Rebirth of the Pampered Wife

Chapter 1463 I’m sorry, Sister Nan Sheng.

Taking out the design draft, Cen Yue hurriedly took pictures.

Just a chuckle suddenly came from the door.

Hearing this familiar sound, Cen Yue let go of her hand in fright, and her cell phone hit the table hard.

Feeling something bad in her heart, Cen Yue raised her head slowly and in horror.

Seeing Mu Nansheng standing at the door, Cen Yue's heart suddenly dropped.

She didn't go to the factory.

Then the phone call just now was fake, and everything was fake.

Mu Nansheng deliberately deceived herself, making her really think that she went to the factory.

But when did she find out?

She didn't tell anyone at all, and she didn't reveal any effective flaws.

So how did she find out?

Seeing everything in her eyes and seeing the despair in her eyes, Mu Nansheng curled her lips calmly.

"Are you wondering now how I know this?"


Biting her lip, Cen Yue's face turned gloomy.

Now that she was in this situation, she had nothing to say.

"Sister Nansheng."

With a hint of sadness in her voice, Cen Yue lowered her head in resignation: "I deserve all this. You can deal with it how you want. I have no objection."

Hearing what she said, Mu Nansheng was stunned.

"Go in first, and we'll deal with it slowly if there's anything you need."

It was Lin Yiran who came belatedly and spoke.

Seeing Lin Yiran appear at the door, Cen Yue was not surprised. Instead, she curled her lips sarcastically.

It seemed that this time, he was really doomed.

After looking at each other, Mu Nansheng walked in, while Lin Yiran locked the door and closed the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Walking up to her and taking back the design draft, Mu Nansheng said in a calm tone, "Tell me, why did you do this?"


"There must be an explanation for this matter, Cen Yue."

Lin Yiran looked at her, "Why did you steal the design draft?"

"Who do you belong to? Who do you work for?"

Biting her lip, Cen Yue looked painful and confused.

"I'm sorry, Sister Nansheng, I'm sorry."

Now all she could say was sorry.

But Mu Nansheng didn't want her to be sorry, she wanted to find out the truth of the matter.

"You don't have to tell me you're sorry."

Mu Nansheng said calmly: "What we want to know now is who is behind you."

"Tell the truth."

Lin Yiran was also persuading her: "Sooner or later, this matter will have to be concealed. Instead of us sending you there, it is better for you to tell the truth yourself, so that there is room for change."

"We are all working together, and I don't want to say something too unpleasant."

Lin Yiran continued: "What you need to know is that if you tell the truth, we can forget about it. I will let someone go through the resignation procedures for you, plus half a year's salary, which can be regarded as the end of your fate with Zhishang."

"But if you never say anything, then don't blame us for being cruel."

"So, I think it's better for you to think about it carefully."

"Telling the truth is good for both of us."

Hearing these words, Cen Yue smiled bitterly and lowered her head in resignation.

"Director Lin, can I ask you a question?"

After a slight pause, Lin Yi nodded: "You can ask."

"How did you find out?"

"Did you notice that you touched my design?"

Mu Nansheng smiled and had no intention of lying to her.

"To be honest with you, I just found out that you wanted to steal my design draft."


Upon hearing the news, Cen Yue looked at her in disbelief.

"That's it."

Shrugging, Mu Nansheng continued: "Whether you believe it or not, I just realized this."

"You did explain to me about the pen holder being passive last time, but just in case, I still kept it in mind."

"Your recent behavior and state are very abnormal, and everyone is aware of it."

"I do want to go to the factory, but I have to come back to get something."

Cen Yue refused to give up and continued to ask: "Then why did Director Lin appear with you?"

Lin Yiran: "I went with her."

"Do you understand now?"

"So, that's what it is."

Cen Yue curled her lips sarcastically, not knowing whether she was laughing at herself or feeling regretful. Cen Yue looked at Mu Nansheng desperately.

"I thought I did a good job."

"It seems I'm really not good at doing this kind of thing."

Looking at her coldly, Lin Yiran continued: "Have you finished asking all the questions you wanted to ask?"

"It's time for you to answer our questions now, right?"

"Director Lin, Sister Nan Sheng."

With a low cry, there was a hint of unwillingness in Han Bing's eyes.

"I actually like Zhishang very much and I really like being a fashion designer."

"I really didn't mean it, whether you believe it or not."

"Do you have any difficulties?"

Mu Nansheng frowned: "As I said, if you have any questions, you can tell us, and we will definitely help if we can, but not in this form of help."

"It's me." Cen Yue's voice was hoarse: "I'm sorry for you."

"Hurry up and tell the truth."

Mu Nansheng said calmly: "I need to know what your reasons are."

Holding the table, Cen Yue's face turned pale and she finally explained all this.

"My brother, my brother owes a lot of money from gambling. If he doesn't pay back, those people will chop off his arms."

"How much does your brother owe?"

"More than 800,000."

Cen Yue told the truth: "I don't know how they knew about my private affairs. A group of people took the initiative to contact me."

"A group of people?"

"Yes." Cen Yue nodded: "They have redeemed my brother for me."

"But they also have conditions. They want me to help them get your design draft. Only in this way can they ensure the safety of my brother."

"I really had no choice but to listen to them."

After saying that, Cen Yue excitedly raised her head and looked at Mu Nansheng, with tears streaming down her face.

"They were really cruel and beat my brother to a pulp."

"Either pay back the money or help him get the design draft, otherwise they will not let my brother go."

"Sister Nan Sheng, I really have no choice. I can't just watch my brother die."

Wrinkling their eyebrows, Mu Nansheng and Lin still looked at each other, neither of them speaking.

After learning that Cen Yue had caused such a thing, they both felt helpless.

Although she was forced to do so, stealing the design draft was not something she should take for granted.

Pursing his lips, Mu Nansheng raised his eyes and looked at her: "Have I ever said that I can help you if you encounter difficulties?"


With tears streaming down her face, Cen Yue nodded and answered truthfully.

"You have indeed encountered a problem, but have you ever thought about how much compensation you would have to pay if you really stole the design?"

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