Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1005: Doomsday Dragon

Amber Shengming was shocked, the seven major snakes were superimposed, the spear front was distorted, the blood was soaring, and a sharp, eternal blood arrived at Ye Tian's heart, letting his life linger.

At this point, Ye Tian no longer dared to have reservations, and exhibited his own Tao fruit, a kind of realm, the realm of chaos.

Realms can be divided into legal realms, spiritual realms, holy realms, and divine realms according to their levels.

Ye Tian ’s Chaos God Realm is a kind of highest-level realm. It is only preliminary manifestation now, and it looks very ordinary. Only one Dao lotus has been bred, but it can evolve into a chaotic small world, including Wanli mountains and rivers, Tianwanjie.

According to legend, before the heavens and earth opened, a chaotic green lotus, also known as the creation blue lotus, was born in the chaos of the ancient world, and the twelve-pin lotus platform gave birth to the Pangu **** and created everything in the world.

This chaotic golden lotus in Ye Tian's Chaos Divine Realm is like the chaotic green lotus in the legend, which was conceived in chaos. It is a kind of chaos and can create all things.

As you can see, Ye Tian ’s Chaos Realm sealed off the space of 10 square meters into a sphere, as if it were a small world that was divided. In this small world, he is the supreme master.

Suddenly, Amber Shengming gave birth to a feeling of hands and feet, as if trapped in the mud, the more he struggled, the deeper it got, and the majestic power was not good enough.

Moreover, Chaos Divine Realm is inviolable, making it difficult for his spells to work.

Of course, Ye Tian ’s Chaos Realm is only preliminary manifestation. It ’s still a hundred thousand miles away from Dacheng Realm, and it is impossible to achieve true invincibility, but the ability to besiege a ninth-level fairy is still there.


Ye Tian snapped it with a swift palm, his palm fingers were like a mountain, and he suddenly blasted Ambei Shengming's spear high, and a wailing sound came out. The light also faded, and I don't know how many scale armors were broken.

"Damn! I am Dixian. What kind of field are you in that can ban me?" Shouted Ambe Shengming, anxious. He was out of absolute superiority, and suddenly turned over, and his life was suspended.

"It's all about to die, no matter what kind of field it is." Ye Tian's Sen smiled coldly, a golden palm with a large force in his palms, chaos in his palms, and the bright golden light flowing, he was about to be photographed.

Just now he said that he could shoot Anbe Shengming between his palms. No one believed it. Ambe Shengming himself did not believe it, but now no one does not believe it.

The juvenile is physically unparalleled and in his own field, even ten Amber Shengming can shoot to death.

Everyone knew that Ye Tian's hole cards were here, no wonder there was no fear.


The **** knight's eyes looked like a **** of electricity, and he shook the burning sky halberd in his hand, sending out a sound of Weng Ming, and a fierce murderous gas.

Amazingly, he couldn't help but shoot again.

"God Knight, there is no victory or defeat in the field. It is not the time to take the shot. Keep restraint!" Barov said again with a thought.

"I feel that the victory has been divided, and Amber Shengming is about to lose." The Knight Knight said coldly.

"You can underestimate Amber Shengming, but you can't underestimate Dixian. It's Jiuliu Dixian, and ability is not what you can imagine."

Sure enough, when this sentence came out in the thoughts of Barov, Amber Shengming suddenly reversed the situation.


In the roar, Ambe Shengming and the eight-kid war spear in his hand became one, and his body suddenly swelled, and he became the eight-kid god.

Ye Tian ’s Chaos Realm is only ten feet wide, and what a giant beast like the Eight-Qi God is, a tail is 100 meters long, plus the body and head, the length is 200 meters, and the Chaos Realm is suddenly Spread open, almost broken.

Most of the body of the Hachi-style **** is outside the chaos **** realm, and an infinite amount of power surges in the body for a moment. With only a few movements, the chaos **** realm can be completely broken, and even Ye Tian has a tail to draw people to the horizon. .

However, Ye Tian didn't give it this time. The mana in the body was violent, and the chaos **** domain expanded rapidly, and it expanded to a giant of a hundred feet at the fingertips, and once again bound the Yaki-style god.

However, the larger the field, the more mana is scattered, and the ability to bind becomes weaker.

If you compare the ten-character square chaotic realm to a metal solid, you can bind people to be incapable of moving, then the one hundred-character square chaotic realm is equivalent to a thick liquid, and the binding force drops sharply.

I saw that the eight-kids can still struggle in the chaotic gods of Baizhang, like seven black dragons, scaled armored, marching together, shouting loudly, rushing towards the top, trying to break the bond of the gods.

On the Yagi-style god, suddenly a huge yin-yang taiji circle manifested and wrapped the Yaki-style **** in it.

In previous battles, his yin-yang taiji round path fruit could be turned into a large millstone and smashed out. But in Ye Tian ’s chaos, it ca n’t be done, it can only be used as a defense.


Chaos God Realm trembles violently, and may collapse at any time under the mighty power of the Yagi-style God.

The Hachi-style **** struggling fiercely, his roar was shocking, and he tried to break through the chaos **** realm, soaring into the sky.

The yin and yang taiji circle shimmered, just as it burned. Half of the yin and half yang were distinct, and the body of the twirling body of the Eight Qi God was the yin and yang division line.

Amber Shengming is clearly burning his own Taoism, at all costs, desperately resisting. This is a great sacrifice. It hurts Daoji and burns blood.

After this time, he escaped, and his cultivation will also decline, and it will be difficult to be promoted in the future.


Between the tremor of the void, a large golden hand was pressed from the void, holding a large magnetic imprint between the palms of his fingers, and snapped at a snake head.


As if the earth-shaking seal of the ancient **** deity sacrificed, the Yuan magnetic seal impressed the majestic sky, and the yin-yang tai chi circle was shot out of a cave at once.


Under the mighty force, the snake's head burst into pieces and turned into a dusty powder.

Roar Roar!

The remaining five snake heads opened their mouths and screamed loudly, but there was still a mournful voice in their anger.

A snake head is equivalent to one life, and Amber Shengming now has five lives ~ ~ As long as he smashes the remaining five snake heads, he will die completely.

The eight snake tails are still there, twisting fiercely, forming a rising force, breaking the obstacles of Chaos God Realm a little, and they are very close to the edge of Chaos God Realm.

"Juvenile Devil, I and you will never die!"

Amber Shengming's voice came out from the giant mouth of five snake heads at the same time, and there were five blood spitting out. It was that he was coughing up blood and hurting the source.


Yuan magnetic seal was pressed down again, and another snake head burst.

"Doomsday Dragon!"

Someone whispered on the field and seemed very shocked.

It is a legend that the snakehead welcomed the ascension to the sky. Of the average one hundred, only one can be transformed into a dragon, and the remaining ninety-nine are all ashes.

As a result, rising dragons in the last days imply death.

This is how Ambe Shengming, the Hachi-style god!


The sword swayed into the sky, and a blade of light pierced against the power of Chaos.

It was Taro Miyamoto, and I couldn't help it.

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