Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 990 Your Majesty! Let's start the killing! (1)

When Luo Suosi came, he said that the detectors they were about to go to could not only detect the products of god-making, but also those with special bloodlines.

It is impossible for such a huge god-making laboratory to have people with special bloodlines, but since Luo Suosi said so, there must be a reason for him to warn.

Only when Si Huang saw the figure in the nutrition warehouse in front of him clearly did the siren sound, and the round door behind him suddenly closed.

All this happened in an instant, and most people would get nervous, but Si Huang didn't react at all, and kept his eyes on the familiar and deformed figure floating in the nutrient biological fluid.

It was a half-human, half-fish creature. With such a description, the first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful creature in fairy tales or myths—the mermaid.

If you understand it literally, the creatures in this nutrition warehouse are indeed mermaids.

It's just that in Si Huang's view, there is no beauty that exists in the legendary mermaid. Instead, she feels repulsive for a moment, as if a certain piece of pure land in her heart has been polluted, and after being polluted, she instinctively produces anger and disgust.

This emotion emanated from Sihuang's expression without hiding it. It was depressive and heavy, and it was deeply felt.

The creature she was staring at in the nutrition warehouse was about 1.8 meters long, with dead pale skin, wrinkled from the nutrient solution. The upper body was a woman's body, but with weird fish scales. It is distributed irregularly in various places, some on the left side of the waist, and some on the right side of the waist and abdomen, spreading all the way to the lower body to form a complete fish tail.

The color of the fish tail scales is also dull, and more importantly, floating in the nutrient solution also gives people a sense of powerlessness, as if the fish tail is completely dead, or just a decoration that can only be seen but not used. ——As an ornament, it didn't play a key role either. Neither the color nor the shape could be seen to be beautiful. Instead, it looked dull like a shallow water fish, and it didn't harmonize with the upper body of the human body. To put it bluntly, it was okay. Call it a deformity.

On the contrary, the appearance of this creature is really beautiful, and her pale and lifeless skin can't hide the exquisite beauty of her facial features. With the appearance of a mixed race, the eyebrows are naturally beautiful without trimming, and the thick and long hair can be seen with closed eyes. The eyelashes can cast shadows on the skin. The straight nose bridge and the same colorless lips make up such a pale and beautiful woman. It makes people think that adding a little blood to her can make her lively and energetic, like an elf Just as beautiful.

This is a young face, and it is also a face that Si Huang is familiar with. Even though she has never seen a real person, it left an indelible impression in her heart.

"Heh." Si Huang opened his mouth to say something, but blurted out a sneering laugh.

She turned around suddenly and punched Luo Suosi who was unresponsive.

"Oh!" This fist hit Luo Suosi until he fell to the ground.

Si Huang stepped on it before he could get up, staring at Yu Shuo with disgusted eyes, "No wonder I couldn't find Li Lisi's body, don't tell me, this is the same clone as Qianye Bai?" At the end of the words, Si Huang found that she couldn't control the anger welling up in her chest, burning her eyes, and even her tone darkened a few degrees, "How dare you treat her like this? Huh?"

Luo Suosi felt that his ribs were almost broken, and the words in his mouth continued uncontrollably, "I...just save her."

"You're defiled her!" Sihuang stepped hard and stared suddenly.

Luo Suosi gasped, and was dizzy for two seconds due to the severe pain, but he still insisted, "I'm saving her!" He reached out and grabbed Sihuang's ankle, staring at her paranoidly , gradually revealed a bit of madness, "Do as I say, I can save you, and I can save Lilith!"

The siren did not stop. The round door at the back cut off all the outside sounds, but it couldn't cut off this alarming sound.

"Lilith died for you, don't you want to save her? Why do you think I have been lurking for so many years and working for the ZF? Patriotic? No! I don't care about anything, death is not a terrible thing, as long as I want to Join the god-made resurrection plan and become a person like Qianye Bai, but I don't need it, I just want Lilith!" Luo Suosi's speech became faster and faster, and his expression became more and more serious. Normal people are still serious, but if you look carefully, you will find that this seriousness exceeds a certain degree, and it becomes neurotic, "I love her! No one else in this world loves her more than me! Since Lilith was born, she is The source of my life! Even I can sacrifice for Lilith, as her child, you are her life in exchange for life, don't you want to see her live?"

Si Huang sneered, "Live? Let her live like this? If you really want her to live, why do you do this kind of experiment on her?"

After saying this, Luo Suosi cast an uncontrollable resentful look at her, and his voice squeezed through his teeth, "When she gave birth to you, your genes collapsed. If you don't do the evolution experiment, you will become a pile of rot The meat is really dead!"

Si Huang paused, looked deeply at Luo Suosi, observed all the changes in his expression, and found that Luo Suosi did not seem to be lying.

"Have you ever asked her, do you really want to live like this?" Si Huang was silent for a moment, and the voice from her throat was somewhat distorted and bleak.

I don't know if it's because of the longing for the maternal love in memory, the nostalgia for the beautiful black-haired and blue-eyed mother in the memory image, or because of the instinctive aversion to "dirty blood" from the blood that is getting stronger and stronger. Sihuang has always had an indelible rejection of the scene in front of her.

Maybe there are both. The former is a pure land in her heart, which comes from spiritual rejection, while the latter rejection is more from physiology. Seeing Li Lisi's physical condition makes her unbearable. At a glance, she could judge the characteristics of more than a dozen kinds of fish on Li Lisi's body. They were very subtle and messy, but they couldn't escape her eyes. She seemed to be able to smell a smell coming from Li Lisi's body through the closed nutrition warehouse. The smell, that is the 'dirty' smell of the putrefaction of corpses mixed with all kinds of mixed blood.

Because of this, she couldn't stop her anger, and the sadness hidden under the strong anger, she felt sad for Li Lisi.

"As long as you can survive!" Luo Suosi felt that Sihuang was a little moved, and said more forcefully: "There is hope only if you survive! Only if you survive first, will you have time to find a solution!" At this moment, he Her eyes were astonishingly bright, but also astonishingly dark, "Sihuang, do you think I asked her if she really wanted to live like this? Then how do you know that she doesn't want to live like this!? Eighteen years... or ten years?" Nine years! Do you know her past? She consciously began to die, but she actually lived for less than ten years, ten years! Such a short life, have you thought about her pain? Now you have a chance To save her, do you have to deprive her of the chance to live according to your own will? Don't forget, she gave you life!"

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