The ever-changing changes in the road of H market, as long as anyone who walks this road, knows more or less.

No one would understand the meaning of Father Ruan's bringing Ruan Ni into this dinner party, which was supposed to be an exchange between some powerful people.

No one thought that Ruan Ni would accumulate a lot of money and become a blockbuster. But whoever walks this path is not a ruthless character? Everyone knows that if a woman wants to be like Ruan Ni, she has to pay much more than a man. This heart... must be more ruthless, vicious and cold.

At least most people think so.

Ruan's father probably still felt dissatisfied, and after bringing Ruan Ni into the arena, he let her act alone.

Ruan Ni walked calmly at the dinner party, unmoved by the gazes around her.

Two years has made her grow up a lot, especially in places like Bozin Street that cannibalize people. Now that she has the confidence and backing, there is no reason to show her timidity in such a place.

"Congratulations." A voice sounded beside him.

Ruan Ni turned her head and saw Jia Wei, the second head of the Sea God Group.

Jia Wei raised his glass to Ruan Ni, "I knew two years ago, Ni Zi, that you must be more capable than Ruan Feihan."

"Why?" Ruan Ni remained calm.

Jia Wei raised the corners of his mouth, and secretly probed, "You danced with the young master two years ago, and you got along very well."

"You think too much." Ruan Ni also returned a smile, which was neither salty nor bland, which was unpredictable.

Jia Wei cursed inwardly, he didn't expect that this girl was really taken by the Young Master's family, don't care why it took two years for her to attack, but he didn't believe that a little girl could do this in two years with her own hard work, so It is impossible to say that no one is behind her back to help her.

Jia Wei rolled his eyes, and suddenly saw another person at the dinner party, and continued, "There are a lot of talents on the road now, you are no worse than that one, maybe one day you will be seen by the young boss. middle?"

Ruan Ni followed Jia Wei's gaze and saw a man sitting alone drinking in a corner of the dinner party.

The man is not too old, his skin is slightly dark, and his facial features are not particularly handsome. The combination of them matches the profound temperament exuding from him, which unexpectedly attracts people's attention, just like a black eagle in the sky. Silently observe everyone.

Ruan Ni knows him and has seen him, so she understands the difference between him now and the past.

The name Zhou Jun is known to everyone on H Market Road.

As if aware of her gaze, Zhou Jun over there turned his head, and met Ruan Ni's gaze coldly with a trace of cruelty.

Ruan Ni was startled, and backed away without fear, and after looking at him for two seconds, raised his wine glass to toast Zhou Jun from the air, and smiled sweetly with the corners of his mouth raised.

Zhou Jun's expression remained unchanged, his eyes staring at her suddenly deepened a few times, he didn't know whether he was thinking or unintentionally dull for a second, then he raised his glass gently and accepted her glass of wine.

The interaction between the two fell into Jia Wei's eyes, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Could it be that the person behind Ruan Ni is really not the young master? So who else can have such great energy and have such a big face in both black and white?

Although it is a gangster, it must have connections on the white road. The reason why Father Ruan was forced by Ruan Ni to compromise was because what he had done was exposed, his connections on the Baidao could not be suppressed, his business was suppressed, and he was suppressed in terms of people, wealth, and strength. Severe suppression, even if you don't want to compromise.

Most of the people on the road guessed like Jia Wei that it was the Shaodong family who did it. After all, those who had contact with Ruan Ni immediately belonged to the Shaodong family with the strongest identity and ability.

Now it seems that it is not that simple... Jia Wei secretly raised the corner of his mouth, thinking that it must be very interesting to let Ruan Ni and Zhou Jun fight.

The next moment, worry appeared in his eyes again, he saw that it was good for the two tigers to fight, but he was afraid that it would harm the surroundings.

Neither of these two seemed to be law-abiding masters. Everyone could see that Zhou Jun's actions in the past two years wanted to win over the forces in the H market.

"It's going to change." Jia Wei sighed in a low voice.

Those bosses who look good are actually just the pawns of the people above, and the people who really turn the clouds and rain are still the people above.

These days, no one is idle, and neither is Sihuang.

After spending a few days with the old people at Qin's house, she started running around again.

As the boss of an entertainment company, she has to make decisions about many things in the company, especially after the incident of Zong Haohao, the company needs to be rectified and reformed. De Sihuang did it herself.

These are not the main things that keep Si Huang busy. Since she said she would intervene in the domestic underworld market, she was not talking about it.

Especially with the convenience given by Qin Fan, she dared to let go.

There is a saying that goes well, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and rivers and lakes are places where big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. The underworld is simpler than the white way, when it comes to robbing people and land.

There are people in Sihuang, not to mention herself, and veterans from Qin Fan. More importantly, she is rich, very rich!

Only the system knows how much money Si Huang has secretly made in these years.

She can't easily intervene in a place like the capital, but in H city, with Sihuang's financial resources and ability, it is too easy to stir up the storm.

In this turmoil, there are only a few who can truly become heroes, and the others can only be swallowed by the storm.

Yu Xi and the others didn't know about these silent undercurrents. These days, he was so relieved to see Si Huang in charge of things in person, which made Si Huang understand his hard work.

He was not idle about the work he was supposed to be doing, and he pushed all the scripts he received that he thought were good to Sihuang, which meant that you have returned to China, are you interested in competing for the next best actor? These scripted movies are the best ones I have carefully selected!

Si Huang looked at Yu Xi's shining eyes and knew that he was serious.

Maybe as early as when she didn't know, her dream was to stand on the pinnacle of entertainment and become an entertainment legend. Yuene's dream is to help her achieve this step. As an agent, this dream is not surprising.

Si Huang didn't reject the fruits of his hard work, and put other things aside for the time being to read those few scripts.

Yu Xi walked over with a somewhat proud tone, "As long as you are willing to act, the male lead will definitely be yours." Even Gu Qingsheng, the last Golden Eagle actor, couldn't find a male lead as easily as Si Huang. He has more confidence in Sihuang than himself. He feels that it will be sooner or later that Sihuang wins the crown of actor, but it is just that he lacks the label of a male lead.

Si Huang nodded slightly, her eyes still fixed on the script.

Yuene went on to say: "I have already accepted JK's endorsement, and there are still a few commercials in China..."

"This?" Si Huang pulled out a document from the script pile, "Flower advertisement for Valentine's Day."

"Huh?" Yu Xi was stunned, "When is this..." He suddenly remembered that he had been in contact with Yu Ling for a while before, and he guessed something. A very popular family in China.”

Can you not be proud? Now Sihuang's worth is really not something that ordinary brands can afford. A flower brand actually dared to ask Sihuang to endorse it in an advertisement.

Si Huang nodded thoughtfully, flipping through the materials of this flower endorsement, "Valentine's Day..."

Yu Xi's eyelids twitched, and then Si Huang said: "Tell me, how about I make my relationship public that day."

not so good! Yu Xi stared at Si Huang with wide eyes, he didn't expect that he would hit him with such a depth charge, especially Si Huang's tone was not asking at all.

"You...why do you suddenly think like this." Yuene's voice was rough, feeling that his heart still needs to continue training.

Si Huang chuckled, and raised the endorsement material in his hand, "I accepted this, it's very interesting."

Yu Xi took it over, and looked through the information that aroused Si Huang's terrible behavior, and then understood why Si Huang had such a thought - the content of this advertisement was a gimmick on Valentine's Day, and made a theme of confessing with flowers. Fuck!

Lingling! You made your brother miserable, do you know that! ?

Yu Xi knew that Si Huang had made a decision, and he couldn't stop it, so he sighed silently, "From today onwards, I will start to make remedial preparations for the fan attack on Valentine's Day."

Si Huang laughed, "It's not as serious as you think, I'm an adult, it's normal to fall in love."

Yu Xi remained silent, slandering: Falling in love is normal, but falling in love with you is equal to the loss of love for thousands of people!

After deciding on the advertisement, Si Huang continued to choose the script, and did not forget to remind Yu Xi: "Don't spread this matter." Po, the warning means the same thing.

Yu Yixin said that he still plays the romantic surprise of the plot person? After being fed a bowl of dog food without warning, he nodded expressionlessly. The snow-white hamster who hadn't found it on the table had almost the same movements as his, and nodded obediently.

As for the several scripts that Yuxi brought, Sihuang finally chose a movie called "Dragon City".

In fact, compared to the male lead in it, she prefers the role of supporting male, a character full of mystery and weird personality.

This idea made Sihuang himself feel funny, could it be that he has been acting as a male supporting role, so he has fallen into some kind of strange circle? If nothing else happens, this will be her first film as a male lead. After entering the entertainment industry for so long, it's time for her to come up with a leading role. Si Huang suppressed her intentions.

Yu Xi packed up his things and left. He was still indulging in the shock of Si Huang's public love affair, so he didn't want to say anything for the time being.

Although he was in a complicated mood, Yuxi was still very efficient in handling affairs. After helping Sihuang arrange the time, he took Sihuang to catch up with the announcement the next day.

The photo was to be taken, but the interview was rejected by Sihuang. With Sihuang's popularity, it is not a problem to reject a few interviews. After the male protagonist of "Dragon City" has passed the audition, the next step is to go to Jiangcheng, which is known as the city of flowers. Shoot a flower ad for Valentine's Day.

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