Si Huang looked at his expression, and then said: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Xia Qitong shook his head, then nodded slightly.

Si Huang unexpectedly understood the meaning of his body movements: it wasn't intentional at the beginning, but there was such a meaning later.

Xia Qitong said, "I want to take an adventure with you." There was a gleam in his peaceful eyes, "I think this will make my vacation easier."

"Adventures make people feel relaxed. Such a statement finally fits your identity." Si Huang said: "But I'm a little surprised, this doesn't seem like something you would do."

Xia Qitong sighed, "I'm also troubled."

When she has troubles, she needs to vent, as if she almost lost control some time ago. It's just that Xia Qitong gave her the impression of peace and elegance, as if she had always been open-minded and unrestrained.

Si Huang nodded understandingly, and then despised him, "So you used me for entertainment without authorization."

Xia Qitong expressed his position, "I really care about your safety."

"I believe you." Si Huang left a sentence, moved her body to sit on the sofa chair in the room.

Xia Qitong was startled, then laughed out loud. Before the smile lasted, it was interrupted by the sound of breathing.

Si Huang glanced over, and saw the well-behaved noble young master, with a wound to the corner of his mouth, with a look of enduring pain.

"You're so afraid of pain, why didn't you react at all just now?"

Xia Qitong leaned against the wall and moved his body slowly, his voice was still warm and pleasant, "There is no outsider, there is no need to endure." He looked at Sihuang calmly, "I have always been afraid of pain."

Si Huang was in a daze for half a second, then nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "You are right, I am also afraid of pain, and no one is not afraid of pain."

Sometimes it's not that I want to be patient, nor is it really painless, it's just that some pains don't want to be seen by outsiders, and I don't want to be seen by outsiders.

Xia Qitong had already successfully moved to a seat and sat down. He glanced at Si Huang, then relaxed his body, sitting in a relaxed posture like Si Huang, even though both of them were tied up, but at a glance, they were as relaxed and comfortable as if they were at home.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Qitong asked.

Si Huang said indifferently: "Wait."

"Waiting for what?"

"Wait for help."

Xia Qitong asked: "Didn't you want to follow the plan and find out who is behind the scenes?"

Si Huang glanced at him, "It was like this at the beginning, but can your people let you die and not come to rescue you?"

Xia Qitong's nose was a little itchy, but unfortunately his hands were tied, so he couldn't touch it.

He stood up and moved towards Sihuang.

Si Huang was admiring the appearance of the dignified wildfire team's young master moving like a tortoise, but he was thinking in his heart that if he didn't go back today, would Yu Xi be worried, would Qin Fan call, and what would happen if he couldn't get through?

Originally, when she was alone, she had already considered these things. If she wanted to find a chance, she would send a message to Qin Fan, or ask Wubao to do it.

But Xia Qitong's kindness to help made things complicated and oolong.

She didn't know what she was worried about, and Cui Zhenghuan outside had already thought about it.

If Sihuang sees what Cui Zhenghuan is doing now, he will definitely know a message: Cui Zhenghuan has investigated himself seriously, and it hasn't been a while.

Cui Zhenghuan took the mobile phone he found from Sihuang, looked through the phone book, and then sent a message to 'Big Sun' and 'Little Feather'.

The former meant that there was an important matter to discuss with him, and he was asked to go to Nancheng, which was in the opposite direction from Jiangcheng, and was also far away from the flight line. It was not enough time for him to rush back when he realized the problem. The latter is much simpler, just say that there is a personal matter and I will not come back today.

As for tomorrow? That's not something Cui Zhenghuan has to consider, it will cause troubles for Yuxi and Sihuang at work, he is happy to see it——

He was so lackadaisical that he was pressed and beaten by Si Huang, and he laughed it off after posing!

As soon as Cui Zhenghuan sent the message, the reply arrived.

[Information] Big Sun: Why haven't you slept yet? What's the matter?

Cui Zhenghuan raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered that there were some particularly interesting scandals in the information about investigating Sihuang.

Originally, these were all distorted by online fans. Cui Zhenghuan didn't think that an outstanding man like Sihuang would be gay. The reason why he paid attention to this information was because the men Sihuang came into contact with were not simple. In the event of an unexpected situation, all the details must be dealt with.

Among these men, 'Big Sun' is the most difficult to deal with.

Cui Zhenghuan looked at the reply letter from 'Big Sun', and for some reason, the 'rumor' that he had seen before appeared in his mind.

"Hehe." The corner of his mouth curled up, he smiled meaningfully, and then continued to reply to the letter over there.

[Message] Reply to Dayang: I miss you, you will know what's going on when you come [shy].

Cui Zhenghuan looked at that shy little expression, and when he thought of Sihuang's unstoppable appearance before, he felt dark for a while.

I sent this message and waited four to five seconds before I received a reply.

[Message] Big Sun: Do you want me to come and deal with you?

Cui Zhenghuan's heart skipped a beat. Could it be what he thought? The Z dialect is broad and profound, and the same sentence can have another meaning with a different tone.

He felt that he had discovered a secret, a secret that could make an outstanding homosexual fall into the abyss, and he couldn't help being excited when he thought of this.

"Tsk tsk." Cui Zhenghuan smacked his lips, with a gloating and weird mood, he didn't put down the phone in a hurry, but continued to chat with Dayang about the message.

It's like slowly opening Pandora's box, which makes people want to stop.

What he didn't know was that the other main character who was chatting with the message had already gone to the living room to pick up the landline and called Yuxi.

After ringing several times, Yuene answered the phone, and the voice seemed to have just woken up: "Hello?"

"Did Sihuang not go back? Did anything strange happen today?"

As soon as Yu Xi heard Qin Fan's voice, he answered before turning the corner: "Si Huang didn't come back. I ran into that Mr. Xia after work today, and Si Huang was with him... eh? Wait, let me see." Information. Ah, Sihuang sent me a message just now, saying that he has some personal affairs and has gone to Nancheng."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Yuen was in a trance for several seconds before fully waking up.

What happened? Yuene wiped his face, looked carefully at the information on his mobile phone, and found that the time to receive the information was not long ago. Look at the time displayed on the phone... It's early morning! ? Do you couple want to be so capricious!

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