Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 718: Luo Jun's needs

There was a car to take Xu Si back to the lakeside cottage. Zhang Yan drank a little longer in 1978, and then walked slowly over.

Tonight is considered an overstatement, and the board meeting of Century Kumho will continue tomorrow, so Zhang Ke can be lazy and not attend.

It rained and snowed last night, but the moon was sparse today. Zhang Ke and Xu Si took out a bottle of red wine and sat in the attic looking at the lake with thousands of silver coins hidden outside the window and the dark shadow of Yangui Mountain in the distance.

"It really doesn't work, I'll just withdraw from Century Kumho..." The novel chapter has the fastest update

"Are you afraid that I will find it troublesome?" Zhang Ke asked with a smile and shook his head. In the hands of Century Kumho."

"They also know that this plan won't work without your support, but if you stand up and support it, you will let others point the finger at Kumho..."

"It's okay, I am also the one who is not afraid of getting into trouble," Zhang Ke smiled and said, "I can't do anything after looking forward and afterwards. There are some dangers that can be avoided if you want to avoid it. Anyway, Luo Jun and Wang Weijun are still with us. Standing in the same camp, even if Luo Jun is promoted elsewhere, I will not let Xiao Mingjian and Hu Zongqing have the opportunity to attack Kumho..." Seeing that Xu Si still has worries on his face, he reached out and touched her cool and smooth Cheek, smiled and said, "Even if you quit, if you can help push forward, I can't stand idly by at Century Kumho. Although I have no shares in Century Kumho, I have never seen Century Kumho. Companies outside the Cheng Kumho system, besides, I also have some ideas that may be too idealistic and hope to be realized through Century Kumho, and your dreams..." "Fiction" Novel chapters are updated fastest

"..." Xu Si stretched out and held Zhang Ke's hand touching his face, clasping his fingers, looking at Zhang Ke with clear eyes, and liked listening to him.

"The Ye family, Sun Shangyi, Ge Mingde, and my uncle all hope that Century Kumho can stand on a higher platform. Shao Zhigang has a level, and he must give him a platform to wave..."

In the mid to late nineties. The real estate market has a strong regional character. In the same area, those state-owned enterprises are relatively strong. Century Kumho is not a local real estate company in Jianye, let alone a state-owned enterprise, and it has only been more than half a year since it entered Jianye through a plan.

If such a company swallows the fattest piece of meat in the digital corridor concept, even if Shao Zhigang pulls on Ye's family and Sun Shangyi and Ge Mingde, resistance and doubts will be flooded. After all, it's not so oppressive. Even if Century Kumho had a perfect plan, without Zhang Ke's endorsement, Luo Jun and Wang Weijun would not ignore the risks behind this plan. With Zhang Ke's endorsement, it is completely different, at least it is not necessary to strongly question whether Shiji Jin has the ability to implement this huge development plan.

The board meeting of Century Kumho ends on Tuesday. However, Sun Shangyi and Ge Mingde are not in a hurry to leave Jianye. Sun Shangyi also serves as the chairman of Microchip Microchip. Microchip Microchip is nervously preparing for construction. Sun Shangyi has a lot to do in Jianye. Although Shao Zhigang's plan made Sun Shangyi and the others stunned, the key depends on whether the city branch supports it. Xu Sixian returned to Haizhou with his assistant. Zhang Ke saw that he had read the design draft of Kumho International Community, and he would take it back to Haizhou for others to see.

Start planning things. Zhang Ke didn't just express his stance to relax.

Shao Zhigang talked to Wang Weijun on Thursday about the opening plan of Century Jinhu, and Wang Weijun went to Luo Jun to report the matter after hearing this. When Luo Jun called Zhang Ke to invite him, Wang Weijun reminded him to invite Shao Zhigang and Zhang Zhifei to the municipal party committee. Zhang Zhifei is the chairman of Century Kumho Real Estate Group and Shao Zhigang is the president of Century Kumho Real Estate Group.

"What do you think of the opening plan of Century Jinhu?" Just after the phone call, Zhang Ke, Shao Zhigang, Zhang Zhifei and the others arrived. There was still a while. Luo Jun pondered for a moment and decided to discuss with Wang Weijun before they rushed over. .

"The large-scale and large-scale planning and development model proposed by Century Kumho is quite innovative. However, if the high-tech zone wants to form a new sub-city center on the east bank of Yangui Lake, it also needs one or two companies to drive the entire Construction and scale..."

Wang Weijun didn't say much. Luo Jun can still hear his opinions. He was sitting behind the desk, tapping his fingers on the desk. Squinting his eyes makes it hard to see what he is thinking.

Wang Weijun could somewhat guess that Century Kumho proposed a ground-breaking model, saying that innovation is okay, or extreme risky is okay, it depends on who said it.

Zhang Ke and the others rushed over to answer some of Luo Jun's doubts about the plan to open up. Zhang Ke also made it clear that Kumho will fully repurchase the high-end residences approved in this development plan to settle in mid- and high-level researchers who have returned from overseas. The youth apartment at this time was just a dormitory for them to stay temporarily. Most of these middle-level and senior researchers return from overseas, and most of them are dragging their families. Their families overseas will soon come to Jianye to reunite. Solving their lives is the joint commitment of Kumho and Jianye Municipal Party Committee and Government. Just like this time the High-tech Zone is preparing to cooperate with Kumho and other companies to establish a fund to encourage overseas students to return to China to start their own businesses. It is the most basic condition for these overseas returnees to solve their worries about their lives.

Zhang Ke, Shao Zhigang or his younger uncle Zhang Zhifei explained in detail the doubts of Luo Jun and Wang Weijun. Luo Jun pondered for a moment before saying: "This plan, we have to get it to the Standing Committee meeting to discuss..."

The project is too large, and the development of real estate is a relatively sensitive industry, which may attract more criticisms and doubts, and Luo Jun cannot decide in a word. Luo Jun also did not make it clear whether he supports or opposes it. The key is to see how strong other members of the Standing Committee are towards the plan. If Xiao Mingjian tears his face and sings against Luo Jun, Luo Jun will not be able to bite the bullet and support the plan; it is estimated that the voice of opposition will not be small.

Zhang Ke didn't care. Shao Zhigang and Zhang Zhifei didn't expect Luo Jun to jump out to support them.

In the car, Zhang Zhifei was somewhat unsure of his future, and said, "How many people in the city, do you hurry up and visit again?"

After deciding to move to Jianye in a big way, especially after the official launch of the Oak Tree Project, Zhang Ke would never be so ignorant that he could only put all his hopes on Luo Jun and Wang Weijun.

The rules of officialdom are simple. You are not in the ***, but outside the ***. Kumho and Century Kumho are both foreigners, but to establish a foothold in Jianye, it is necessary to establish a wide range of contacts.

Limited by its own nature, Oak Park does not want to manage contacts. As far as Oak Park itself is concerned, it seems that there is no special need. From the specific projects separated from each other, there is no need to manage any contacts in Kumho’s Jianye projects, but from the perspective of Kumho’s Jianye as a whole, it must be managed. Century Kumho is much simpler. Whether it is catering and entertainment or real estate development, it is very dependent on local administrative resources. Without extensive personal connections, it would be difficult for Century Kumho to gain a foothold in Jianye.

For example, the Ye family and Sun Shangyi’s family have good connections in Jianye, but these connections are scattered and cannot effectively form a ***, which is greatly weakened. My uncle Zhang Zhifei has been doing this work, not to say that apart from Luo Jun and Wang Weijun, there are no more voices of support.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Ke will not stand idly by at Century Kum Lake. It is relatively easier to establish a wide range of contacts around Century Kum Lake in Jianye. Century Kumho is an important supplement to the Kumho system. Although Zhang Pang does not hold shares in Century Kumho, Zhang Ke does not need to directly hold shares in Century Kumho because of his uncle and Xu Si.

Wealth is not a simple numerical game can only guarantee a certain degree of influence. Is it necessary to insist on adding 100 million or 200 million more to the Kumho account?

"What Luo Jun wants, besides Wang Weijun, there will definitely be people in the municipal party committee standing committee who will know," Zhang Ke said without directly denying his uncle's suggestion, "It's the end of the year. It will be released soon, can you find a newspaper and write some articles about this forecast first..."

"Yes, articles in this area should praise Luo Jun's leadership." Shao Zhigang understood what Zhang Ke wanted to do. Due to the impact of the Southeast Asian financial crisis, export companies suffered serious setbacks, and a large number of commodities sold to the international market were resold domestically. There is already a trend of deflation, the most critical economic data for local government officials. The increase in investment in many areas is likely to be negative this year. For those cities with zero or even negative growth in investment, the economic construction achievements of Jianye City are shining. Of course, these must be attributed to the correct leadership of Luo Jun. Shao Zhigang asked again, "Is it necessary to change next year? The economic situation of China is predicted to be more serious? Television media can also build momentum."

To support Century Kumho’s implementation of this plan, next year, it will be able to directly increase investment of 600 to 800 million yuan in Jianye real estate industry. In the case that the increase in investment is likely to stop at any time due to the deterioration of the Asian economy, every large-scale company like Century Kumho Large-scale investment is especially cherished.

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