Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1015: Devouring Thunder Fruit


Ye Tian spent so much time after battle, even Chaos Realm could not perform any more, and needed to replenish energy.

Although he has some elixir on his body, they are all ordinary elixir of elixir, and the energy cup provided by him is worthless.

He foresaw the danger. He wanted to make a quick decision and solve the six Supreme Divine Realms in one breath. He needed a lot of divine power as his support.

Grunt ...

He took out five Lei Ling fruit, ox ox peony, swallowed all at once.


It was like a super volcano erupting. Suddenly, an unimaginable amount of horror energy burst into his body. First it filled his Dantian Qihai, turning a golden ocean of vitality into a purple ocean of thunder, a burst of thunder, a Lightning blew up, making the originally calm square land no longer calm, almost to be burst.

Then, the monstrous thunder can overflow from the air of Dan Tian, ​​flooding his body, every inch of flesh and blood, and every pore, are full of thunder and light, densely entwined with numerous purple electric lightning, as if in the ocean of thunder and lightning.

Although his physical body has not been exploded, it has grown a lot, like an inflatable ball, expanding at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. In a few blinks, it becomes a tall giant of thunder.

If he hadn't tried to block it, he would have fallen. Then his spirit will be severely hit, and the consequences will be serious, because his spirit is not strong enough to withstand the thunder.

This kind of feeling is very bad. Dan Tian's air is swollen, and the body sends out a series of electric shocks and tears. Even the soul and soul are faintly hurting, as if they have committed an outrageous crime, and they are tortured by the most cruel thunder prison in the world.

But I do n’t know, every Thunder Fruit is comparable to a Super Thunder Seal, swallowing five in one breath, what a reckless thing is the earth fairy, and even Jin Dan is afraid to do so, it is tantamount to bear. A thunderstorm can easily explode.

However, Ye Tian didn't care, he was very confident in his chaotic golden body.

The Five Elements Thunder Spirit fruit fits the five elements of his Chaos Golden Body, which is born to be the quenching treasure of Chaos Golden Body.

If you eat these five Thunder Fruits at the beginning, you don't need to take other five-element elixir at all to awaken the five-element changes of the chaotic golden body.

He didn't mean to refine the five Thunder Spirit fruits now, but to borrow some of the power of Thunder.

After being swallowed, five Thunder Fruits appeared in the Dantian Qihai, turned into five Thunderballs and floated in the Thundersea, brighter than the sun, shining the Qihai into a bright light, released all the time. Great Thunder.

The thunder energy condensed by the five thunder spirits is too huge. It is almost inexhaustible like the Yangtze River. The ordinary earth fairy may not be fully refined in a year, even in the hands of Jin Dan. time.



The bones howled, the muscles trembled, and there was a sound of steel-like collisions.

His body was still inflated, his bones and muscles were constantly torn, and even cracks appeared on his skin. The blazing thunder light overflowed from this crack, like lava flowing from a volcanic eruption, which was terrifying.

The tens of thousands of squares of the Yongye field trembled violently, becoming unstable and likely to collapse at any time.

At this time, his body had swelled to a height of three feet, ten meters high, and he had a fight with the legendary Titan God.

"Mad, no more, my body has to explode when I expand it!"

A voice echoed in Ye Tian's mind.

In his dantian atmosphere, the chaos was raging, and the five elements were divided into five huge air currents, which were respectively wrapped to five thunder spirits. They were to be sealed to prevent the further release of thunder energy.

However, once the thundering fruit is swallowed up, it is like a nuclear puppet that provokes violence, and it is difficult to stop.

For a time, Ye Tian's Dantian Qihai turned into a battlefield, and a large amount of chaotic gas went forward and succeeded, rolling and covering the thunder spirit fruit, constantly being broken by the horrible thunder energy, and constantly covering it.

Outside of Ye Tian's body, a chaotic golden lotus manifested behind him, and among the flowers and branches swaying, bursts of chaotic brilliance burst into a chaotic chain, entangled around his body, like a steel wire. Tight, let his body no longer swell, but began to contract.

There is also a ray of chaos flowing from the petals, washing his body, which has the effect of a magic medicine, allowing his physical wounds to heal continuously.

"What are you still doing? Don't hurry up and kill him!"

Barov's voice suddenly sounded in the realm, no longer calm, very anxious, and even a little fearful.

In fact, everything happened between electric light and flint. It didn't take long for Ye Tian to devour Lei Lingguo.

However, the four supreme divine realms in the realm were really shocked, and the reaction was a little slow.

"He took some kind of thunder drug and was refining his power. It seemed to be back bitten and couldn't fight back. Now is the time for us to shoot ~ ~ Otherwise we will finish the refining of the drug and we will all "Come to death!" Dongfang Crane yelled loudly and took the lead. The full-charged Tianyi Wulei slammed the shot, and the void shook violently. A round sea of ​​thunderous seas pressed down on Ye Tian's head. .

It was rumbling, thundering, and there were thick lightning cracks.

In the palm of Lei Guang's huge palm, he held a thunder mark, bursting out of the thunder, constantly expanding, as large and heavy as a mountain.

The combination of Leiyin and Tianzhang Five Thunder Palms, and Ye Tian's Tianyin Five Thunder Palms combined with Yuan Magnetic Seal, has the same magic and the same effect, Dongfang Crane hit the highest blow he could hit.

"Who said I couldn't fight back?"

Ye Tian's voice sounded, full of magic, deafening.

His body is filled with thunderous energy. After the original golden blood was fused with purple thunder, it became purple-gold, bright and gorgeous, heavier than amalgam. When flowing, it was like a mighty army, and its momentum was amazing. There was also a thunderous sound.

His god-like golden glazed bones are even more imprinted with godliness. This is the trace of Thunder Avenue, the crystallization of the law, which can control the power of Thunder.


He raised his hand violently, the air screamed, and the ever-changing night field was shaken violently, and the infinite power of thunder erupted from his body and gathered on the palm of his hand.

His elemental magnetic seal was so riddled with blemishes that he was on the verge of collapse and could no longer be used. He could not use the combination of the elemental magnetic seal and the chaos golden light palm, but developed a new one. The power of thunder and chaos golden light Palm combination.

As I saw, Ye Tian raised his hand, a golden palm of God on the dark sky was condensed, and the endless purple thunder and lightning surged into a sea of ​​thunder at high speed, like the palm of a giant spirit god. Shocked, as if to break the sky and crush the heavens.

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