Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 976: Concubine Ai takes over!

In the line of sight, the luster emitted by Xia Qitong's ward was even so far away, allowing Si Huang to see it clearly.

The ability of Si Huang's eyes can see the gas and light emitted by the human body, which represents whether the other party is a person with special blood, and the strength of the blood.

So far, among all the people with special bloodlines that Si Huang has seen, some are as strong as Qin Fan, whose whole body exudes light, just like the five treasures gave him the nickname of the big sun, and some are as weak as Yuan Liang, with only a head That small ray of light represented that he was a person with a special bloodline, but his ability might not be very strong.

Most people with special bloodlines are like Yuan Liang, a small ball of light. If she doesn't open her binocular ability and fully see the other party in her eyes, she won't be able to see that small ball of light at all.

However, when she thought that people like Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu would be the most powerful people with special bloodlines she had ever seen in this era, Xia Qitong actually broke her perception.

Obviously Xia Xitong was not in her line of sight, but the ward where the other party was located was as bright as daylight. How big was the light cluster that represented Xia Xitong's special blood?

This kind of pure white brilliance is clean and flawless, and it gives people a sense of boundlessness and emptiness, which should be similar to Yuan Liang's special spiritual blood.

Si Huang stared blankly for a while, and suddenly felt that her eyes were a little stinging, she looked back, her eyes were a little complicated.

"Wubao, have you noticed that Xia Qitong is a person with a special bloodline?"

【what? 】 Wubao replied in a daze: 【No. 】

Wubao said before that for a person with a special bloodline who is as strong and pure as Qin Fan, Wubao doesn't need Little Pink, and can know that the other party is a person with a special bloodline just by his own induction.

Looking at it now, Xia Qitong's bloodline ability can only be more pure than Qin Fan's, but the five treasures have no sense at all.

In fact, it's not just the five treasures, even Sihuang herself, if she didn't have the ability to open her eyes, she wouldn't feel anything special about Xia Qitong at all.

At the moment, she doesn't know what the purpose of Xia Qitong's special blood is, but she understands that Xia Qitong must be lying—his 'old problem' is far from being as simple as he said.

The stronger a person's bloodline ability, the greater the side effects! Xia Qitong's special blood has reached this level, so how much will the backlash against his body be?

As long as Si Huang recalled the appearance of Qin Fan in his previous life, he probably had an idea.

With this doubt and complexity, Sihuang waited until the driver drove over, got in the car and went back to the hotel.

The fact that she went to visit Luo Suosi in the hospital today also made a small entertainment news that didn't attract much attention. This is also because it is not in China, otherwise it must be another big hit.

Si Huang, who had just returned to the hotel room, felt her phone vibrate a few times before she had time to think about other things.

This vibration frequency is a secret signal, indicating that her computer has been placed with instructions, and only when the mobile phone is within a certain range of the computer will it respond.

Sihuang strode to the desk and opened the notebook, first opened the Blood Banner website, and saw the latest task notification——

The operation of Dongying Academy has started, and Bai Ze has already transferred and is coming to Tokyo. Everyone should pay special attention to observation.

Another thing to pay attention to is the undead sea monster and mountain spirit. At present, the identity of the mountain spirit has been initially suspected, and Luo Suosi's suspicion accounts for 80%.

Since Bai Ze's cell gene was found on Qianye Bai's body, Bai Ze is currently a suspect, and the mountain spirit may also have something to do with the god-making, and Qing Xiao is responsible for arresting him.

When seeing that the mountain spirit might be Luo Suosi, Si Huang was only surprised for a moment, and then began to analyze this possibility.

Combining Luo Suosi's character with the mountain spirit's character in Undead, I found that the two are not alike at all, but Luo Suosi's willpower made Si Huang care, maybe the other party is really good at disguising, or is sick Maybe.

After closing the Blood Banner website, and then opening the Immortal website, I found that it was even more jubilant than that of the Blood Banner.

Everyone gloats about how Bai Ze started to flee, and wonders what Su Shuang feels like being chased by the Qilin with the blood flag.

There is also a task posted on the website, this task is just one sentence, and it was sent by Bai Ze himself.

[All members pay attention to the movements of the Blood Banner members, and take credit if they have the opportunity! The process is not important, as long as you grab the work into your own hands. ]

Shan Jing: Shall I arrest Si Huang and use him as a hostage in exchange for credit?

Tian Gui: He is a little overlord of the blood flag, you can catch it if you say you can catch it?

Shan Jing: Isn't there a sea monster? Siren, where are you? Come out, let's discuss and discuss together—— Siren

Impermanence: By the way, did you find out, why did the boss go to Tokyo? Definitely going on a Kraken date!

Disha: Damn it! Makes sense!

Siren: @Shan Jing, the blood flag people will arrest you tomorrow.

As soon as Sihuang's ID came out, there was a brief silence in the barrage chat, and then everyone became more noisy, bubbling one by one.

Someone asked how she would know this? The mountain spirit was surprised that the sea monster already knew who he was? More asked if Bai Ze had joined her?

Faced with these questions, Si Huang didn't answer any of them. She would say this sentence in order to blow up the mountain spirit.

If Luo Suosi is really a mountain spirit, then he is caught in a dilemma.

If he didn't want to admit his identity, he couldn't run away. If he ran away, 90% of the time he was really a mountain spirit.

The phone next to the computer rang, Si Huang turned off the immortal website, and picked up the phone to answer it.

"..." There was only the sound of human breathing on the other side of the phone.

Listening to the sound of breathing, Si Huangguang could realize who the caller was. This kind of induction is very strange, but it does exist.

"Qin Fan?" Si Huang took the initiative to speak.

There was a deep laugh from the other end of the phone, and Si Huang said, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just want to hear you call my name first." Qin Fan said seriously.

Si Huang laughed out loud, "Where are you?"

"Tokyo." Qin Fan said.

Si Huang paused, stood up and walked towards the window, and heard Qin Fan say next to her ear: "I can't meet you yet."


Si Huang opened the curtains.

There was a heavy breathing sound from the other end of the phone.

The corner of Si Huang's mouth curled up, and he looked down from the window. In fact, the height of her room made it impossible to see the pedestrians below.

"Why are you nervous? Even if you're really down there, I can't see you." Si Huang's tone was narrow.

Qin Fan took a deep breath, "Little villain."

"Are you really down here?" Si Huang asked.

Qin Fan: ""

When Si Huang heard the deep and magnetic voice, she had the urge to go downstairs directly.

Counting that they haven't seen each other for a while, Si Huang thought for a while, then closed the curtains again, turned and walked out.

"What are you doing?" Qin Fan's voice broke the brief silence.

Si Huang put on her hat and sunglasses, put on her bag, walked to the entrance to put on her shoes, and said unhurriedly: "Recently, many people want to invite me to go shopping in Tokyo, but I have refused. After all, I have a lover, so Opportunities should be given to one's lover."

"Do you think it's interesting to relax with me for a day, or is it a sense of accomplishment to do tasks with trepidation?" Sihuang fixed the phone with his chin and shoulders, and tied the laces of his sneakers with both hands.

Qin Fan: "..."

"Huh?" Si Huang's tone rose.

Qin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he gritted his teeth, "Fun Lord!"

"Aifei, let's welcome you." Sihuang laughed and turned the doorknob.

Si Huang not only disguised her attire, but also changed her way of walking and her temperament when she went out. For an actor of her level, the transformation between diaosi and tall, rich and handsome is really just in her Just a thought.

Of course, Si Huang hasn't abused himself enough to play the obscene man, but he tried to restrain his sense of existence as much as possible, so that he doesn't attract so much attention.

After getting down from the hotel, Si Huang didn't even hang up the phone. When he got to the parking lot and didn't ask Qin Fan where he was, his arm was grabbed by a hand that suddenly stretched out beside him, and he was pulled into a car in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the other party started, Si Huang knew who it was, otherwise it would not be so easy to be dragged into the car.

As soon as the car door was closed, the man rushed up like a tiger descending a mountain, his breath scalding his face.

Si Huang opened his eyes and saw a pair of dark and deep eyes.

The other party just stared at her, his eyes were so deep that he wanted to suck her in. After a few seconds, Si Huang thought that there would be a warm and wet kiss, but who would have thought that Qin Fan just lowered his head and touched her lips lightly twice, and then Fasten her seat belt yourself.

Si Huang licked her lips, feeling a little unsatisfactory.

As soon as the seat belt was fastened, Qin Fan raised his eyes and saw Si Huang licking his lips, his eyes darkened suddenly, "It's fine if you want to visit Tokyo, but don't tease me, or you won't be able to do anything today."

"Really can't do anything?" Si Huang asked in surprise, his eyes swept across Qin Fan's body.

Just this look made Qin Fan so tempted that he almost burst out of his mouth. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he was ready to drive.

Touching his cheek with one hand, Si Huang said with a smile: "What's wrong with me just teasing you?"

"Fuck!" Qin Fan almost slammed the car directly into the front pillar, and turned his head to look at Si Huang.

Si Huang innocently said: "What?"

"You!" Qin Fan was furious, why did God give birth to such a monster.

"Yes." Si Huang said.

Before Qin Fan could react, Si Huang sighed, took out his mobile phone and booked a hotel online, "I've booked a room, let's post it first, I can't stand seeing you now."

Hearing you talk like that, I can't bear it even more! Qin Fan almost thought that what Si Huang said was just what he said, and he was just playing with himself. However, the fiery eyes of a pair of boss Sihuang really can't deceive anyone, but he can still refute a few words, in fact, the most unbearable thing is Sihuang's teasing, let alone directly touching him, A word with a little connotation can make him want to move.

No, Qin Fanxin said that this is not good, it is rare to meet with the baby first, and the impact of sex is not good, and the glass-hearted may misunderstand that he is only interested in that aspect.

But facing Si Huang like this in reality, Qin Fan opened his mouth, and his words became unreasonable, "Where?"

Si Huang reported the address, and then leaned on the chair of the car with his eyes closed to rest his mind. He didn't look anxious at all, but Qin Fan was depressed.

Originally, Sihuang really planned to go to Tokyo with Qin Fan for a romantic and warm date, but for a while she forgot that she was still in estrus, and it was fine when she didn't see Qin Fan, but it was hard to control when she saw Qin Fan .

Anyway, the two of them are serious lovers. Si Huang is not someone who treats herself badly or can't think about it. If you feel it, then say it. If Qin Fan is really not interested...then let him lie down obediently and pretend to be sleeping. .

Fortunately, Qin Fan didn't know what Si Huang was thinking at the moment, otherwise he might have done something.

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