Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 864 Waiting For Your Return

"What went wrong?"

After Si Huang figured it out, he couldn't help but sneered inwardly. On the surface, but not showing signs of expression.

She found that she was more and more able to adapt to the role of Miss Emily, probably because she had acted in this play more than once, and entered the middle stage of the play, so she naturally became more proficient in her grasp of the role.

She has always been an excellent actor, which has not only been proved in her previous life, but Si Huang herself also knows it and is confident in her field.

"Or, besides Bojin Street, there are other problems around you." Sihuang looked at the man kneeling in front of her severely, "Tell me everything you know."

Without waiting for Ivan's answer, Sihuang rejected his concealment in advance, "If this kind of inquiry can't make you speak, then this is my order. Ivan, I order you, tell me everything."

"As you wish, my eldest lady." Ivan Jasper couldn't refuse his eldest lady, especially his eldest lady's order.

Even if the eldest lady ordered him to die!

Because the facts have proved that Ivan really dedicated his soul to the eldest lady.

Because of Missy's order, even though he knew that he would corrupt himself, he still obeyed Missy's order, and then created the current Earl of Dream, a calm psychopath, a walking dead who can't live without Missy.

From the moment Sihuang uttered the word 'order', she knew that she would definitely get all the truth.

According to Ivan's narration, Sihuang learned about the troubles Ivan encountered during this period. This trouble was not only the trouble of tidying up Bojin Street for her, but also the trouble left over from the last Dream incident. But the people who wanted to kill Ivan were not these two groups of people, but members of Jasper's family.

The Jasper family was shattered due to a man-made disaster, and then reintegrated by Ivan. That accident did not kill all members of the Jasper family. It can be described as the direct line and collateral line in China. Miss Emily’s family is the direct line of the Jasper family. Other collateral Jaspers were integrated back by Ivan.

Sihuang can understand Ivan's thoughts. He wants to reproduce the glory of the Jasper family when Miss Emily was born, and also wants the Jasper family to continue to exist in the world.

Ivan said: "I am the eldest lady's deacon."

Jasper will always belong only to Jasper's blood.

He is just a servant who lives on in the world, guarding the home that belongs to the eldest lady.

"So," Si Huang looked at him complicatedly, and said with a sneer, "You have been bullied to the top, you know who is attacking you, and you haven't dealt with him yet?"

Ivan still bowed his head halfway, and his gentle voice remained the same, "They are relatives of Missy."

"No." Sihuang stood up, took a step forward and approached Ivan. Such a close distance made her look down at this man naturally, "What made you have such a ridiculous idea? Ivan, my relatives, are not these mottled mixed blood, lowly moths."

Ivan raised his head, his dark blue eyes, like a calm ocean, reflected a deep and clear light spot in the morning sunlight.

Si Huang remembered that in that diary, Ivan mentioned that Miss Emily was a proud person, and she hated those slackers who were sitting on their own.

Maybe it's not that she doesn't recognize the blood relationship between these people and her, but it's just the words of relatives. Her father and mother are her relatives. If those people are also called relatives, aren't they equal to her parents? This is something Miss Emily does not allow. In her eyes, those moths couldn't be compared with her parents at all, not even Ivan.

"Sorry, my eldest lady." Ivan admitted his mistake this time, but did not bow his head.

There was a self-blame and helpless wry smile on his face, "I have apologized to you too many times this time, which means that I have made too many mistakes. If Missy wants to punish..."

"Shut up!" Si Huang interrupted him, "Knowing that I was wrong, I have to learn not to keep making the same mistakes in front of me!"

Ivan looked at Sihuang quietly, his eyes were focused as if she was the only one alive in this world, and everything else was dim black and white, unable to leave any shadow in his eyes.

He put his right hand close to his heart, stretched out his left hand to Sihuang, and said in a low voice, "The Jasper family has been waiting for your return, my eldest lady."

Si Huang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ivan stared at her with a gentle smile, loyal and gentle, "If you don't want to, it will be inherited by Jasper's blood after all."

His eldest lady is as noble and proud as a princess, sometimes a little willful and short-tempered, and when she is fragile, she is like a poor little pet. However, the eldest lady has never been weak and fragile, she is strong and wise, calm and steady, she is an excellent Jasper, and there are few girls who can be as outstanding as the eldest lady.

Ivan longed for the eldest lady to come home. He could tidy up her room, take care of her daily life, make her favorite black tea, pick the freshest roses for her and put them in a vase every day, and put them where she could. where to see.

But now his young lady has learned to be free and can live more freely. This is the life that young lady has always longed for, right? Be elegant like a princess without being trapped in a tower! If this can make the eldest lady happy, he can be patient and not long for it, as long as the eldest lady needs him, let him accompany him until the end of his life and the decay of his soul.

In Sihuang's eyes, Ivan at this moment is undoubtedly pitiful, but she also understands that for Ivan himself, maybe he feels very happy.

This man, for the sake of the eldest lady, can consider everything, including after his death, the eldest lady's family, and the inheritance of the eldest lady's surname and family, but he has not considered for himself, whether it is life or life.

When Ivan was separated by a layer of white gloves, he felt the weight of another person's palm.

His eyes flickered and he showed a rare and bright smile.

This is a gentleman's imperfect smile, but it is a joy that cannot be suppressed from the heart.

In the afternoon, everyone in the crew of "Mysterious Country" went to the Mediterranean Sea by car.

Back at the Mediterranean pier again, unlike the last smuggling, Sihuang had a legitimate reason to go to sea this time.

Since Ivan said that he was preparing to shoot a ship for the "Mysterious Nation" crew, he would not be perfunctory. Seeing the ship on the pier, Si Huang felt that it would not be a problem for them to live on it for filming at sea.

Ivan's preparations were very good, even the rooms had been arranged for everyone, which made Mark embarrassed to say no, and finally decided to live on the boat.

After the decision was finalized, Mark asked Sihuang if he could accept it.

Si Huang naturally said no problem.

Although the matter has been decided, Mark's inquiry afterwards is meaningless, but Sihuang understands that as an actor, Mark asked her alone, which is already giving respect and face.

Since Ivan had arranged everything, the crew did not spend much time arranging and organizing the accommodation. Before it was dark in the afternoon, everyone continued to film the scene in the morning.

It's just that Mark doesn't know that a short lunch break can hurt Si Hua's bones. Although it doesn't affect his movements, the doctor still advises him not to move his arms casually or make too many movements.

When he saw Si Hua and found out, Mark saw that Si Hua didn't look like he was pretending, but he didn't have much sympathy and asked, "What did you do?"

Si Hua said hoarsely, "I accidentally fell down the stairs."

These words made Si Huang slightly raise her eyebrows, thinking that Si Hua was actually a little smarter.

If Si Hua told the truth, she would definitely not be punished, but would humiliate herself.

Mark took a look at him, frowned and didn't speak for a while.

"Haha." A laugh sounded, and Mi Lu folded her hands on her chest, and said bluntly, "Don't you have eyes when you walk? You know that it's all your play recently. You didn't get hurt before, but now you get hurt. It's to delay everyone. time?"

Si Hua retorted: "I'm not a fool, I wouldn't do such a thing that doesn't benefit me."

"Who knows what you think." Mi Lu curled her lips, not hiding her rejection of Si Hua at all.

Later, it was Yolanda who came forward to stop their possible continuation of the quarrel, and then went to the crew doctor to ask a few questions, and then returned to Mark to discuss with him.

In the end, Mark's decision made Si Hua go into battle with injuries, "Your role doesn't need much action. Originally, according to the plot arrangement, you were a tortured slave, and now you're acting in your true colors."

Si Hua didn't expect that he had reached such a pitiful level and still couldn't get any sympathy. He thought that if Si Huang was injured now, everyone would definitely treat him with care.

Si Hua couldn't help hating this, feeling that the world was too unfair, everyone was targeting him, and the resentment could not be restrained showing on his face.

How many people present are old foxes? One look at Si Hua's face, and one could tell what he was thinking.

Mark's face sank, and he warned: "I'll say it again, this is your last chance."

Si Hua lowered her head, her clenched hands trembling slightly, "I know, I can do it."

"very good."

It is indeed very good.

Maybe it's because of his natural performance, so Si Hua's demeanor is well done.

After a scene was filmed, he was completely weak. He really looked like a miserable little slave in the play, but he won the maternal love of many women.

It's just that such sympathy is all false. When everyone was filming on the boat the next day, when Sihuang and Arthur appeared on stage, they overwhelmed Sihua with their charm, and the women's eyes and thoughts were attracted by the twin blades of the empire. Who would remember? The little slave?

Even in the scene where Sihuang, Arthur, and Mi Lu are on the boat, which is the scene where they changed their costumes for the first time and made a temporary audition, the conflict was caused by the little slave named Hillman.

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