Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 939 Let the world know that I love you (2)

When everyone went to search, they were shocked to find that Nima’s account was registered almost the same time as His Majesty, and there were not many V blogs posted, but they were all about His Majesty. The most important thing is that the information shows gender Yes: male ♂!

Fuck! Thunderbolts from the blue one after another! When everyone was still obsessed with "Waiting for the phoenix tree where you live" whether it is a real man or a fake man, they were stimulated by another wave of shocks on the Internet and almost dizzy again!

At 5:20, Sihuang posted a V blog post about his confession, and when countless flowers fell from the sky in the capital, at 5:21, the five treasure gift boxes in front of all ZZ members exploded.

A large field of virtual flowers is displayed on the computer screen, and the mobile phone screen blooms and then spreads out to rain petals. Each petal is worth 10 ZZ coins.

Especially in the video frames of the anchors and Yin Xing who were live broadcasting, groups of Ferraris dragged flowers and drove past. The pictures of flowers blooming covered the faces of the anchors in the live broadcast.

In the swiping screen of such gifts, there is an announcement floating above with a golden font: Waiting for you to inhabit the phoenix tree (crown: supreme number): Lord, I want the whole network to know that I love you @Sihuang [Flowers]

Father? Father! man!

This time there is no need to doubt anymore, this guy is definitely a man.

It's just that you guys are really a man to form a group to confess your love and love? Have you considered our glass heart?

Numerous fans were overwhelmed by Su's coquettishness, not only spoiled by the romantic and heroic confession at the same time in reality and in the virtual world, but also by "the male god has a lover", "the male god confessed to others" and "the male god was rejected by others." Secretly poached away "The guy who poached the male god is actually a man" with countless slots and thoughts. I was heartbroken. Why do men with good hair and good land have sex? Losing to a man feels like dying!

Not only on the ZZ platform, but when someone posted a post on Vbo, saying that he is a single dog, and he was watching CCTV with his parents on a holiday like Valentine’s Day, he was suddenly overwhelmed by the broadcast content of CCTV. Shocked.

What did you say shocked him? Hehehe, you can click on the small video screen to watch it.

Everyone clicked on the small video screen with a heart that had been irritated and riddled with holes——

Such a tall, dignified, elegant and especially aloof central station, unexpectedly! Of course! broadcast! put! tell! White! Festival! eye!

The dignified host of CCTV, it's hard work for you to say such a confession news with a noble and glamorous face! As for your uncouth twitching mouth expression, let's just pretend we didn't see it! —Because we can understand you!

At this moment, who still remembers Ji Sen and Si Huang? I was fed so much dog food one after another that I almost vomited and cried, okay?

Gods and men from all walks of life stepped forward and began to analyze the identity of "Waiting for you to inhabit the phoenix tree", analyze how long Si Huang has been with this person, and analyze Si Huang's sexual orientation.

Even Sihuang didn't expect such a Valentine's Day topic to explode, let alone Su Yueban and the others.

Si Huang intentionally made such a high-profile confession and flower rain without telling Qin Fan, in order to surprise him, but also to tease him on purpose, let him know that the Vest, which hadn't appeared for a while, was already in front of her It was stripped clean.

Who would have thought that Qin Fan, who was stimulated by the Internet, also considered that he had not obtained Si Huang's consent and had a small personal selfishness, so he used his vest account to confess to Si Huang, and there were many people who confessed to Si Huang. There are also people who say that Jisen's boss is a man, so it's okay for him to reveal that he is a man who likes Sihuang, right? What's more, it's about revealing your power and wealth so that those people on the Internet don't want to talk about Boss Jisen anymore, just talk about him! Furthermore, let Sihuang know that this number is him! He decided to take off his vest himself.

The results of it? Should it be too coincidental or is there a common understanding between lovers? They obviously didn't discuss it with each other, but they just aligned their minds, so that when they saw this scene, they couldn't help wondering if it was a high-profile show of affection that had been discussed.

Things have happened, and it is impossible to act as if they didn't happen.

When Yuen asked how to deal with it, Si Huang looked at the virtual flowers on the tablet screen and smiled, "Since the misunderstanding happened by coincidence, let's make this misunderstanding a reality."

Yu Xi looked at her in astonishment, and only felt that Si Huang's smile was too flamboyant and too beautiful, and it was extremely easy to attract people. Even if she was not moved by this face, she was also because of this fearless, free and easy power. Because it's a quality that many people crave but never really have.

"We have reached a consensus again." Sihuang's laughter brought Yuen back to his senses.

He lowered his head to look at the tablet in Sihuang's hand, and what he saw was the interface of the V blog. The big V account belonging to the "Waiting for you to live in Wutong" sent a new update.

A short video.

The video should be on the balcony of a residence.

The picture is first shot towards the sky, the sky in the afternoon is just the right light, and the petals and flowers fall gently like rain.

The angle of view slowly shifted again, from top to bottom, and a hand was seen.

This hand can be seen as a man's palm at a glance. The fingers are thick and long, the palm is wide and powerful, and the honey-colored skin wraps the joints. Even if it is not delicate, it can still make some hand controls amazing. It is a beauty of strength. Just look at this You can guess the owner of the hand with just one hand. It must be a super MAN god with a height of more than 1.8 meters and a strong imposing manner.

When a flower fell into this hand, such a strong and powerful palm was slightly closed, and there was an invisible gentleness that was felt.

"I accept your love."

The magnetic voice, low and slow, seems to have its own subwoofer, and the implied gentle smile is also like the romantic notes of a cello——

"Also, I love you."

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