There are only two people in the office, but they can't read the information at ease. Zhang Ke molested Xu Sibu said between his eyebrows. The job advertisement appeared in the newspaper yesterday, and today the phone for consultation kept ringing. Zhang Ke told Xu Si to always ask candidates to submit their resumes to the office after receiving the call, and then to arrange interviews after screening. Individual candidates will not be accepted during this period.

This kind of recruitment process will become normal after four or five years. However, in 1994, when the exchange of talents had not yet been liberalized, college students and technical secondary school graduates were uniformly assigned to work by the state. This kind of recruitment process is at least in Haizhou. It seems quite formal.

When the setting sun hung on the corner of the bell tower, Xu Si looked at the glowing glow outside the glass curtain wall and couldn’t help stretching his waist. Although he felt unreal, although he was still confused about the future life, he and Zhang The two of Ke sat in this quiet office, but there was nothing to worry about. Back to Zhang Ke, who was looking at Zhang Ke, whose entire upper body was almost spread on his desk, he was working on translating English materials for digital communications. The golden sunset light shone on his face, only to realize that his thin face was round. The corridor is clear, with a strong expression that a teenager does not have, and a tall and straight posture, he is actually a beautiful boy.

   "Would you like to eat at my house?" Xu Si walked to Zhang Ke and looked at the neatly written writing on the letter paper, with strength and calmness that ordinary young people do not possess.

Zhang Ke looked up at Xu Si. Since he was wearing old-fashioned clothes and black tortoiseshell glasses, at least in his own heart, he couldn't cut her by half, and smiled: "If Xu Shu doesn't prepare for anything, then I will go... "He reached into his pocket and took out two paper money. "I still have twenty yuan here. Or we can go to your house after buying vegetables."

"Then you might as well not go. How can there be any reason for you to pay for the vegetables?" Xu Si pushed him and turned around. The family debt was high. In order to pay off the debts and cut down on food and clothing, Zhang Ke's consideration made Xu Thinking of being sad for the embarrassment at home.

   "Sister Xu Si..."


   Zhang Ke saw that Xu Si hadn't turned around, and called out again: "Sister Xu Si, I will get better soon."

   Xu Si breathed a sigh of relief, as if to exhale all the depression in his heart.

   Before deciding to go to Xu Si’s house for dinner, Zhang Ke hung up the phone and listened to his mother’s voice on the phone. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with his behavior of returning home during the three days of vacation. Zhang Ke put down the phone horribly, and said to Xu Si: "My mother's tone is not good, so I have to go back and be careful..."

   Xu Si saw him pretending to be frightened, and laughed: "Are you afraid of your mother?"

   "If there is no one worthy of awe, life would not be very boring, I am afraid of my mother now, maybe I will be afraid of you in the future."

   "Fear of me, afraid of what I do..." Xu Si suddenly stopped talking, blushing and stretched out his hand to pinch Zhang Ke, "You don't forget to take advantage of me."

############################################## ##

When I hurried home, I saw my mother look upset. Before she got angry, Zhang Ke quickly said, "Oh, I'm exhausted. Sister Wan Qing helped me find the English tuition teacher. It's too harsh. Let me translate the materials..." I pulled out the English materials from my bag that I took home for translation, and handed them to my mother, "Where can junior high school students translate this?"

"Going to tuition for English?" Liang Gezhen looked depressed. Her son had not seen anyone for three days on vacation. When her anger had accumulated enough to train him severely, he was stuck on this hurdle and couldn't vent. See the note in the document. It is full of Chinese characters, "Why didn't you listen to you last night? Why did Zhitong's mother suddenly find an English teacher for you?"

"The English teacher is a friend of Sister Wan Qing. I mentioned to Sister Wan Qing that her English in the senior high school entrance examination is a bit worse than Tang Jing's, so Tang Jing ranked first in Xicheng District and third to me. Sister Wan Qing speaks English very importantly. If I don’t study well, I still want to send me abroad to study directly after I graduate from high school. Now I have to lay a solid foundation."

Liang Gezhen believed Zhang Ke's nonsense, and said with a smile, "How can she bother her? No matter whether she can go abroad or not, she must learn English well." She is also very concerned about Zhang Ke's going abroad. Popular things, the age of going abroad is getting younger and younger. If your children don’t go abroad to study, Jane won’t be able to raise their heads in the circle.

   Zhang Ke wanted to mention to Sister Wan Qing when he called Zhitong in the evening, so as not to let her go. Put your bag on the corner cabinet and go to the kitchen to see what you can eat.

   "Xiao Ke, Tang Jing called you five or six times, and she came over and waited for you for an hour, and had been looking for you for a day. Would you call her back?"

   "Huh?" Zhang Ke looked back, "She didn't say anything about it?"

   "Will the school announce the list of classes in liberal arts and sciences today? Tang Jing asked you to go back to school to look at the list, but you were not seen. Do you know how many classes you are in?"

"Oh, forget about it," Zhang Ke said that forgot to just talk about it, but there is no need to rush back to school to see it. Besides, if school officially starts tomorrow, you will know the result as well. Jing will know."

Zhang Ke picked up the phone on the corner cabinet and called Tang Jing back. This Nizi caught herself without catching it for a day. Maybe she was losing her temper. She seemed to remember that Tang Jing said she was going back to school when she was talking on the phone the night before. Looking at the grouping list, I didn't agree, and the phone only rang with a beep, which made people pick it up.

   "Zhang Ke, I have been looking for you for a day, do you know how many shifts you are in?" Tang Jing said impatiently on the phone. UU reading

   "What class are you?"

   "Class Ten."

   "Then I am also in Class 10."

   "Hey, how did you know?" Tang Jing felt a little weird on the other end of the phone, and after a while she thought of her own reason, "Ah, I told Du Fei, let him not tell you."

   "I haven't talked to him on the phone yet, I guess."

   "Why did you guess right again?" Tang Jing asked in surprise.

"What's hard to guess? I also know that Du Fei is also in Class 10. You are Mayor Tang’s daughter, Du Fei is Secretary Du’s son, and I am Secretary-General Zhang’s son. All three of us choose liberal arts. Naturally All of them enter the liberal arts classes with the best teachers..." At this point, Zhang Ke felt a little confused. He guessed that he would be assigned to the tenth class. In fact, he could tell from Tang Jing's uncontrollable excitement, and only then did he think of the school. There will be considerations in this regard. Before reading the files in life, Zhang Ke and Tang Jing were assigned to the 12th class where most of them were bargaining students. Although they were at the front and back desks, Tang Jing did not say a word to herself face-to-face until she graduated from high school and went abroad. I didn't even look at myself directly. I started my life with a different personality since then. I have to calculate it carefully. It is really embarrassing that I saw Tang Jing again after 11 years.

   "Hey, Zhang Ke, you are still listening..."

   "Oh, listening," Zhang Ke retracted his thoughts, "If you have anything to say tomorrow, I will be in the same class anyway..."

   Zhang Ke didn't call Du Fei. In order to escape the restraint of his old son Du Xiaoshan, this kid chose to stay. He should hang out in the dormitory at this moment.

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