Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 147 Flooding on a Sunny Day

"The bricks and tiles have already been signed for, and we will officially start delivering the goods tomorrow."

Zhang Hai frowned and thought for a while and said, "We have four trucks in our team, and we can only take out three trucks to deliver the goods. If we only deliver once a day, it won't work. Nephew, do you think there is any way?"

"Use the brigade's tractor, that's up to you to decide. Pull a brick and pay the brigade two cents for shipping. I think the brigade must be able to do it. Anyway, it's idle anyway."

In the 1980s, the oil used by rural tractors was allocated according to quotas, and was distributed by the agricultural machinery station of the commune. It was basically provided free of charge, so there was no problem of fuel consumption.

This phenomenon did not change in Beiliao Province until around 1985, when cheap oil and premium oil appeared successively. At that time, a barrel of No. The price of oil changes every year. By the end of the 1980s, the price of a barrel of premium oil had risen to nearly 300 yuan a barrel.

The Warriors Commune is located in a hilly area, and there is almost no such large area of ​​flat cultivated land. Most of them are mountains and hills. The tractors of the various brigades are almost useless in terms of cultivated land. There was no need for transportation at that time, so the various brigades The tractors in the world can't move for a few days at all in a year.

This situation has caused the diesel oil distributed above to be basically empty there, so there is no problem of no fuel.

Therefore, the price of 2% per yuan given by Wan Feng is basically tantamount to a free profit for the brigade, and the brigade has no reason not to do it.

"Didn't this money be earned by others?" Zhang Hai felt distressed again.

"Why, do you still want to keep it all by yourself? Can you transport it yourself? Everyone can earn money to be safe. If the tractors of the brigade are not enough, I am going to hire the tractors of the Pingshan brigade. This is how it is. How about Xiao Dexiang's mold?"

"I finished everything for Xiao Dexiang. I told him that within ten days no matter what method he had to make 1,000 sets of molds for me, Xiao Dexiang agreed."

One thousand sets of molds plus the original two hundred sets can produce 1,200 tiles in 24 hours, and more than 30,000 tiles a month. Although this scale is considerable, it still seems a bit insufficient.

But now it can only be like this.

"After I finished, I went to the commune and borrowed another 5,000 yuan from the credit union."

Now that the bricks and tiles have a market, Zhang Hai's courage will grow stronger, and it is an understatement to talk about the loan.

The mold problem was solved, the money problem was solved, Wan Feng felt that he had nothing else to do, so he left the brick and tile factory to go home, and turned in when he passed by Luan Feng's house.

Luan Feng was sitting in front of the sewing machine with a bit of sluggish spirit, her two eyes had a faint tendency to develop like a national treasure.

"What's wrong, Sichun?"

Luan Feng gave Wan Feng a white look: "I'm tired, let's rest for a while."

"Why are you working so hard? When did you sleep last night?"

"It's past one o'clock."

"I said that the eyes are made like a panda's. It's not daytime?"

"There's so much work coming at once, I don't feel at ease and can't sleep until I finish it."

Human nature is born, Luan Feng has this kind of personality, there is no cure! Wan Feng couldn't pull it off either.

"In the future, no matter how much work you have, don't stay up late, especially women who often stay up late and age quickly, remember?"

Luan Feng was very docile this time: "Well, remember."

"Are those clothes finished?"

"I'm done. I made three yuan and twenty cents. This is the first time I've made money." Luan Feng was beaming with joy, even frowning with a smile.

"I will make more and more money in the future. Well, I'm going back. I've been so busy these days that I don't even have time to take a shower. My body is almost smelly. Let's take a bath in the big river."

As soon as Luan Feng heard about taking a bath, she immediately regained her spirits: "I'll go too, I'll go too, I haven't taken a shower these days.


Wan Feng immediately got dizzy, why are you joining in the fun when a boy takes a bath, is it possible that you also want to help me take a bath?

After returning to grandma's house and saying hello to grandma, Wan Feng went to the river.

Maybe it was after the rush hour for bathing at noon. There were only three or four children at Laodaokou whom Wan Feng didn't know and they were all still on the beach. Their underpants were almost dry, and they looked like they were about to leave.

There are quite a lot of people at the most upstream stone dam, but it is the world of older children and adults. Wan Feng knows how bad his water skills are, so he dare not go there.

Luan Feng must have gone to her grandma's house, but she hasn't seen her since.

Even though he didn't see her shadow, Wan Feng didn't dare to go into the water naked, what if she gets stuck in the water!

As soon as he took off his vest and threw it on the beach, he went into the water in his underpants. When he entered the water, those children who didn't know which team left the river, and Wan Feng was left alone.

Wow! The water in the Yina River seemed a bit cold today, and Wanfeng found that there were still a lot of water foam floating on the surface of the water today.

Because the level of the river is always crystal clear and quite clean, there has never been any water foam. Where did these pieces of water foam floating on the river surface like clouds in the sky come from?

Wan Feng didn't take this question seriously, and with a plop, he lay his whole body in the water on the bank and soaked it. After soaking thoroughly, he could rub off the dirt on his body.

The river water rushes over the hot body, taking away the heat from the body in the blink of an eye, which is called comfort.

But when it was disappointing, this comfortable feeling hadn't soaked through the whole body, Wan Feng hadn't fully enjoyed it when he heard the shout from upstream.

"It's coming out of the water! It's coming out of the water! People in the water are going ashore!"

Got into the water? Where does the water come from when there is no thunder or rain in this sunny day? Who is free to make international jokes?

Wan Feng, who was lying in the water, tilted his head and looked up the river suspiciously, and was immediately stunned.

I saw a stone dam in the upper reaches of the corner where the upstream connects to the team behind the mountain. A water wall about two meters high above the river surface is rolling across the river from the downstream. We arrived at the first stone dam, and rushed towards the second stone dam at a very fast speed.

These two stone dams were built many years ago to keep the river from scouring the embankment. After years of water scouring, only the shadow of the dam can be vaguely seen on the shore. What was silted up disappeared.

The distance from the second stone dam to the old crossing is only about 100 meters.

Where did the water come from in this sunny day? Could it be that the upstream reservoir has released water?

This is the only explanation.

Liang Wan said today that there was a heavy rain in Beishan. Because the upper reaches of the Na River are in Beishan, it must be the excess water stored in the upper reaches of the Biliuhe reservoir.

At the thought of this, Wan Feng jumped up from the river, and ran to the embankment on the bank, not even picking up his vest.

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