Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 505 Building a house

It was He Yongli who came.

More than half a year has passed since Wan Feng met He Yongli in the hotel in Bohai for the first time.

"Brother He! Hello, hello! Unexpectedly, you are still in Bohai."

The two shook hands warmly.

"I am based in the north."

"It's been more than twenty days since I called your unit. I thought your unit had forgotten about it."

"I only received a call from my unit after talking with my unit two days ago. I came here as soon as I had something to do."

Wan Feng took out Evergrande cigarettes and gave one to the team accountant and one to He Yongli.

"Little dick smokes a good cigarette." The accountant snorted.

"Third Grandma, are you old and dizzy? When do you think I smoked? Isn't this all for entertainment."

The accountant chuckled, lit a cigarette and started puffing.

"I'm going to buy an injection molding machine. I personally don't need a big one, but a small one. It's best that one person can handle it."

"No, there is no one person to fiddle with it, and our smallest machine has to be fiddled with by two people."

"How much is the smallest machine?"

"Two thousand three!"

"Hold the grass! I said Brother He, you are not authentic. How big is your machine and it costs two thousand and three? Let me see if you make gestures."

He Yongli made a gesture of size.

"Ah! How dare you ask for two thousand and three if it's less than two meters long, fifty centimeters wide, and sixty centimeters high? Is that thing made of gold?"

He Yongli didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother, isn't this thing a good deal based on size?"

"One thousand fifty-six is ​​not bad."

"Stop, brother, if you have one thousand fifty-six thoughts, I'll leave."

"Then how much discount can you tell me?"

"At most one hundred discounts."

Wan Feng curled his lips: "Isn't that the same as no discount? You probably haven't seen our development in Wahou, right? Let me show you our development scale, which is around here."

He Yongli didn't know why Wan Feng took him to see the scenery behind Wahou.

Wan Feng pulled He Yongli out of the team headquarters, naturally the shoe factory first and then the machinery factory.

When he saw the tractor, He Yongli's eyes became straight: "Hold the grass! You guys still produce this stuff, it's so high-tech!"

"What kind of high-tech is a tractor? You can talk about it when we build cars. In the future, we will also have carton factories, plastic factories, beverage factories, refrigeration processing factories, and electronic component factories... This injection molding machine is for my personal use. Think about it carefully, let’s see which companies can use injection molding machines in the future?”

He Yongli thought for a long time: "The carton factory will definitely not be used, and the plastic factory will definitely be used. As for other factories, even if they are used, they will definitely not be used much."

"We are going to open a plastic product factory with hundreds of employees, mainly to produce various molds and even pots and pans. Tell me, how many injection molding machines do we need?"

A plastic product factory must be opened. The seeder alone requires a lot of plastic products. How much it costs is not a big deal, but the lack of supply is a big problem. However, Wan Feng didn't know whether it could reach the scale of hundreds of people. Anyway, there is no harm in going big first.

He Yongli's eyes immediately lit up. If there were really hundreds of people, the injection molding machines needed would not be one or two, but ten or eight injection molding machines, and they had to be mainframes.

"Hey, Brother He, do you understand what I mean? It seems that we also have a manufacturer of injection molding machines in Beiliao, right?"

He Yongli rolled his eyes several times.

"Haha, Brother Wan, I have seen the development of your Wahou. In order to express our admiration for the entrepreneurship of the peasant brothers, we will support them with practical actions."

Then lowered his voice: "We are going to offer another five hundred yuan discount on the original price of the machine you bought to express our sincerity."

This means that the preferential price of the injection molding machine Wan Feng bought was 1,800 yuan.

Hold the grass! A purchaser with a machine worth more than 2,000 yuan has such a large fluctuation in his hand,

No wonder these buyers are so rich.

"Then it's settled, why can I see the machine?"

"This will take a while, and it won't arrive until July."

"I'm going to take a long trip around mid-July, and it's best that this machine arrives here before July 10th."

"No problem, it won't take until the tenth."

After the machine was settled, He Yongli didn't stay in Wahou, and went back directly to contact the unit to deliver the goods to Wan Feng.

Wan Feng bought this small injection molding machine to make tape recorder casings, not only brick machines but also desktop machines.

Although he knows that the sound quality of the tape recorder with the plastic case is definitely not as good as the case he made of solid wood, but to save costs and put it on the shelves of department stores, the plastic case is essential.

Although this machine is not big, it also needs a place.

But where?

Grandma's house is not good, and the yard of Luanfeng's house is not likely to be remodeled. There is no vacant house in Wahou for the time being.

There are many places in the yard of the machinery factory, but there are still several factories in that yard that will settle there in the future.

Simply choose a good place early and build a house.

In the evening, Wan Feng called his uncle and aunt to grandpa's room.

"Grandpa, uncle, our east end will definitely be moved to the ditch in the future. After all, the east end is subject to moisture. I mean, let's find a good place to build a house as soon as possible. What do you think?"

"Build a house?"

Wan Feng's suggestion was definitely beyond the expectations of the whole family.

"Yes, our house has been sold for many years and we will build a new one! The country does not have strict requirements on housing bases. The big and bright houses we built will occupy more land. I will pay for the house, and you will be responsible for finding it tomorrow. It’s a good place, and then let’s sell the old house, whether it’s a hundred or two hundred.”

Zhu Ping absolutely supported it: "Then where should we choose to build it?"

"One is Xiaonanshan, and the other is the side of the road. If you don't mind the noise, go to the side of the road. It will be convenient for you to open a shop in the future. If you don't think the noise is too loud, go to Xiaonanshan and Xigou. .”

Zhu Ping thought for a long time: "Forget about the side of the road. Your uncles are pregnant now. It's not good to make too much noise. Let's choose Xiaonanshan."

There are about a dozen houses on Xiaonan Mountain, but now there are only three houses.

"Then brother-in-law, go find a Feng Shui master tomorrow and show us a house that can build six rooms."

"Ah! It's so big to build six rooms."

"I need to use two rooms, I only use them temporarily, and they will still be yours in the future."

"Okay, tomorrow I will sneak a look at Mr. Feng Shui."

One of the two rooms is for himself, and the other is for the machine. Wan Feng thinks it is absolutely enough.

He can probably live there for more than a year, and he will go back next fall.

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