Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 841: Ivan Appears, Scum Brother Is Abused (2)

The process of inserting the tweezers into the flesh to take out the bullet still made this elegant man stiffen and let out a low muffled grunt.

Stanley watched helplessly. Since that incident, the earl has never used anesthesia again, but he has not seen the earl injured for several days.

After the bullet was taken out, Stanley asked Ivan, "Who is Stoke that the count just said?"

"It's nothing." Ivan decided that it would be better to do it himself if the eldest lady asked him to do it.

Stanley didn't ask any more questions, he was still guessing who would be the new eldest lady.

If it wasn't for this new eldest lady, the Earl would have no reason to intervene in the affairs of Berzin Street, let alone break some business contracts, arouse the dissatisfaction of many people, and even hurt himself.

Stanley didn't know whether to hate the young lady for making the Earl's life chaotic, or to thank the young lady for letting the walking dead Earl regain his vitality.

The next day, when Sihuang went for a morning jog and ran into Arthur again, she realized that Arthur's residence had been arranged next door to her.

In Mark's words, I hope that the two of them can become more familiar with each other, and it is best to make friends and become brothers.

Si Huang was noncommittal about this, and Arthur's attitude couldn't tell whether he agreed or rejected it.

"Your initial costumes are all ready, come and try them on." Yolanda led them away, "Especially K, the early costumes are made according to the body data you gave, as for the later costume design, The designer has to see you for himself."

"Thank you." Sihuang knew that Yolanda had agreed to her request yesterday.

Yolanda shook her head, "You are right, clothes are a gorgeous and mysterious decoration, and you are a treasure worth digging for everyone."

Treasure Phoenix was dumbfounded, and for some reason felt that Yolanda's words sounded a bit teasing.

"What do you think?" Yolanda winked at Arthur.

Arthur nodded, "Yes."

Si Huang glanced at him.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination.

It's a big venue with a variety of small filming sets ready to be set up and taken down.

After Si Huang took a glance, there was a smile of unknown meaning on his face, and his eyes drifted past a certain figure without staying.

Mark came here earlier than them, and immediately came over to say hello after seeing Si Huang and the others, "Everyone else has almost arrived, so you guys are doing a good job."

Si Huang heard that his tone did not mean to blame, and then heard Mark say: "Come and try on the clothes quickly."

When Mark was speaking, other people present also looked at the two of them, with different eyes, most of them were very enthusiastic.

Sihuang followed Mark, and there was a room in front, with a set of costumes and props hanging.

When the staff saw the two of them, they found out the costumes for them without asking about the characters.

Sihuang didn't have the habit of sharing a fitting room with others, and apparently Arthur did too. Mark seemed to have guessed this would happen a long time ago, so he had prepared two fitting rooms for them.

"Do you need help?" A western woman asked empathetically before Sihuang entered the fitting room, "This dress is not easy to wear."

"No, thank you." Si Huang shook her head politely, then closed the door of the fitting room.

"A magical oriental boy! Oh no! An oriental man!" The western woman outside the door licked her lips, her eyes burning.

"Go away." A voice full of disgust came from the side.

The western woman turned her head and saw a beautiful woman in a men's pirate costume.

Out of women's instinctive comparative psychology, Western women seem to hear the voice of their own heartbreak.

Mi Lu's chin was raised, and her jacket was not fully buttoned, which made her full chest bulge, revealing her career line, and her trousers were also worn a little low, revealing a small waist. The whole person exudes a strong and heroic spirit, but also has the sexiness of a woman. The smoky makeup and arrogant expression on his face reminds people of a little female leopard showing its claws.

"As long as you are like this, are you willing to play K's idea?"

The Western woman stared, but thought of Mi Lu's identity, she didn't argue with her, turned her head away with a low grunt.

Not far away, I met my partner at work, and the two chatted in a low voice.

"She's so arrogant! Who do you think she is?"

"Don't provoke her, now who doesn't know that she has taken a fancy to that star from country Z, and will bite whoever she sees."

"They're not lovers, why don't others be allowed to pursue them? And she even entangles Arthur!"

"Hush! I heard that her family is in Country F..."

Mi Lu didn't listen to their conversation any more, and found someone looking at her around, and even glanced around with warning eyes.

So what if she just wants to take an oath of sovereignty? K certainly doesn't like these women pestering him either!

When she saw a black-haired young man who looked different in the crowd, Mi Lu narrowed her eyes and came up with an idea.

In the fitting room, just as the Western woman who tried to seduce her with the excuse of helping her said before, the costumes this time are really not easy to wear.

It took Sihuang nearly ten minutes to get dressed alone, and then opened the door and walked out.

As soon as the door opened, Si Huang heard exclamations from outside. He raised his eyes and looked forward, and found that everyone's attention was attracted by the scene in the center of the venue.

Mi Lu was riding on a black-haired young man, holding a chain in his hand, which was connected to the young man's neck.

"Hahaha." Mi Lu smiled presumptuously, and turned her head to look in the direction of the fitting room again.

When she saw Sihuang's figure, her smile stopped, and then her eyes lit up with flames, and she shouted with laughter: "Sai! This is my new slave, what do you think?"

When her voice sounded, everyone naturally turned their heads to look at Sihuang, and then exclaimed several times in succession.

At this time, Sihuang's black inner garment and the secret silver matte armor protected every part of his body. He was not strong but not thin, and he blended vigor and elegance just right. A silver wolf mask covered the face, covering all the faces, standing there quietly, like a dark knight silently guarding.

He was low-key, voiceless and silent. However, it is not dim. Even though he is wearing black and silver matte knight armor, his face is not exposed at all. He is still an existence that people will remember in their hearts after seeing it.

Sai, is the real name of the character that Sihuang will play.

This sentence of Mi Lu is also a line that her character in "Mysterious Kingdom" will say.

Behind the mask, the corners of Sihuang's mouth lifted in joy, but her eyes gleamed cruelly. She licked her lips without deliberately switching. Her slightly hoarse voice after a cold was just right for her current role, "weak."

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