Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 97 The Butterfly Effect

In the unearthed high elf document "Book of the Spiral Tower", the record of the Colossus of Themis is as follows:

'The mountain-like colossus is made of [Aoliha Steel], this wonderful magical metal, shining with a dazzling blue-golden luster in the sun. '

'When it rose into the sky at a speed that didn't match its volume, the huge sound of thunder tore through the sky. The huge wave of magic power dissipated away, even Saier at noon was going to be pale! '

In the early days of the ancient golden age, the high elves used them to cooperate with the floating city to contend with the ancient dragons, titans, and other legendary creatures that once ran across the continent.

Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to activate a super weapon of this level, but requires very strict authority certification.

This includes two things, 'key' and 'blood'.

In the previous life, since no one chose, the scepter was finally obtained by a lucky child of destiny.

Moreover, he is not even a student of the Mystery Academy, but a freshman of the Constructive School named Ren.

This is a very common imperial name, just like Jack, George and a series of popular names used by commoners. If you call out on Empire Street, several people may look at you.

The process of Ryan obtaining the scepter is also very dramatic:

Originally, he came to the mysterious library to borrow books with his crush, but because he accidentally asked a noob question, he was questioned and ridiculed by other students in the same industry, doubting whether he could understand the magic circuit.

In Pamir, this question is tantamount to questioning whether he can read or not.

In front of his sweetheart, Ren's brain became hot, and he said, "What's so great about this, if I were to crack it, it wouldn't even take three months!" '

Therefore, Renn, who had finished pretending, had no choice but to spend his own credits and borrow the scepter.

There is nothing to say about the subsequent plot. Like all the biographies of hot-blooded heroes, after a series of chances and coincidences, and with the help of the old man in the ring, he figured out the function of the scepter by mistake.

So he embarked on a journey, collected teammates in a series of adventures, defeated villains, and finally successfully unlocked the colossus sleeping at the bottom of the deep sea.

The fact that the scepter needs to be charged was also accidentally discovered by him.

When he was hunted down by the enemy at a low level, Ren fled into the Traman Basin in a panic.

It was a famous dangerous place in the empire, and it was full of elemental turbulence that was at least equivalent to the power of seventh-level magic.

With the help of the high-intensity elemental turbulence in the basin, Ren successfully got rid of the pursuers, but he was accidentally trapped in the basin and fell into several clusters of eighth-level elemental turbulence.

At the critical moment, the scepter was activated by a lightning strike by chance and coincidence.

As a result, the ability to absorb magic power was inexplicably activated, absorbing the turbulent flow of several huge chaotic elements around it, lifting the blockade of the basin, and at the same time directly recharging.

After carefully checking the special secret pattern on the scepter, Anweis thought he couldn't copy the thunderbolt that could directly modify the function of the scepter.

He can only honestly connect it to the magic power system of the private laboratory to charge the scepter.

There is no way, since he has no adventures, he can only solve it with money.

I just don't know if his act of taking the scepter ahead of time will bring about other butterfly effects.


Ital Federation, Kingdom of Lorraine.

The soothsayer, Hui Wu, has been a little puzzled recently. The fate of a child of destiny whom he had focused on before had suddenly changed dramatically without warning.

And what puzzled him most was that the fate line of the Destiny Child showed no signs of human interference.

You must know that if the prophet first peeped into the future of Destiny's Child, and then chooses to take away Destiny's Child's adventure in advance, it will also bear the backlash of Destiny's web.

Depending on the importance of the adventure, the intensity of fate's backlash will vary.

Such an intervention that directly changes the fate line of the Destiny's Child may cause serious injuries at the least, or even a permanent fall into the realm.

But in any case, this kind of interference will leave extremely obvious traces of interference in the web of fate.

But this time, there was no trace of the fate line of the child of destiny, as if it was really a change caused by the web of fate itself.

He couldn't help but feel puzzled by this.

Previously, due to being busy with the production of structures, dealing with the impact of dark creatures, arranging to snatch the control of the meteorite ruins, and uniting with the Alliance of Predictors, he fought with [Star Gazer] Brunz in the air.

Gray Mist was very busy some time ago, and didn't even attend the meeting of the Door in the Pupil.

It wasn't until recently that the beast tide completely subsided and the war between the two sides stopped, that his time was relaxed again.

It's unbelievable to say that, although he formed an alliance with several other eighth-level prophets, he was still defeated by Brunz in the end.

At the end of the beast tide, the final ratio of the two configurations remained at eleven to ten, and [White Knight] won by a very slight advantage.

Although he also received a lot of fate feedback, Gray Mist was still very unhappy.

At this time, a crystal ball at the corner of the table suddenly lit up, it was a meeting invitation from the door in the pupil.

After thinking about it, Gray Mist finally touched it.

As a result, the surrounding environment began to change.

In the gloomy rock hall, figures in black robes appeared in their place beside the long table.

"I called you today because there is a special news that needs to be explained to you."

After everyone arrived, the head of the long table, the leader wearing a dark golden mask looked around and spoke hoarsely.

"Gloria Empire Pamir Academy's big competition this year will abandon the original venue and change it to be held in the meteorite ruins."

"There is no need to wonder why, all you need to know is the result."

Slowly raising his hand, signaling to everyone to be safe and calm, the leader spoke calmly.

"And what I want to tell you is an interesting fact related to that ruin—Your Excellency Gray Mist, please forgive me."

As he spoke, the leader turned to the gray mist projection on the left and nodded.

"Actually, according to my observations, after the ruins were thoroughly explored, there was no special change in the web of destiny on the continent."

After receiving the signal from the leader, Gray Mist recovered from his distracted state and nodded to everyone.

"And according to the previous direction of fate, that ruin is the core of the second wave of fate.

If the secret it hides is discovered, it will shift the general trend to a certain force just like the Magic Council unearthed the Constructed City. "

"Even if there is nothing in that half of the ruins, the important things are in the other half of the ruins on the bottom of the sea. After being thoroughly explored, the web of fate will change accordingly."

"But as of now, the web of fate has not changed beyond a certain level. This means that there is still a problem with the ruins, and the most critical problem has not been discovered yet."

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