Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 869: Ocean Fairy (1)

It was all thanks to Si Huang... When this thought came up, Yu En's attention returned to Si Huang on her sister, and then she was stunned by Si Huang who had completed most of her makeup for two or three seconds.

In order to make it easier for Yuling and the others to put on makeup, Sihuang closed his eyes for a long time, and now he was looking from Yuxi's direction, that is, looking at Sihuang's image in the mirror.

The already fair and flawless skin, under the effect of the special foundation, is a bit glowing, but not pale, a bit like the luster of phosphorite in the sun, clear but not too exaggerated, it can be imagined that it must be more beautiful at night . The eyebrows and eyes have also been modified a bit longer, especially the eyeliner at the end of the eyes, which is not particularly black, but a light ink color that has been rendered, which sets off the beauty of the entire eye pupil curvature, which makes people look forward to it. What it looks like when the eyes are open.

Such an astonishing face, Yuen has seen for a long time, and his immunity should be enough, but this time he is still caught in the heart, because Yu Ling and the others use too magnificent and mysterious colors, at first glance, it makes him It is impossible to tell Si Huang's gender.

The charming blue-purple eye shadow, the tip of the eye and the silver gray at the end of the eye, are rendered by the cool color, which is more eye-catching and bright than the warm color. I watched the costume designer of Fox Company holding a lip brush and meticulously brushing light powder on Si Huang's lips. The color is so light that it is almost white, and finally suppressed the brilliance of this bewitching face, but before Yu Chen could breathe a sigh of relief, his sister painted the inside of Si Huang's lips with crimson red, and the slightest hint of red Seeing the lip lines, Yu Chen's heart twitched violently, and she was stunned for several seconds before turning her head suddenly.

For a moment, he unexpectedly had a strange thought: I really want to take a bite!

From the corner of Yu's eyes, he saw his sister and Fox's make-up artist look at each other, as if they had found a confidant in life.

These two scheming Girls!

I thought the make-up was done.

The stylist who appeared in the back made Yuxi understand that Fox Corporation is the biggest scheming boss!

The silver-blue fine scales stick to the forehead of Sihuang and the edge of the side face. Special props are worn around the ears, and the hair is combed straight. The hairstyle of the black knight Sai has not changed, but with such a face, even The small braids on the frontal forehead have become special styles.

When the work was almost finished, everyone in the dressing room couldn't help but hold their breath, and only Si Huang opened his eyes, looked at himself in the mirror, and then looked at Yu Ling and the others.

Yu Ling opened her mouth, she didn't say anything for a while, and then she blushed stupidly.

"Let's go." It was Sihuang who stood up on his own initiative and didn't waste his work time.

"Wait!" The make-up artist of Fox Company hurriedly took out her bag to find her mobile phone, and then pointed at Si Huang who was looking back, and took continuous shots.

Si Huang couldn't help laughing, let her take a few pictures and then walked out.

When everyone else's attention was attracted by Sihuang, no one noticed that Ivan, who had arrived for a while, happened to be standing by the door, and the gesture of opening the door for her was a bit too polite, so polite that it was almost respectful.

"Fairy..." The female makeup artist of Fox Company hated herself for not taking a picture of that smile.

When Sihuang walked to the deck, the already busy scene became quiet.

Everyone looked surprised and even stared at her in disbelief until Mark said, "Well, it fits well."

Everyone came back to their senses, and then a thought came to their minds: Isn't it just suitable? It's just like this in reality, what kind of stunning and eye-catching pictures will be presented after the shooting is shot on the screen and after the special effects in the post-production? !

Randy, who is an image and costume designer, was the most excited one. She exclaimed several times in a row, even saying that she couldn't believe that Si Huang wore this dress beyond her budget.

Under the various compliments from everyone, Sihuang's attitude remained the same as before, and he did not show any signs of complacency or embarrassment, and calmly won everyone's favor again.

Since the scene where Sai just jumped into the sea was to be filmed, Sihuang still only wore light but opaque clothing this time, without wearing those heavy and delicate matching accessories.

"The underwater photographer is ready," Mark said to Sihuang with a serious expression after the surprise at the beginning: "What we are after is a real sense of picture, and you don't have to worry about your role in the next scene, let alone be impatient. The important thing is to shoot well, do you have confidence?"

Mark pointed at Sihuang's legs, "Imagine yourself as a fish, and your legs are fish tails. This will be dealt with in the later stage. You don't have to pursue it too deliberately. The important thing is the transmission in the water, understand?"

The two inquiries in a row show that Mark attaches great importance to Sihuang's subsequent roles.

Si Huang nodded, "Okay."

Mark smiled and said, "I hope you can still show me miracles." His eyes turned around Sihuang's face, and a thought flashed through his mind: the script was changed to that, which seemed more reasonable.

The thought flickered away, but it made Mark chuckle and get everyone ready.

There are already four well-equipped underwater photographers in the water, shooting from different angles and distances.

This kind of photography is not an easy test for both photographers and actors.

However, for this scene, Mark and the others did not want to do it in the swimming pool. In the words of Mark and the others, this is the most climax part of the whole movie. The magnificent atmosphere of "Mysterious Kingdom" is displayed in front of the audience.

Si Huang went into the water from the small boat, and Mi Lu wanted to dive with him to see it, but was stopped by others—this was a serious filming, and such willful behavior should not be allowed.

As a last resort, everyone could only surround Mark and watch Sihuang in the water from the screen.

The deep blue sea water, photographed from bottom to top, can also see a piece of white light shining down, penetrating into the water through the water surface.

In this white light, a figure suddenly appeared, breaking the entire veil of light, or it could be said that the light had already covered him.

I thought that shooting in the water would require several consecutive shots just for swimming, and even Mark had already prepared to shoot the same scene more than ten or twenty times, even if it was a waste, he had to pursue perfection.

However, Sihuang really made him see a miracle, and made all the people standing in front of the screen see a feast of beauty.

There is still a little distance between the camera, and from the perspective from the bottom up, you can see the hem of the white satin material floating with the water, the figure of the man is as light as a fish swimming, relaxed but not weak in the water, with a light waist With a light swing, it is so sensitive that it can swim a certain distance, combining power and beauty infinitely, making everyone hold their breath for fear of disturbing the creatures in fairy tales.

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