Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1017: Killer Knight

"Holy Light Enchantment!"

The knight of the gods was somber, and he drank softly, and a mass of holy light condensed in his palm threw at Ye Tian.


This group of holy light exploded at three feet in front of Ye Tian. Numerous holy lights rippled out, dazzling, such as the raging waves of the raging sea, covering the sky, and instantly expanded into a giant holy light enchantment, sealing Ye Tian In it.

It can be seen that on the surface of the great light enchantment, there are many dense patterns of light flowing, constantly intertwining, and faintly connecting into one, forming a powerful array of light, forming an airtight copper wall and iron wall.

The Holy Light Enchantment, a holy seal secret technique of the Holy See, is said to be inherited from the ancient gods, and was used to seal the great demon and demon in the ancient times. The power of the seal is unparalleled and extraordinary.

In the eyes of Ye Tian, ​​the endless ocean of holy light was seen. The whole person was drowned. The waves were turbulent, the ground fire, wind and water were rotating, and it was faintly evolved into a holy light world, seemingly peaceful, but full of murder.

"Those who blaspheme the glory of God must be punished by God! The holy fire is infinite, refined!"

With the chanting of the divine knight, the great enchantment of the holy light turned into a large stove, the holy fire was burning, and Ye Tian was refined in it.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A pole with a spear of infinite glory pierced through the void, smashing sharp and stabbing Ye Tian's body.

"Your boy is quite good, even practiced the secret seal of the Holy Light Great Enchantment. Since ancient times, my blood family does not know how many masters have broken into the Holy Light Enchantment of your Holy Church." The blood king's voice It suddenly sounded, with a bit of surprise and a little emotion.

He was performing the Great Secret Technique of the Blood Demon, and his body shape changed greatly. He also swelled to a height of three feet. He was almost 100 times more powerful. His blood was extremely bright, as if bathed in the sea of ​​blood. The size of a washbasin is as big as a blood diamond. It is transparent and crystal clear, giving people a sense of incomparable hardness. The whole body is solid and immortal to an appalling degree.


A horrifying breath erupted from his body, raising his hands and throwing his brute force like a raging ocean, really like an ancient demon **** came to the world, it was frightening.

The knight of the gods was so solemn, his mana gushed wildly, and he blessed him on the enchantment of the Holy Light, and ignored him.

As I saw, almost immediately after the Blood King's voice fell, the legendary Holy Light enchantment that could seal the ancient deities was broken, and a large hole was stabbed by a halberd wrapped in an endless thundering war halberd.


A thunderbolt shroud, with the chaotic chain of Titans stepping out of it, the war halberd in his hand trembled, bringing with it infinite light, infinite light, like a javelin, the crumbling mountains and rivers, shocked the world Stabbed fiercely at the knight.

"Damn, how can you come out?" The knight looked terrified, and retreated.

However, the distance was too close, he could not escape at all, and a breath of death swept through his body.

At this moment, Ye Tian was extremely powerful and clearly identified a Thunder Titan.

Under the shackles of chaotic chains, his size has shrunk to two feet, but it is still several times larger than a normal person. The layers of lightning cover, the power of darkness cannot erode him, plus the legendary soldier of the flaming sky warrior, Waved his hand to break the great enchantment of the Holy Knight.

Ye Tian dived down, with a figure like electricity, eyes and knives, holding a Chitian War Halberd, and almost immediately rushed to the front of the knight, and the sharp halberd pointed at the Tianling cover.

At this time, the blood king also shot, and his body turned into a blood light, breaking through three or four times the speed of sound, like a chariot, rumbling through the void and rushing over to Ye Tian.

However, he could not save the knight.

"The blasphemy will be destroyed! God's eyes open, and God's punishment comes!"

Among the flashes of light, the knight sings and sings, his eyebrows split open a vertical line, and a vertical pupil appears, bursting out to the extreme, but full of horror killing.

However, as soon as the overshadowed mansions touched Ye Tian's body, they were annihilated by layers of thunder.

"Have you got enough of a **** stick? I am god, how can you hurt me?" Ye Tian sipped in his mouth.


A blood rushed up, and the halberds rushed in, not only piercing the body of the knight, but also the soul.

A halberd, the knight of the gods fell, just a few fingers from the death of Augris.


The blood king's voice came from behind Ye Tian, ​​and there was a roaring sound boom, and the whole night field was violently shaking.

I saw that the blood king ’s huge body rushed like a tank, with three or four times the speed of sound, a blood redness like blood, as if accompanied by a sea of ​​blood, two thick fangs exposed on the corners of the mouth, copper The big eyes of the bell are scarlet and hot. Two huge claws are like the teeth of an excavator. They are powerful and powerful. Each finger is as thick as an adult's arm and sharp as an iron hook.


His two huge iron claws waved, and the air was constantly torn, sweeping out crimson blood puppets, crisscrossed, like a smashing blade, cutting into space.

"Juvenile Demon King, I admit that I despised you. If you can break my blow, I will turn around and leave without saying a word, and I will never bother you again." Blood King said again.

"Do you think you can leave alive today?" Ye Tian sneered, his palm finger trembled, and the knight who was nailed to the scorching halberd was shocked into a mist of blood, round blood beads. Spread in the air, shining and crystal clear.

This is a blood-stained picture, and even the blood king's pupils that flew in have shrunk slightly.


Ye Tianmeng turned back, and in response to the blood king was a crystal palm like a **** gold glass, holding a thunder mark in his palm.

The oriental crane's thunder mark has been completely controlled by Ye Tian with brute force, and it is used as a slab.

I heard a loud noise. The blood king was bigger than the bucket teeth of the excavator, and it was stronger. One shot of the tank turned into iron mud, and even the huge claws that were torn into a divine realm were shot thinly ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Scarlet blood is pouring into the sky like pouring rain.

The blood king was shot and flew out like a cannonball.

"Mad, this is impossible. How can you be so powerful? Breakthrough is impossible?"

In the upside down, the Blood King looked at his crushed claws, **** water like a spring wound, unbelievable eyes, his heart was terrified.

"Dixian, I'm not yet. But to kill you a cricket ant, why do you need Dixian?" Ye Tian's eyes scorned.


During his speech, he suddenly mentioned the war halberd in his hand and rushed to the blood king.

After consuming five thunder spirits, under the pouring of thunder energy, in a short period of time, not only did his thunder suit be repaired, but also the thunder wings behind him were complete again, and they became huge.


He violently fanned Thunder's wings and cast Thunder Speed, flying away at the lightning speed at the Blood King.

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