Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 527: Creative Arts Club

It happened to be Sunday today. I was playing chess and chatting with Xu Xueping. It was not until 4 o’clock in the afternoon that Zhou Yiping rushed to Beijing from Haizhou today. Yao Jian drove Zhou Yiping from the machine scale to the city, and then to Muxili to pick him up. Zhang Ke and them.

The information obtained from Xu Xueping must not make people happy. Among the central ministries and commissions, Yi Yunfei and the main officials of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications must be counted as a rare group of people with distinctive personalities. At the beginning, Vice Premier Zhao Jidong supported the Ministry of Electronics Industry to form a coalition. Telecommunications Co., Ltd. intends to break the monopoly of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in the telecommunications industry. When Vice Premier Zhao Jidong wants to take further action, Yi Yunfei and Zhou Xueqing, who was then minister of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, who had retired to the second line to the National People’s Congress at this time, dared to join forces. The letter of resignation was handed over to the desk of Vice Premier Zhao Jidong. Even so, Zhou Xueqing still firmly insisted that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications should monopolize the telecommunications industry. Fastest update of novel chapters

It is not an easy task for such strong-character officials in charge of the telecommunications industry to pry away their hands so that the huge communications market will expose a narrow and bright gap to domestic private enterprises in 1997. It is unrealistic to directly conquer the core fortress of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. At this stage, we still need to carefully fabricate external networks.

Leaving Xu Xueping's home, Zhang Ke sat in the car, staring out the window of the Beijing street, which was mainly composed of gray and white tones. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Zhang Ke hesitated whether to contact his future father-in-law Wang Xuchen through his cousin Liang Wenjiang, but think about Wang Xuchen, who was then a senior official of the Department of Planning and Construction of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and a technocrat, but he might not find a book about his daughter. The boyfriend who is very sullen is satisfied and deliberately manages this relationship, which may not go smoothly.

In early spring, the sandstorm in Beijing was very heavy, the day before they arrived in Beijing. Beijing has also experienced sandstorms, covering the sky and closing the sun, and it is as dim as a gloomy dusk at noon; in the afternoon, it is overcast, with little wind and sand, but a lot of wind, passing over the forest tops with sparse branches and leaves, making strange noises.

Zhang Ke asked Yao Jian: "What are some better places for dinner in Beijing..."

"It's a place with a lot of young entrepreneurs. The atmosphere is also good, I don't know if Ke Shao is too low-grade," Yao Jian said, "I can borrow a membership card..."

Zhou Ping smiled. Said: "The conditions are tough enough."

If it is said that the gathering places with better conditions, these are really the clubs that implement the membership system. Zhang Ke will invite several creative staff to eat together at night, not wanting to be too casual. Not only today, he needs a slightly more formal place for social activities in Beijing, and he can’t always go to the "candy" nightclub where he played almost all night for business meetings.

It's embarrassing to even borrow a membership card to go to the clubhouse for dinner. It's just that Zhang Ke didn't have the consciousness in this regard. Feeling that Yao Jian's suggestion is not bad, he asked him to call and implement it first. Here, let Fu Jun inform Ma Xiangdong and Liang Wenjiang that they will go to the Skyworth Clubhouse for dinner, and then inform Su Jindong and Dong the location of their Skyworth Clubhouse.

Chuangyi Club is indeed not a very luxurious place. There are no particularly high-end cars, but the Santana of the Beijing branch is still an eye-catcher when it is parked in the parking lot outside the door. Zhang Ke also has a special car in Beijing.

Yao Jian's friend was waiting at the door of the club. He was a dealer of Aida Electronics in Beijing and his surname was Ma. Zhang Ke has been in contact with Ma Rui; he also recognizes Zhang Ke. Seeing the Po Santana that Yao Jian drove approaching, I was still a bit stunned. I saw Zhang Ke getting out of the car and then came back to my senses. He ran over enthusiastically and held Zhang Ke's hand: "The only way to return to Ke Shao is. Beijing remembers this old friend of mine; how come to Beijing to take this car. Do you want to take my car and drive?"

November 1995. Aida Electronic bid for CCTV to become famous in one fell swoop, in order to cope with the flood of media reports. Ma Rui led their staff to help for many days.

Aida Electronics soared into the sky. As the distributor of Aida Electronics in Beijing, Marui also made a lot of money. Of course, he was not only making money on Aida Electronics. It was Aida Electronics who made him a category in Beijing. The status of electrical appliance distributors has also become a local distributor of Xiangxuehai and many other electrical appliance manufacturers in Beijing, and the scale has grown suddenly. Two years ago, he only drove Santana. As a type of distributor, he paid 5 million to Aida Electronics. Now, Zhang Ke followed his gestures and looked at him. He had already replaced a crown. NS.

"In addition to some young entrepreneurs, there are also some friends from the entertainment circle who often come and go. Would you like me to introduce them?" Ma Rui pleased to introduce the characteristics of the creative club, and took out a piece of gold from his wallet. The card was not given to Zhang Ke directly, but to Yao Jian, “I don’t want to give this card to Manager Yao. I think it’s fine for the senior management of Yao’s reception headquarters to pick me up every time...”

Yao Jian looked at Zhang Ke with a gentle smile, and gave Ma Rui a gold card to the member to accept it.

It will take a while for Ma Xiangdong and the others to rush over from Tsinghua Park. This time is the peak traffic period in Beijing. There is no need to wait for them outside. Zhang Ke and the others advanced into the clubhouse.

There are not many people who come to the clubhouse, and the clubhouse will become lively after *o'clock. Ma Rui is a frequent visitor here. When walking in, some people rushed over to greet him. Ma Rui was Zhang Weishao one by one. He was vague when introducing Zhang Ke. He knew that Zhang Ke did not like to be too public. So far, there has been no media exposure. Over.

Su Jindong, Dong, and Su Jindong’s assistant Zhao Peng rushed over first to join together. Ma Xiangdong and Liang Wenjiang arrived about half an hour later. Liang Wenjiang’s girlfriend Wang Cailing was also there, and she had been giving Liang Wenjiang free technical labor in the past. .

Zhang Ke thinks that Quantum Online can now be included in the entire framework of Kumho. His second capital injection of 20 million yuan to Quantum Online will be directly carried out in the name of Kumho Electronic Technology Research Institute. Teng Online is included in the management scope of the Operations Department; Ma Xiangdong, Liang Wenjiang and others are not familiar with Su Jindong and Dong, so they asked to come out for dinner. Zhang Ke is a hidden rich man. Su Jindong and Dong are in charge of Aida Electronics. The media announced that he is very famous. Ma Rui saw Zhang Ke appearing with Su Jindong and Dong in Beijing. In addition, he has been in charge of manpower at Aida Electronics. Zhou Yiping, who works in resources, administration, procurement and other departments, but rarely shows up in front of the media, asked: "What big move is Aida Electronics going to do? Excuse me?"

He asked this, also wanting to find any suitable business opportunities. Of course, if it involves the trade secrets of Aida Electronics, Zhang Ke and the others can ignore it and prevaricate.

Zhang Ke smiled and said indifferently: "The branch here will be upgraded, and a new engineering research center will be prepared. There is no big move that Ma always looks forward to..."

It's just a branch upgrade and preparation of the engineering research center. There is no need for Zhang Ke, Su Jindong, and Dong to go out at the same time. The key is to accomplish these things in a very short time and to make a big splash. So Zhang Ke, Su Jindong, and Dong Only when he went out in person, he could make a decision quickly on any matter.

Yao Jian somewhat understands why Zhou Yiping came from Haizhou by plane today. The Beijing branch was previously under the marketing department, but now it is going to be upgraded to a first-level department. Zhou Yiping is the candidate selected by the headquarters.

At the wine table, Ma Xiangdong joked Liang Wenjiang and Wang Cailing, and talked about an interesting thing.

Two weeks ago, when Wang Cailing's parents went out, Wang Cailing secretly asked Liang Wenjiang to go to her house to play, but she didn't expect her parents to go home to pick up something halfway, and block the two of them at home. This made their love affair exposed in front of Wang Cailing's parents in advance~ Cailing’s father, Wang Xuchen, was born in the military in his early years. After he was discharged from the army, he worked in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. He was admitted to the then Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and now Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. . When Wang Xuchen saw Liang Wenjiang at his home, he was naturally unhappy. In the end, he was an intellectual. He and Wang Cailing's mother didn't turn their faces on the spot and drove Liang Wenjiang out. He also politely left Liang Wenjiang for dinner. At dinner, Wang Xuchen asked Liang Wenjiang to accompany him for two drinks. Although Liang Wenjiang didn't drink any alcohol before, he didn't dare to refuse. After two cups, I didn’t know the southeast and northwest, and I didn’t get drunk right away. I discussed a serious academic issue with Wang Xuchen at the wine table. Even if he was drunk, he was polite when arguing about issues. According to Wang Cailing, his father saw Liang Wenjiang, who was lying on the table and drooling asleep, said: "This idiot is not bad..." It was a tacit understanding of the relationship between them. Not only that, Wang Xuyun often asked Wang Cailing to lead Liang Wenjiang back for dinner.

Liang Wenjiang's blessing in disguise caused everyone to laugh. Zhang Ke didn't expect that his cousin had been recognized by his future father-in-law, and immediately called Wang Cailing kindly: "Cousin, when will you invite my little cousin to play at your house?" "

Wang Cailing was a little embarrassed, Liang Wenjiang said with a grin: "Tomorrow, I'm going to Cailing's house for dinner tomorrow night. Cailing's father likes to play chess, and his level is similar to yours. You will be responsible for playing chess with his father tomorrow..."

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