Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1047: Penglai past

"Penglai Xianzhi" records the past of Penglai Xiandao and many ancient secrets of the earth.

The earth was once invaded by alien aliens, and the spiritual roots of heaven and earth were stolen. As a result, the aura of the earth dried up and the size of the planet shrank.

When he saw this, Ye Tian couldn't help moving, although he had already guessed the result.

Huoyunshi was surprised to understand the ancient text. It doesn't know much about the history of Penglai Xiandao. There is only one legacy from the ancestors to protect Penglai Xiandao and wait for the return of the fairy.

"Hateful alien alien!" Fire Cloud Lion clenched his teeth, extremely resentful.

The earth in ancient times was the real star of cultivating immortals. I don't know how many times it is today's earth. The number of immortals is tens of thousands.

"Penglai Xiandao has been from Donghua Tianjun to Jiuxiao Tianjun. It has twelve heavenly monarchs and established more than 30,000 churches ..." Ye Tian read a piece of text softly, describing the former glory of Penglai Xiandao.

Jindan is the **** of heaven.

Congenital as the immortal, there is also a special name, Zhenjun.

Ye Tian once encountered a fallen earth fairy, Wan Jian Zhenjun, whose name originated here.

Miyamoto Taro has broken through the earth fairy, can be called Miyamoto Mahara.

Penglai Xiandao is not a simple island, but also the foundation of a great religion. Any immortal who comes out of this place is called Penglai Xian.

It was a glorious world of immortals, and there were many religions.

There were not only Oriental immortals, but also Western deities.

However, the weight of the Western deities is too small, and it is only equivalent to that of a great religion in the Eastern Fairy, and it is not outstanding.

Therefore, during that period, Earth was also called Middle Saturn.

Until the alien alien invasion, everything changed.

"Extraterrestrial aliens are invincible. Battleships are as big as mountains, ship guns are like forests, a city can be destroyed at the fingertips, the immortals fall like rain, and they can be captured prisoner and taken to the extraterrestrial star domain ...! Immortal! "

This is a sad story, a complete Xiuxian civilization is almost destroyed.

Of course, the Western divine civilization was not spared and was also hit hard.

In the past, the east was called the Wanxian Zhi, and the west also had a record called the gods dusk.

In addition to mountains as huge as warships, the article also describes small flying disc chariots, shuttle chariots, individual mechs, and other war weapons.

But it is not a simple technology weapon. They are all engraved with rune patterns, blending the avenue.

"An extraterrestrial civilization combining avenue and technology." Ye Tian muttered in his heart.

This civilization is often very scary. Whether it is a science and technology civilization or a highway civilization, it has reached a high level, so that the two can be organically combined.

On the earth, Ye Tian also saw the shadow of the avenue and scientific and technological civilization. It came from the League of Gods, but it was only the lowest level of technology and avenues.

"The battle lasted eight years, and the heaven and earth spiritual roots were almost completely stolen by aliens from heaven and earth. The immortals retreated from the Kunxu market, opened up secret places to protect themselves, and guarded the remaining heaven and earth spiritual roots."

"In the fall of Jiuxiao Tianjun, Xuantian Daojun was captured, and the nine phoenixes led Penglai and the rest into Kunxu, temporarily abandoned Penglai Xiandao, and will return to Da'an in the future."


Jiuxiao Tianjun is the last island owner of Penglai Xiandao, and Jiuhuang Tiannu is his daughter.

"Nine Phoenix Goddess, I have heard that it is a strange woman who has made great achievements and is one of the few female Golden Dans in Penglai Xiandao." The Fire Cloud Lion was full of respect for Ye Tianshen.

Suddenly, it was worried again, and said to itself: "Did the secret place of Kunxu be captured by the aliens? If not, why haven't the Penglai people returned so far? Or have they forgotten here?"

Then, he asked Ye Tian, ​​"You young man, you came from the outside world. Have you ever heard of the secret place of the Kunxu market? Have you heard of Penglai Taoist?"

"Not only have I heard about it, I have also gone in." Ye Tian told the truth.

Huoyun Lion was excited, and asked, "Have you heard of Penglai Taoism in Kun Xu's secret realm?"

"Not heard."

"Did Penglai's Taoist system perish?" Fire Cloud Lion suddenly startled.

"It's hard to say, it's a big place. I've been to only a few places, and maybe it's not even built. But it doesn't matter. Whether Penglai Dao Tong is left or not, Penglai Xiandao will belong to me in the future. After you Follow me, loyalty, the benefits are indispensable to you. "

"Huh!" Huoyun Lion snorted suddenly, his eyes were full of disdain, and said: "Young man, you are just a little monk, how can you rule Penglai Xiandao? You can control Penglai Taoist Carry forward? If you have the ability of Xuan Tian Dao Jun, I will say nothing and submit to you immediately. "

Mentioning Xuan Tian Dao Jun, Huo Yunshi's two eyes are clearly shining, even more respectful than mentioning Jiu Huang Tian Nu. As if that was a deity, it was needed to worship.

"Xuan Tian Dao Jun? Is this guy captured? Very terrible?" Ye Tian pouted.

"Boy, please pay attention to your words. Xuantian Daojun is a young Jin Dan, known as the most likely to preach the Yuan infant for 30,000 years in Penglai Xiandao. Looking at the entire Middle-earth star, it is the most shocking One of the most brilliant. He created the Xuantian War Soul Blade to take the lead in the world. Not only are his peers invincible, but he can also cross-border battles to grow old and powerful. You, a little villain, are not even qualified to give him shoes. And dare to disrespect him. "

"Really? Since he is so powerful, why is he still being captured? It is so-called rather jade broken, not tile full, but anyone with a bit of bones will definitely explode the Yuan Shen, fight a dead net with the enemy, and never go to be a captive. . I see, this man must be a cartilage. "Ye Tian sneered, a joke.

The Huoyun Lion suddenly became angry, but it was difficult to refute.

Being captured by a foreigner is indeed a very shameless thing.

On the other wall, "Penglai Fairy Spectrum" is engraved. Penglai Fairy above the earth fairy is described, and there are lifelike portraits ~ ~ Ye Tian saw the portrait of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Daughters from it, which was amazing. , Also surprised, because this woman is vaguely familiar.

Not long ago, in the Heavenly Girl Cave, he saw a beautiful Qianying brand mark from the jade futon. Although that shadow is very vague and cannot see the true meaning, he can be sure that he is the same person as Jiuhuang Tiannv, because the two have similar spiritual charms, such as the shining pearl, the first glory of the lotus, and the wisdom of Zhongtiandi.

Similarly, Ye Tian also saw the portrait of Xuan Tian Dao Jun.

It can be seen from the portrait that this is an extraordinary man, with a white coat dusting, a slender and strong body, squinting his eyebrows, his face as if cut, carrying a large black knife, his eyes like a torch, firm and deep.

"It is rumored that Xuan Tian Dao Jun and Jiu Huang Tian Nu are a pair of puppets. Sure enough, Lang is a talented girl, but unfortunately they failed to form a couple.

Huoyun Lion moved forward and sighed.


At this moment, an extremely terrifying atmosphere came, and the nine mountains around Penglai Tiangong suddenly shook violently.

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