"What's going on here!"

Grandma Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and wiped away the tears that had slid down Sihuang's cheeks, "How old is a boy, did you cry after listening to grandma say a few words?"

She purposely said aggressively: "Are you really scared by Grandma? If I knew that Little Phoenix was so timid, Grandma should have scared you like this a long time ago. Let's see if you still listen!"

Si Huang burst into tears when she heard the words and laughed, without suppressing her emotions, she reached out and hugged Grandma Yu's waist, and sighed, "Why are you so kind to me?"

This sentence was not an inquiry, but an exclamation, as if she was confused but didn't need to explain it. She should understand rationally, but she couldn't calm down emotionally.

Grandma Yu hugged her head and put it on her lap, and said in a firm tone: "You should ask, why would someone treat you badly? That trash must have saved a god in his previous life to give birth to such a good son as you, what a pity In this life, his eyes are blurred and his heart is covered with lard, that's why he treats you badly!"

Si Huang couldn't help laughing again, and childishly echoed Grandma Yu's words, "Yes, grandma has the most discerning eyes, that's why she fell in love with me."

"Yes, I'm the one with the most discerning eyes!" Grandma Yu was overjoyed by the compliment, and realized in a second, "Why do you sound like you're talking about yourself?"

Si Huang laughed.

The two leaned close together to enjoy the warmth of this moment, not knowing that the people outside were already anxious, but they didn't dare to open the door without permission to check the situation.

"Grandma, I'm sorry." After a while, Sihuang raised her head.

Grandma Yu looked at her pair of eyes that didn't shed tears anymore, but couldn't control the redness of the eye sockets, no matter how much anger she had, it would have disappeared long ago.

"Why do you still say I'm sorry, didn't grandma already say that she was acting to scare you?" Grandma Yu shook her head, but she didn't hold on to the clear eyes of her boss Huang, she didn't hold on for long before revealing her truth, "Yes, grandma was very nervous when she first found out. I was angry and sad, but it was only for a while, and then I thought, 'So that's how it is', 'I said, I felt something was wrong early on, and it turned out to be this kind of thing', but later I found out that compared to the fact that you two fell in love with each other Grandma is even more angry about your concealment of this matter!"

"Grandma has lived such an old age, what else can't be seen through? Grandma knows better than you about feelings. No matter what happens in the future, you will definitely not be able to separate you at this time anyway. What's more... ..." Grandma Yu smiled at her, "Normal doesn't mean happiness, what Grandma wants to see most is that you are happy, you know? From the first time I saw you, I liked your courage to live casually, and I will never Change."

"Okay." Si Huang agreed.

Grandma Yu patted her head again, smiling even brighter.

The grandson is not very old, but he is too precocious. He didn't let her touch his head before, but today he finally had a good time.

Enough of the basics, Grandma Yu did not forget the business, raised Sihuang's head, and her face became serious again, "Grandma will ask you a question at the end, and it is also the most important one."

"Yeah." Si Huang nodded.

Grandma Yu: "Do you really love the little unicorn? Or do you simply like men? Natural sexual orientation, or was it kidnapped the day after tomorrow?"

Si Huang didn't want to remind Grandma Yu that this was not one problem, but several problems.

Facing this old man who was devoted to himself, Si Huang sighed, "My natural sexual orientation is a man."

Now that she is ready to accept the love between Qin Fan and Sihuang, Grandma Yu is also ready to accept it, so she is not very excited when she hears this.

As she said, in fact, what she wants to see the most is that Sihuang can be good. If she had known that Sihuang's sexual orientation was a man, maybe she would have introduced Xiao Qilin a long time ago. , apart from the fact that the career of a soldier is too dangerous, and the influence of special blood, there is really nothing to be picky about.

Just as Grandma Yu opened her mouth to say something, Si Huang held her hand, thinking that Si Huang's emotions hadn't recovered yet.

In the end, Si Huang pulled her and touched that delicate Adam's apple... Huh? Adam's apple!

Grandma Yu used a little strength in shock, and continued to press down on Sihuang's neck.

Why, what, what, no, yes! ?

Grandma Yu was in a daze, staring at Si Huang in a daze.

Si Huang didn't speak, and waited for her to slowly recover.

About three or four seconds later, Grandma Yu blinked her eyes, then blinked again, and then asked: "Little Fenghuang, is there something wrong with your body? For example... bisexual?"

Si Huang doesn't know why if the people around her find out that she is not a pure man, the first thing they think of is bisexuality. Normally speaking, if she is not a man, she should be a woman, right?

If Guo Chengxiong was here and knew what she was thinking, he would definitely give her a clear answer: Think carefully about how you look like a woman? You are better than 99% of men, you can't see femininity in your behavior and style, and you are better at picking up girls than anyone else. If you say you are a woman, who will believe it?

Si Huang shook her head helplessly at Grandma Yu, "Si Hua originally had a twin brother, but he died shortly after birth, so I replaced him."

Grandma Yu still didn't understand what she meant for a while.

Si Huang said more clearly: "My special blood can make some camouflage for the body."

"What do you mean?" Grandma Yu is not stupid, how could she not think of the answer, but this answer is a bit unbelievable to her, and she can't say it! I really can't say it!

Si Huang arched his eyebrows at her, and his smile was so innocent and pure that it nearly blinded Grandma Yu.

"Well, female."

Grandma Yu: "..."

What should I do if my grandson who has been loved so much suddenly becomes a granddaughter?

On the national male god who is popular all over Z country, suddenly says that he is actually a goddess, how should he react?

Ha ha! Grandson loves a joke!

Nima! This is a big joke! ?

Grandma Yu's eyes widened. It turned out that she was still old. Fortunately, she thought that the two grandchildren fell in love, which was the biggest cannonball on Valentine's Day this year. In the end, real nuclear weapons were waiting for her here.

Si Huang spoke softly, using sensuality to appease Grandma Yu's emotions, "Grandma..."

Who would have thought that just as she yelled, Grandma Yu grabbed her clothes, and then the old man unzipped her jacket with unnatural strength, and then ripped off her clothes.

"Grandma." Si Huang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly grabbed Grandma Yu's hand.

Although such a grandma is difficult to deal with, Si Huang still prefers such an energetic and girly grandma to her sad and haggard appearance.

"Let it go! Let it go! It won't do anything to a boy looking at his upper body, let alone a girl!" Grandma Yu stared at her fiercely.

Seeing her expression of not giving up, Si Huang smiled helplessly: "I... take it off by myself."

Grandma Yu stared blankly at her, still unable to believe that she could be a girl like this, look at the helpless doting eyes now, look at the smiles that fascinate countless women with the corner of her mouth, if this is a woman, then the man still Do you want to live?

As a result, Sihuang slowly unbuttoned her shirt, and Grandma Yu saw her bound upper body, and the effect of the magic skill was released, making Grandma Yu believe it even if she didn't believe it.

Under Si Huang's gaze, Grandma Yu stared at her for a long time before she said, "Take off the bottom too."

"..." Si Huang stretched out her hand and put on her jacket again, it was impossible to take off her pants.

When she finished putting on her shirt, she still looked like the male god who was popular all over the country at a young age. Grandma Yu stared at her and muttered to herself, "How could it be a girl? How can it be a girl like this... ..." All of a sudden, Grandma Yu came back to her senses, her eyes turned red, and she smashed the bed with her hand: "What a crime—"

Si Huang hurriedly held her hand, and heard Grandma Yu continue to scold, "Father Wolf! You are such a good girl, don't pamper her like a baby, why are you forced to be like this?"

When Si Huang saw her arriving at this time, the first thing she thought of was herself, a warm current flowed through her body, she smiled very obediently at Grandma Yu, and comforted her: "Isn't it good that I am like this? I am very happy to meet Grandma." Happy."

This sentence successfully made Grandma Yu happy, but the eyes she looked at her were obviously more loving than before, and even the strength of holding her hand became more gentle.

Grandma Yu moved her lips, wanted to say something but didn't say anything, and sighed one after another.

Si Huang also had no way of guessing what she was thinking now. Grandma Yu didn't speak, so she said: "I have been used to living as a man these years, and I don't feel so hard. What's wrong. I didn't tell grandma that it was me at the beginning. That's not right, at that time I hadn't completely let go of my knots, and I didn't have enough ability to protect myself. The identity of a female supernatural person was too troublesome. And..." He raised his eyelids and looked at Grandma Yu who was listening to him carefully. She felt the subtle changes after learning the truth, "Grandma, I don't want everything around me to change because of my gender, and I don't want to give you hope and let you down."

"What's going on?" As an artist, Grandma Yu is very sensitive, and she knew there must be something wrong when she heard Si Huang's words.

Si Huang said softly: "I can't have children."

Grandma Yu's pupils shrank severely, and then she slapped Sihuang on the head.

"Why are you talking about such a big thing now? How can you be so important to a child who hasn't even seen anything?" Grandma Yu scolded angrily, "I used to think you were a casual child, but now it seems that grandma still cares about you." Wrong, did you not even tell Little Qilin about this? You are not tired of bearing all these pressures!"

No wonder Grandma Yu had such a big reaction, because she knew too well the pain of a woman without children.

This is not only the pain of one's own shortcomings, but also the guilt of one's lover.

Grandma Yu couldn't help but get red again when she thought of sad things.

She wiped her eyes, "It's okay, it's okay, huh? It's hard to have children with special blood, bah! Without you, little Qilin... Well, don't mention it! Don't you think grandma is pretty good? Why don't you just find it?" You good grandson, cough! cough cough! Granddaughter! How nice, grandma is so happy!"

Talking, talking, Grandma Yu's eyes looking at Sihuang suddenly became extremely bright, and those eyes were even brighter than when she was looking at her before.

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