Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1052: Refining Temple

"Island owner, let me patrol the island and swear your sovereignty to all beings. This island is very large, and it may take you a while to get familiar with it."

After seeing Ye Tian's methods, he also got the peerless secret book of "Xuantian War Soul Sword", which completely surrendered Ye Tian.

"Very big?" Ye Tian smiled.

Even Taro Miyamoto couldn't help it.

The frog at the bottom of the well has short-sightedness. There is only a small world in his eyes, but he doesn't know the vastness of the real world.

"No need." Ye Tian rejected the kindness of the Blackscale Eagle.

But I do not know, the entire Penglai Xiandao is in his mind.

His mind is released, the chaotic soil changes and operates, communicates with the earth, and can be peered into even a hundred meters underground.

He saw in the sea that a vein of spirit lay across a hundred meters underground.

This spiritual vein is very large and runs through the island, but it is almost exhausted and there is not much aura left.


Ye Tian's brow frowned slightly.

He found that this vein had been manipulated by people, which may be to prevent the leakage of aura, and engraved many protective lines, forming a major formation. In this way, the aura can only overflow towards Penglaixian Island, and will not be radiated to the outside, wasted for nothing.

In the air, there are more large arrays of protection, which are integrated into the underground array.

In other words, from the ground to the sky, Penglai Xiandao has been wrapped in a large array, like egg shells one after another, guarded rigorously and truly, and independent.

In this way, Penglaixian Island can exist anywhere. It's like a big ship, you can float anywhere.

According to myths and legends, Penglaixian Island drifts on the sea, with indeterminate tracks and nothingness, and the ancients are not deceiving.

Those with great ability can even make Penglaixian Island float to the sky and become a huge floating island.

Ye Tian had such a plan in his heart.

However, it is still too early to do so, at least it will have to wait for his breakthrough innate.

This is a big project that most people can't do at all. Taking Penglai Xiandao for 30,000 years, Jin Dan's continuous heritage can only leave a small hilltop in the air to build a small Penglai Tiangong. It can be imagined that it is difficult to make a 100-kilometer island float.

However, Ye Tian's past life is a combination of great power, and some are capable, which can be compared with these Jindan minor repairs.

He now has a big thing to do, refining and protecting the island, and completely controlling Penglai Xiandao.

Any large array has its own eyes, and it moves the whole body as soon as it is triggered. As long as the array is refined, the entire array will be refined.

The front line of the Penglai Xiandao Protective Island Formation is not difficult to guess, Penglai Tiangong, the nine-story palace.

This palace is extraordinary. Other palaces have been ruined in the years. Only when it is new and radiates an immortal atmosphere and the majesty of the master, Ye Tian has long noticed.

"I'm going to retreat in Beimingxian Palace for a few days now, and you're all busy with yourself, don't disturb me." Ye Tian said to Taro Miyamoto and two spirit birds and beasts.

"it is good!"

Miyamoto Taro just got the "Sword of the Soul of the Heavenly Soul" and was eager to learn it. He immediately walked away, found a quiet place, and went to retreat.

Blackscale Eagle and Fire Cloud Lion will also leave.

"You stop first," Ye Tian suddenly shouted to them. "I have a mentality here, and you can practice it to help you speak and speak human words."

In the skeptical gazes of the Blackscale Eagle and the Fire Cloud Lion, two lights hit their brows.

They are spirit birds and beasts. They have high IQs, and their ancestors can speak as well as humans. However, in the inheritance, their blood veins have deteriorated and their blood has become thin. In addition, Penglai Xiandao is isolated from the world and there is no human language The environment, over time, they have lost the ability to speak, and only the bloodline instincts can sing and transmit.

Ye Tian's mentality passed to them can help them regain their ability to speak.

"Can we really speak human words?" The Blackscale Eagle was excited.

"The Lord Xie Island gave the Fa, I will practice it now." The Fire Cloud Lion thanked him and had no doubt about Ye Tian's words.

Its worship of Ye Tian is now like the worship of Penglai Xiandao generation Tianjiao Xuan Tiandaojun, respecting the gods.

After the Blackscale Eagle and Fire Cloud Lion left, Ye Tian sat cross-legged on the first floor of the palace to release the divine thoughts and see the formation of the palace. Only when you understand it thoroughly can you crack it.

He tried to refine the large-scale island protection team of Penglaixian Island in a few days. To many people, it was a crazy dream because Jin Dan couldn't do it.

Penglai Xiandao has been passed down for 30,000 years. After twelve Tianjun Island owners, each island owner will perfect, maintain and carefully craft the island protection array. I don't know how many major arrays have been laid.

Although after the alien alien invasion, Penglaixian Island was abandoned, and the island protection array was continuously abraded in the years, but it is still as strong as a copper wall and an iron wall.

The Penglai Temple, as the front and center of all the large arrays on the island, is comparable to the most sophisticated and complicated instrument in the world, and it is almost impossible to crack.


When Ye Tian's divine thoughts tried to infiltrate the palace's lines, Miyazaki vibrated violently, a layer of gorgeous brilliance flowed out, and dense ancient patterns emerged, trying to shield Ye Tian's divine thoughts.

Boom boom!

Ye Tian's body glowed, countless thunders exploded, and Zhan Zhan thundered like a tide, flooding the palace urns from one to nine floors. The dazzling light filled every inch of space and penetrated into the jade urns.

This is Chaos Guishui Shenlei, which is best at penetrating, and is almost pervasive.

If God ’s mind is used to forcibly break through the formation barriers, Ye Tian can certainly do it, but it will take a lot of effort.

As soon as the chaos guishuishen thunder came out, it was simple and rude, and the formation barriers on the palace palace were broken in a few breaths, which could not stop the penetration.

Soon, Ye Tian was perceived by Ye Tian's thoughts.

"Good guy!"

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Penglaixian Island's large-scale island protection team has as many as 108 floors, more than he thought.

Moreover, there are many large arrays that are extraordinary and he did not expect to see them on Earth.

"King Kong Tyrant Fighting!" Condensing Tyre Tying Zone ~ ~ King Kong is not bad.

"Tian Di Di Sha!" Condensed Tian Di Di Sha.

"No thoughtless array!" Cultivation in a large array allows people to quickly enter the state of no thoughtfulness, which can assist in cultivation.

"All are starry!"

"Qian Kun Liang Yi battles!"


Each large array is very subtle and can represent the top level of formation on this planet.

However, in Ye Tian's perception, some matrix methods are broken and no longer complete. However, because the matrix method has 108 layers, no strangeness can be seen on the surface, and it is not harmful.

Ye Tian's previous life, as a combined arrogant power, is so far-reaching that it is the matrix method he has never encountered before, which can be cracked with a little speculation.

There are no secrets in his eyes to the 108 battles, and the process of enlightenment can be ignored. He soon entered the state of refining, imprinting his will into the formation, and imprinting into this world.

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