Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 919 Lilith? Li Lisi?

Si Huang couldn't ask for an answer, but Lei Xie confirmed his inner guess.

The accident that happened yesterday has been quickly dealt with and concealed by various departments. The situation did not develop beyond expectations, and there are very few ordinary people who know about it.

What surprised Lei Xi was his father's attitude. Not only did he not pursue the truth of the matter deeply, but he did not get angry, as if he had already guessed that this would happen.

This made Lei Xi almost doubt whether Leo's death was designed by his father himself - after thinking about it later, he found it impossible, at most he knew some clues that he didn't know.

After a day of investigation, Lei Qi found that the murderer didn't have much intention to hide, and he easily found out that it had something to do with the vampire.

But the grievances between Pierce's family and Stoke's family have lasted for hundreds of years, and they lived in peace with each other's scruples before. Why did such a desperate action come yesterday without warning?

Lei Qi continued to investigate, and the answer he got was that the vampire who committed the crime was also doing things for others.

This really shocked Lei Xie.

Ivan is great, but if he wants vampires to help, the price he has to pay is too high, and Sihuang will definitely not allow it.

Then the next one may be Dou Wenqing, but if the other party has this kind of ability and intention, there is no need to design it with them from the beginning.

The last one may be only Sihuang, or the man who came to Sihuang recently.

As soon as Qin Fan came, he had already heard about the fact that he took Arthur away from the show, and a series of things happened later, and it seemed that he was the only one who could hide it from Sihuang.

After Lei Qi cleared his mind, he had a deeper understanding of Qin Fan, and made up his mind not to provoke this murderous person easily.

As for the big gift from Sihuang, it can also be said to be a bomb, Lei Qi was thinking whether to use it or not, and if so, at what time would it be best to use it.

Among the three brothers of the Pierce family, Leo had the greatest advantage at the beginning, and the second son, Lei Luo, was a man of both sides. The remaining one, Lei Qi, was only recently admitted to the Pierce family.

Lei Qi didn't think for long before his eyes became firm.

Don't be fooled by the temporary Enron. In the final analysis, he is still the son that Old Pierce dislikes and is most optimistic about.

Although he seems to be in the upper hand now, Old Pierce's mind is also a very important factor. Before he succeeds, he can't relax a little bit!

A few days later, Pierce held Leo's funeral. The cause of death was not explained in detail.

The funeral was not a big one. For the Pierce family, such a funeral could be said to be too low-key.

There are still some people on the Internet who spread the story of a werewolf in a car accident, but under the sweep of Pierce's house, and the photos are not clear, there is still no trouble. More ordinary people who don't know the truth jokingly call it PS or workmanship Very rough PS.

The funeral scene was low-key, but the people invited were not ordinary.

Si Huang went to attend with Ivan as Emily Jasper, and met Master Pierce and Leo's wife at the funeral.

It was a beautiful woman, but only beautiful. In terms of appearance alone, she is not as good as An Yiyuan. At the funeral, she looked vulnerable, helpless and sad in a black dress, but Sihuang still observed her strange emotions. Obviously, Leo's death made her confused and helpless about the future beyond her sadness.

Master Pierce is a middle-aged man with brown eyes. He is only in his fifties, but he looks much older than his real age.

After the funeral process was over, Master Pierce suddenly whispered to Si Huang: "Which of my sons does Jasper think is the best?"

Si Huang replied of course: "Of course he is my friend."

Master Pierce: "He is?"

"Lei Qi." Si Huang didn't play charades with him.

Master Pierce nodded and stopped talking.

Afterwards, Si Huang left the funeral scene.

Her return today is just a statement.

Master Pierce's inquiry was actually repeated probing.

Jasper is not a special bloodline family, it is enslaved by Queen Elisa, so there is not much interest between the special bloodline families.

Therefore, Master Pierce will definitely consider her words carefully.

In the past few days, Qin Fan has already told her about the confrontation with the Stoke family.

Without knowing the truth, Master Pierce must be worried that Stoke is cooperating with someone, and he has already planned to attack the Pierce family, and Leo is the beginning. Therefore, he had to find an ally. Jasper was not an ally that was easy to control, but he was also the best ally that came to his door so far.

He will think about it. Si Huang thought to herself, paving the way for Lei Xie is enough to lie flat, and the rest should depend on Lei Xie's own performance.

Si Huang sat in the black car, exchanged a glance with Qin Fan who was already waiting inside, and then took off the black mask on his face.

Qin Fan looked at her delicately, and put on the watch that Si Huang had taken off to play Emily before, and put it back on for her with his own hands.

Si Huang glanced at it, and for a moment, she really felt that it was a lock, which belonged to Qin Fan's imprint, and pulled her back to reality from each role.

The car starts.

Sihuang asked him, "What did you tell Ivan that day?"

Qin Fan still didn't say, "You can ask him."

Si Huang curled her lips and turned to look out the car window.

"I've already booked the ticket." Not long after, I heard Qin Fan's voice again.

"Understood." Si Huang responded.

It was already decided to go back to the country, so Sihuang has already prepared all the preparations for the past few days. Leaving is just a matter of carrying a bag and getting the documents.

On the day of returning home, Halson happened to have an exam. Sihuang thought that there was enough time, and planned to rush to the airport after the exam.

When the bell rang for the end of the exam, Si Huang took the backpack and walked towards the school gate.

A slender figure in front of her suddenly staggered and fell towards her.

This kind of trick can't escape Sihuang's eyes, just seeing that the girl would really fall to the ground if she didn't catch the fall, she even turned her back and reached out to support him.

"Be careful next time." After finishing speaking, Si Huang let go of her hand without any extra pause.

"Thank you, my name is Lilith." The girl's voice was lowered, and she spoke English so softly and gracefully that she could speak very nicely, making her feel as comfortable as if she had been soaked in clear water in a scorching summer, and her soul couldn't help but sigh and groan. One sound.

Si Huang paused, lowered his head and looked at the girl.

This is a young foreign woman, but her skin is white, tender and soft, round and small like an egg that has been peeled off its shell, and her facial features are three-dimensional and exquisite that are unique to Westerners. Her light brown eyebrows and eyelashes make her look extremely harmless Yes, a pair of emerald green eyes make people love from the bottom of the heart and easily feel pity, and the light-colored lips are like water lotus flowers in bud.

She is very beautiful, not only in line with foreign aesthetics, but also in line with domestic aesthetics. She should not be of mixed race, but she rarely has an oriental soft temperament.

Li Lisi pursed her lips and smiled brightly at Si Huang, her cheeks flushed red, but her eyes were not timid, and her pure green eyes seemed to be naturally affectionate.

Si Huang felt that a small note was stuffed into her hand, and watched Lilith leave.

school gate.

Qin Fan had been waiting here for a long time, and when Si Huang got into the car, he glanced at her, "What happened?"

Si Huang said "En.", took out the note in his hand, and saw a sentence written in English inside.

‘Not seeing is not ignoring, but guarding. '

Stretching out a hand, Sihuang handed the note to Qin Fan.

After reading it, Qin Fan asked, "Who?"

Si Huang: "Someone from my mother's side."

Regardless of whether Lilith is her real name or not, the girl just said Lilith deliberately in a paused tone, which sounds a bit like Li Lisi.

What's more, that kind of sensuality and temperament are too obvious.

Qin Fan said: "Congratulations."

According to his understanding, Sihuang has always wanted to check Li Lisi's life experience. Moreover, most of her misdemeanors abroad are also for this reason. ——In the past few days, Sihuang explained to Qin Fan that one of the reasons why he has so many plans abroad is to attract the people behind Li Lisi's family. This reason is not a lie, it is much more reasonable than any reason for hatred in the previous life.

Si Huang smiled dumbly, "Thank you."

She took the note back, looked at the contents twice, and tore the note into pieces.

The clues she had seduced in her plan had already come to her as she wished, so there was no need to rush to ask the truth immediately, the other party would definitely find a way to come together again.

After arriving at the airport, Sihuang received a message from Ivan.

"Bon voyage, my lady."

"I'm here waiting for you."

Originally, Sihuang was surprised that Ivan didn't come to see her off in person. After receiving these two messages, he knew that Ivan must be paying attention to his movements all the time. I'd rather spend time and energy paying attention to trends like this, but don't send it in person...

When Sihuang put away her phone, she looked at Qin Fan who was picking up the ticket, and felt that it must have something to do with the conversation between the two of them that day.

Ever since the conversation between Qin Fan and Ivan, Si Huang felt a slight change in Ivan. There was no way to explain the reason for this change, but he could feel it.

Half an hour later, Si Huang and Qin Fan boarded the plane together. The seat on the boarding pass was the same, and Qin Fan sat outside.

People on the plane passed by one after another, and Si Huang smiled slightly after seeing Ruan Ni's figure.

Ruan Ni also saw her, and before she could take a few more glances, she felt a cold gaze fall on her body, and immediately met Qin Fan's dark pupils as soon as she tensed up.

Ruan Ni: "..."

Is this reaction too big? Didn't you just take a few more glances?

She seemed to understand something, but she didn't want to think too clearly.

Consciously continued to walk forward to his seat.

When Sihuang and others counted down to return to China, Yuen who was in the country was devastated by a mess, and was caught off guard by a piece of good news-JK, a foreign international menswear brand, intends to invite Sihuang to be its endorser? !

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