Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 183 Another Solution

Wan Feng took another look at Sister He's daughter.

Although the girl is sixteen, her figure seems to be a little thinner, and her hair is still a little yellow.

This is really a yellow-haired girl.

Although there are a few patches on the clothes on her body, the patches are very smooth, and the four hundred stitches are very well-proportioned. If it weren't for the different colors of the patches and the clothes, you wouldn't be able to tell that they were sewn on.

"You made this patch yourself?"

"The girl nods."

Wan Feng took a deep breath, there was no need to question it anymore, judging from this patch, the girl's words were all right.

Now Luan Feng is in urgent need of help, but unexpectedly there is one idle here, and a tailor who can cut.

In the 1980s, there were very few people who could tailor and make clothes, so the ready-to-wear shops were very popular at that time, which is why there were a period of time when clothing tailoring classes sprung up all over the street.

Wan Feng nodded lightly and thought for a minute, then turned to Sister He: "Sister He, I decided not to buy your sewing machine."


Sister He felt a shock in her ears, don't you want to buy it?

When she heard this voice for the first time, the first thing that passed through her heart was not disappointment but relief, and then disappointment.

She saved money to buy this sewing machine at the beginning, and it was regarded as a treasure. If it was not for the urgent need for money, she would not be able to sell it.

Ever since his legs were broken, the man has been mentally depressed. He sighed at first, but now he doesn't even sigh, as if he has become a living dead.

In recent days, other symptoms have appeared on his body.

The day before yesterday, she took the man to the hospital for a checkup. The test result was very bad. Not only did the man have stomach problems, but he also had kidney and lung problems.

To see a doctor, you need a sum of money.

As soon as He Yanhua gritted her teeth, she made the decision to sell the sewing machine and see a doctor for the man. If her leg was broken and she couldn't connect it, there was nothing she could do, but if she got sick, she had to be treated.

But now people don't buy it.

He Yanhua fell into deep disappointment again.

"Ah! Brother, why didn't you buy this again?" Xia Qiulong and Xin Li were confused.

Wan Feng naturally also saw the disappointment on He Yanhua's face.

"Sister He, don't be disappointed. I have a better idea, and I want to discuss it with you now."

"You said Brother Xiao Wan."

"The reason why I want to buy a sewing machine is because we are going to set up a garment factory at the end of the year or next year. Now we are in the test preparation stage. Because there is no equipment and manpower, we only have one sewing machine and one hand. Sister He, do you understand?"

He Yanhua nodded.

"Since your daughter can cut clothes, I want to hire your daughter. Of course, she has to bring her own sewing machine. We don't have any extra machines for her. I have thought about all the conditions. The future director of the garment factory will be a man named Luan. Feng’s woman, she is one year younger than your daughter. Her older sisters and older brothers have all married and left, so she lives with her parents. Your daughter lives and eats at her home. We can discount the use of your sewing machine. Is it okay to pay for your daughter's board and lodging? If she misses home, she can come back at any time."

This time, He Yanhua did not express his opinion, because Wan Feng hadn't finished speaking.

"Now we have a lot of clothes to make. We will pay your daughter a handwork fee for each set of clothes cut and made. The handwork fee for each set of clothes will not be less than 20 cents. Your daughter is an unemployed youth. Staying at home is also staying, so that in addition to reducing the burden on your family, you will also earn money to supplement your family, what do you think?"

He Yanhua's head is in a mess, and Wan Feng's proposal is very tempting. It is indeed a family burden for such a big daughter to eat and dress. In this way, besides the food money, there is still money to be made, especially cutting and sewing. A set of clothes will have an income of 20 cents, which is also a very tempting condition.

But for a sixteen-year-old girl to go to an unfamiliar place alone, this...

Wan Feng also thought of this layer.

"Sister He, I can guarantee your daughter's personal safety. With me in our area, I can guarantee that no one will dare to attack your daughter. As for my character, brother Xia and sister-in-law can guarantee for me."

Xia Qiulong patted his chest: "Sister He, I dare not tell others, but my brother's character is guaranteed, and I can testify to that."

After thinking for a long time, He Yanhua's head was still in a state of confusion, so she turned to Xin Li for help.

"Sister He, I think it's okay. Brother Wan bought hundreds of pieces of defective cloth from our factory a few days ago, right?"

He Yanhua nodded.

"He bought the cloth for the purpose of setting up a garment factory, so he said that they have a lot of clothing to make, which is true. If they don't make clothes, what would he buy so much cloth for? It doesn't look good. I just finished it a few days ago. I also wanted to go when I was sick, but Brother Wan said that it was inconvenient for me to go back and forth and didn’t let me go, so I’m still angry!”

Xinli put on an angry look on purpose.

"In this case, let Min'er go." He Yanhua thought for a long time and finally made up his mind.

"Wait, I still have to ask your daughter about this. It's okay if she doesn't agree."

"I would."

Before Wan Feng turned around, Jiang Min spoke, this time in a much louder voice.

He Yanhua's happiness didn't even exceed a minute. After all, her daughter had a job and she didn't have to sell the sewing machine, but the money for the man's medical treatment was still not available.

Just when she was disappointed, Wan Feng reached out and took out a wad of money from his pocket and threw it on the kang.

"This is fifty yuan. I guess it can temporarily solve your family's urgent needs. You don't need to thank me. This is your daughter's salary in advance. I will deduct this money from your daughter's salary."

Tears welled up in He Yanhua's eyes. What happened today was like a dream. All the problems that kept her awake for several days were solved in the blink of an eye.

When she was about to say something of thanks, something unexpected happened. The man on the kang who had been staring at the ceiling in a daze turned his head to look at Wan Feng.

Xia Qiulong was the first to discover it. He leaned over the kang, "Does Brother Jiang still know me?"

The man named Brother Jiang nodded silently, and then even nodded to Wan Feng as well.

Wan Feng also nodded to him out of politeness.


Unexpectedly, this man can still speak.

With the accumulation of life experience in the previous life, Wan Feng immediately knew the man's current mental state.

All his previous performances were due to his own powerlessness and completely lost confidence in life, and he was basically in a state of dying and ignoring everything in the world.

Now that Wan Feng has brought great help to his family, as the head of the family, of course he heard it, so he came alive to express his gratitude.

Knowing the man's symptoms, Wan Feng basically had a prescription for the right medicine.


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