Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 862: Brother Scum Seeking Death (2)

"What I'm asking is, why do you have to fight with all your strength?"

"Shouldn't it be real? Since it's acting, it should be more realistic."

Si Hua interjected, "Then the script says to kill people, so you really kill them?"

Mi Lu snorted, "Aren't you stupid! There's a big difference between murder and slap in the face, okay? What's wrong with being slapped in the face as a man, anyway, it will be healed in a few days, but it can make the movie more real!"

"You did it on purpose!" Si Hua gritted her teeth.

Mi Lu was confident, "So what if I did it on purpose? I just thought it should be acted like this. Look who didn't act like this? Arthur's stomach is still purple, K's hands are still not healed, and I still have medicine on my neck." , look who screamed bitterly? You said something on purpose? You are delicate, and you yelled after being slapped, who do you think you are?"

After such a long passage of words, let alone Si Hua being speechless, he knew that what she said was wrong, but he couldn't refute it. Yolanda and the others were also stunned for a while, always feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with these words, but they couldn't tell where the problem was.

"Haha." Si Huang laughed out loud, never expecting that Mi Lu would still be able to speak like this.

Even if what she said is indeed fallacious, but fallacy also takes up the word "reason", which is also reasonable.

Both she and Arthur knew that their fighting was not simply because of their dedication to their work. It was their pride and they were not allowed to use other tricks to confuse each other, so it was impossible to sue or complain.

Mi Lu's injury was purely self-inflicted, and she insisted on showing it in front of her and looking for a sense of presence.

Those who did it all knew about it, but Yolanda and the others didn't know the way to do it, so after hearing what Mi Lu said, everyone really thought that Si Hua was too hypocritical.

It's not uncommon to actually hit someone in a movie. Most of them are grievances between artists. Generally, the person who beats someone must be more popular than the one who was beaten before he dares to do it. Some directors just turn a blind eye when they see it. For one thing, when I meet more upright directors, I just persuade them to settle their grievances in private, so as not to affect the filming.

When Mark and the others encountered this incident today, they really believed Si Hua's words at first, thinking that it was Mi Lu's personal revenge. Hearing what Mi Lu said now, he couldn't be sure again.

After all, with the examples of Arthur, Sihuang, and Mi Lu herself, Mi Lu is filming for the first time, and she has a lively personality. Maybe she really thinks that filming should be like this? It's completely a true performance, is it possible to be too involved?

"What's more, you will have to fight with your injuries in the subsequent scenes. This will save the convenience of the makeup artist to make up for you. You can see that this is much more real than makeup." Mi Lu's simple words sounded again.

When Yolanda and the others heard this, they couldn't help but look at Si Hua, and found that it was really what Mi Lu said, and the swollen face was just right.

"It's different!" Si Hua couldn't see the contempt towards him in Mi Lu's eyes, he stopped arguing with Mi Lu and turned his attention to Mark.

Mark didn't look at him for a long time, then turned to look at Sihuang.

He believed that K, as an actor, must be able to see the truth of the matter. As his younger brother, what kind of attitude would he have?

Mark can not give Si Hua face, but he feels that Si Huang must give Si Huang face. He has long stopped treating Si Huang as an ordinary Asian actor. In terms of status, Si Huang shows more power than Arthur in the information. A superstar born from the grassroots made Mark feel a little more apprehensive.

Si Huang understood what Mark's eyes meant, she smiled and said, "I think what Mi Lu said makes sense."

K, who has always been a gentleman, would open his eyes and talk nonsense, and would still favor Mi Lu, which shows that the relationship between him and his younger brother is not good.

Mark's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Arthur again, and found that Arthur didn't seem to be interested in this farce, and he didn't mean to express his opinion at all.

That way Mark knew what to do.

"What are you fighting for, keep shooting."

Si Hua's face turned purple.

From the moment he heard Sihuang speak, he knew that things were going to be bad, and the result did not exceed his expectations.

Mi Lu's mocking laughter stopped in Si Hua's ears like a knife cut him, making him growl angrily, "It's not fair!"

Mark said coldly: "If you continue to make trouble, you can leave now, we don't lack your role."

Si Hua wanted to shake his head and leave, but he was not reconciled, let alone the courage. He doesn't know where he can go after this walk. For this role, he has paid too much.

In the end, Si Hua still didn't leave, but he was in a bad mood and kept making mistakes in acting, which annoyed Mark very much.

In the end, even Mi Lu became impatient, and snorted unhappily: "If you like being abused, go to the special club, don't waste everyone's time here."

It was only then that Si Hua realized that making a mistake and NG would only make him repeat the fate of being beaten, but instead performed supernormally to make the scene pass smoothly.

During the lunch break, Si Huang received a text message from Si Hua, explained to Yu Xi and the others, and went to the safe exit of the dining place alone.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Si Hua standing against the wall with a bruised nose and a swollen face, smoking a cigarette, looking dispirited and dispirited.

If this is seen by other women, it is estimated that it can win a little sympathy, but for Sihuang, there is nothing left except the mood of watching the show.

The sound of the door being pushed open caused Si Hua to turn his head to look over. There seemed to be a flash of hatred in his eyes amidst the smoke, but it was quickly hidden again.

"Brother." Si Hua shouted.

Si Huang didn't get close to him, but stood by the door to avoid inhaling second-hand smoke. Hearing this, he chuckled, "Don't call me that, I sound disgusting."

Si Hua took out a cigarette case from his pocket, smoked one and threw it to her.

Si Huang caught it, put his fingertips and twirled it around, thinking that Qin Fan would like to hold a cigarette but not smoke when he was occasionally in a restless mood.

She asked why, Qin Fan said that smoking is harmful to health, he has no addiction to smoking, but occasionally when he wants to smoke, he just holds it in his hand or bites his mouth to enjoy it.

Si Hua came over again with the lighter, trying to light her cigarette.

Si Huang waved his hand, "No need."

Si Hua said, "Isn't it because you're afraid that I'll add fuel to the cigarette?"

"Stop aggressively, if you really dare, I'll be happy and throw you straight away." Si Huang put the unlit cigarette in his mouth, squinting his eyes and smiling lowly, which made Si Hua feel jealous , When did this person start, and he has this natural deceiving temperament in every gesture.

"I dare not." Si Hua admitted frankly, put away the lighter, and continued, "Brother, I really dare not, I dare not do many things. Look at today's incident, my face was stepped on In the mud, no one can help me say a fair word, I understand it. Others are outsiders, we are relatives after all, I did something wrong before, and I don’t ask for your forgiveness, I will find a way to make it up. "

"Well, let's continue." Si Huang folded her arms around her chest and lazily asked Si Hua to continue.

Si Hua glanced at him, then suddenly knelt on the ground, "I'm sorry! Brother, I was wrong!"

He slammed his head on the ground, and when Si Hua raised his head again, his face was covered with tears, and he choked up and said, "I was wrong, brother! Please, I really can't take it anymore. I used to be ignorant, but now I've had enough for a year, what do you want? Will you let me go? Is it because I'm dead that you can be happy?"

The smile on Si Huang's face did not restrain at all, but became more aggressive. She took a few steps forward, bent down in front of Si Hua, still holding a cigarette in her mouth, and whispered, "Come on, light it."

Since he was about to sip his cigarette, he spoke in a low and vague voice, which made Si Hua's body stiff, took out the lighter to light it up again, and carefully lit a cigarette for Si Huang, "Brother, are you agreeing to me?"

Si Huang took a puff, and the red edge of the cigarette butt burned off-white ashes.

Under Si Hua's cautious and expectant look, a puff of smoke spit out from Si Huang's mouth, and it just sprayed on his face, making Si Hua's eyes sore, and in the hazy mist, he saw Si Huang's careless smile.

"Well," Sihuang put down the cigarette, "Go and try."

"Try... what?" Si Hua was in a daze.

Si Huang pointed at his face with a cigarette butt, Si Hua instinctively evaded, and the slightest trace of heat brushed past his red and swollen face.

Si Huang stood up straight again, and flicked the cigarette down the stairs, "Help me get it back."

Si Hua turned her head to look, and was about to stand up to pick it up when she heard Si Huang's next words faintly, "Go down and pick it up."

Si Hua's eyes widened in an instant, and she suddenly understood what Si Huang meant by giving it a try, it was telling him to try and die.

"Understood?" Si Huang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "If you don't try, how do you know if I will be happy?"

Si Hua stared at her closely, then lowered his eyes, his undetectable eyes were filled with absolute darkness, "Okay!"

After saying this, Si Hua turned around and rolled down the stairs behind him.

The height of the stairs is not long, and it takes a few seconds to reach the ground.

Si Hua lay on the ground and howled in a low voice, obviously not dead yet, after a while he struggled to get up, picked up the cigarette that belonged to Si Huang on the ground with trembling arms, looked up at Si Huang, "Brother, you Are you happy?"

Si Huang sneered, compared to Si Hua's distressed and miserable appearance, her posture when she went downstairs was elegant and leisurely.

When Si Hua stood in front of him, he glanced sideways at the cigarette in his hand, and when he reached for it, he suddenly turned around and put his hand into Si Hua's coat pocket.

Take out the pinhole video and recorder inside, throw them on the ground and crush them.

Just like this little machine, Si Hua's face was distorted and crumbled under the trample.

"Use this kind of method that I'm tired of playing against me, Si Hua, you really haven't made any progress at all." Si Huang's disdainful words gave Si Hua another stab.

"Next time you're going to die, remember not to cover your head, it's too fake."

Si Huang turned around, walked back, stopped at the safe exit when she arrived, and looked back at Si Hua.

"This experiment failed, you can try again next time, I want to know the result too."

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