Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 904: Your Majesty Kicks the Hall, Master Qin is Here (1)

The truck's body was huge, and it drove faster than the speed of the city road. After knocking over the car that Si Huang and the others were riding in, they didn't have time to brake, causing a large-scale car accident on the road.

There were screams all around, and the truck finally stopped, paralyzing the traffic on the entire road.

Seeing that the car he was sitting in before was completely turned into scrap metal, Yu Xi felt cold again all over his body. He couldn't imagine that if Si Huang hadn't reacted quickly, he would definitely not be dead or disabled now!

Immediately after that, his next thought was: Fortunately, Lingling and the others were not allowed to follow in a car.

This thought of great luck in the misfortune brought Yuen back to his sanity, and seeing Sihuang running quickly to the scene of the car accident, he couldn't help being stunned: "Sihuang! Dangerous..." Then in the next scene, his shouting was stuck throat.

I saw Si Huang exposed a kick and smashed the window of a malfunctioning vehicle, and at the same time shouted to the people inside: "Protect yourself."

Stretching his hand through the window to open the car door, Sihuang carried out the woman and child in the passenger seat.

The white woman's forehead was bleeding, and the child in her arms was crying loudly, and it was unknown whether it was a bump or just being frightened.

"My husband... help me!" the woman cried.

"Okay." Si Huang put them on the ground, and dragged out the almost unconscious man in the driver's seat on the other side without wasting any time.

The man is much more miserable than his wife and children, but fortunately, he is still alive and his life is not in danger.

At this time, the bodyguard also reacted, and after knowing Sihuang's purpose, he helped rescue him.

Si Huang said: "Don't let the people in the truck escape."

The bodyguard immediately went to block the instigator.

All these actions were completed in a blink of an eye. After a short period of astonishment, enthusiastic people came to help the surrounding crowd, and there were many young people who picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of the situation in front of them.

With the help of the masses, the rescue time was shortened, and all the people affected by the car accident were successfully taken out of the car.

When a car exploded, everyone screamed, then cheered.

They saved a batch of lives and prevented a tragedy from happening!

This is what happens before your own eyes, with your own part in it.

Especially when life is found to be so fragile, but at a critical moment, the sense of accomplishment and warmth that touches the soul is indescribably profound.

The victim of the car accident also cried out in the explosion, shouting "Thank you!" and "Thank you!" continuously.

As the first person to be dispatched, and an Asian with a black-haired oriental appearance who is eye-catching abroad, Si Huang has received countless attentions.

Her appearance is so recognizable that someone soon recognized her and named her by her abbreviation abroad.

The traffic police and the police arrived, arrested the truck driver, and rewarded Sihuang after learning what she had done.

But according to the situation at the scene, the truck driver was suspected of deliberately hitting someone, and the person who wanted to hit him was the car Si Huang was in.

The police asked Sihuang to go to the police station to make notes.

Si Huang glanced around, and found that soon people were holding up their mobile phones to take pictures of the situation in front of them, knowing that this matter would definitely be posted on the Internet, and it would spread in a short time.

She glanced at the police again. The other party's attitude was not tough. It seemed that whether to turn this traffic accident into a conspiracy investigation was entirely up to her decision.

"Okay." Si Huang nodded and agreed to the police's request, and then said, "But I need to make a phone call first."

Sihuang wanted to call Yolanda and tell her that she had an accident on the road and could not participate in this promotional program.

It turned out that the call with Yolanda had not been hung up. She put the phone to her ear and heard Yolanda's worried question, "K? Are you okay? How could there be a car accident!"

"I'm fine, but Yolanda, I'm sorry, I can't participate in this show." Sihuang said.

Yolanda: "Of course, it's not your fault. If you need help, tell me as soon as possible."

Sihuang replied again, ended the call with Yolanda, and got into the police car with Yuxi and the others.

While Sihuang was heading to the police station, the promotional program of "Mysterious Kingdom" was also being prepared and was about to start.

Yolanda put down her cell phone and went to Mark to explain Sihuang's situation, which happened to be heard by Arthur who was standing not far away.

After Yolanda finished telling the story, Mark just opened his mouth to say something, when a lazy and magnetic voice sounded, "K was in a car accident?"

Seeing that it was Arthur, Yolanda sighed helplessly, "Yes, I thought I could finally let you guys share the stage, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Arthur's purple eyes sank, and no one could see the expression in his eyes clearly.

"Okay, it's good that nothing happened, and there will be a chance next time." Mark settled down, and then told Arthur, "If someone asks you if you are at odds with K, I hope you can answer it properly."

Arthur nodded, but his expression looked disinterested.

When it was time to start the show, Arthur and Yolanda went on stage together, accompanied by a burst of female screams, all of them were Arthur.

police station.

After Si Huang took the notes, he sat across from a white middle-aged police officer.

The expression of the middle-aged police officer was a little weird, and Si Huang smiled at him after being surprised for a moment.

This seemingly harmless smile should be able to easily capture men and women, but the corner of the white police officer's mouth twitched, "You have a lot to do with the car accident."

"I don't think it was an accident." Si Huang said bluntly.

The white police officer looked at her, his eyes were like X-rays, trying to scan her from the inside out, "It wasn't an accident, so it was murder?"

As soon as this was mentioned, the white police officer's expression became serious, "Did you keep the gangster from the car accident last time?"

This sentence sounds like a question, but the white police officer stared at Si Huang's eyes, but there is no doubt that there is a certain meaning.

Si Huang nodded.

It was over anyway, and she wasn't afraid to admit it.

When it comes to fate, Si Huang feels that he and this white police officer are really destined.

The last time I was in an accident with Qin Fan on the road, it was the car that was checked by the white police officer. Looking back at that time, Qin Fan's evaluation of her performance was: pretending to be like a little sheep!

It is conceivable that with her current fame abroad, the white police officer has a high chance of knowing her own nature, and she must also know her own nature, so she has the look just now.

The previous disguise was exposed, Si Huang's expression was natural, without embarrassment at all, but the white police officer couldn't scold him even if he wanted to, thinking to himself: I'm really blind to think this is a harmless noble young master.

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