Rebirth of the Pampered Wife

Chapter 1680 Thank you, Sister Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng did not forget to add: "We are bound to catch the person behind this, so I also hope that you can cooperate with me and try your best to figure out who came to the door."

"Is that okay, Cen Yue?"

After hearing Mu Nansheng's words, Cen Yue subconsciously raised her head, contrary to her previous silence, with panic in her eyes.

"Sister Nansheng, do you really want to do this?"

"That's right."

The words were sonorous and powerful, and a dark light flashed in Mu Nansheng's eyes.

"We must investigate this matter, no matter what the cost."

"The person behind the scenes is working so hard. He may not only want to destroy Zhishang, he must have a bigger goal."

"So, I hope you can cooperate with me and tell me if there is anything I can investigate."

"Don't be afraid, and don't run away."

Mu Nansheng soothed her slightly uneasy mood and spoke softly.

"I just want to find the truth."

"no no…………"

Shaking her head, Cen Yue had a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"Sister Nan Sheng, this is too dangerous, too dangerous."


Mu Nansheng replied: "The danger is definitely there, but I have the ability to find the person behind this."

"So are you willing to believe me?"

Facing Mu Nansheng's clear eyes, Cen Yue didn't know how to answer for a moment.

She has concerns.

This is the truth.

Because her brother finally came back, if she really revealed something, what if they took revenge?

Cen Yue dare not continue to imagine the consequences.

If such a thing really happened, she simply did not dare to imagine the future.

She clenched her hands and retracted subconsciously. Cen Yue's dodge-but-I attitude had already told her everything.

Knowing this, Mu Nansheng glanced at the nervous Cen Yue and tried his best to calm her down.

"Cen Yue, you don't have to be afraid. If you feel worried, I can send someone to protect you."


Mu Nansheng paused for a moment: "At this point, if you are still unwilling to speak, then I will still respect your wishes."

Hearing this, Cen Yue slowly raised her head.

"Sister Nan Sheng, I can only say a little, and this is only what I can know."

With joy in her heart, Mu Nansheng's eyes lit up slightly: "Okay, just say it."

Cen Yue's voice was low as she clenched her hands tightly together.

"Sister Nansheng, do you still remember the kidnapping of my brother?"

After a slight pause, Mu Nansheng nodded: "Yes, I understand this."

"They did let my brother go. When I picked him up, my brother was sent downstairs in my community."

"Because of his safety, I have asked someone to send him to his hometown."

"But before he left, he told me that the organization was made up of men in black wearing masks, and everyone had a black flower symbol on their chest."

Lifting his eyes, Mu Nansheng was immersed in fear for a moment.

It's them again.

Is there no end?

"This must be a symbol of something."

"Sister Nan Sheng, I think you can investigate based on this point, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

"Sister Nansheng?"

"Sister Nansheng?"

"What did you think of?"

Noticing that Mu Nansheng was a little distracted, Cen Yue asked cautiously.


After quickly coming back to his senses, Mu Nansheng smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, okay, I remember this and will continue to investigate based on this."

"Do you have any other news?"

Shaking her head, Cen Yue curled her lips bitterly.

"No more for now, Sister Nansheng."

Cen Yue continued: "From the beginning to the end, I didn't have much contact with them. The only contact information has been canceled and there is no trace at all."

"So, I can only help here."

"I didn't say it before because I was worried that they would take revenge on me and my family, so please don't mind, Sister Nan Sheng."

"I know."

With a soft smile, Mu Nansheng didn't mind.

"It's nothing, it's already great if you can help me."

"Then...if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

With that said, Cen Yue grabbed the canvas bag and was about to leave.

But before she could take two steps, she was stopped by Mu Nansheng behind her.

"Wait a moment."

Taking the envelope that had been returned, Mu Nansheng thrust it into Cen Yue's hand without saying anything.

Seeing the money, Cen Yue resisted and shook her head nervously.

"No, no, no, Sister Nansheng, I said, I can't accept it."

"Just accept it."

With a little sigh mixed in his voice, Mu Nansheng smiled at her: "You have helped me so much, I should also express your gratitude."

"I really can't accept it."

Cen Yue is still resisting.

"Sister Nan Sheng, you really don't need it."

"Oh, just take it."

He stuffed the envelope into Cen Yue's canvas bag on his own initiative. Mu Nansheng took the initiative to hug her and whispered comfort in her ear.

"It doesn't look good for us to do this in public. If you feel embarrassed, just think of it as my reward for you."

"If you really don't want to accept it, then just donate it for me. It can be considered a good thing."

After saying this, Mu Nansheng took two steps back, smiled and waved his hand.

"Then I'll leave first. If you need anything, you can come to me."


After saying hello, Mu Nansheng took small steps and left the coffee shop.

The bodyguard who had been sitting not far away also left.

Standing there blankly, watching her leave, Cen Yue felt mixed emotions in her heart for a moment.

She was the one who did this wrong.

She was the one who felt sorry for Zhi Shang's friends.

"Sister Nansheng, thank you."

Silently thinking about her in her heart, watching her walk away, some tears filled Cen Yue's eyes.

At the same time, after walking out of the coffee shop, Mu Nansheng immediately took steps to find Gu Jingchen opposite.

"Jingchen, I'm back."

Putting down the coffee cup, Gu Jingchen looked over slowly when he heard his wife's voice.

"Have you finished chatting?"


Sitting opposite him, Mu Nansheng nodded: "It's almost the same, and I also found out that the person behind it is the organization we mentioned before."

After getting the news from Mu Nansheng, Gu Jingchen didn't have any unnecessary expressions.

In fact, he wasn't surprised at all.


Nodding slightly, Gu Jingchen responded.

"Now we can put the investigation suspicion on that organization, which also saves us a lot of time."


Nodding in agreement, Mu Nansheng felt relieved and sighed a little more in his heart.

From beginning to end, it was such an organization that was secretly wreaking havoc.

And she is certain that this organization has reached a point where it will not give up until it achieves its goals.

Today’s chapter is here! Darlings, remember to give a reward and vote. Good night~ I'll code for a while.

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