Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 859: His Majesty’s New Clothes, A Good Show (3)

Bonnie accompanied Stuart on the streets of Ball, and introduced him to the cultural atmosphere of Ball Town and the living rules of the people here. When Stuart asked about the mysterious legend, Bonnie did not hesitate to tell him He said everything he knew, as if he was completely fascinated by this handsome and upright knight commander.

They were talking and laughing, the woman was heroic and hot and charming, the man was noble and handsome like a flower on a high mountain, walking together was like a beautiful landscape painting, attracting everyone's attention, natural and harmonious.

This is the complete opposite of when Bonnie and Sey get along. The former is as hot and dangerous as lava in a cold volcano. It may erupt at any time and cause disaster. In a state of stimulation and tension, it feels deep and terrifying. The temperature of the latter is just right, as beautiful as the sunshine in spring, which makes people feel comfortable and happy, but it lacks a heart-pounding passion.

Captain Bonnie is a free, easy and sensitive woman, the second female lead in "Mysterious Nation", the woman with the most roles, she is involved with several men in the main roles, but who does she really love? Or are you really passionate enough to love everyone? Or so ruthless that everyone doesn't love? This question is a suspense left in the script, and the answer depends entirely on how Mi Lu acts and how the audience understands it after watching it.

The shooting of the two along the way also caused many onlookers to take pictures with their mobile phones.

When Sihuang appeared on the stage, it was just a short shot, that is, Sey stood on the corner of the street and saw the scene of Bonnie and Stuart talking happily together.

This time the mask worked again, and made everyone hate it again, because everyone really wanted to know what expression and mood Sei had at this time? Care or not? If you don't care, why stand still and watch for so long. If he cared, with his personality, shouldn't he just go up and say something venomous?

Yuene heard some discussions around.

"He looks so pitiful, but he wants to rob Arthur of a woman, how can he get it?"

"It's disgusting! How can that woman be with Arthur!"

"That black knight is K! He is also very beautiful, but why does he wear a mask all the time?"

"You don't want to wear a mask until the end of the movie, do you? Then why invite him to play? Anyone can play this role."

Although Sihuang was mentioned to some extent in these discussions, most people's attention was still on Arthur. Out of an inexplicable state of mind, Yuxi let out a hehe in his heart, thinking: wait and see! When the movie comes out, see who you remember at the end!

After the filming ended, Sihuang went to change back into her casual clothes, and went to have dinner with Yuen and the others, but there was an extra Randy beside her, "K, this is my business card, please keep it well, although your height is not Not up to standard, but I think you are very suitable for my new design, if possible, I hope you can accept my invitation..."

Si Huang accepted her business card, and after listening to her words gently, she replied: "I will seriously consider it, but unfortunately I can't communicate with you in depth now. Arthur is leaving, is it okay?"

As soon as Randy heard Arthur's name, he immediately looked in the direction of the other party, and seeing what Zhen Zhen said to Si Huang, he quickly said: "Oh, yes, now is not a good time to communicate, it has been recently, I understand. So let's make an appointment next time to have a good talk, I'll go first, bye."

Si Huang looked at her back, but his eyes met Mi Lu's, who was also looking back at him.

That gaze seemed to want to express something, Sihuang's eyes were calm, and he nodded to her.

Mi Lu's eyes lit up.

All these were seen by Yu Ye, he opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

After dinner, Si Huang didn't go back to her room immediately, but went to Mi Lu's room number.

As a female, Mi Lu's room is next to Yolanda, on the same floor as Sihuang, but the distance is a bit far.

I happened to meet Jerry on the road, and he seemed to have just returned from Milu's place. The two looked at each other, and Si Huang found that the enthusiastic young man's attitude towards him had changed, and there was a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Si Huang didn't take the initiative to say hello to those who were hostile to him. When the two passed by, Jerry suddenly said, "Are you going to find Mi Lu?"

Si Huang stopped, "Yes."

"She went out and wasn't in the room. I just came back from her, so I know." Jerry said.

Si Huang chuckled, didn't say anything, and continued to move forward.

Jerry felt embarrassed that he was seen through, he gritted his teeth but couldn't find any more reasons to stop the other party, recalling that Mi Lu didn't even eat dinner, and ran back to his room happily. When he went to look, he found that Mi Lu had specially changed into a dark green forged off-the-shoulder suspender dress. The whole person was obviously well-groomed, and even her dyed red hair was coiled up. She looked sexy, lazy and elegant. Wild and lively, very charming.

However, before he was amazed for a while, he was kicked out by Mi Lu.

Now that he met Si Huang, he realized that Mi Lu's dressing up was for this man.

Jerry stood still and struggled for a few seconds, but in the end he couldn't keep up. He knew that even if he followed up, nothing could be stopped.

If Mi Lu was playing for fun, he didn't mind how many men the other party had, but since Mi Lu was serious, he couldn't bear it.

"Hi, Jerry." Passing a corner, Jerry saw a handsome oriental face.

"What's the matter?" Jerry replied without curiosity.

Si Hua said, "I know you're in a bad mood right now, don't you mind talking to me? I know a lot about my good brother."

Jerry squinted his eyes, and didn't want to get in touch with Si Hua. He looked down on this cowardly and arrogant boy, but when he thought of what Mi Lu had said to him, his refusal changed, "Okay."

Si Hua smiled, his eyes gleaming with success.

On the other side, Sihuang rang the doorbell of Mi Lu's room, and the door opened after only two rings. Mi Lu's delicately made-up face poked out, like a cat welcoming its owner home.

However, not all cats can be as obedient as her.

Si Huang walked in the door and found that the room had also been tidied up, neat and clean at a glance, red wine and goblets had been placed on the table.

Si Huang glanced at Mi Lu who moved closer to him with a half-smile, and the latter panicked, thinking that he had done something wrong.

However, Si Huang didn't open her mouth to blame, she sat on the sofa chair made of a single person, and she was cautious about the movements in front of her eyes, but the little catwoman whose eyes were so hot and enthusiastic that she wanted to burn people smiled.

To Mi Lu, this smile was like a supreme reward, it gave her confidence.

The sexy and wild little woman opened the red wine, poured it into the goblet, and served it to Sihuang herself.

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