Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 970 The villain hasn't received the lunch box yet (1)

When the two reached the stairwell, once the door was closed, there were no outsiders there. Luo Suosi's manager said emotionally: "You must also know that Luo Suosi loves your mother, that's true love! Otherwise He will not be so old, and he hasn't had a girlfriend yet! When Li Lisi had an accident, Suosi wanted to help like crazy, but Li Lisi was obsessed with his own obsession, not only refused to accept what Suosi wanted Help, and drive him away. But even so, Suo Si is still desperately doing what can be saved..."

Si Huang suddenly took a step forward, bent down and stared into the manager's eyes.

Luo Suosi's manager was taken aback by the sudden behavior, and the conversation was naturally interrupted.

A vortex rose in Si Huang's eyes, and his voice penetrated into the depths of his heart, "Tell me the truth, what is the relationship between Luo Suosi and Li Lisi, and what special reaction does Luo Suosi have when facing Li Lisi's question?"

The agent replied blankly: "Luo Suosi is Li Lisi's student, and Li Lisi is Luo Suosi's true love. Whenever Luo Suosi encounters Li Lisi's questions, he will become very strange. He obviously wants to say anything and do whatever he wants. Don't talk or do it, always suppressed alone, hiding in the room and not knowing what to do, but I know that he only cried for Li Lisi, and he cried more than once."

This is the strength of Sihuang's ability. After bewildering people, it will not affect people's thinking, so that the bewildered can still answer questions according to their own thoughts. Just listening to the answers does not tell that they are hypnotized at all.

Si Huang frowned, thought for a while and asked, "What was Luo Suosi's original name? Does he know Li Lisi well?"

This time the agent also thought for a long time before answering: "The first time I met him, he said his name is Luo Suosi. Well, Suosi knows Li Lisi very well, I think he has a purpose to get to know Li Lisi. I planned to get close to her from the beginning, and I know her taste very well. I only know about this, and everyone else thinks that the two of them, the teacher and the student, met by fate."

Si Huang has heard that this agent is one who followed Luo Suosi very early, and has followed Luo Suosi since before he became famous.

"What does he think of me?" Si Huang asked.

Hearing this, the agent looked at Sihuang seriously, and sighed after a few seconds, "Probably love and hate."

Si Huang knew this point as soon as he heard it, and the manager didn't know, so he only answered based on his own guess.

"Stay here, leave if you want to go." Si Huang dropped these words and left first.

This question and answer is not fruitless, at least Si Huang understands, Luo Suosi must know some unknown secrets.

Back in the dressing room, Sihuang changed back to her daily clothes. Due to physical reasons, she had no interest in staying here for the time being. She personally sent a message to Uehara Jian and Xia Qitong, explaining that she was not feeling well. Just take Yuene and they leave.

Yu Xi also specifically asked Si Huang if he wanted to go to the hospital, or buy some medicine for her.

According to Yu Xi's understanding, if there was no real incident, Si Huang would definitely not do such a disrespectful thing, and even go first on this occasion.

Si Huang vetoed his proposal, and after returning to the hotel room, he filled the bathtub with water and soaked it in order to relieve the strange feeling brought by his body.

Although this strange feeling is also very uncomfortable, it seems to be more fortunate than the aunt's pain? The point is that Qin Fan is not around, so she can still control her strange feeling to some extent.

I don't know how long it has passed. Si Huang, who was in a light sleep, was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone. When she opened her eyes, she saw a gorgeous silvery blue.

Sihuang knew that as a person with special bloodlines, when using his own abilities, strange and inhuman changes in his body were common. In fact, this also showed the concentration and purity of bloodlines.

In terms of what she saw alone, Qin Fan, Arthur, Lei Qi and Leo would all transform. Qin Fan's scales, Arthur's teeth and eyes, Lei Qi and Leo's changes were even greater, both of which violated In addition to the normal growth of the body, the former can be exchanged with the bodies of adults and children, and the bones of the latter can also undergo strange changes. The body becomes taller, the shoulders become wider, and the bones of the face become wolf-like and human, and they will grow Out of hair.

After seeing so much, Si Huang doesn't care too much about the changes in her body, but the changes before are in the small parts, such as the subtle changes in the scales and facial features, and the appearance of the ears, elbows, and feet that are easy to fall into the water. There has never been such a "big" change in the action film in the film.

A pair of legs are gone, can this change be called insignificant?

Si Huang already knew what her special blood belonged to, but she never thought that one day, she would lose her legs and grow a tail.

Probably because he sensed that Sihuang's mood was in a state of shock, Wubao didn't know whether Sihuang was in a good mood or not for a while, so he held back and didn't dare to speak out.

Four or five seconds later, the ringing of the mobile phone had stopped, and Sihuang gradually calmed down, looking at this strange change with a peaceful mind.

In fact, she should have been mentally prepared a long time ago. Wu Bao said that the direction of her bloodline evolution is the most orthodox and harmless. Now that she has chosen this direction, the membrane scales have grown, and the tail is actually just a matter of time. .

Although her legs had turned into fishtails, Si Huang didn't feel too awkward, as if she knew how to use them and how to change them back.

It's just that Sihuang didn't panic and immediately chose to change back to her original appearance. She carefully looked at her new tail with an observation attitude, but after watching for two seconds, her calm observation eyes gradually unconsciously revealed amazement.

It seems too narcissistic to be amazed by a part of his body, but Rao Sihuang has to admit that such a tail is really beautiful.

In the situation of looking at herself and all kinds of handsome men and beauties every day, Sihuang's vision is high, and there are really too few things that can surprise her, especially the things that appear on her body. The tail is really beautiful.

Although it is a fish tail, it is still different from the fish tail of freshwater fish or sea fish. The dense silver-blue scales are not as thin as fish scales, and each piece is semi-circular, shiny and transparent, with prosperous scales. Fish tail It is very big and long, half longer than her original legs, but it does not give people a bulky feeling. The membranes on the sides and tail are floating in the water, translucent and light and beautiful, and occasionally reflected Soft luster, more brilliant than the tail end of anchovies.

As soon as Sihuang thought about it, the fish tail lightly patted the edge of the bathtub.

click -

A gap appeared on the edge of the bathtub, and within a second the gap became bigger and bigger, and the water seeped out.

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