Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 890: The situation is complicated

Seeing Li Xinyu lead Zhang Ke away by hand, Chi Zuo Xiuzang's nose turned irritated, and shouted at Li Jae-soo: "Hurry up and notify the South Korean Embassy in China, Xin Yu gave me that kind of abduction!"

Lee Jae-soo was furious, but he still didn’t lose his mind. He lightly patted Chi Sa Su-zang on the shoulder and said, “Kun Su-Zang is China. Besides, Xin Yu is also an adult. I will call Xin Yu back later. She will be severely reprimanded. She is a very well-behaved child and will not spoil Samsung’s friendship with Ji Zuo’s family..."

There is a fire in Ji Zuo Xiu Zang's stomach, but Lee Jae-soo is not his subordinate, and it is not easy to run wild at him. He bitterly stomped his feet in the living room and grabbed his head. He couldn't think of any way to treat Xinyu. Snatch it back from the Chinese man-at the beginning of the year when I saw Xin Yu walking with this Chinese man in Tokyo, I should be vigilant. Xin Yu insisted on studying in China, and it must have come for this Chinese man. Fastest update of novel chapters

It’s so hateful. Ji Zuo Xiu Zang can’t wait to frustrate Zhang Ke’s bones and dispel the hate in his heart. But he is not the kind of person who can’t think because of anger. Lee Jae-soo clearly said that this is China. Even in Japan, the other party is the core figure in the creation of Kumho, and Kumho has established alliances with Toshiba and Texas Instruments. Unless he dares to take responsibility for disrupting the normal economic exchanges between China and Japan, he can do wrong things. Mitsui caused serious damage to the Chinese economy. He was sent to China to restore the original layout, not here. \\"Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Even if he is unwilling, he can't have a handle in the hands of Mitsui's internal competitors, Chisao Hidezo thought so, his face temporarily halted the anger in his chest, and he needed some means for the Chinese man to try to compete with him for women. Suffering. He also knew that Lee Jae-soo didn't want to explode the Samsung Lee Kin-hee scandal in China. Is this just a Samsung scandal? If you let the tortoise sons in Japan know that the beauty they have been looking forward to for ten years has come to the top of the China man, wouldn't it be impossible to hold their heads up in front of them for a lifetime?

On the surface, Chi Sa Hidezo calmed down. It's just that kind of anger burning deep in my heart!

Li Xinyu covered her chest with one hand. She covered Chi Sa Xiu Zang's face with one hand, which was still so hot and sore. You don’t need to look in the mirror to know that there must be fingerprints of five flowers on her delicate face. She kept apologizing to Zhang Ke: “Jun Xiu Zang is too rude. I am really sorry for causing you such a big trouble... "After the car started, she remembered that all the documents for registration at the Normal University today were in the house. /\\ asked Zhang Ke embarrassedly, she didn't dare to go back to see Chi Zuo Xiuzang's face like a beast.

Zhang Ke asked Ma Hailong to send two staff members to take out the things she needed from the villa according to Li Xinyu's instructions. Li Xinyu was not ashamed to ask someone to help her take out her underwear from the room. Seeing that she got her passport, visa, and enrollment certificate and other documents I took out the information and the ticket holder, and stopped talking, and sat curled up in the corner of the carriage with his hands on his chest.

Regardless of the face of Ji Sa Xiuzang and Lee Jae-soo who stayed in the house, Zhang Kecai told the driver to drive back to Xuefu Alley. But he also realized that bringing Li Xinyu back to Xuefu Lane was a headache. There were already too many evil spirits in the youth apartment, and he had to get another one there. Isn't it going to be a tumult?

Zhang Ke and the others did not realize that there was a pair of eyes hidden behind the window of a villa in the front row looking at the scene just now.

Lin Xue was standing barefoot in front of the window sill. She got up in the morning, and three luxury cars parked on the road behind attracted her attention. \\//\\ In 1998, Xinghai Villa was one of the few high-end residences built in Ye, and the people who lived here were either rich or expensive. They were also rented out to the senior executives and their families of foreign companies in China, but the top Mercedes-Benz and Lincoln It was rarely seen, so she became interested in the owner of the villa behind her, and she was boring left and right, so she dragged a chair and sat outside the back window to observe for a while. She did not see the fight in the villa, but Ma Hailong led the two men in black at the door to subdue her. Not long after that. I saw Zhang Ke with a blue nose and a swollen face, leading an unusually beautiful woman out of the villa embarrassed, and when he went down the steps, he fell and ate **** together. She was surprised to think: That guy keeps a woman here? It's just that this woman is too pretty! The two Mercedes Benz drove away, and the black Lincoln was still parked in the villa. After a while, he saw Li Jae-soo walking out with another young man with a swollen nose and got into the Lincoln car.

Lin Xue could naturally imagine that a violent scene was staged in the villa just now, and the man who had failed to fight for a woman with Zhang Gak was accompanied by three star Lee Jae-soo, who seemed not to be in a low status. When she saw them getting in the car , Lee Jae-soo carefully guarded the door frame so that the young man got on the car first. Lin Xue is very strange. Who needs the specialists of Samsung in China to treat it so carefully? My mind was spinning, thinking about how to get in touch with them.

Although Jingdian has the business of real estate development and software park, this business is far from being seen by a giant like Samsung. Lin Xue also knows very well that Yan Wenjie of Horizon did not take her seriously. Like the lake, they are all giant crocodiles, and the classics are not small loaches. Wherever they are in a bad mood, they might swallow the classics with one bite.

Xue Lin couldn't see through Yan Wenjie, so she didn't dare to be too enthusiastic with Yan Wenjie. She was afraid that Horizon would want to annex the classics. Xue Lin never mind spreading her legs in front of a man and showing a charming ditch, but she never Will be willing to give men control.

Three women, Sun Jingmeng, Zhai Danqing, and Wei Lan, stood in front of the sand, watching Zhang Ke, who had a blue nose and swollen face, and Li Xinyu, who had a bright red palm print on Jiaoyan's face and her chest with her hands on her chest, sat on the sand without saying anything.

Zhang Ke went down the steps of the villa and fell into a dog chewing shit. The injury on his face looked extra desolate. Wei Lan took an ice pack and applied an ice pack to Li Xinyu and Li Xinyu's face to relieve the bruises and swelling. \\//\\ When he entered the room just now, the three women were also disheveled in the room. They looked embarrassed after a hangover. There were many empty cans on the floor of the living room. I really didn’t know the three women. How much wine was drunk in the closed room at night. After Zhang Lu's house, he briefly explained what happened, but the three women didn't say anything, but the expression in their eyes was totally distrustful.

The atmosphere froze for two minutes. Sun Jingmeng sighed and said, "I have to go to the top of the building to do gymnastics every day, but I forgot to do it today..." Zhai Danqing helped him upstairs. She pressed her waist, covered her blushing lips, yawned, and said, "It seems that I have to do some gymnastics, and I will be more energetic in one day..." After Sun Jingmeng went up, Wei Lan grinned bitterly, without saying anything. Just followed upstairs.

"At first glance, I knew that the adulterer and the adulteress blocked the house from the other man and beat him like this, and said that he was drunk and was just a pure overnight stay. I didn't believe it anymore. He was drunk and Ma Hailong was not by his side. Can you meet this fairy?" Sun Jingmeng tried to make her grievances sound more like cynicism when she went to the tea pavilion on the roof garden, and asked Zhai Danqing, "Didn't you say yesterday that he had left Jianye temporarily?"

"Yeah," Zhai Danqing could only continue to tell the lie yesterday, "Who knows if he really left Jianye and returned, or did he not leave Jianye at all?"

"I think this guy hasn't left Jianye at all!" Sun Jingmeng pouted, "You believe what this kid said, last time I drank red wine with him, he drank almost five bottles before he fell down and made my grandma. I almost lost it. This time he said that he didn't know the personnel after drinking four bottles of beer. Is he fooling the ghost?"

"Well, he's talking nonsense again," Zhai Danqing pretended not to see Sun Jingmeng's stomach full of sourness, thinking that Sun Jingmeng was acting like a baby with Zhang Ke's bastard, and she couldn't get anything, said with some doubts. "We don't seem to be able to say anything about him"

"Ah," Sun Jingmeng thinks about it, too. She only drew a clear line with this guy a few days ago. It's really hateful. She pursed her lips for a while and said, "Did you tell Tang Jing about this, otherwise this guy will be casual in the future." Who can take a woman here? Besides, Sister Wei Lan occupies a room, and one room is reserved for Tang Jing to live in. There is no extra bedroom in this house to house Korean stick women." She was thinking about it. The woman was driven away calmly. She was afraid that Zhai Danqing's eyes would be too sharp to see through her mind, so she first looked at Wei I hope Wei Lan would also support her.

"That woman didn't wear a small dress inside," Wei Lan said. Seeing Zhai Danqing and Sun Jingmeng looked up at her, she thought that she really had no position to care about Zhang Ke's fooling around with other women. She meant to point it out. That woman must have had something with Zhang Ke last night, so Zhai Danqing and Sun Jingmeng took a look, and said with a guilty conscience, "Is it hard to find a dress for her to put on? It's hard to see if she keeps holding her hands?"

Zhai Danqing realized that there was no reason for the three of them to eat this vinegar here. As an assistant, she had to wipe the **** off for that guy, with her chin resting on her hand. She was inconvenient to tell Sun Jingmeng, so she said to Wei Lan. : "Did you wear a bra, you take it for her..."

"Mine?" Wei Lan made an exaggerated expression, "How can she wear mine? Sister Zhai, do you have any underwear that you haven't worn, she should be able to wear it!"

Zhai Danqing touched her nose and let out a sigh of relief. She had to hold back her breath and go downstairs to help the guy clean it.

Quack’s new work "The Arms of God", ISBN: 1275267: With the Bu skill Soul Flame in the game, Don Juan crossed to the Eternal Big 6. Here, he used soul flame to refine various powerful soul outfits. Relying on these soul outfits, Don Juan wrote a dazzling legend on Eternal Big 6!

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