Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 906: His Majesty Kicks the Hall, Master Qin is Here (3)

"What about you? When will you return to China?" Yu Chen still felt that something was wrong. He didn't know why Si Huang wanted to get into this road, and he knew that Si Huang's personality was indeed the kind of personality that would never turn back once he did it, " How can there be a superstar like you? Breaking into foreign markets alone?"

"It's more legendary, isn't it?" Si Huang joked, smiling brightly.

Such a bright smile surprised Yu Chen, he felt that Si Huang's words were sincere, no matter what she did or where she went, her dream never changed.

"I see." Yu Xi took a deep breath. After today's car accident, he felt that for an ordinary person like himself, staying here might really become Si Huang's worries. Proclaim the legend to you."

"Haha." Si Huang laughed more freely.

Yuene turned and walked towards the villa.

Looking at his back, Si Huang suddenly said, "Your trust in me seems to have reached the level of a fan."

In front of him, Yuen staggered at his indomitable pace, and almost fell off.

He gritted his teeth and turned his head. Although he knew that Sihuang's words had no other meaning than the idiotic fans, he was still teased by her so that he couldn't calm down.

What a brain-dead fan! Just say that I believe in you so deeply that I don't have any brains!

In Yu Xi's eyes, what he saw was Si Huang's smiling face under the sun, as if exuding a soft light.

Seriously, no one can yell at him with such a smiling face!

Yuen shook his face coldly and arrogantly, and cursed in his heart: Don't be as knowledgeable as a kid in the rebellious period!

Behind, Sihuang and other figures of Yuxi disappeared in the villa, and the bright smile on her face disappeared completely. She turned around and walked towards the road. After walking for a long time, she saw a car parked on the side of the road. The coupe, opened the rear door and sat in.

Chai Liang, who was driving ahead, glanced at Sihuang through the rearview mirror, stepped on the accelerator to start the car on the road.

In the back seat, Si Huang saw Dou Wenqing in the car at a glance, looked around at him, and smiled when he saw that he was wearing a black casual sports suit.

This smile was different from the smile to Yuene, it seemed pure at first glance, but then he was startled by the coldness and evil deriving from the corner of his mouth.

Dou Er is about the same age as Qin Fan, but his appearance and figure are similar to Si Huang's. Wearing sportswear can easily match his age. If it is not for the strong coldness on his body, he will be misunderstood as a college student All normal.

The military and political disciples in the Beijing courtyard all know that Second Young Master Dou likes to wear casual sportswear. If it's not a formal occasion, his attire is generally as simple as this.

It's just that Sihuang knows that when Dou Ershao wears dark sportswear, it's convenient for him to do some things.

All this stems from the fact that Sihuang and Yuxi sent a message to Second Young Master Dou on the way back to the villa in a taxi.

The content of the message is: Form a team to play field, shall we go?

Dou Wenqing replied: Go.

Then Sihuang asked him to drive here to meet him.

"What happened?" Dou Wenqing followed Si Huang to look at her, her cold voice remained the same.

Si Huang slowly untied the tie around her neck, "I encountered a car accident on the way to participate in the show today."

Dou Wenqing's expression remained unchanged.

Si Huang chuckled, "Scared my manager."

"Timid." Dou Wenqing commented.

"I was shocked too." Si Huang glanced at him.

Dou Wenqing: "..."

His eyes and expression didn't change at all, but Si Huang felt that he seemed to be saying silently: Who the hell are you kidding?

Si Huang's smile remained unchanged, and he did not explain the meaning of this sentence.

Sihuang was not frightened by the car accident, but because Yuxi was almost frightened by his own accident.

This shock was not great, but it made her wake up to one thing, which made Yuene and the others go back to China first.

Dou Wenqing handed her a tablet.

Si Huang took it, and saw that it was a map, marked with several red dots, connected into a line.

Dou Wenqing: "Route." Looking at Si Huang, he said in a voice that did not fluctuate: "Let you kick enough."

Si Huang looked at the map and marked it again, "I can't finish playing in a day."

Dou Wenqing: "Play for two days or three days, as you like."

Si Huang smiled, "That sounds nice, don't think I can't see that this route is convenient for your development."

Dou Wenqing: "My interests are your interests."

Si Huang: "That's right, so..."

She put down the tablet and reached out to Dou Wenqing, "Lend me a knife."

Dou Wenqing's eyes behind black bangs fluctuated for the first time, and he looked deeply at him.

Chai Liang, who was driving in front, widened his eyes even more, and an incredible thought appeared in his heart: It is impossible for Si Shao to know the secret of Er Shao, right? But why... Do you think Young Master Si knows? !

Chai Liang couldn't help but look into the rearview mirror frequently.

Then he saw the second young master of his family move slowly, took out a small knife from his pocket and handed it into Sihuang's hand.

Si Huang folded her five fingers together, put away the closed knife, and said to Dou Wenqing, "Now I can hand over my back to you."

Dou Wenqing is willing to lend the knife he carries to others, which means that the current Second Young Master Dou and the future Second Master Dou are willing to trust this person and will never stab him in the back.

Si Huang's words also proved that she knew about Dou Wenqing's rules.

Dou Wenqing asked her back, "What should you use to make me trust you?"

Si Huang rascally said: "You already believe me."

She raised the dark shell in her hand, a beautiful pocket knife with uneven carvings.

Dou Wenqing stared at her face.

Si Huang let him see.

After a few minutes, nothing happened.

Chai Liang: "..."

He decided that no matter what happens in the future, as long as it has something to do with Young Master Si, he will not be shocked anymore.

The coupe pulled to a curb on Berzin Street.

Before getting out of the car, Dou Wenqing put a black sports cap on his head, and gave Sihuang one by the way.

Si Huang did not refuse his kindness.

Chai Liang in the back is also dressed in a sporty outfit, wearing a black mask with a white skull on his face, which looks like the two of them.

In an alley, the floors are not high enough to look like private houses, and the road in the center is not wide enough for people to walk.

On the wall is an open-air staircase, where a few foreign youths who look carefree are standing there smoking.

The three of Si Huang walked towards each other.

"Hey? Do you understand the rules?" A young Caucasian man wearing a turban reached out to stop Si Huang who was about to go up the stairs, rubbed his fingers together a few times, and made gestures that he knew internally.

Others also gathered around, "New here? I haven't seen it before."

Si Huang grabbed the hand in front of him and pulled it, causing the young Caucasian man to lose his balance, and then he was kicked in the abdomen, and he rolled down the iron stairs with a mouthful of foam.

"Fack! The troublemaker!?"


Si Huang glanced.

Seeing the person who just shouted, his forehead was knocked against the iron railing, and there was a white hand on top of his head.

Dou Wenqing was beating people, so fierce and sharp that his expression didn't match his expression, but the character who can scare the wolf cubs in the Beijing courtyard can't be a gentle character.

Sensing her gaze, Dou Wenqing looked up and met her.

Si Huang didn't say anything, just went upstairs and walked into this secret place.

It was daytime outside, but it was as dark as night inside, with red lights shining everywhere.

As Sihuang walked, she reached out and unbuttoned the tightly buttoned shirt.

Originally, she was going to participate in a promotional program. She was dressed in a slightly formal style. The black shirt was ascetic and mysterious, and the buttons were fully buttoned, which made her look serious and steady.

Now the neckline is untied one by one, revealing white skin, which is very distinct from the black material.

Those who accidentally saw this scene in the venue couldn't turn their eyes away.

Si Huang raised the corners of her mouth, and a dark light flashed across her slender eyebrows.

He kicked the chair in front of him away.

The chair hit a lot of things and made a mess of noises.

Countless people were stunned, and then looked at Si Huang's dim smile, a ferocious one that hurt people's skin, but it was not distorted, but it was so rich and colorful that people were amazed.

"What...what are you doing?" A voice sounded.

Si Huang said: "Fuck you..."

That person: "..."

Sihuang: "The venue."

A few seconds later, the screams sounded.

Most of them reacted.

"Damn it! What a mess!"

"Guys, fuck it!"

On the other side, the scene of the "Mysterious Kingdom" promotional program.

A car is parked in the parking lot of the show recording company.

The door of the driver's seat opened, and a long leg stepped out first, carrying an imposing manner.

The black-haired man looked stern, walked into the elevator, and pressed the number of layers recorded on-site.

The elevator stopped and the man came out.

He took a long stride, obviously he didn't run fast, but he gave off the momentum like the wind and thunder.

People who happened to pass by saw him, and couldn't help but froze their bodies. They didn't realize until that person passed by their side that they actually bowed their heads to an unknown oriental man!

Who is he? Have you ever seen this guy in the show? Which big boss is it?

The live show was still going on, and the man walked backstage unhindered.

His unrestrained momentum was so strong that everyone in the background noticed.

When Yolanda saw him, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, but didn't call out a name immediately.

"Arnold?" Waiting to shout out, but with doubts.

Yolanda was surprised, and really almost failed to recognize this man.

The man from country Z who used to be by K's side and always had no sense of presence now looks so terrifying!

When those pitch-black eyes turned to him, the hairs all over Yolanda's body stood on end, and he didn't dare to look at Qin Fan.

She felt that this was not a line of sight, it was simply a steel needle, and there was more than one. When the man glanced over, his whole body was riddled with holes, so how could she dare to look at him.

Qin Fan ignored Yolanda, he walked to the entrance where he could see the program station, and found that there was no one he wanted to see.

Obviously the latest news he got here was that Si Huang was going to participate in this show, and he just wanted to see Si Huang quickly, so he didn't even have time to make a phone call.

At this time, the host of the scene happened to say: "Oh! I want to know why K didn't come? I got the latest news from the Internet. Our K had an accident on the road, but don't worry, K was not injured and was still heroic. Saved a few lives..."

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