Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 933 Take Back and Be Son-in-Law (2)

"Understood." The person walking with him breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is the case, it will be much easier for them to arrest people.

A group of people took action, and according to the surveillance analysis, they found out the place where Si Huang and the two would appear and lay down to ambush.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the person who thought he would appear soon did not appear for a long time.

Cui Zhenghuan looked at the surveillance and couldn't find Sihuang and Xia Qitong. They had only seen them coming in this direction a few minutes ago, and this is the only way here. It is impossible that no one is right.

Could it be that he guessed that there would be an ambush, so he stayed put?

Cui Zhenghuan's thoughts turned, and suddenly he thought of something, he raised his head suddenly, pointed the pistol at the top of his head, and shot twice.

Before the others could react, they heard a click, and the cover of the air pipe at the top of the back opened, and a figure quickly jumped down, and while rolling away, it knocked down two people with two shots in the face.


Forget about this road.

A group of people saw that two of their own people had been lost, so they felt aggrieved and exposed.

But the person who ran down was fast, as nimble as a cheetah, and ran away from under their noses in the blink of an eye.

How to make him run away? !

Choi Jung-hwan's reaction speed was also fast, and he explained to the earphones to arrange staff.

Five minutes later, there was chaos on the boat, and Cui Zhenghuan finally forced Sihuang to a corner.

Facing the surrounding people in all directions, Si Huang smiled dumbly, raised his hands, and expressed his willingness to surrender.

Seeing her harmless smiling face, Cui Zhenghuan was almost so bewildered that he couldn't make a move, but when he thought of this guy's hard work and the loss of his own troops, he sneered angrily at Sihuang, "I thought I’m sincere enough to let you know that I didn’t mean to kill you, you should obediently follow us. Now it seems that I still take it for granted.”

He raised his gun, aimed at Si Huang and fired.

Si Huang had been prepared to sidestep, and let the bullet that didn't want to kill him in the first place, brush past the sleeve of his arm.

Cui Zhenghuan looked at her in surprise and admiration.

Not everyone can calmly dodge bullets under such circumstances.

It's just that if he doesn't teach Si Huang a lesson now, he will feel unhappy and it will be difficult to explain to his brothers. So Choi Jung-hwan prepared to shoot again without hesitation...

"I think we can talk." A warm and pleasant voice sounded in Cui Zhenghuan's earphones.

Cui Zhenghuan and Xia Qitong were not familiar with each other, but after a moment of surprise, he guessed who the owner of the voice was.

With a flash in his eyes, he pulled the trigger faster without answering Xia Qitong's words.

Xia Qitong's voice revealed a message to Cui Zhenghuan: the other party successfully controlled the ship's control system while he was chasing Sihuang.

If he agreed to negotiate with Xia Qitong now, he would be in a passive situation, so Cui Zhenghuan chose to win Sihuang as soon as possible without hesitation, so that he would have the initiative and suppress Xia Qitong instead.

When Cui Zhenghuan was about to shoot, the lights in this area suddenly went dark, and the sudden darkness made Cui Zhenghuan's hands tremble uncontrollably.

Cui Zhenghuan was shocked.

He was not afraid of missing Sihuang, but he was worried that the shot would kill Sihuang. If the other party died like this, all plans would be ruined.

"Now we can talk." This time it was Sihuang who spoke, and with this low-mellow and gorgeous voice, Cui Zhenghuan felt his neck being pressed against a familiar cold object.

"Of course." Cui Zhenghuan said with a smile.

The lights came back on, and there was a sound of swishing, and everyone's guns were aimed at Sihuang.

Si Huang didn't look at them, but hit Cui Zhenhua's neck with the muzzle of his gun.

Cui Zhenghuan scanned the surrounding people, "put down the gun," and then suggested to Sihuang: "I have a bottle of good wine in my collection, do you want to drink and talk?"

"The environment in the control room is not bad." Xia Qitong also made a suggestion.

Si Huang appreciated and accepted, "Then I'll go with him to get the wine to your place."

"Okay." Xia Qitong smiled lightly.

A conversation is like a friendship meeting between friends.

Under the eyes of a group of people, Si Huang hijacked Cui Zhenghuan and took all the good wine in his house to the control room, and took some ready-made snacks from the kitchen of the boat.

Once the door of the control room was closed, there were only three living people left in the room, Si Huang, Xia Qitong and Cui Zhenghuan.

Si Huang was not in a hurry to let go of Cui Zhenghuan, and first scratched him. Seeing that her mobile phone was still there, Sihuang was surprised and took a few glances at Cui Zhenghuan.

Normally, since it is a kidnapper, you should destroy the redundant things as soon as possible, so as not to reveal your whereabouts.

Sihuang doesn't think Cui Zhenghuan will make this low-level mistake, so the rest may be what does he need the phone for?

After tidying up everything on him, Si Huang let go of Cui Zhenghuan, took a glass of red wine that Xia Qitong had already poured and handed him over, and opened his cell phone with one free hand.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a message from 'Big Sun' displayed on the screen. Sihuang glanced at Cui Zhenghuan and continued to click on his own message.

This look refreshed Sihuang's three views, "Do you still have this interest?" She asked Cui Zhenghuan.

The kidnapper actually has the leisure to chat with the victim's mobile phone friends through ambiguous messages?

In two lifetimes, Si Huang also met for the first time.

The embarrassment on Cui Zhenghuan's expression disappeared in a flash, and then he stimulated Sihuang in turn. In order to save his face, he also explained that his behavior was definitely not because of any special perverted hobbies, "It's just spying on the enemy, but I also know why you You can do so well in the capital without any foundation."

Si Huang kicked him.

Cui Zhenghuan reached out to block in time, blocked the first kick, but did not block the next kick.

He gritted his teeth and took a breath, swallowing the pain that he almost shouted.

Si Huang sipped the bright red wine in the goblet, her gaze fell lightly on Cui Zhenghuan.

Cui Zhenghuan also stared at her closely. Seeing her put down her wine glass, her lips, which were stained red and moist by the wine, gave him a strong and cold shock, which made his body tense involuntarily, ready to deal with it at any time. Si Huang is ready to start.

Facts have proved that Cui Zhenghuan's intuition is correct, Sihuang who just put down his wine glass suddenly stood up and attacked Cui Zhenghuan.

The two fought with bare hands. In less than two minutes, Cui Zhenghuan was beaten to the ground by Sihuang, and when he was about to get up, Sihuang stepped on his shoulder.

"Speak." Si Huang said, "Who instructed you?"

It's not that Cui Zhenghuan can't break free from the strength on Sihuang's feet, but he can't, because a gun is still pointed at his head.

A group of people failed to surround two people, and lost in a one-on-one fight. Cui Zhenghuan felt that he was not wronged, so he was not unconvinced, and felt that Sihuang had given himself enough face.

"My boss has taken a fancy to you and wants to take you back to be his son-in-law." Cui Zhenghuan said while trying to shrug his shoulders, signaling Sihuang to let go of his feet.

As a result, Si Huang stomped harder.

Cui Zhenghuan was stepped on and almost fell to the ground again.

"Click—" The sound of the trigger being pulled made him freeze.

However, the despair and death that Cui Zhenghuan expected did not come, he looked up in astonishment, and later realized that there was no bullet in Sihuang's gun.

"Continue." Si Huang said.

Cui Zhenghuan met her beautiful eyes without a trace of waves, and cursed secretly in his head in shock: TMD! What a madman!

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