Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 950 Entering Country R (1)

This year, Si Huang was nineteen years old, and she was named a god at the age of nineteen. She has swept all the awards in the domestic circles, so after winning the title of actor, she would choose to go to country R as the first stop, and she has attracted the attention of countless people.

Many authoritative figures in the domestic circle have long speculated that after a year of development in China, Sihuang will definitely enter the foreign market after successfully sweeping the domestic entertainment market.

The biggest possibility for the first stop is country M. After all, she already has a foundation there. With her appearance, popularity and acting skills, she might be able to win the entertainment industry of country Z and win an Oscar in country M.

As a result, after the news of the golden statue actor, the official Fenghuang Entertainment gave the news that Sihuang would go to country R to participate in the singing festival.

There is no mistake! ? Participate in the concert! ? Could it be that His Majesty felt tired of being an actor, or that he had achieved his goal after winning the film king crown, so he wanted to enter the music scene?

This news caused the major entertainment editors to scramble to speculate, and there are various versions of the news.

For domestic actors, this is good news. It is best for Sihuang to harm the great gods in the music scene and stop stimulating their hearts.

For the fans, His Majesty's singing is also very good, and it is also very good to enter the music scene, but don't give up on the actor career! When I think that I won't be able to see His Majesty's film and television works in the future, I feel that the whole person is not good. Life is gloomy, okay?

Si Huang responded to these speculations from the outside world, saying that he is also interested in the singing industry, but he will not give up acting.

Her response easily broke the public opinion, but everyone's eyes still did not leave her, always paying attention to Sihuang's every move.

Sihuang has long been used to these attentions, but she never thought that she would meet an acquaintance during the trip to Country R for any reason this time. Not much contact.

In the first-class cabin of the plane, as soon as Si Huang sat down, he found that the man wearing sunglasses on the seat beside him looked familiar. After taking a second look, he said, "Luo Tianwang."

The other party was not asleep, so Si Huang spoke politely. Hearing Si Huang's voice at this moment, the man paused, and then took off his sunglasses, revealing Luo Suosi's appearance.

Luo Suosi glanced at Sihuang, frowned instinctively, and recovered his indifferent expression in the next second, nodding to her as a greeting.

Si Huang could see that he didn't want to talk to him, so naturally he didn't take the initiative to provoke the other party, and sat in his seat.

The treatment in the first class was very good, and it could not be ruled out that it was due to Sihuang herself. As soon as she sat down, a stewardess came over to ask her, and she couldn't help but took out the pen and paper she had prepared long ago, asking for Sihuang's autograph.

Si Huang signed the contract with a gentle attitude, and Luo Suosi's cold voice came from beside him, "Can you be quiet?"

This sentence surprised the stewardess a little, she apologized quickly, Si Huang smiled lightly and said: "Help me get a blanket."

The stewardess glanced at her gratefully, then left with light footsteps, and came back not long after, not only took Sihuang's, but also prepared one for Luo Susi, and left quietly without saying a word.

Si Huang put the blanket on her lap, thinking that Luo Suosi would not talk to her, but the other party seemed to have activated the taunting skill, and suddenly said, "You just use this face to deceive the little girl's love ?”

Si Huang looked sideways at Luo Suosi, and found that Luo Suosi was still wearing sunglasses, and didn't know whether he was sleeping or resting with his eyes closed, and didn't answer his words.

I thought that this kind of thing was over, but who knew that Luo Suosi would not let her go, and continued to mock, "Did no one teach you manners?"

Si Huang said: "You like my mother."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Si Huang noticed that the body of the man beside her froze, and she continued, "Maybe it is more accurate to describe it as love?"

Rosso said nothing.

Si Huang sneered, "Your love is to watch her die, and then vent your anger on her child, or vent your hatred for Si Zhihan on me? Coward."

Luo Suosi stood up suddenly, those eyes full of anger could be seen clearly by Sihuang even through the sunglasses.

"This passenger!" The stewardess hurried over to comfort Luo Suosi, "The plane is about to take off, please sit back in your seat, please?"

Luo Suosi took two deep breaths, sat back down again, signaled the stewardess to leave with his eyes, and then gritted his teeth and said to Si Huang: "You are disgusting, just as disgusting as Si Zhihan!"

Sihuang's gaze cooled down, and she didn't bother to argue with Luo Suosi.

In her opinion, since this man loved Li Lisi, he didn't help Li Lisi when he saw Li Lisi was killed, he didn't trouble Si Zhihan, but now he said she was disgusting, he was a real coward and hypocrisy.

At the beginning, there was a slight curiosity about Luo Suosi, but it also disappeared in this short time together.

As the plane took off, the atmosphere between Si Huang and Luo Suosi was at a freezing point. The stewardess was a little nervous and surprised a few times. You must know that she is also concerned about the entertainment industry. She knows the relationship between Si Huang and Luo Suosi. Suosi had helped Sihuang to speak before, but why did the two of them here alone turn out to be in such a state of incompatibility.

Your circle is really chaotic! ——The stewardess thought to herself, this is probably a phenomenon in the entertainment industry.

Until the plane reached the terminal, Sihuang got off the plane and walked with Yuxi and others.

Seeing that Luo Suosi also recognized the other party, Yu Xi was about to say hello, but saw that Si Huang's footsteps did not stop, so he had to keep up.

"Are you having a conflict with Luo Tianwang?" Yu Xi is a smart person who can see the problem at a glance.

Si Huang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I didn't have any feelings from the beginning."

Yu Xi understood, and also knew what attitude he should use to face Luo Suosi when he saw Luo Suosi later.

I thought that after getting off the plane, the two should part ways. Who would have thought that not only Si Huang but also Luo Suosi would be picked up by the person in charge of the Red Eagle Song Club in Country R this time.

After a little thought, Si Huang understood that Luo Suosi's visit to Country R this time was probably also invited to the Hongying Song Contest.

After the introduction, Si Huang knew that the person who came to pick them up this time was called Uehara Jian, a meticulous young man in his twenties.

He spoke not-so-fluent Chinese, and after Luo Suosi spoke standard Japanese, he was pleasantly surprised to talk to him in Japanese.

On the contrary, Sihuang was very quiet along the way, in fact, he secretly listened to their communication.

She was not good at Japanese in the past, but since the last time she filmed "Mysterious Kingdom" and found out that the incident was related to country R in the Mediterranean, she knew that sooner or later she would come to country R, ​​so she has already taken time to study since then Japanese, with Sihuang's strengthened memory, concentrates on learning a language, and progresses very quickly.

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