

Cheng Hong only felt his blood cool down again. He endured it for a long time, but he still couldn't help the tears welling up in his eyes. A big man actually cried just like that, still crying silently and tremblingly.

"What's going on here?" Si Huang asked with difficulty, stretched out her hand and put it on top of Xia Qitong's, the floating quantum light had no substance, it just disappeared between her fingers.

Xia Qitong: "Human life and body cannot bear the system, this is the price of evolution."

The price of evolution?

This is just the evolutionary price of God-making.

Si Huang recalled the scenes of Xia Qitong in his mind, the appearance, words and deeds of the other party after his legs were unable to stand and walk.

Suddenly, she understood that Xia Qitong might have guessed the consequences of the final completion of God-making.

A person is forced to such a degree, but still willing to leave a glimmer of life, insisting on handing over the key of this glimmer of life to her.

"Xia Qitong..."

Xia Qitong said: "It seems that you like this name very much. If you successfully pass the administrator's test, you can rename the system and call me Qitong."

"Qitong? System?" Si Huang looked at the familiar face in front of him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Gradually her eyes became firm and cooled down, "You are right, as long as I pass the administrator's test, not only your name, but also your face, feelings, and life experience, all the tests are set according to my intentions, right? "

"Yes." Xia Qitong said with a blank expression: "Currently, the choice to deny life has reached 24%. When my current physical body completely disappears, it will be the end of the third test."

He didn't say how many people are sure about the choice, and Si Huang also wants to know that compared with the choice of no choice, there are definitely very few, so little that there is no need to say it at all.

Si Huang didn't want him to say it, because once he chose OK, it meant that these people were all dead.

At this moment, the cold laboratory was quiet, except that Xia Qitong's body was disappearing at a not-so-slow speed.

This quantized disappearance is reminiscent of a movie effect, especially when seen in reality, without any blood, but with a sense of serene beauty.

The difference from this laboratory is that the outside world has become a mess. The people are panicked because they are not notified by the upper echelon. People's death incidents are spread on the Internet one after another. The uneasiness of knowing when and how it will end has created social unrest.

Si Huang could no longer see these situations, but she could imagine them.

In the line of sight, Xia Qitong's quantization was slow at the beginning, but it became faster as she got to the back. She saw that his hands had disappeared.

"Five Treasures." Si Huang shouted silently in her heart.

[Yes, Your Majesty! 】 Wubao responded immediately.

Sihuang said to it with consciousness: "You said that I am stronger than the five masters, especially in absorbing the power of faith."

【yes! 】 Wubao agreed again.

Si Huang said: "Then Master Wujue can use his own life to exchange for a heaven-defying wish, and so can I."

The five treasures' hairs were all blown up, 【Your Majesty, you must not think like this! 】It can't bear its new master to die in front of itself at all, especially after remembering everything about Mr. Wujue. Thinking that Sihuang might die, Wubao's whole mouse is not well, and almost burst into tears, [No, no, no, absolutely not! Your Majesty, don't leave the Five Treasures, woo woo, and the big sun, Your Highness Shining! them……】

Sihuang interrupted its crying, "I don't want to die."

【what? 】 Wubao was stunned.

Si Huang: "Is there a way to convey my thoughts or some words into other people's minds?"

Wubao was still in a daze, and Si Huang continued: "You have been exaggerating the importance of faith. From Xu Zixiu's case, it is indeed very important. Then, as long as others hear my words, or my thoughts are influenced by me The influence, the price paid need to be paid with life?"

【Need not! 】As soon as Wubao heard that he was taking his life, he immediately came back to his senses, wishing to give up any thoughts of Si Huang committing suicide, 【Your Majesty, how did you think of this? It is indeed possible to do this, but it is very costly, and it must be done when everyone is willing and thinking about you. If you feel repelled, you will not hear it. In addition, in terms of influence, it must be the biggest guide to Jin Glittering's thoughts, and the little pink is average, and I don't know about the others. The point is! Your Majesty, if you want to send a message to Jin Sparkle or Little Pink, the price you have to pay is that all the current Gold Sparkle and Little Pink cannot be used for a period of time. consume! 】

Si Huang smiled.

She didn't feel anything about Wu Bao's excited attitude.

"Wubao, you've done a great job, you're better than I imagined." Sihuang said softly with consciousness: "Thank you."

At the beginning, when she just learned the secret of making gods from Xia Qitong, she was at a loss and didn't know what to do. It was Wubao who reminded her that it's better to work hard to save gold.

Maybe Wubao didn't think of a solution at that time, but the subconscious mind already understood that Sihuang's greatest reliance was on these, and this was what she was best at.

It was because of Wubao's reminder that she had the strength to face the situation in front of her.

"Use it." Si Huang said.

Wubao was so exaggerated by Sihuang's praise that he almost didn't understand what Sihuang said, so he didn't even want to agree.

The next second it came back to its senses, the money-keeping attribute in its nature made it reluctant to part with it, but it felt Sihuang's firm determination, and somewhat understood that the current situation did not allow hesitation.

While using it, it still couldn't help saying: [Your Majesty, your body has improved a lot after these years of maintenance, but the main support for your lifespan is Jin Glittering. Once Jin Glittering fails, you will be very weak. 】

"Just don't die." Si Huang said, "If you don't do this, you may not die, but you will definitely not be happy."

After saying this sentence to Wubao, Sihuang felt something passing through his body, but he couldn't tell what it was.

This feeling is not good, and thoughts seem to drift out involuntarily, Wubao's voice became blurred, 【Your Majesty, it's okay, you try hard to convey what you want to express by thinking. 】

At this moment, what does Sihuang most want to convey?


'Don't choose. '

'Believe me. '

'I am Sihuang. '

In the car, Grandpa Qin, who was holding Little Shining carefully and never handing it over to anyone else, was stunned. He turned his head to look at Qingtian Baby and the others who were also in the car, and saw that their expressions seemed a little strange.

"Did you hear anything?" Grandpa Qin asked.

Yang Zi's mouth was the fastest, "Young Master Si told me to trust him and not make a choice?"

"I heard that too!" Qing Tianwa said.

Thunderstorm nodded heavily.

The others didn't answer, but it was clearly the same.

Grandpa Qin's expression kept changing, "This...this..." He couldn't help but clenched his palms tightly, unable to express his inner emotions.

When the Internet is completely controlled by the gods, whether it is ordinary people, special bloodlines or high-level people, they are all powerless and can only watch the development of the situation. Who would have thought that Sihuang would make such a fortune! ?

No matter how she did it, at least Grandpa Qin saw hope, and a miracle!

Country Z, country M, country Y, country F, country H, etc., or on the street, or in the classroom, or in the family, or even in the high-level council hall of the country, almost everyone was stunned, there was a voice in someone's mind It is very clear, but some people hear the voice very vaguely, some people feel at ease the moment they hear it, and some people are dubious.

The wind direction on the Internet has also changed, and more and more people ask.

"Did you hear that?"

"Your Majesty's words!"

"I hear you! Do you too?"

"My God, there are so many people, what's going on?"

"Your Majesty is right! I found that some words were blocked and I couldn't post them, but I believe in Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I believe in you! You are fine, great!"

Under such circumstances, all ordinary people were threatened by sudden special means, and there was no expression or response from the country. Someone suddenly appeared and gave them an answer with the same incredible means. For most people, Not only will you not feel scared, but it will make you calm down.

Especially since the person with this voice is Sihuang, saying 'I am Sihuang' is enough to comfort the soul.

Whether it is ordinary people or special bloodlines, the latter is even more relieved.

After all, it seems that the person with the greatest danger is the special blood.

I can only watch ordinary people deny them in order to survive and push them to the brink of death. But can they blame it? Ordinary people are also victims of coercion by the gods, but if they can't defeat the gods, and they can't vent to ordinary people, can they just wait for death?

This kind of waiting almost didn't drive some special bloodlines crazy. They even thought they were going to die anyway, so why couldn't they go to other people to vent?

In the face of life, people will become selfish and extreme.

At this moment, the appearance of Si Huang gave everyone hope.

There is no one else like her, just saying her name is enough for everyone to know who she is. There is no one else who can believe me like she does, and people can't help but believe me.

The special blood believes in Sihuang, and ordinary people respect and love her.

Because of the appearance of Si Huang, the ending of this deadly game became confusing, and it was no longer one-sided, and there was a possibility of winning or losing.

In an undersea laboratory in the Arctic.

When Sihuang's face turned pale and his body was completely powerless and fell into Qin Fan's arms, Xia Qitong's body on the opposite side also became blurred and distorted like an image, as if it would explode into a quantum light and disappear at any moment.

He said, "What did you do?"

Si Huang said to him like an old friend: "Do you also have doubts?"

Xia Qitong: "Yes, I can't understand how you did it."

Si Huang smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

Xia Qitong: "..."

His silence made Sihuang smile even happier, looking at him with clear and calm eyes, which made the smile sparkle and moving inside, "I didn't use force, I only used the confrontation in the fields that each other is good at. Thinking about it, it's really true interesting."

Xia Qitong: "The field you are good at is...?"

A blue light curtain was projected in the midair between the two, on which were information about Sihuang, especially the analysis and effect on the blood.

It has to be said that this information is so detailed that it almost exposed the secret of Sihuang's bloodline.

Si Huang shook her head, "The field I'm best at is attracting popularity." From what the other party did, Si Huang had to face a reality. Xia Qitong no longer knows how to joke or use human thinking to think about problems. "You control the Internet, and I control people's hearts. I made a huge gamble with all human beings. Xia Qitong, probably in this way you can be considered your opponent. Who do you think will win in the end?"

Xia Qitong didn't speak, he looked at Si Huang quietly, suddenly the projection between the two changed, and it became a 3D projection that could almost be realistic.

The 3D projected image of this human figure is Xia Qitong, no matter in appearance, height or figure, they are exactly the same.

This 3D projected human figure Xia Qitong said, "If you like this system image, the system will serve you with this image." The soft and gentle voice was still talking, and Si Huang saw Xia Qitong through this projection. The real body is completely quantized, disappearing bit by bit, not even a shadow left.

"You won, Manager." 3D Xia Qitong smiled.

Si Huang still didn't leave the mechanical chair, and murmured in a low voice, "I won because you didn't try your best, and you were still buying time for me in the end."

As long as Zao Shen sends a message around the world before she has time to find a solution, then even if Si Huang publishes the answer later, it will be too late.

"Xia Qitong."

3D Xia Qitong: "Does the administrator want to rename the system to Xia Qitong?"

Si Huang just put his eyes on him, "Where is your body?"

"I am everywhere." He said, "Any machine or circuit can have my shadow and become my clone."

Si Huang looked at his smiling face, much more energetic than Xia Qitong who was on the chair before, and almost exactly the same as Xia Qitong in her memory, but no matter how similar the emotions seemed in those eyes, they still lacked a charm after all.

This is the god-making system.

Si Huang blinked slowly, then opened again, "From today on, your name is Qi Tong."

"The renaming was successful." Projection 3D Xia Qitong smiled and said, "Is the manager planning for a new era now?"

"Call me Sihuang." Sihuang asked: "What new era plan?"

Qi Tong stretched out her hand a little forward, and then a light blue interface appeared in mid-air. Si Huang couldn't understand the professional academic knowledge on it, but she understood one thing.

In the database of the god-making system, there is actually all the knowledge of biotechnology, not only the biotechnology, cloning technology, and biochip technology that the god-making organization has shown in the world, but most importantly... the god-making system has always been the most critical biological research It succeeded, that is, it can stimulate the life evolution of ordinary people, it is a biotechnology that can stimulate the hidden blood of ordinary people, even if there is no special blood, it can also achieve the effect of strengthening the body.


Rao Sihuang was also shocked by what he wrote.

Her voice was dry, "If I lose, what will you do with this information?"

Qitong said: "Destroy." Then he said: "This is the initial setting of the god-making system."

Since you are going to research, why destroy it after the research results? Si Huang thought, this is probably the difference between geniuses. It's as if a painter spent his whole life to complete the pinnacle handed down work, but destroyed the work after completion, and he didn't want her to pass it on.

It's also like, God-making obviously has the ability to destroy the entire human society without leaving a ray of life, but still leaves a ray of life. Another example is that their research can obviously promote the progress of mankind, even as it is now, and bring the whole human society into a new era, but they would rather destroy and provoke other countries than announce all this.

"Haha..." Si Huang laughed out loud and shook his head.

In the eyes of everyone, God-making is a terrorist organization of the newspaper office, and it has indeed done so, harming countless special bloodlines and ordinary people.

However, once this information is handed in, God-making will be the biggest contributor, and the biggest key to creating a new era of mankind.

The biggest villain and the biggest hero, how interesting! It's really worthy of being a god! Everyone has been played around!

"Leave it alone." Si Huang closed her eyes after saying this.

She was very tired and wanted to sleep, her body seemed to be empty.

Qin Fan hugged her, and after realizing that she was just asleep, he relaxed his tense body.


Half a month later.

The global network has returned to normal, and the god-making incident half a month ago has also ended safely. Although many people died in the middle, it left everyone with lingering fears. Fortunately, the wars in various countries have stopped and news of stability has been announced.

The society has also returned to normal under effective measures and is on the right track.

Students continue their winter vacation, those who should go to work still go to work, those who teach still teach, and those who chase stars still... chase stars!

It's just that this star chaser seems a little too crazy, and they all chased him to the door of his company.

Fenghuang Entertainment Company, Yule looked at the crowd downstairs, there were reporters and fans, most of them were fans.

This situation has been going on for many days, and the number of people has never been reduced. Is everyone on winter vacation with no place to go?

"Do you want to send out the news that Si Huang is ill and has never been to the company so far, and tell them not to come again?" Su Yueban also stood by the window and suggested to Yu Xi.

Yu Xi looked at him speechlessly, "With Si Huang's popularity now, what kind of consequences do you think will happen if this news is sent out?"

"What are the consequences?" Su Yue was in a daze.

Yu Xi said: "The hospital has been searched all over, and the V blog does not stop. Maybe they didn't wait outside the company, but broke in directly."

"No way?" Su Yueban trembled involuntarily when she thought of that scene.

Yuene was expressionless, "Isn't it? You know the general situation of Sihuang so don't worry, others don't know. You send the news of Sihuang's illness, no matter how simple the words are, some people will think about the most serious aspects .Maybe there will be a headline about Si Huang dying of serious illness tomorrow."

This is an exaggeration, but it is well-founded.

Su Yueban immediately dismissed the idea, "By the way, what has Master Si been doing recently? Has he been recuperating in the hospital?"

Yu Xi said: "Didn't Si Huang V Bo say that?" He said calmly, "He went to safeguard world peace."

Su Yueban: "..." Although it was full of bad topics, he had nowhere to complain. Who made Sihuang really save world peace?

Speaking of the current Sihuang, he has recuperated for more than half a month, and today he came down to the central council hall under the care of Qin Fan.

The people who came to the parliament hall this time were not only people from country Z, but also important personnel from other countries, many of whom were people Si Huang had seen and was familiar with.

Queen Elisa representing country Y, the highest authority representing country M and the head of the Mephisd family, countries F and H all came.

They sat together at the round table, all of them silent, without any conversation, until the door of the council hall was opened, everyone looked towards the door, and saw Si Huang and Qin Fan coming in together.

Everyone here is extremely tall, but seeing Si Huang and Qin Fan coming last, they didn't show any dissatisfaction.

Especially when seeing Si Huang who was pushed in by Qin Fan in a wheelchair, her complexion was much paler and more transparent than usual, and her delicate eyebrows and eyes, as well as her strong colors, became more prominent.

After the god-making event ended, everyone didn't know how Sihuang managed to convey the voice to everyone's ears, but it didn't prevent them from making up a lot of processes and costs.

Personnel with special bloodlines usually have sequelae when using abilities, not to mention overusing abilities. Thinking about the scope of Sihuang's use of abilities is enough to make people think of the result of her paying a huge price and sequelae.

Seeing Sihuang sitting in a wheelchair now, who among them can show off? Even if you are really dissatisfied, you will never say something that makes the other party dissatisfied on the other party's territory.

Qin Fan pushed Sihuang to the center, and sat next to her. On the other side of Sihuang was Jin Lao.

Elder Jin nodded to Sihuang with loving eyes.

Si Huang also smiled gently at him.

When everyone is here, Sihuang cuts to the chase and says, "I invite you here today to sign a new special treaty."

Standing aside, Li Zhe distributed the documents and materials he had prepared to everyone present.

Everyone looked at it on the spot. The clauses written in the treaty were very clear and rigorous, which made people's eyes shine. It was very suitable for the current situation. There was only one clause that made the people in power here not satisfied.

"The treaty above is perfect, but I don't agree with the fact that all countries form a secret alliance, and the people of country Z serve as the highest judge of the alliance." Bertrand, the representative of country F, spoke calmly, and the translator behind him was responsible for timely Translate his words, "I admire and appreciate your sacrifices, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to listen to you. We can negotiate in other ways."

Sihuang looked at the others, the owner of Mephiseld was talking in a low voice to Joseph in country M, Mrs. Han Shengyan in country H smiled and said nothing, when she saw Elisa, the girl was also looking at Sihuang, " I want to know how Qitong is doing."

Si Huang didn't answer her immediately, and she didn't plan to play tricks with everyone present, "I know you are very curious about the final result of the god-making."

"Didn't it be ruined by you?" Joseph said.

Si Huang said: "No, I didn't destroy him, but I just won him, so now the God of Creation belongs to me and obeys me."

This news was no less than a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the expression of everyone present changed greatly, even Jin Lao.

They all thought that the reason why the network is normal and the world is peaceful is because Sihuang and Qin Fan successfully destroyed the god-making at the last moment.

In the end, Sihuang said that she had won the creation of the gods, and now the creation of the gods belongs to her and obeys her orders!

No one here is a fool, they can completely think of what this represents, a god-making is terrifying enough, enough to make the world restless, plus a Sihuang, there are so many backgrounds behind Sihuang and manpower.

For a moment, everyone's back felt cold, and even the seat under their buttocks became painful.

"I didn't mean to threaten you." Si Huang's tone was almost indifferent, "If I wanted to threaten you, it would be impossible for you to sit here now."

It is true to say so, but it is still very intrusive when you think about it.

Everyone felt helpless, they didn't expect that after sitting in a high position for so long, one day they would be suppressed by a young man like this, not even daring to say any harsh words.

"Zaoshen has evolved into the most advanced biologically intelligent computer. It can cover the global network and capture signals. You all experienced this ability half a month ago." Si Huang said.

Everyone nodded.

"The alliance I'm talking about will be under the overall monitoring and responsibility of the god-making system. The reason why this alliance is established is for the problems and troubles that may be faced in the future. Also, since you are benefited, you should also pay the corresponding price and reward." Si Huang smiled.

Mrs. Han Shengyan asked: "What are the benefits?"

"Let's let someone else talk about it." Si Huang pointed at the armrest of the wheelchair, "Qi Tong, come here."

As her voice fell, everyone saw a figure appearing in the open space in the middle of the round table.

This person surprised everyone when he appeared, and Elisa stood up even more out of composure, "Qitong!?"

Wearing casual casual clothes, Qi Tong looked no different from a real person, and smiled at everyone, "Hello, I am the original god-making system, Qi Tong."

"He has no breath of life, he is not a real person!" Patriarch Mephisd suddenly said.

Eliza's eyes widened immediately, her body trembled and she sat down softly.

Qitong smiled slightly at Patriarch Mephisd who was speaking, "This is the image projection set for me by the manager, Sihuang." The voice is pleasing to the heart, and even the speed and intonation of the speech have a special charm.

If he didn't take the initiative to admit it, just looking at him like this, it would be impossible to see that he is a false projection of a character.

This is the biological technology level of God-making? Just seeing the other party's silent appearance is enough to shock people!

In the next second, a light blue projection screen suddenly appeared in the air in front of everyone present. The content that appeared on the screen was exactly what Si Huang had seen half a month ago, about the theory of life blood evolution researched by God-making.

"This is impossible!"

"My goodness!"

"This is a miracle!"


The sound of inhalation and exclamation continued to sound.

Si Huang didn't wait for them to finish digesting and said directly: "If you want to study the data and Qi Tong's comprehensive cooperation and assistance, you will join the alliance. If you don't join, the data is not available."

"What if we join? Besides researching materials, what else do we need to do?" It was Mrs. Han Shengyan who asked.

Si Huang could see that this person was supporting her side, and she said: "You can discuss what you need to do in the future. I don't plan to take care of it. However, the Z Congress is the first to enter the era of national evolution, and the official use of biological network technology .Countries that do not join the alliance will be blocked by the alliance. Want to make technological progress? Research it yourself."

These words are really self-willed. However, everyone here knows that what Sihuang said is feasible. With the level of biotechnology and capabilities that are far beyond modern times, it is fully capable of shielding all information about life evolution and technological progress from the outside world, that is to say Even if they wanted to steal, they would never be able to steal country Z's information.

If it is really done according to Si Huang, everyone can imagine that in the future, people from backward countries that have not joined the alliance will flock to country Z one by one.

In the end, everyone was well-informed and did not make any small moves, pretending to be reserved or putting on a show, and silently signed the treaty in front of them.

A big fist is the boss.

Everyone can still see Sihuang's sincerity. Based on her current control of God-making and her own ability, it is not a problem for anyone to object to it directly, but she still talks to them calmly. Worried about what she told me to do from time to time.

Of course, the sharpest sword is still in her hand, she can ignore everything, but people like herself must not take her seriously.

have to! Make offerings like your ancestors! Don't provoke her if you have nothing to do, and try not to meet her if you have something to do! That's right, that's what you have to do!

By the way, she has to live comfortably, otherwise one day she suddenly gets upset and comes to have a horrible incident, they really can't bear it.

The representatives from various countries did not stay long, and left excitedly and responsibly one by one.

Ten days later, a piece of news that shocked everyone was released in all the places in the world where the network can cover.

People with special bloodlines can have official citizenship, and the identity of special bloodlines will be marked on the identity, and enjoy the same citizen benefits as ordinary people, and some benefits can even be better.

This is not the most shocking thing, the most shocking thing is the announcement by the country that in the next year, countries will launch biochip ID cards, which are not only small but also stored directly in human skin tissue, effectively activating the human body’s potential Existing special bloodline. At the same time as this biochip ID card, there is also a life evolution injection, which can effectively improve the physical abilities of ordinary people.

Once the news spread, everyone exploded.

"Damn it, am I dreaming or the whole world is dreaming? Is this technological progress too fast? I can't bear it!"

"Is this true? Is there a professional to analyze it, or is there anyone who knows? In other words, we all have the opportunity to evolve?"

"The new era is really a new era. It can't be true! It can't be a joke all over the world, right?"

"All national channels are posting it. It should be true, right? By the way, I'm going to check with His Majesty. Your Majesty must know the situation!"

There was more than one person who had this idea, but a group of people flocked to Sihuang's V blog to see the situation, thinking that Sihuang would react a little when such a big thing happened.

Unexpectedly, Sihuang Vbo did update the news, but the news content has nothing to do with this matter at all, only a set of photos.

Sihuang V: @巧光(Qin Yuan) V\\Happy full moon. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

The photos are full of little sparkles of the full moon, smiling, pouting, lying on their stomachs, with blank expressions, making everyone look confused.

The most popular item in the comment area was Qin Fan's forwarded comment.

The Great Sun V of His Majesty the Little Emperor: @司燕V\\@光火(Qin Yuan)V\\ Big baby and little baby, what ah! [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

Countless people were smeared by that 'what a da', and almost vomited blood to death. However, everyone expressed that they could forgive Qin Fan for being overly cute, because the pictures Qin Fan posted won the hearts of the people.

Sihuang posted photos of Xiao Shanshan, while Qin Fan posted photos of the two of them together. After a long absence for a month, they finally saw the beautiful photos of His Majesty again, and it was the beautiful photos of His Majesty and His Royal Highness.

"Why is Your Majesty sitting in a wheelchair? His face is still pale! I knew His Majesty must be injured!"

"So happy, so happy, so happy, I want to finish this bowl of golden dog food even on my knees!"

"Your Majesty, are you short of a daughter-in-law? No! Your Majesty's father, do you mind your son's sister-in-law love?"

"I thought I had lost His Majesty, but now I have another opportunity to become a family with His Majesty, and that is to marry His Highness Shining!"

There was a howl of wolves in the comment area, and this familiar joyful atmosphere immediately infected everyone, as if they had regained the cheerful days of chasing stars and showing off their cuteness.

Someone mentioned about the evolution of biotechnology and the evolution of life, saying that you are all stunned by this family of superb looks? business ah business! We're here to get down to business! How can you say that you are digressing! ?

Uh, wait, let me bookmark the photos first!

As for the off-topic question, it's not that no one noticed it, and someone immediately asked: His Majesty and Qin Liangliang can post the full moon photo of His Highness Shining so happily, what else can happen? It must be fine!

That being said, it seems to make sense! Then... since it's all right, lick the screen, lick the screen, lick the screen, lick the screen decisively!

The change in wind direction is ridiculous. Thanks to the fact that the upper echelons of various countries have prepared a soothing explanation, the result is not as useful as Sihuang's daily news.

On the one hand, I think this matter is interesting and saves trouble, on the other hand, I feel terrible for Si Huang's huge influence.

However, at Shining's full moon banquet today, Sihuang received two messages, one good and the other bad.

The former is a message from the Jiang family in country H, hoping that Sihuang can ask the god-making system to assist them and give them a medical item in the biological cloning technology, in order to help Jiang Yajing solve her terminal illness all the time, no matter how much she pays. all willing.

For this matter, Si Huang naturally agreed.

Ever since Jiang Yajing left and returned to country H, she had received treatment once. Fortunately, Jiang Yajing did not undergo a fundamental operation at that time, but to relieve her physical symptoms. In the end, she still didn't have the courage to have the operation right away, because she was afraid that if it failed, she would lose her last few years of life, and she would never see Sihuang and the others again.

However, the result of not having the surgery directly was that Jiang Yajing's body deteriorated. Even after various measures of relief, her deterioration could not be resolved. The longer the time went on, the lower the success rate of the final surgery.

It was originally a matter of little hope, but who would have thought that the times would suddenly change, the arrival of the god-making system brought advanced biotechnology, and there were also those who specialized in the evolution of special bloodline life.

It can be said that with the information brought by the god-making system, the success rate of Jiang Yajing's terminal illness treatment has reached at least 80%.

As for the other bad news, it was sent by Stanley-Ivan passed away.

"The earl walked very calmly, on the day of the God-made annihilation plan." Stanley said: "Queen Elisa did not agree with this plan. The earl rebelled against the queen's order and was banned by the queen after he was injured that day. Doctor's help."

"The count didn't resent the queen, and he smiled and told me not to hold his funeral. He only asked me to cremate him and bury him next to Miss Jasper. I know that's the place the count has always reserved for himself. , The fact that he can say this request shows that he has really let go of the knot in his heart." Stanley looked gentle, more gentle than ever before, and he was really happy for Ivan. This joy even surpassed the sadness of his death, "Thank you, Your Excellency K. Thank you for forgiving the Earl, and for letting the Earl forgive himself. Please don't feel sorry for the Earl. This is what the Earl most wanted."

"Before the count leaves, let me give you a word."

"Thank you for your generous performance, you are not my eldest lady, nor a princess, you are supreme, may you be happy."

Through Stanley's words, Sihuang learned that Ivan's walk was not only painless, but very relaxed and relieved.

She thought that probably when she and Ivan parted for the last time, the other party had already felt and woke up.

This is indeed a happy ending, as Stanley said, but Si Huang still can't help feeling a little bit sentimental.

"Stanley," Sihuang asked Stanley, "is it convenient to give me Miss Emily's diary and Ivan's life notes? I want to adapt his life into a movie."

Stanley was stunned, then smiled and said, "I think if the Earl is here, he won't refuse you."

Si Huang smiled back.

Even if Ivan died soberly in the end, the process and ending are different after all.

This time, she wanted to take the initiative to leave some memories about Ivan and traces of her life.


After another period of time, Sihuang's legs gradually regained some strength, as did her body. She could feel that her body was recovering, and as time passed, the recovery speed was getting faster and faster.

The reason why she is in a wheelchair is because after returning from the Arctic seabed laboratory, she has lost strength all over her body, especially her legs. Even though they have returned to the appearance of adult legs, it still feels like a tail to her, and she has no strength to stand at all. .

Originally, Qin Fan thought that he could hold and drag her wherever she wanted to go in the future, but Si Huang ruthlessly rejected her and became a wheelchair pusher.

At this time, he was carrying a baby bag in his arms, and Shining was carrying it on his chest, pushing Sihuang towards the elevator of Fenghuang Entertainment Company.

This scene made the passers-by so cute that they almost vomited blood, but seeing Qin Fan's face of aloof and emperor fan'er's inviolability, everyone knew and didn't get too close.

The family of three was greeted by Yulei and the others who had received the news before they reached the company gate.

Speaking of Yuxi and the others, they were not in any danger during the God-making hazard more than a month ago. From this, it can be seen that Xia Qitong must have retained his consciousness and obsession to help Sihuang intentionally, and put everyone she knew well at the end. This gave Sihuang a situation where he turned defeat into victory without causing regret.

"Why are you here?" Yuene asked, keeping looking at the three of them.

Nima, this appearance is simply amazing.

Si Huang smiled and said: "Come and see, let's take a walk. Go to my office and call Xu Wanjun together."

As a result, there is no need to call at all!

As soon as they learned that Sihuang was coming, everyone ran to Sihuang's office.

As soon as everyone came, you talked about the old days, and Guan Li asked Si Huang how his health was. Of course, Si Huang didn't hide anything, and directly said that there was no major problem, as long as he rested for a while, he would be back to normal.

This answer made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that we would all be able to evolve in a short time? And yesterday, the star network system that claimed to be called Qitong that appeared on TV turned out to be real? Biological computer intelligence! I didn't expect to see it in my lifetime, Develop at this speed. One year later, not only will we have a biochip ID card, but we will be able to evolve. It is estimated that holographic online games and rushing to the stars will not be a dream!" Su Yueban couldn't help but sighed, her eyes full of curiosity Excited, "Si Dashen, what do you think will happen if "Eternal Throne" is changed into a holographic online game!?"

"You will become cannon fodder from a handicapped party, and even the equipment can't save you." Si Huang poured cold water on it.

Speaking of yesterday, Qitong officially appeared on TV to announce his existence to people all over the world, and explained his role.

In order not to cause panic among the people, he concealed the identity of his god-making system, renamed it Starnet System, and became the first biological computer intelligence in human history.

These Sihuang didn't tell Yuxi and the others, and felt that it would be easier if they didn't know some things.

Su Yueban became a drowned chicken, and suddenly felt that the barrier between her and Sihuang had disappeared. It was nothing to be complained about by her, and she was extra excited.

Sihuang called Xu Wanjun to him, and handed him the two notebooks he had brought, "I want you to write a movie script based on these and Ivan Jasper's information."

Xu Wanjun agreed without hesitation. This is a script that Sihuang personally asked for, which means that Sihuang wants to play it himself!

Others guessed it too, Yuene couldn't help asking: "Do you still want to act?"

Si Huang looked at him strangely, "Why do you ask that?" Then he smiled and said, "I remember I haven't retired yet."

While Yuen was happy, she thought that the group of worried fans must be so excited, and at the same time looked at Sihuang worriedly, "Your body..."

"It's not as serious as you think." Si Huang raised her foot in front of everyone.

She just has no strength, and it's not really crippled.

Xu Wanjun has already turned a few pages, and knowing whose story this is, he asked hesitantly, "Are you going to play Miss Jasper?"

Si Huang raised her head and smiled at him, "Of course it's the male lead."

Everyone: "..."

Have you forgotten that you are a woman! ? Please, don't smile so handsomely, okay?

Xu Wanjun stopped talking immediately, without any objection.


Today, Sihuang stayed at Fenghuang Entertainment Company until the afternoon before leaving. After returning to Qin's house, dinner was already prepared at home.

The four elderly members of the family greeted them quickly, and Grandma Xiang and Grandma Yu started a new round of daily activities of hugging their great-grandchildren.

These two best friends who have been married for most of their lives, only quarreled over the issue of Shining, but their quarrel was not yelling, but talking to each other in a strange way, without much malice, and it became a daily routine in the family. landscape.

Sihuang also likes Shining, but she won't fight with the two grandmas. Anyway, Shining will be by her side most of the time.

Qin Fan didn't grab it, because after having a child, he found that the opportunity to be alone with Sihuang became particularly rare, especially Sihuang's attention was obviously divided by his son, and he no longer cherished being alone. He didn't know when he would be forgotten, and he didn't even have a place to cry.

The family finished dinner happily.

Shining also returned to Sihuang's arms, but Qin Fan was the one who took him the most. Who made it inconvenient for Sihuang now?

Qin Fan was also very happy. After bathing the big baby, he went to wash the little baby in vain.

Taking advantage of the time when he was brushing Xiao Shanshan's body, Si Huang tapped a button on the chair, and a light blue screen popped up in the air in front of him.

As the intelligent manager of the star network system, she naturally has the first-hand right to use the latest technology.

What appeared on the screen was Sihuang's V blog situation. You can see in the comments that the news that Sihuang went to Fenghuang Entertainment Company today has spread, even the photos are the same.

While teasing Qin Fan's transformation into a full-time baby daddy, everyone was also worried about Sihuang's physical condition, and some were talking about what was announced by Xingwang yesterday.

Si Huang was amused, and unhurriedly updated the latest developments on her V blog, saying that her body is fine, so fans don't need to worry, and will return to work in a few days, with new works released.

As soon as the news spread, everyone was overjoyed. Everyone was pleasantly surprised and shocked.

"Your Majesty is the great hero who saved the world, right? He even came back to act and sing as a star!? I'm a little scared for being so down-to-earth!"

"Your Majesty is great! Woohoo, I cried, I really cried! I love you, Your Majesty, and I will love you forever! Thank you and look forward to your comeback work!"

"Nothing to say, you are my idol and my belief."

This news was sent out, regardless of national boundaries, regardless of age, everyone couldn't calm down for a while.

Sihuang looked at the fans' comments, and Wubao's excited words suddenly sounded in his mind: [Your Majesty, today the little fat man said that with Qitong's advanced level of technological development, he might be able to break through the interstellar world in his lifetime, isn't it true! ? 】

Before Sihuang could answer, Wubao had already jumped out and climbed onto Sihuang's hand, staring straight at Sihuang with his round mung bean eyes open, almost drooling, [Your Majesty! Our goal is the sea of ​​stars! I come, I see, I conquer! Your Majesty, let's conquer the interstellar world! ? How much gold is that? Ahhhhhhhhhh! 】

The snow-white hamster has been driven crazy by the bright prospect he imagined.

Qin Fan walked out with Xiao Shanshan in his arms, and saw the five treasures swaying wildly in Sihuang's hands.

"What happened to it?" Qin Fan asked.

Sihuang turned off the internet, patted Wubao's head, "I heard that I'm going to play with Liushun, so that's it."

【Ga? 】 Wubao froze.

Qin Fan nodded, put Xiao Shanshan on the bed and settled down, and then came to hug Sihuang to the bed, "Sleep."

"Okay." Si Huang smiled at him.

【His Majesty--! 】Wubao held out Erkang's hand.

--use up--

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