Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 988: Yin and yang



The gale screamed, the waves swelled, the world was wiped out, and the bones were cold.

Almost falling into the dark clouds of the sea, the goose-like snow fell down, and it was white and covered by the cold wind, like a sharp blade, blowing on people's faces with a feeling of splitting. It hurts.

The weather was extremely extreme, but the crowd watching the action was unmoved, immersed in a world war, and looked fascinated. Some people's hands and feet are frozen, but they don't notice it.


In the void, the young demon shot again, taking advantage of the situation, clearly trying to slap Abe Shengming to death.

The thunderbolt behind him thundered violently, bringing up two lightnings, fanning out a thunderstorm, breaking all the heavy waves on the sea, performing lightning speed, and the general lightning rushed out.

He held the large magnetic seal and shot it suddenly. Wan Daoxia burst into the air, pierced the void, and violently vibrated, making a thunderous sound, shaking the world and shaking the sky.

The spectators on the cliff felt a strong sense of oppression from a long distance. The air seemed to be a little sticky, and it was difficult to breathe when it was mentioned in the throat.

"The juvenile devil is too powerful, and every hit can shake the world. Mo said that the master, the ordinary divine realm does not have a force in his hands, it is indeed worthy of the name of the devil!"

"If even Amber Shengming can't kill him, then I'm afraid no one can be his opponent under this starry sky."

"Kill the young demon king, you are too optimistic. Thank you Abe Shengming for not being killed by the young demon king. Although I am a Dongbei, I do not have confidence in Abe Shengming."

"Amber Shengming did not do his best, this battle is still full of variables, don't draw conclusions too soon."

"Yes, Amber Shengming is a late attacker. When the young demon king Qian donkey is poor, it will be when he dies. He will not be arrogant for a long time."


There was a burst of discussion among the onlookers. Some people still had illusions about Amber Shengming, but more people were convinced by the young demon king. They believed that Amber Shengming could not escape, and the victory ultimately belonged to the young demon king.

"Amber Shengming, come up with your true skill! I don't believe you have no means to press the bottom of the box." Ye Tian's voice passed down from the void, penetrated the layers of snowstorm, and passed to the ears of everyone on the cliff, Still like Hong Zhongda Lu, the eardrum hummed.

He rushed towards Amber Shengming like lightning. The elemental magnetic seal in his hand cut through the void, and under intense friction, the elemental magnetic seal burned a blazing fire, and a dark void crack was drawn behind him.

I ca n’t imagine, I dare not imagine, what a shock this will be!

The digital realms in the field all gave birth to a sense of weakness, and the spine exhaled cold air and straightened their tongues.

The physical body of the young devil is unparalleled. King Kong is not bad. He also wears a Thunder suit and has a better level of protection. The cannonball hits him without pain and itching. It is almost unsolvable and almost invincible. Not to mention he was holding a super magic weapon at the moment, so fierce that he couldn't fight it.

However, after all, Ambe Shengming is Ambe Shengming. Since this battle has been provoked, he will not give up.

Besides, at his age, at this level, there can be a heart-warming war. This is the hope, even if the battle is dead, it is at the expense.

The light in his eyes suddenly became fierce, and all of them vacated his eyes, almost turning into a burning flame.

The momentum on his body climbed at a rapid speed, the surging blood flew out, and his body turned into a forbidden space with a circle of ten feet. There was no snowflake in it, no dark cloud, and even the roaring cold wind could not be blown in, as if there was nothing A boundary film isolates everything.

The yin and yang taiji circle behind him expanded several times, and spun up at a faster speed, showing a vortex shape, filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

In that circle of yin and yang taiji, the yagi-style gods bred became blurred and distorted, as if this round of yin and yang taiji became a meat grinder and shattered the yagi-style god.

"Amber Shengming is burning essence and forcibly improving his combat power. He is desperately trying to do so!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed, seeing some eyebrows.

This time, there was no big hand out of the yin-yang taiji circle, but the whole yin-yang taiji circle rushed out.


The yin and yang taiji circle is like a huge grinding disc, rotating at high speed and striding out, every space is torn, and a burst of dense sounds are heard, such as a rolling thunder, shaking the sky, and the pressure of Ye Tian is greatly suppressed. A head.

"This is the Tao fruit of the three Jiazis of the Yin-Yang Road, which is transformed into a large grinding disk of Yin-Yang, which can crush the mountains. I don't believe you can break it!" Concentrate, control the yin and yang grinding disc with God's thoughts, and hit Ye Tian.

"Don't believe me? I'll call you till you believe me!"

Ye Tian's voice had not yet reached the shore, and the Yuan magnetic seal in his hand and Abe Shengming's yin and yang big grinding discs clashed.

At this moment, time and space seem to be frozen, and the world is silent.

After an instant, the endless fire light burst out and became the only place in this world, as if it was opened by Hongmeng and the universe was born.

Then there was a terrible energy storm, like a tsunami, scrolling around, letting the big clouds collapse, and a major wave breaking. The sky was like a rag, and it was beaten with holes.

call out!

In the terrible storm of energy, a streamer flew out like a meteor, coming through time and space, and almost no one could catch the sight of people.


Just listening to the sound of the sky breaking, a big mountain behind the cliff was broken a corner, and a large grinding disc was embedded in it.

It was the yin and yang grinding disc of Shengbei Shengming, which was shot by Ye Tianyi Yuan's magnetic seal.

Click, click!

There were several cracks on the large yin-yang disc.

The onlookers were too far away to see, and Amber Shengming was standing high, but he could clearly see, and even really feel, after all, the Yin and Yang grinding disc was his Tao fruit

Ye Tian didn't get much benefit. He backed up thousands of feet, his whole arm was numb. If the arm is not golden, it can be metallized ~ ~ This blow is likely to be traumatized.

However, this blow broke the yin and yang grinding disc of Ambe Shengming, and his godlike combat power was vividly reflected.

"How so strong?" Amber Shengming was horrified.

At this time, Ye Tian rushed over again, holding the big seal, and recasting his skills, just like a demon king, making people desperate.

Among the flashes of light and fire, Amber Shengming had to call back the yin and yang discs to fight Ye Tian's Yuan magnetic seal.


There is no suspense, the yin and yang grinding discs have shattered, and they have broken into the sky.

Amber Shengming vomited blood, was in unstable shape, and almost fell into the sea. He was already in an absolute downwind, completely crushed by the young demon king.

However, he didn't sit still and didn't admit defeat, and once again manifested a circle of yin and yang behind him, attracting the scattered grain thoughts back. He wants to reunite Dao.


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