Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 902 Love Me With Your Soul (2)

Ten minutes later, in the private room of a restaurant, not only Lei Xie, Sihuang, and Ann Hospital were eating, but also Dou Wenqing, who was on the second floor of the nightclub, also came.

When everyone arrives and finishes ordering, the people present are usually the type who stay silent, and talk only after the meal is finished.

This conversation was mainly talked about by Sihuang, Lei Qi and Dou Wenqing, Yu Xi and Chai Liang consciously did not participate, An Yiyuan just didn't listen to it, but this hearing made him discover Sihuang's frightening side place.

Si Huang: "You just let Leo go like this?"

Lei Xie knew that he was asking this question to himself, he smiled and said: "How can it be. It is more convenient to have an accident in someone else's hands than in one's own hands."

Si Huang was thoughtful, "How much?"

Lei Qi: "Look at his luck. If he is not lucky, he may die half of his life. If he is lucky, he will get home like this."

Si Huang: "At least one hand."

Lei Qi looked at her.

Dou Wenqing said, "No problem."

Lei Qi looked at Dou Wenqing again, "Have you made follow-up arrangements?"

Dou Wenqing didn't answer, but not answering was tantamount to acquiescing.

Lei Qi secretly thought that all of them were murderers, but it also showed that he saw the right person at first, and knew that he was not a good boy when he first saw Si Huang.

"Can you solve the problem at Pierce's house?" Si Huang said.

Lei Qi: "Of course, if this can't be resolved, you will definitely look down on me."

Si Huang nodded without hesitation, "I will give up on you."

Lei Qi: "..." Even if you really think so, you don't have to say it so mercilessly.

"Don't worry, Pierce's house is crueler than you imagined. You must know that I was almost killed by Leo last time. Isn't Leo fine? Hehe, they don't care what you do, they just care about what you do The result." Lei Xi restrained his thoughts, his face revealed a hint of sarcasm, but his eyes shone brightly, making the dark golden color even more wild and compelling.

Turning his head, Lei Qi continued: "By the way, Xiao Jin is preparing a new movie again, do you want to participate?"

"Let me be the protagonist?" Si Huang said casually.

Lei Xie said, "It's up to you to say a word."

Si Huang laughed, "Talk to my manager about this."

Lei Qi's eyes fell on Yu Xi.

Yuene, who is drinking a drink and trying to make himself as invisible as possible: "..."

"Cough." Yuen maintained an elite style, and said solemnly: "Please send the relevant information to my mailbox first."

Lei Qi was not interested in this, so he wanted to go back and tell Xiao Jin, and let him find someone to do it.

He brought the topic back to the business of Berzin Street. The topic was how to control the resources of Berzin Street and how to bring down Leo. There were many cruel contents in the words.

Chai Liang is fine, and he has seen a lot of these things by being with Dou Wenqing.

Yu Yi and An Yiyuan felt that their three views and world view had been refreshed, and tried to maintain their normal expressions.

In fact, they have often seen this kind of thing in TV and movie plots, but they have never encountered it in reality so close.

In particular, Si Huang participated in it and acted so indifferently, it seemed to be normal no matter how you looked at it.

Yuene and An Yiyuan were silent to the end: "..."

Deep in my heart, I have refreshed my understanding of Sihuang.

Yu Xi thought to herself: Fortunately, Lingling was persuaded to calm down early, otherwise, how could such a Sihuang be restrained by her own sister?

An Yiyuan was distracted: Thanks to the fans still calling him the leader, in fact, the real devil should be the one next to him.

After the dinner, Sihuang took Yuxi's car back to his place of residence.

The residence Ivan arranged for Yuxi and the others was a small villa, not to mention that Sihuang lived alone, even if a few more people were arranged to come over, it would be fine.

Yuene also imagined that Sihuang might come to live here, so she had already reserved her room and placed her necessities.

While Sihuang was taking a shower in the room, Yuene was habitually summarizing the day's work.

As a result, after checking on the Internet, Yu Xi found out how wonderful Si Huang had been this day, showing his light and heat to the world all day long.

After a rough look at everything that happened in Halson College, Yu Xi could only twitch the corner of his mouth, and didn't plan to give Si Huang any advice.

He wouldn't say it, he was still a little proud in his heart!

The next day, Sihuang went to school by himself by car, and clearly noticed the change in the attitude of the students towards him.

In the intentional or unintentional conversation of the classmates, Sihuang learned that the physical education teacher who reported her yesterday had resigned, Sihuang's expression did not change, and he did not express anything about it.

As soon as the morning class was over, Forrell came to the door and insisted on Sihuang report to the club.

The result of Si Huang being pestered is...

In the afternoon, Forrell and his group of idiots failed to go to class, and I heard that they were all lying in the medical room.

For this reason, people from the student union came to Si Huang specifically.

Facing the accusation from the student union, Sihuang calmly said: "Campus violence? No. This is just training for club activities. If you don't believe it, you can ask Ferrell and the others."

Members of the student union felt that she was making excuses and took her to the medical room.

Under the righteous questioning of the student union members, Ferrell, who was lying on the bed, saw Sihuang's cold eyes, and after a shock, Rubi smiled ugly, "K is right, this is just a club An accident during the event, after all, we are a wrestling club, so it is normal to get injured!"

The members of the student union looked at him with hatred, and then asked a few other thorns.

As a result of an assassination, the assassins who were terrified by the assassins all obediently stated that it was an accident in the training of club activities, and there was no campus violence at all.

Members of the student union can only return without success.

This incident is just one of the glorious deeds of Si Huang's subsequent domination of Halson College.

After a week passed, both teachers and students in Halson College had a drastic change in their attitude towards Sihuang. Even the exchange students and international students from other Z countries were treated differently in Halson College. .

On this day, just as Sihuang packed up his textbooks, Ferrell ran in and shouted, "King, a hot girl is looking for you!"

Everyone else in the class looked over, especially the women, with a hostile look in their eyes.

If it is said that after Sihuang used her own strength to start domineering Halson, the boys were either hostile or admired for her, then the girls' emotions were much simpler, one word: cool! Two words: cool! Three words: very cool, very cool!

Such a King, they haven't successfully digested it internally, how can they take advantage of the little bitch from outside? !

But before the girls got angry, the little bitch they cursed in their hearts, the hot girl in the boys' hearts had already come to the door.

Mi Lu was wearing a short blouse, a small leather skirt, and a pair of black sunglasses on her face. She was full of youthful and sexy atmosphere. As soon as she poked her head at the door, she aimed at Si Huang and ran towards her: "K!"

Si Huang turned sideways to avoid her warm embrace, and when his eyes fell on her, there was a moment of icy coldness.

Mi Lu trembled as if feeling something, and looked at Si Huang dully, the smile on her face disappeared a little, "K?"

Si Huang walked out.

Mi Lu followed consciously.

ten minutes later.

A community classroom without outsiders.


Mi Lu's back hit the wall.

She looked at the young man in front of her in astonishment and with somewhat clear eyes.

Even though she was treated roughly by him, she still didn't have any resentment, instead she blamed herself and panicked.

"K, I just miss you." Mi Lu lowered her voice, stretched out her hand to touch the person in front of her, she was fascinated by him, who was exuding a dangerous aura, despite his brutal behavior towards herself. , uncontrolled beating of the heart. "Don't blame me, don't be angry."

Si Huang quietly looked at the young woman with a strange yet familiar expression.

Seeing that Mi Lu's hand was about to touch her, Si Huang suddenly grabbed her wrist and lifted it up. The other hand clasped Mi Lu's chin, forcing her to raise her face.

In such a posture, Si Huang approached Mi Lu, and saw the infatuation and anticipation in Mi Lu's eyes from a close distance.

"Do you love me?" Si Huang laughed without warning.

Mi Lu knew that the other party didn't need an answer at all, but she still didn't hesitate, and replied firmly: "Love!"

This love made her humble, dirty, and despicable, no matter what.

"Ha..." Si Huang laughed out loud.

Under Mi Lu's puzzled eyes, Si Huang let go of her chin, and stroked her fingers on her cheeks that were red and hot due to her own touch.

Sihuang's voice was like the bewitching of a devil, and she whispered maliciously, "I promise you to love me, Mi Lu. Let go of your reason to love me, don't suppress your love, love me with your all and soul , taste the taste of jealousy well, understand?"

Mi Lu's shoulders trembled, she instinctively sensed the danger, and she couldn't help but feel excited because of Si Huang's touch.

"Then will you fall in love with me?" Mi Lu has always been a courageous woman, even though she knew there was little hope, she still dared to speak out what was in her heart.

Si Huang rolled her eyes, "You can try it."

It was a mockery, but it still made Mi Lu happy, but Si Huang left her the next moment, keeping a distance from her, especially the next sentence, which made Mi Lu feel uncomfortable.

"How is Arthur recently?" Si Huang's tone was soft, even gentle.

Mi Lu's heart was filled with soreness, and she still answered her truthfully, "I don't know, since the filming of "Mysterious Nation" was finished, he disappeared and did not appear on the screen."

Si Huang said: "I want to know Arthur's recent movements."

Mi Lu: "...Okay." Then she couldn't help but asked, "K, do you care about Arthur?"

Si Huang glanced at her, "Yes."

Mi Lu: "..."

Si Huang admired her expression, which almost coincided with the face in his memory, and was ready to leave as soon as his eyes sank.

Mi Lu from behind asked, "K, the person you want me to be jealous Arthur?"

Si Huang turned her head and saw Mi Lu frowning with a responsible expression, not answering was tantamount to acquiescing, and then left here without looking back.

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